Members Present:
Junior Members:
Also Present:
Hallberg~ Tanner~ Jensen~ Linde~ Kramer~ Suoffel~ Trautmann.
Schumacher, Sindt, Gartzke.
Mayor Petersen~ Engineer Davidson.
Minutes of March 12, 197B meeting approved on Motion Linde~ Seconded Stoffel.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Springer asked for use of property at 2134 Vermillion
Street as a used car lot. This is a C-3 zone and it would require re-zoning
to a C-2 zone £or this use. Lot size is 165 x 139 feet. No adverse comment
was made by commission members and it was suggested that a formal application
be made.
Municipal flag study matter referred to Chamber of Commerce and Hastings
Jaycees on motion Tanner~ Seconded Trautmann.
Ail ayes.
St. Johnts Lutheran Church request for side yard set back bariance. Ref-
erred back to Soleim committee for inquiry as to reaction by adjacent land
True Value Store request to allow a barbed wire top on a six foot high chain
link fence adjacent to store. This would require a variance. Also, Central
Natural Gas has informally asked to relocate a barbed wire fence around
propane tank storage area in the city. This matter referred to Hallberg
study committee.
Valley Manor. Hastings Construction Company request for rezoning undeveloped
part of Valley Manor from R-3 to R-4. Motion Trautmann~ seconded Stoffel to
recommend re-zoning undeveloped area of Valley Manor from R-3 to
Motion carried 5-2.
(Vote) Yes: Trautmann~ Jensen~ Kramer~ Linde~ Stof£et
No : Hallberg~ Tanner.
Planned unit development Section 7.6 studied by Trautmann committee.
No report.
Highway 61 - 4th Street signal study reported by Hallberg committee. Com-
mitre finds that:
1. Signal needs replacing.
2. Replacement at 4th street would be compatible with River Bend
Assodiation downtown redevelopment plan.
3. Turn lanes would be possible in this plan.
4. Limited or elimited parking on Highway 61 from 3rd Street
to 5th Street for a future consideration.
5. County Highway 42 from the West should be re-routed to enter
Highway 61 at 4th Street signal.
Committee recommends approval of project to replace signal and include light
turn capability as well as coordinated timing mechanism. Study committee
Minutes of Has~ings Planning Commission
Page 2
Meeting held Monday March 26~ 19Y3.
consulted Chamber of Commerce and River Bend Association on this matter.
Motion Hallberg~ second Tanner to recommend signal reptacement~ noti£ication
to affected merchants that parking might be eliminated in the future between
3rd and 5th Streets~ Highway 42 be re-routed to enter Highway 61 at 4th
Street and that signalized turns might be included in an ultimate plan.
Motion carried 6-1.
(Vote) Yes: Jensen, Trau~mann~ Hallberg, Tanner~ Linde~ Stoffel.
No : Kramer.
Housing code and occupancy permit procedure. No repart by Soleim committee.
Mr. Dan Seidelmann applied for membership on the commission by personal
appearance. His application will be added to applications by Mr. Kleis and
Mr. Herchert.
David E. Tanner~ Secretary
Hastings Planning Commission
Phone 437-6921
Hasting~ on the Hi$$issippi
Members present:
Mr. Hallberg, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Jensen, Mrs. Linde,
Mr. Kramer, Mrs. Stoffel, Mr. Trautmann; Junior
members Leo Schumacher, Jr. Steve Sindt, and Steve
Also present:
Mayor Petersen and City Engineer John Davidson
A Mr. Johnson and Mr. Dale Springer were interested in locating a used
car sales lot at 2134 Vermillion Street on the 139 x 165 foot lot of 2, 780
square foot size. Both gentlemen have been in used car sales, one in
Red Wing and one in Lake City for a number of years, have sold out their
operations and are interested in relocating in Hastings. The Engineer
pointed out they would be subject to Open Sales Lot Permit requirements
under a Type IIpermit, and the property in question would have to be rezoned
to a C-2 use and Special Use Permit if it were to be allowed in the area.
Our C-3 zoning does not allowfor Open Sales Lot unless more than 25% of
their merchandize is new and unused. The gentlemen were looking for some
concensus of opinion. Mr. Hallberg stated that he would be in favor of the
rezoning if ail of the restrictions under the zoning ordinance were met.
The gentlemen had been furnished copies of the Zoning Ordinance and stated
that they would intend to meet all of the requirements under the ordinance.
Those deal specifically with screening, lot lines, setbacks and annual permits.
The Engineer advised that if they were going to refer this formally for action
that I should have something in writing prior to the Council Meeting of Mon-
day, April Z, 1973, in order to have this referred officially to the Planning
Commission for study.
The Planning Commission reviewed the minutes of the March 12th meeting.
There was a change to be made in the second paragraph, the word "permit"
should be changed to "plan", that the sentence should read: "No permit on
planned unit development ....
The next item was discussion on a municipal flag. This was referred to the
Jaycees and Chamber of Commerce. It was moved by Mrs. Stoffel, seconded
by Mrs. Linde to remove the discussion from the table. It was moved by
Mr. Kramer, seconded by Mr. Trautmann to refer the municipal flag request
to the Junior Chamber of Commerce and Chamber of Commerce for action.
This should be done by letter and the secretary of the Planning Commission.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission
Meeting held Monday, March 26, 1973 Page
There was a review of a proposal for rezoning Valley Manor, a portion, from
R-3 multiple dwelling to R-4 multiple family dwelling. Two handouts were
prepared and furnished by Hastings Construction Company, one a request
showing the total number of units of efficiency apartment type,one bedroom
type, and two bedroom type in the six proposed 4Z-unit buildings. Also, the
additional per unit or total unit cost that have arisen since the original inception
of the plan for Valley Manor Addition was presented, showing approxinkately
$833,400.00 in added costs to the original estimate. (See copy of those reports
attached). Mr. Trautmann stated the committee had studied this in some
detail and recommended by motion that the zoning be allowed from R-3 to R-4
zone and seconded by Mrs. Stoffel. The vote was 5 in favor, 2 opposed. Opposing
was Mr. Hallberg and Mr. Tanner.
The next item was referral of a letter fro~r~ St. John's Lutheran Church asking
for a side yard setback variance to the zoning ordinance. (See copy of letter
attached). They were asking for a side yard variance under Section 9. 15 of the
Zoning Ordinance, requesting a 7' 6" side yard at the westerly property line
of the proposed church site. It was also suggested by the Planning Commission
study group that the stairwell be retained at the westerly side of the building
rather than moved back to the alley. This was referred back to Mr. Soleim's
study committee for referral back to the Planning Corrmaission at their next
meeting of April 9, 1973.
The next item was a referral from the City Council of a review of the Section
5.6 of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with fences, walls and hedges. Specifically
barbed wire fences and specifically as it relates to public service installations
and protection of City gas, electric, water or related supplies. This was
referred to Mr. Hallbergs study committee for a report back at the next regular
Planning Commis sion meeting.
Next item was a report by Mr. Trautmann of the Planned Unit Development
Section review of the Zoning Ordinance. The Engineer had provided the sub-
committee with a proposed model ordinance for discussion purposes. It was
indicated that they would have to spend a certain amount of time and discussion
of this Planned Unit Developn~ent at each meeting in order to affect editing and
amendments thereto for anu~ltirnate final Planned Unit Development Section to
be referred to and adopted by the City Council. Mr. Trantmann also asked that
all members of the Planning Commission review the proposed draft and make
any suggested changes at the next regular ~neeting.
Next the traffic committee headed by Mr. Hallberg made the following report
as it regards the 4th Street Highway 61 signal. (1) the signal needs replacing,
(2) the replacement at 4th Street would be compatible with the Downtown
Development Plan (3) the turn lanes should be included in the electrical system
and made feasible with the construction of the signals but not necessarily described
turn lanes at the present time (4) limited or eliminated parking should be considered
along Highway 61 from Third Street from 5th Street (5) County Highway 4Z should
be re-routed to enter Highway 61 at the 4th Street Signal. Motion was made to
the above recommendations by Mr. Hallberg seconded by Mr. Tanner. In the
discussion Mr. Krarner asked that a accident frequency report be furnished to
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Page 3.
Meeting held Monday, March Z6, 1973
the Council with their recommendations. Motion passed by a vote of 6-1. Mr.
Kramer being the nay vote.
Next the sub committee headed by Mr. Soleim dealing with Housing Code Occupancy
Permits and Fire Zones was referred back to committee. There was no report
at this time.
Next Mrs. Stoffel asked that consideration be given to appointment of the vaca~tcy
that exists on the Planning Commission. This time Pastor Dan Siedelmann
asked that he be considered as a candidate for the seat on the Planning Commission.
Motion was made by Mr. Trautmann to place Mr. Siedelmarm's name in nomina-
tion. He stated that he would ask that Mr. Siedelmann would place his request
in writing as has been the policy in the past but ,ts not a constitutional or by law
requirement. The Planning Commission was advised that of the three candidates
Mr. Kleis, Mr. Hirchert, Mr. Seidelman, the Planning Commission should be
ready for an appointment recommendation at the next meeting to be held on
April 9.
The Chairman, Mr. Jensen, indicated that an an.oual Fire Department Report
was on file with the Planning Commission for anyone that was ,interested in
reviewing that. He also read a letter indicating some workshops available at
,sponsored by the Metropolitan Council in their action briefs for anyone interested.
They should contact the City-Administrators office.
The Junior members asked that plans for the proposed remodeling of Todd Field
be furnished to the Junior members of the Planning Commission for review and
recommendation or referral to the whole body. (Make a note to contact Mr. Moran
of Horan Associates and furnish the City 3 sets of proposed remodeling plans for
Todd Field). The Engineer indicated that he had copies of the Nininger Planning
Advisory Commission minutes of their last meeting of March 19 available for
anyone that was interested.
Completed our meeting at approximately 10:15 PM.
John Davidson, City Engineer
March 14~ 1973
Mayor and City Council
City of Hastings
Hastings, Minnesota
On January Z4, 1973, as advised by the City Engineer, we made a
request for rear yard setback variance from the requirements shown
under Section 9. 15. Mr. Davidson now advises us that the sideyard
setback shown on the plan would be adequate for residential construction,
but does not meet sideyard requirements for "Other Uses". We are
therefore asking that consideration be given to allow the 7~ 6" sideyard
setback along the westerly property line of the proposed church site.
Relocation of the stairwell has been discussed and consideration is
being given to relocating the stairwell to the north side of the building.
Thank you for your consideration.
Art Groth, Jr.
Building Committee Chairman
St. John% Lutheran Church
1304 ~'ER~ILLION S~1~1' · HA$11~G~ MINNESOTA
March 17, 1973
The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council
City of Hastings
Hastings, Minnesota 55033
Undeveloped portion of plat of Valley Manor
The undersigned is the owner of the undeveloped portion of the plat
of Valley Manor which consists of approximately 15.2 acres. The property
is presently zoned R-3. It is adjacent to our other apartment develop-
ment which is also zoned R-3. We hereby respectfully request that the
property be rezoned to an R-4 classification..
The exact description of the property which we wish to have rezoned is
as outlined on surveys presented to the City Engineer in and on file
in his office.
Some of the reasons that we request the rezontng are as follows:
a. The area will experience reduced population per area and per
apartment unit due to the increased ratio of efficiency and one
bedroom apartments in the development, as opposed to the two bed-
room apartments originally contemplated.
b. We have provided more than the required number of garage and
parking facilities.
c. We have constructed a very extensive and we feel very adequate
recreational facility of size and quality surpassing City require-
ments, which is adequate to accommodate an increased number of units.
d. The proposed rezoning to R-4 would allow an increase in the number
of units. However, it would not increase the area of ground occupied by
buildings. In fact it would reduce the area of ground occupied by
buildings and increase the "green area" since the per unit size would
be smaller due to the efficiency - one bedroom concept.
We respectfully submit that the proposed rezoning and the construction
that would result therefrom would provide a more aesthetic development
and would not have any features undesirable to the City or the neighbor-
Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Donald W. Gustafson
Over and Above Original Costs
$20,000.00 per unit for Elevator x 9
Recreation Center
S225.00 per ~nit
S150.O0 per Unit
1 garage per unit (~one Required) at 5l,O00.O0
1% Mech. Fee Approx. $500.00 per Bldg. x 6
(Metro Sewer Board Fee) x 42~ 56,700.00
(Sewer Hook-Up Fee) x 42 (6,300.00)
x 9 Rldgs 56,700.00
This breaks down to $2,153.48 More Per Unit
42 Unit Price Increase -- $90,446.16
March 26, 1973
Six Forty-Two Unit Buildings
One Building to Contain:
12 Efficiency Apartments
1 One Bedroon Apartment
2?.Two Bedroom Apartments
Five Buildings - Each to Contain:
24 Two Bedroom Apartments
1 Efficiency Apartment
17 One Bedroom Apartments
Hastings Constructicn Co. Inc.