Members Present:
Jensen~ Soleim~ Hirchert~ Stoffel, Linde, Trautman~
Junior Member:
Minutes of August 13, 1973 meeting approved.
Election of Vice Chairman:
Nominations Fred Trautmann
Unanimously elected
Bud Markey request for variance: Motion Soleim, Second Hirchert to deny
a variance based upon the Soleim Committee Report (copy attached).
Mr. Markey states that notwithstanding the Soleim Committee Report he
should be entitled to a variance because there are two of his neighbors
operating similar shops in violation of the ordinance.
Motion to deny variance passed.
Ail Ayes
Motion Trautmann, Second Linde that the City be in£ormed that there may
be a violation present by the owner of the land immediately West of
Mr. Markey.
Wallace Larson request for variance at 800 Bailey Street (Lot ir Block
$~ Bailey Addition) Matter referred to Trautmann Committee.
Request by Tom Reuter for a building permit for a single family dwelling
on 521 West 1st Street (Lots 2 and 3, Block 7, Town of Hastings) Matter
referred to Hallberg Committee.
Request by the National Trust for Historical Preservation to relocate
a home from 117 East 7th Street to a site on East 10th Street across
from Smead Manufacturing Company. Matter referred to Soleim Committee.
Planned Unit Development Study: Mr. Arno Haering, representing the Metro-
politan Council attended the meeting and in general discussion of types
of plans as well as some reference to specific requirements ensued~
there were many questions raised during the course of discussion, but
specifically there were 4 items of general philosophy which should be
answered prior to adoption of an ordinance.
1. Minimum number of acres to be required in a PUD
2. How to control phased development (which area of the PUD
will be developed first, and how to insure development o£
future areas within the zone).
3. Timing and staging limitations i.e. which part of town can
be developed at a given time and should consideration be
given to prevention of leap frog development.
Page 2
Mr. Haering will return £or further discussions with Commission on Sept.
24~ 1973.
Ben Franklin Store Variance: Tabled
House Code: Tabled
Capital Improvement Program: Tabled.
David E. Tanner~ Secretary
Hastings Planning Commission