NOVEMBER 8, 1976
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Assistant Chairman
Members Present: Stoffel, Fischer, Kramer, Peterson, Linde, Latch, and
Walker arrived at 7:40 P.M.
Members Absent: Stark
Cornrnissioner Linde indicated that she was present at the APPROVAL OF MINUTES
October Z5th meeting, although the Minutes do not reflect this.
Moved by Commissioner Linde, seconded by Commissioner
Fischer to approve the Minutes as amended.
The public hearing was opened at 7:33 P.M. by
Acting Chairman Stoffel. The Planning Director
referred to the _Affidavit of Publication, the Notice
of Public Hearing and the Certificate of Mailing
documenting that the public hearing was properly
called. The public hearing ',vas called to discuss
the rezoning of property on West 4th Street from "A"
to R-4 to allow a mobile home park.
Mrs. Solac
Plann$.ng Director
Mr. Gabiou
Planning Director
Mrs. Pinke
Will the City rezone all 80 acres for a mobile
home parkat this time?
The Committee investigating this request had
considered the possibility of zoning the
property as it is needed for development,
however, such an arrangement may not be
desirable for the developer because he would
never know for, sure that he would be able to
implement his ultimate development plans.
What affect will this development have on
F eatherstone Road?
Access to this development will be provided via
4th St. and at some time in the future there
may be the need for access to Featherstone
for emergency vehicles, but this is not planned
for the immediate future. The City has no
plans for upgrading Featherstone Rd., however,
the City does have plans for upgrading 4th St.
at the present time.
Are there any plans to pr[ovide access to lqwy
55 on the west side of the County Courthouse
Mrs. Schumache r
P[an.ning Director
Mr. Schmidt
Mr. Gabiou
James Warlng, P[arming
Director o[ Dakota County
Mr. Solac
Mrs. Pinke
Commiss ioner Scul[y,
Dakota County
Mr. Bremer
Planning Director
There are no plans a[ this [[me to extend 4th
Street west to the City limits.
How does this proposal fit in with the
Comprehensive Plan? The land to the east of
this property lends itself to single family
development and if the mobile home park is
constructed as proposed, if would reduce the
value of the property for such development.
The Comprehensive Plan does not designate
areas on the map that are suitable for multiple
family housingJ The written portion of the
Comprehensive Plan does list criteria for
multiple family housing and the Planning
Commission is currently studying whether or
not they feel that criteria is applicable to the
Espeseth property.
A statement was made indicating that he was
against the proposed project.
Another statement was made in his opposition
to the proposal, plus an indication that there
was a covenant limiting development to an R~ 1
classification with 600 feet of his property.
Mr. Waring presented a statement in opposition
to the project which represented the feelings
of the County Board, however, the Board has
not taken any official action on this statement
at this time.
Because this proposal is in a valley, screening
around the periphery would be difficult and
meaningless in terms of protecting surrounding
property ow-ne r s.
The people in the area are concerned about
traffic generated, from this project and the
affect it would have on the intersection of
55 and Pleasant Drive.
The County bought 50 acres for future expansion,
but also to protect them from surl:ounding
development. With this development, Mr.
Scully indicated that perhaps the County
should have acquired more property.
The additional development may create the
need for improvements to Feathers[one and
Jacob Ave. and who will be paying for these
improvements ?
This proposal does not involve any improvements
on either Featherstone or Jacob Ave.
'Sol c
Mrs. pinke
Mr. Olson
Mr. Solac
Mr. Olson
Mr. Schmidt
Gommissioner Kramer
This development may have a serious impact
on the schools and that result would be
increased taxes for the property owners ~ the
c ornrnunit y.
The Dakota County Assessor's records indicated
that the average trailer in Dakota County
is worth $6,500 and it generates $93.50 in taxes.
A mobile home park owner pays property taxes
in addition to t~xes paid by the individual owners
of the mobile homes; and in addition, normally
not many children live in a mobile home park.
Would assessments be levied against surrounding
property owners for improvements constructed.
in regards to the project?
Since this proposal has been before the City
for many months, he questioned why this item
was being comsidered be£ore his proposal
involving land which was recently ana~exed from
the Tov,~ship of Marshan.
Has the Planning Commission decided on what
their recommendation will be or do they want
petitions from adjacent property owners?
If petitions are submitted in opposition, people
should indicate why they are opposed and not
just that they are opposed to the project. A
petition indicating that the individuals are
opposed to the project but state no grounds for
their opposition is of little value to the
Plan~ing Cornmis sion.
~a_fter all people present were afforded an opportunity
to be heard, the public hearing was closed at 8:32 P. Iv[.
Chairman Stoffel indicated that the matter will be
referred back to the Kramer Committee and placed
on the next Planning Commission agenda for further
dis cus sion.
Commissioner Fischer reviewed the .~0rnmi~ee report
and indicated that prior to the meeting, there did not
seem to be any definite consensus among the three
members of the Corn_rnittee regarding a recommendation.
Items which Commissioner Fischer felt were impogtant
were: 1. What is the purpose of zoning? Z. Is the area
in question of residential, commercial or industrial nature?
3. Should the City encourage multiple industrial sites?
4. What is best for the City? 5. IA;hat is best for the
homeo~vners? 6. What is best for industrial and commercial
owners? An overriding concern to Commissioner Fischer
was that the C~ty should be promoting new industrial development
BLOCKS 130, 134, AND
in the City's Industrial Park and therefore the rezoning
of the Property in question from industrial to residential
would be appropriate.
Commissioner Linde indicated that at the present time
the Industrial Park does not have any railroad track extending
into it and the 'property being considered here does which makes
it suitable for industrial development. Commissioner Latch
indicated that the property is presently developed as residential,
and he had concerns about industrial development next to the
existing residential property on both the east and welt side
of the spur line railroad track.
Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by Commissioner
Fischer to rezone from I-2 to R-Z, Blocks 130, 134, and
135, To~rn of Hastings. 6 Ayes - 0 Nayes - Linde abstained.
Moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by
Commissioner Kramer to approve the site plan as
submitted by Pizza Hut (Antler Dorp. ) subject to
the developer modifying the elevations shown to
minimize fill placed over the water line, and
contingent upon receipt of a letter from the
developer stating that they will make all improvements
indicated on their site plan. 7 Ayes - 0 Nayes.
PIZZA HUT - 1330
The Archdiocese has submitted an application to
construct an elderly housing project of 109 units
on property located on Bahls Drive. The proposal
meets all zoning requirements with the exception
of it exceeding the number of units allowed by one
and falling short of the parking requirements for
a typical multiple family dwelling. In addition the · ~
proposal involves the issue of providing either a
cul-de-sac on the Archdiocese property for 13th
Street or the vacation of 13th Street between Hillside
and the Archdiocese property.
Moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by
Commissioner Kramer to approve the site plan with
variances for 109 units, for 81 parking stalls as
opposed to the 218 that are required by the zoning
ordinance, plus the vacation of 13th St. between
Hillside and the Archdiocese property. In addition
the developer must submit a letter prior to obtaining
a building permit indicating that all improvements
will be constructed as indicated on the site plan
reviewed by the Commission. 7 Ayes ~ 0 Nayes.
Moved by Commissioner Kramer, seconded by
Co~xamissioner Walker to forward the name of
William Wendler to the City Council for appointment
t0 the Planning Commission.
7 Ayes . 0 Nayes.
Commissioner Peterson reviewed with the Planning REPORT ON T.H. 61
Commission the meeting held on October 26, 1976 IMPROVEMENTS
regarding improvements along Hwy 6I. Commissioner
Peterson i~formed the members of the Planning Commission
that the State tqighway Department,s recommendation ts
similar to that which was discussed before the Plaru~ing
Commission a few months ago.
Moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by
Corru'nississioner K~amer tO have the Planning
Commission go on record favoring Alternate No. 1
which involves raised medians and the provision of
left turn lanes at side streets with two lanes in
either direction. 5 Ayes - ~Valker and Latch - I~ay.
The Planning Co~nmission referred to the Fischer
Committee the discussion on an ordinance which would
provide for a variance fron~ the existing platting
Commissioner Fischer reminded the Planning CommissionCOMMITTEE REPORT
members that he is working with /he attorney and the - REVISIONS OF CITY
Planning Director to revise the City zoning and ORDINAI%-CES
subdivision regulations. Commissioner Fischer
asked that any ordinances which the members felt
was in need of revisions should be submitted to
him for investigation.
Commissioner Fischer asked whether money was CONFERENCES
available for members of the Planning Commission
to attend conferences. The Planning Director indicated
that money has been budgeted for some Planning Commissio~
members to attend conferences and it was just a mat~er of
the Plarining Director appropriating the funds for those that
may be interested Ln attending any conference.
Move"d by Commissioner Latch, seconded by
Commissioner Fischer to adjourn at 10:20 p.M.