SEPTEMBER 27, 1976
The meeting was called to order at 7:39 P.M. bM Assistant Chairman Stoffel.
Members Present: Stoffel, Walker, Latch, Kramer and Stark; Commissioner
Peterson arrived at 8:05 P.M.
Members absent: Linde, Fischer and Glen.uie.
Moved by Commissioner Stark, seconal'ed by APPROVAL OF /VLLNUTES
Cornrnlssioner }~ramer to approve the Minutes of September
13, 1976. 5 Ayes'- 0 NaMes.
The Public Hearing was called to-erder at 7:41 P.M.
by Assistant Chairman Stoffeh The Planning Director
made reference to ~he Affidavit of Publication, and
reviewed ~he req~es~ ~hich ~olves a day care center
by ~s. Gervais Fox at 991 ~est Z2~d St. M~s. Fox
~dicated ~at 10 is the max~ ~umber of children
~at she is ~llowed ~o have ~deN hen sta~e license, and
s~ce she has three of her o~ she is o~y allowed to have
seven add~tio~l ch~dren. Mr. James Kann~cher ~d~ca~ed
that he was meighboN of ~rs. F~ ~d ~ he ob3ec~ed to ~e
approval of ~e spec~l use pez~t as requested by ~s. Fox
~e public hea~g was closed a~ 7:47 P.~., after all people
pNesen~ had an oppox~ity ~o be heard.
991 WEST 22ND ST.
Commissioner Kramer indicated that his cornrnittee would
investigate the matter further and report back at the next
Pl~--~-g Commission meeting.
The pL~,~,~,~g Director informed the Commission that
this matter had been referred at the last Commission
meeting to the Fischer Committee and after having a
discussion with Mr. Fischer, il was suggested that
the following procedure be used to handle the matter.
Since gravity sewer is available in 6th Street and could
easily be constructed in 7th & 8th Streets, as well as the
fact that this area has been platted as single family lots and
there are presently single family structures located in this
area; a public hearing should be scheduled to consider the
rezo,~-g of this property from I-2 to R-Z. The rema~t~/ng
property which is between 10th Street and the railroad tracks
extending from the spur line railroad to the Vermillion River
should be investigated further by the Committee before deterrn{-{ng
the feasibility of rezon~,~g the property from Lndustrial to a multiple
family residential zone.
BLOCK 130, 134, & 135
Commissioner Kramer asked whether the individuals who have
submitted a petition have paid a fee for having the proper~y rezoned,
and the Pl~,~-~-g Director responded that they have not. The Planning
Director indicated that ~here is justification to waive ~y fee X~ th~s s~tuatio~
Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 27, 1976
because it may be ia the City's interest to rezone an area
broader in scope than was originally petitioned. That being
the case this hould be a city nitiated project and no £ee charged.
Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Corrn-nissioner
Stark to schedule a Public Hearing £or October 13, 1976, 4 Ayes -
Kramer, Nay.
Dr. Tervola has requested a variance from the side VARLA-NGE - DR. C,A.
yard setback requirement for a parking lot. Dr. TERVOLA - 2Z1Z
Tervolats building was constructed prior to the City's VERMILLION STREET
present zoniag ordinance and an inadequate area was
provided for off-street parking. As a result it is
impossible to construct a parking lot on the property and
maintain the required setback. The staff recornn%ended that
a variance be granted for the construction of the parking lot
subject to the petitioner providing more accurate information
regarding the property line as well as indicating the type and
quantity of shrubs which are to be planted.
Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by Cornrnissioner
Walker to approve the variance with the information requested
by the Planning Director being supplied. 5 Ayes - 0 Nayes -
Krame r abstained.
Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Gommissioner RESCHEDULE NEXT
Stark to reschedule the next Planning Commission meeting PLANNING COMMISS-
for October 13, 1976 due to a legal holiday on the regular ION MEETING
meeting night. 4 Ayes - Kramer, Nay.
The preliminary plat submitted by the Franzmeier's FRANZMEIER PRELIM-
meets all the zoning code requirements, however, the INARY PLAT ZZND & PINE
proposal failed to meet three standards listed in the
subdivision ordinance. The proposed plat indicated that
a cul-de-sac will be 570' in length as opposed to the required
5001; the width of the right-of-way which is an extension of an
existing right-of-way will be 60' as opposed to 66' wide; and
surface drainage will be 750' in length as opposed to the required
maximum of 500'.
Other concerns arise due to the uncertain nature of the
development to the west of the l~ranzmeier property. Because
development plans have not been submitted for the property to the
west, the Franzmeier's would have to obtain easement for utilities
which extends into Country Club Addition. Other issues involve drainage
which goes from the Franzmeier property westerly, and we must assure
that there will not be any hardship on the proposed development. Finally
a temporary cul-de-sac should be provided along the west end of the
proposed Southview Drive in case the development is not forthcoming
to the west.
Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by Com.~mi,[ssioner
Peterson to schedule a public hearing for the~,' l_S, 1976
meeting. 6 Ayes - 0 Nayes. Cornrnis~oner Stoffel referred the
matter to the Stark Committee for further investigation.
Planning Commission Mi-uutes -3-
Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by
Conarnissioner ~%ralker to adjourn at 9:32 P.M,
6 Ayes - 0 Nayes.