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Hastings Parks and Recreation Department
920 W. 10th Street
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone 651-480-6175 Fax 651-437-5396
Natural Resources and Recreation Commission
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
6:00 Pl\1
Meeting to be held at City Hall in the Community Room
1) Call to Order:
2) Roll Call:
J 3) Approval of Minutes fl.-om May 2005:
4) Setting Agenda:
5) Open Mike:
6) Topics of Discussion:
7) Introduction of new NRRC member
8) Fall Softball Operation
6:00 PM
6:05 PM
9) Joint meeting with Park and Recreation Committee of Council
10) Old Fueling Dock 6:20 PM
11) Next meeting: Tuesday, July 12, 2005
12) Adjourn:
All times are approximate
Meeting to adjourn early to prepare for 6:30 neighborhood meeting.
REF: NRRC/NRRC agenda for June 2005
City of Hastings NRRC Minutes
May 10,2005
6:00 pm
1) Roll Call at 6 pm, Commissioners Brown, O'Melia, Popp, and Vaughan and Parks and Recreation Director
Absent: Commissioners Christenson and Vieth and Superintendent Smith.
2) Commissioner Brown acted as Co-Chair in Commissioner Christenson's absence.
3) Approved April meeting minutes. Motion O'Melia, second Popp, passed unanimously.
4) Lake Isabel: A meeting was held on May 2,2005 which was attended by Director Bernstein, City
Administrator Dave Osberg, the East Hastings Homeowners Association and the Parks & Recreation
Committee of Council. The Homeowners Association is seeking improvements to Lake Isabel and this was
discussed on a council level. Scope of the project is fourfold: dredging, drawdown, a fishing pier and
handicapped access. Commissioner Popp mentioned that it is most efficient for the drawdown and
dredging to take place at the same time. 2 years is the optimal time for the drawdown and Council Member
Hazlet had recommended at the May 2nd meeting that this process begin next year. Commissioner Popp
also added that the water can be pumped into the Vermillion River and that the DNR is willing to submit
the application for this so that the fee will be waived. It was decided that Director Bernstein will send a
letter to the Homeowners Association to verify their support of the drawdown. Commissioner O'Melia
voiced concern that this same study had been done 25 years ago. It was decided that Director Bernstein
and Commissioner Popp will both search for the old file so that it can be reviewed.
MOTION: Commissioner Vaughan motioned to table this issue until fmiher discussion can take place.
Seconded by Commissioner Popp. Passed unanimously.
5) The Commission next interviewed a candidate for the vacancy in the Commission.
6) Plan Review - Pine Ridge: Director Bernstein infOlmed the Commission of a decision to be made to
collect park dedication fees or land in lieu of a cash dedication. Cash dedication would be approximately
$125,400 vs. land approximately 2 Y2 acres in size. Concerns were raised that children from the new
development would have to. cross high traffic roads in order to reach parks if no land was accepted.
Director Bernstein clarified that the cash dedication money can only be used for infrastructure - to develop
or redevelop existing parks only within the ward the money is accepted in - in this case Ward 3. The only
exception to this is if the money is used. for something with regional implications, for exanlple, repairs to
the Arena or to Vet's Park. Concerns were also raised by various Commissioners as to where the land
would be located if that alternative was accepted, since the developer has already begun excavation on the
MOTION: Commissioner Vaughan motioned to accept land in lieu of a cash dedication, subject to l\1RRC
approval of the offered land donation. Seconded by Commissioner O'Melia. Passed unanimously.
7) Band Shell at Levee Park: Director Bernstein inf0l111ed the Commission of a proposal by Council Member
Riveness to possibly place a band shell on the rivelfront. A possible location for this would be at the end of
Ramsey Street, as this would utilize the natural slope of the hillside. There would be no impact on the
Veteran's Memorial. Commissioner Vaughan mentioned that this may be a good oppOliunity to see what
the cOimimnity would like to see recreation ally on the riverfront as well.
MOTION: Commissioner O'Melia motioned to continue researching the band shell and/or other activities
to enhance the recreational oppOliunities of the levee and riverfront and to encourage more community
dialogue on this issue tlu'ough a community meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Vaughan. Passed
8) Updates. Director Bemstein handed out department happenings.
9) Skate Park: The fence at the skate park has had to be repaired 8 times already this spring due to vandalism.
Signs have been hung around the perimeter stating that ifthe vandalism continues, there will be no other
altemative but to pull the tier two equipment. If that should happen, the resulting tier one park will be open
to the public with no entrance fee, no paid supervision and limited equipment. Director Bernstein also
mentioned that if the park can remain open, as is, at Vet's Park, he would like to go before Council with the
proposal to hire two evening supervisors of the entire park which should also help quell any disturbances.
Hank Long from the Hastings Star Gazette has also been notified of the situation. This situation will also
be discussed at the June 14, 2005 neighborhood meetings that are being plamled.
MOTION: Commissioner Brown motioned to approve Director Bernstein's plan of action. Seconded by
Popp. Passed unanimously.
10) Park Signs: Drawings of the new park signs were handed out to the Commission. The signs will consist of
a sandblasted logo and vinyl 3M lettering. The Parks & Recreation Department will construct the posts the
signs will be displayed on. Three of these have been ordered at $500/each to make sure that they will work
in the parks.
ll) New Business:
A. June NRRC Meeting/Neighborhood meetings for South Pines and Riverwood Park: Director
Bernstein asked the Commission to hold neighborhood meetings on June 14th, which is the night
regularly scheduled for the l\1RRC meeting. These meetings will be an oppOliunity to discuss the
development of both parks and also the skate park vandalism with residents. The Commission
agreed to hold a briefNRRC meeting at 6:00 p.m. that night, to be followed by the neighborhood
meetings at 6:30 p.m.
Joint meeting with Park & Recreation Committee of Council: Director Bernstein asked the
Commission if they would be interested in holding a joint meeting with the Park & Recreation
Committee of Council in order to discuss a Capital Improvement Plan and any issues that the
Commission feels are pressing. It was agreed to invite the Committee of Council to a Capital
Improvement Plan meeting on July 12, 2005.
12) Old business: None.
MOTION to Adjourn.
. Next meeting scheduled for June 141h at 6 p.m.
Adjourned at ~:1O p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Kristin Behrens
Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design
Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.
May 31,2005
Barry Bernstein, Park & Recreation Director
Hastings Parks Facility
920 West lOth Street
Hastings, MN 55033
Re: Options for the skate park in Hastings.
Dear Barry:
As we have discussed over the last several weeks, is.sues of vandalism and declined usage are of
increasing concern at the skate park facility in Veterans Park. This letter contains a bit of the
history of the skate park and identifies some options that you can explore in dete1111ining its
Review of other communities suggests that skate boarding and in-line skating in undesirable
places of the community is a perennial problem and providing a skate park as a sanctioned option
helps the situation. Most communities find skate parks to be very popular and many metro
conununities that do not have a close-by skate park option are experiencing grass-roots efforts to
build one.
In Hastings' case, a grass-roots effOli to locate and equip a skate park occun-ed in 2000. Five
parks (Lyons, Civic Arena, River Flats, Wallin and Veterans) were evaluated for their ability to
accommodate a skate park based on seven criteria:
· ability to accormnodate an indoor park in the future
· ability to construct the park immediately
· space availability
· land use conflicts
· physical constraints
· trail connections
· site visibility/profile
Some of the location options had practical problems that could not be overcome. Some of the
locations posed land use conflicts with adjacent neighborhoods that made them challenging. The
site in Veterans Park became the only option that was functionally and politically palatable
because the land was immediately available and it did not impact sun-ounding neighbors. It was,
however, recognized at the time as a location that lacked cormnunity visibility/profile and good,
immediate trail cOilllections to the broader community.
123 NOlih Third Street, Suite 100, Milmeapolis, MN 55401-1659
Ph (612) 338-0800 Fx (612) 338-6838
Ban)' Bemstein, Hastings Park & Recreation Director
May 31, 2005
Page 2 of3
In addition to the location decision, the group of advocates wanted the skate park to be a tier 2
facility. This designation means that it has a broader variety of challenging equipment for skilled
athletes than a tier 1 facility that has lower skill-level equipment. A tier 2 park requires security
fencing, controlled entry and an attendant during hours of operation unlike a tier 1 skate park that
does not require security or an attendant.
The combination of an isolated location at Veterans Park, security requirements and high-skilled
equipment that has turned out to exceed the skill of most local enthusiasts are leading to the
issues now being experienced. There are several options that can be explored in addressing the
skate park.
1. Invest more in the current skate park: The Veterans Park location is well suited to a
regional skate park facility. Skate parks can be an extremely popular regional attraction
drawing people from a 1 OO-mile radius if they are built to accommodate inclement
weather and have the proper equipment to challenge skilled athletes. Transforn1ation of
the Veterans.Park skate park into this type of regional attraction would likely require an
indoor facility, expanded parking, year-round some level of marketing. A facility like
this would probably appeal to a very small local population but it may serve to heighten
the skill level of Hastings youth who are drawn to the sport. If the City chose to explore
this option, a financial feasibility study would be warranted.
2. Relocate existing equipment to a higher visibility, central location: The current skate
park could be moved to a location with higher visibility. This option would require a
new pad of pavement, fencing and entry station. This will inevitably be a difficult
decision because above-ground skate parks (especially tier 2) are usually not viewed
favorably by surrounding neighbors.
'3. Close the current tier 2 skate park and build a tier 1 skate park in a higher
visibility, central location: Tier 1 skate parks do not require fencing or the presence bf
an attendant. As a result, the cost of operation and the temptation of some youth to break
in during non-operating hours are reduced. Based on experience in Hastings and other
communities, tier 1 skate parks are more closely aligned with the skills of most
enthusiasts and thus more popular than tier 2 parks. This option would mean abandoning
much of the existing equipment.
4. Build an in-ground skate park facility in a higher visibility, central location: In-
ground skate parks (they look like empty swimming pools) are rapidly gaining popularity
in Minnesota. They reduce much of the visual clutter and noise common with above-
ground equipment. In-ground facilities ~an be designed as either tier lor 2 levels of skill.
This option would obviously mean abandoning the existing equipment.
5. Eliminate all skate park facilities in Hastings: If none of the alternatives are viewed to
be viable, the City could choose to close the skate park and either store the equipment for
a future skate park or attempt to sell the equipment (recognizing that resale value would
be a small fl.-action of the original price). As mentioned earlier, grass-roots effOlis are
common in metro locations that do not have close-by access to a skate park. It would
BarTY Bemstein, Hastings Par-k & Recreation Director
May 31, 2005
Page 3 of3
probably not take long after the skate park in Hastings is closed that a new grass-roots
effort to open a new one is stalied.
These are some of my thoughts on the subject. I hope it helps in Hastings' decision. I am happy
to continue to provide assistance at your request.
Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.
d I I
6~ ve. ~~~~,
Bruce L. Chamberlain, ASLA
Vice President