HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/76PLANNING COMMiSSION MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1776 The meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.M. by chairma~ Glen~uie. Members Presemt: Limde, Peterson, Stoffel, Latch, Stark, Fischer, Glennie, amd WaLker Members Absent: Kramer Student Members Present: S[oneberg, Kusske, Fox The Cernmissien indicated that the August 9th Minutes should be amended to indicate that Mr. Walker ~s absent and that the student member -.. present was Mr. Stoneberg and not Mr. Hu~bert,. APPROVAL OF MINUTF. S Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissiomer Fischer te approve the August 9, 197& minutes as amemded. Eight ayes, zer~ n~ys. The Plam~a~g Directer revle%ved the pr®p®sal by McDonald Cerperat{®n t® construct a restaurant SDuth Fr~ta~e ~oad. It was ~dicated tha~ ~he proposal meets all the City*s zoning requirements. The Pla~ing Directer recommended approval of the s~te plan subject te the following condition: 1. That ~ additie~l 10; easement be eb~a~ed the north property line. 2. Revised pla~ should be submitted ~dica. t~g rnere adeq~/e drayage ~f the park~g Special ca~e should be t~en ~ s~dd~g the part of the property te avoid er~slem ~d special attention should be give~ te design~g a f~cili~y which can handle the r~-~ff from the park~g te the drai~ge d[[uh on Highway 55. 4. Spec~lcare should be g~en to ~eslg~ the build~g se that all four sides have a similar appear~ce. 5. L~mdscap~g should be provided as ~d~ca~ed on ~r. Engs[rem~s dra~ presented before the Ce~ssioaen August 23, 1976. 6. The directional signs for the ~cDo~ld~s p~.rklng should be a minimum of 10~ from the proper~y avoid any obstruction ef ~sien. SITE PLAN REVIEW MC DONALDS 1340 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD A letter sh®uld be submitted by the developer imdicat~g that they were willing to comply with all the rcquireme,.ts established by the Planning Cornrnissie~%o Mmved by C~)rnrnissioner Fischer, sec~ndedby Cornrn~ssi~ner Stof£el to approve the site plato submitted by I{/[cDonald's subject to the conditien~ me. mtiem in the p]~n~ing Director's memo of August Z0, 1976. Pla~n!ug C~mmlssien August 23, 1976 -2- The Pl=,~n~ng Director introduced Mr. Roger Espeseth who has expressed an interest in establishing a mobile home park in ~/le City of Hastings. Mr. Espeseth has investigated the possibility of acquiring preper~/ on Wes~ 4~ Street north ~f the Gmungy O~urth~use with the intent of establishing a mobile h~me park. Prior to ~r. Espeseth h~r~ ~ en~eer ~ do des[~ ~o~k a~d formally request~ a reaming of property, it ~as felt tha~ it ~ould be appropriate d~seuma the ma~er with the Pla~i:g Co~issioner F~scher ~ndica~ed that he would like ~r. Espese~ to supply the following i~ormation: 1. A st~temen~ regard~g his financial capabiliW fez " comstruct~g ~ mobile home park, the co~ern being a quality park; ~eet ~th the co~ittee rev~e~g ~he mobile home ir~nce; 3. ~r. Espese~ should revie~ the present CiW 4. There should be a clar~icatien as to ~hether ~e streets in the park ~ill be public ~r private; 5. A deter~nation should be made regarding the availability of se~er amd w~ter tm ~he property ~der consideration. MOBILE HOME PARK PROPOSAL Chairman Glebe indicated te I%4r. Espeseth that most of the comments made by the Planning Commission were favorable, ~nd seemed te recognize the need for a mobile home park im the of Hast~gs. The ~ormation requrested by ~o~issio~er F~scher should be sought ~nd umce thi~ is available, Espeseth should come back t~ ~e Pl~n-~ng ~oved bM Co~ssioner Fischer, seconded by Ce~iss~ener S~ark tu approve a park dedication ordinance r~g~g from 8~0 to 18~0 rather than 10 to Z0~o as ~as previously recommended. ayes, mer~ PARK DEDICATION ORDINANCE Moved by C~mmiasioner Stoffel, seconded by Commissioner Linde to approve the submittal ~f Draft ~4 of the Capital Improvements Program as amended by the Plar~ning Commission to the The Plm"m~ns Com~ssion also requests the Council t~ amend its established policy requir~g public hear~gs on the Capital Impmovements Program. Eight ayes zero ~ys, 1~77- 1951 CAPITAL Lk4 P ~.OVE iVLEN TS PROGRAM -3- P 1~,~,~{ ug Commis s ien August Z3, 1976 Commissioner Fischer indicated tha~ he was on a committee i~velved with reviewing City ordinances and that he %vould take bis ~der advisement. Chairma" Glennie referred th~s request for a variance to the Stark Corn. nxittee. Chairma~ Glen~ie referred the home occupatio~ request t® the Fischer Committee. Chairman Glennie referred the special use perro~t request by Mrs. Fox to the Kramer Cornn-~ittee, Chairman Gle-,~e referred the request tof the Hastings Country ~lub to vacate Hilltop Lane and the unnamed circle tot he Stark C~)rnrnittee. Cemmissioler Fischer submitted a verbal report to the Planning Commission regarding his meeting %vith 1Vierlin Anderson, rumnager of the Peavey I%4i11. The C~rnmission was informed that a s~af£ report on the matter would be included on the next agenda. I~oved by C0rrtrniss~oner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Linde to adjourn at 11:07 PLM. Eight ayes, zero nays. E NF ORCElV[E NT OF OUTDOOR STORAGE ORDINANCE VARIANCE - 710 WEST llTH STREET - RAYMOND JOHNSON HOME OCCUPATION 1010 WEST 14TH STREET RUSSELL GADDES SPECLAL USE PEB/V~IT MRS. GERVAIS FOX 991 WEST ZIST STREET HASTINGS COUNTRY CLUB STREET VACATION S1TE PLAN REVIEW PEAVEY MiLL ADJOURNMENT