OCTOBER 1'.8~ 1976
7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Assistant Chairman Stoffel.
Members Present: Assistant Chairman Stoffel, Linde, Peterson, Kramer,
Latch, Stark, Fischer and Walker
The Plan~ing Commission requested that the Minutes
be amended to read that the public hearing was scheduled
for October 13th rather than November 13, 1976 for the
Franzmeier preliminary plat.
Moved by Commissioner Stark, seconded by Commissioner
Kramer to approve the Pl~anning Commission Minutes of
September 27, 1976 as amended. 8 Ayes - 0 Nayes.
Assistant Chairman Stoffel opened the public hearing at
7:38 P.M. The Planning Director made reference to the
Affidavit of Publication, the Certk[icate of Mailing and
the Notice of Public Hearing and indicated that the public
hearing had been properly called.
BLOCK 130, 134 AND
One individual rose in oposition to the rezoning of the industrlal
property to residential because he felt that it was not a desirable
location for a residential neighborhood. He sited oil tanks, and
its proximity to railroad tracks as being the qualities which
make it undesirable for residential use.
Several individuals spoke in favor of the proposal to rezone,
Blocks 130, 134 and 135 of the Town of Hastings to '
zone. The reason sited for rezonin§ the property would be to
allow people~ to fLx up existing homes in their neighborhood.
People who live there see themselves as being a residential
neighborhood and not an area which should allow industrial
development, presently or in the future.
After all people were afforded an opportunity to be heard, the
public hearing was closed at 7:58 P.M. The matter was referred
back to the Fischer Committee for further study by Assistan~
Chairman Stoffel.
The public hearing was called to order by Assistant
Chairman Stoffel at 8:01 P.M. The Planning Director
read into the Mbautes the Affidavit of Publication,
the Notice of Public Hearing and the Certificate of
Plan~h~g Comm[s sion Minutes
October 13, 1976
The PlannLug Director reviewed information concerning
drainage off of the proposed Tannenbaum Addition and
adjacent property. The present drainage pattern was
reviewed as was the staff proposal for creating a ponding
basin adjacent to the river dike to allow for ponding of
water draining from approximately 21.5 acres. This area,
the Planning Director indicated, would be used for the storage
of water when the river level was too high to allow drainage
thru an existing culvert.
Commissioner Stark reviewed with the Commission his
Committee report, with ~he major points being that a
ponding basin should be avoided if possible, that an alternate
access should be provided possibly to the south through the
County property, and the City should be taking land in lieu
of money for park dedication.
Mr. Seida, representing Harry S. Johnson and the
Fra~zmeierts, indicated that although some of the
residents are opposed to having Southview as a thru street,
it did allow for the dispersion of traffic rather than forcing
more traffic onto a fewer number of streets. Mr. Seida
indicated that by showil~g a street going thr%~ the Coul~ty
property, this did not necessarily mean that the road would be
constructed, and this would bring us back to the problem that the
Committee was trying to avoid one access into the Franzmeier
development (this assumes that Southview is n,t a thru street).
Residents from the area proposed for the new deveiop~nen~ indicated
concernm regarding traffic and requested that a traffic analysis be do~e.
Other concerns involve costs for those people in the drainage area,
and the need for more than one exit from the Franzmeier proposal.
The public hearing was closed at 9:30 P.M., after all people present
had an opportunity to speak on this matter,
Assistant Chairman Stoffel informed the Commission that this
matter should be referred back to the Stark Committee requesting
the Committee meet with lvir. Fluegel (owner of the adjacent
property), the Franzmeier~s (or their representative), the City
staff, al~d 1V[r. Kieffer and Mr. SteYens (representing the residents
in that area). Commissioner Stoffel requested that this Gornrnittee
report back to the Plann~ug Commission at the next meeting.
Commissioner Kramer reviewed his Committee report
on the day care center for 10 pupils. The Committee's
report indicated that there should be no adverse affect
on the neighborhood for this operation, and recommends
that a special use permit be issued.
Planning Commlssioa Minutes -3- October 13, 3-976
Moved by Commissioner Kramer, seconded by Commissioner
Stark to approve the special use permit. 8 Ayes - 0 IX[ayes.
The planning Director reviewed the site plnn with the
Commission indicating that rooftop mechanical equipment
will be screened by the building i~self, arrangements are
being made for storage of waste material on the inside of
the building, and the plans indicate adequate landscaping
will be provided.
The plans involve two variances. One variance is by the
drive-in tellers and another along Vermillion St. Due to
the unusual configuration of the lot at one point the drive
through area of the bank touches the property line, and to
facilitate trauffic movement a "Y" is to be provided which
encroaches into the required i0 foot setback for a parking
lot next to a public street.
Moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner
~ralker to approve the site plan and the two variances, due to
the reasons sited in the staff report. ~kpproval of the site plan
is conditioned upon the submittal of a letter from the owner
indicating that all improvements will be made as indicated on
the site plan.
McDonald's has requested a variance fJ~om the sign VARLANCE~MCDONALS',,S
ordinance to allow a sign which would be ten ~eet over 1340 SOUTH FRONT>YGE
the highest portion of the building rather than slx feet. RO2kD
The Planning Director indicated that there was no grounds
for granting the variance and recommended that it be denied.
Moved by Commissioner WaLker, seconded by Commissioner
Linde to accept the staff report denying the request for a variance.
7 ~kyes - 0 Nayes, Lu Stoffel abstained.
Moved by Commissioner Kramer, seconded by Commission-ADJOURNMENT
er Latch to adjourn at 10:12 P.M.