The meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Chairman Stoffel.
Members present: Linde, Trautmann, Kramer, Stoffel, Latch, Fischer,
Glennie, and Walker
Members absent: Stark
Student Members present: Stoneberg
Student Members absent: Humbert and Denn
Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner
Glennie to approve the Minutes of the April gS, 1975
Planning Commission Meeting. 8 ayes, 0 nays.
The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis have submitted
a proposal for an elderly housing project located on 5. 9 acres
on an Il. 2 acre site.
Some of the concerns expressed by the Commission members
were that they wanted to make sure that the project would be
limited to elderly people. They questioned the need for an
elderly housing project, given the fact that South St. Paul has
too many vacancies, and they questioned the need for an
R-4 zoning which is the highest density residential use in
the City and a zone which has not been granted to any other
developer up to this throe.
Mr. Joe ]~rrigo, of the Urban Affairs Coxnmission of the
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis explained to the
Planning Conxn%ssion that the application for financing
and subsidizing the units in the building clearly states that
the project is to be used for elderly housing. In addition
the units are all one (1) bedroom and the market rent for these
units would be greater than the rents of other apartment buildings
in the area. When an application is submitted to the Minnesota
Housing Finance Agency for the financing of the project, the
Archdiocese will have to prove that there is a market for these
units and if the need cannot be substantiated, the State will not
finance all the units requested. In St. Pa~ul there are some vacancies,
but this might be attributed to the fact that the buildings are high
rises and there might be some hesitancy on the part of people in
what was determined to be the market area to move into these
buildings. Also, Hastings appears to be a more desirable location
for an elderly housing project than South St. Paul,
P[ann[n§ Commission Minutes
The Archdiocese, according to Mr. Errigo, would prefer to
zone to R-4 only the 5. 9 acres necessary for the project.
The Archdiocese would like to reserve the opportunity to
develop a portion of the property for a church at some time
in the future, and in order to get enough elderly housing units
on approximately six acres to make the project feasible requires
the density proposed. In addition the Urban Affairs Commission
would like to construct a senior citizens center in the future
and in order to make such a project feasible, there should be
large numbers of elderly people within the immediate vicinity.
Chairman Stoffel catted the Public Hearing to order at 8:50 P. M.
regarding the rezoning of the Archdiocese property from an R-1
to R-4 district. The Planning Director read into the Minutes,
the Affidavit of Publication, and the Notice of Public Hearing, and
the Certificate of Mailing. Due to the fact that the petitioner lacked
the necessary signatures of the property owners within 100 feet of
the area to be rezoned, the Planning Commission discussed the need
to continue the Public Hearing until such information was available.
After a;[1 people present were afforded an opportunity to be heard,
the Public Hearing was closed at 8:55 P.M. Moved by Commissioner
Trautmann, secnnded by Commissioner Walker to continue the Public
Hearing on May 27, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. for the rezoning of 5.9 acres
~-' om R-[ to R~4 due to the fact that the property owners within 100
. et was not available at this time. 8 ayes, 0 nays. Moved by
Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Linde to amend
the above motion to read that the Planning Commission meet on
May 19 at 7:30 P.M. rather than on May 27. 7 ayes, Trautmann
explained that he voted nay on the grounds that he would not be
able to attend this meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Latch, seconded by Commissioner
Kramer to approve the variance for the construction of a
fireplace on the gm unds that the average building area on a
lot is so narrow that it precludes any additions onto the house.
8 ayes, 0 nays.
The planning Director expressed his concern that one of the
first priorities mentioned upon his arrival in July of 1974 was
tightening the regulations regarding home occupation permits.
It was suggested that one thing that can be done is to take the
standards which are presented in the zoning code regarding
traffic generation, and interpret that provision very strictly
.so that home occupations that generate traffic would not be
rnrnissioner Kramer presented the Committee report
suggesting that the home occupation permit be approved
conditioned upon the permit being reviewed in one year and
that off street parking be provided as shown on the plans and
Planning Commission ~linutes -3-
in accordance with the zoning code requirements.
Moved by Con~issioner Kramer, seconded by Commissioner
Glennie to approve the home occupation permit conditioned upon
the permit being reviewed in one year and that the o££ street
parking cor~ly with the zoning code requirements.
Moved by Commissi6ner Latch, seconded by Commissioner Fischer
to approve the final plat, subject to the Franzmeier's dedi-
cating to the City an easement of 15 feet along the northerly
portion of Lots 8, 9, and 10 of Block 1 for a public easement
which would prohibit non-motorized vehicles, and attempting to
negotiate with Haven Homes to obtain an eas~nent for 18th
Street. Motion was withdrawn. Moved by Co~mdssioner Latch,
seconded by Commissioner Trautmann to approve the final plat
with a public easen~nt for non-motorized vehicles alongtthe
northerly 15 feet of Lots 8, 9,, and 10 of Block 1, and that
we reco~nend that the CoLmcil institute condenmation procedures
for the northerly portion of 18th Street ass~ning negotiations
between the Fra~zmeier's and Haven Homes do not produce the
necessary easement. Ayes, 8; Nayes, none.
FRANZN~IER 1st add.
Moved by Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Linde
TO APPROVE the final plat for Polka Dot Dairy. Ayes, 8;
Nayes, none.
The Planning Commisiione$uggested that in drafting a sign
ordinance that diagrams be provided which would visually
describe what is mean.t by "Items of Information". In addition
they instructed the Planning Director to notify the business
people in the downtown area to get their response to the pro-
posed regulations and that their response be returned to the
City by the next Planning Commission meeting.
Trautmannmoved, Fischer seconded to reschedule the bNy 26th
Planning Commission Meeting to the 27th because of the
Memorial Day Holiday Ayes, 8; Nayes, none.
The Planning Director read a memo from the Fire Marshal and ZONING A~DMENT USED
Building Inspector regarding their inspection of the premises CAR LOTS, SPECIAL USE
located at 1309 Vermillion St. ~nd indicated that the buildings IN C-3 ZONE
were in a state of disrepair and there were unlicensed vehicles
and junk scattered across the property. Moved by Commissioner
Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Linde to withhold the request
of ~. DeLong for a used car dealership in a C-3 Zone until the
owner of the property was contacted to clean up the premises.
Ayes, 8; Nayes, none.
The Planning Director informed the Planning Commission members
that there would be a bus tour of the City for the Council and
Plarming Commission members on 52y 31st at 10:00 A.M.
Planning C0mmis s [on Minute s - 4-
The tour will leave from City Hall and will last until approximately
Commissioner Fisher suggested that a Commission be
created to devote its energy exclusively to the revision
of ordinances and procedural problems that come before
the Planning Commission. Commissioner Fisherts concern
is that not enough time is spent trying to search for solutions
to our problems and rather we seem to all be fighting fires.
Chairman Stoffel designated the Fisher Committee to take on
the exclusive responsibilities of making recorrm~endations
regarding revisions in the ordinance and any procedural
Commissioner Trautmann moved, Commissioner Glennie
seconded to adjourn the meeting at ll:Z2 P.M.