HELD ~pNDAY~ MARCH 12, 1973
Members Present:
Mr. Jensen~ Mr. Hallberg~ Mrs. Linde~ Mr. Soleim~
Mr. Tanner~ Mrs. Stoffel~ Mr. Kramer~ Mr. Trau~mann.
Junior Members: Mr. Schumacher~ Mr. Gartzke, Mr. Sindt.
Minutes of February 26 approved on motion.
No report on Permit Unit Development~ Section 7.6 of Zoning Ordinances.
No report on housing code and occupancy permit procedure.
Request by St. John's Lutheran Church to allow building an addition
against Zoning Ordinance provisions: Soleim committee met with church
representative, fire chief and building inspector and recommends approval.
Motion Soleim~ second Kramer to approve variance of the set back require-
ment by allowing extension of the building on the North toward the alley
to a six ft. ten inch set back (Zoning Ordinance requires a fifteen ft.
set back).
All Ayes.
The committee suggests also that a variance will be required for the West
side set back if the plan presented is to be adopted.
No report on study of Planning Commission Ordinances.
TH 61 - 4th Street signal light. Hallberg committee reports plan to meet
with Chamber of Commerce representative~ River Bend Association repre-
sentative and City Engineer to develop comprehensive plan concerning
the function of the stop light, parking on Vermillion Street in the area,
and 2nd Street approach.
Consideration of a Municipal Flag for Hastings tabled until March 26
on motion by Kramer, seconded Soleim.
Valley Manor: Trautmann committee recommends re-zoning Valley Manor
Phase II Development area from R-3 to R-4. This would allow construction
of up to 437 total units rather than 340 units permited under the present
zoning. The committee also has assurances of the builder that the plan
for Valley Manor would contain only 387 total units or 2Y units more ~han
approved in the original preliminary plat.
Motion Trautmann~ seconded Sto£fel to re-zone Valley Manor Phase II
Development area ~rom R-3 to R-4.
Motion Fa~led 4 - 4
Vote Yes: Trautmann~ Stoffel~ Linde~ Jensen.
No : Hallberg~ Soleim, Kramer~ Tanner.
Viking Beverage Company request for a permit to sell milk and beverages
at the Hyde-Hi bottling plant building(ie, to retain in industrial zoning):
the permit was denied by building inspector. No action taken by commission.
David E. Tanner~ Secretary
HastingsPlanning Commission
Phone 437-6021
I met with the Planning Commission. They reviewed the St. John's Lutheran
Church variance. The Building Official and Fire Marshal were present. Gave
their review and stated they would suggest approval. It was moved by Mr.
Soleim, seconded by Mr. Kramer to approve the variance on the north line,
but suggested the plan go back to the church for possible compliance to the
side yard requirements. This was returned subsequently to St. John's Church
and they have since asked for a variance on the westerly side yard setback.
Next item of discussion was the Planning Commission Ordinance review by
the study committee. The study committee indicated that they had no report
for tonights meeting.
Next was a report on the traffic signals at 4th and Highway 61. The chairman
Mr. Hallberg, indicated that the Chamber of Commerce had been involved in
the study committee group and they would be making a study on the effects
relative to business in the area. The report was not complete and they would
be back to the Planning Commission with a report at a later date.
A disc~ssion was then had about the Municipal flag under the Civic Affairs
Section. Mr. Kramer made a motion to tabl* thisto the next meeting of the
Plarming Commission.
There was then a motion to adjourn for purpose of a hearing on the Vermillion
River Watershed report to be given by the City Administrative officials, the
Clerk, City Attorney, City Engineer. (See copy of that report attached to these
minute s ).
The Engineer reviewed the report in total and suggested to the property owners
that they would act if they would perform one of three actions. Either submit a
letter indicating the asking price for their property or (2) indicate that they would
be making an appraisal of their property and in.forming us at a specified later
date or (3) that they had no intent of having their property appraised and that the
City should proceed with acquisition under eminent domain procedures. The
Vermillion River committee meeting adjourned. The Planning Commission reverted
back to its regular scheduled agenda. I had to leave the meeting and meet with
the City Attorney, City Administrator and officials from Swanson Plumbing &
Heating relative to questions being raised about enforcement of State Plumbing
Code in the City of Hastings. Met in Swanson Plumbing & Heating Companies
with Mr. Bob Swanson, Mr. George Frederickson and Mr. Jack Christensen.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commlssion
Meeting Held Monday, March 12, 1973
Basically the entire discussion resolved itself to the following suggested
i. That the building official would be requiring air tests on each and
every structure in the future, however, the contractor would be
given a reasonable length of time in which to gear up for said air
testing procedures. The contractor would be required to order
out certain testing equipment that would be required prior to going
into full time testing and that the contractor agreed that he would
be responsible for all of his work, however, he would want a
witness to the underground test before he would want to be given
a final test on a structure. Therefore if he was going to be
required to give a final air res2 on any structure he would want
to make sure that the building official had reviewed the underground
test prior to the final test being given. We discussed specifically
the Kugler home which the State Plumbing Inspector had cited for
non conformities, also two or three other projects including the
Kostka Electric Building. It was indicated that Kostka Electric
Building should be reviewed. The Building official should tell
them exactly what had to be done in order to comply so that they
might comply to the citation issue by the State. I explained to the
plumber s that we would be meeting at a future date. Set down the
rules, guide lines and policies to be followed by the City in regard
to their building officials and the type of .inspections that would be
made in the conformities that the City would be expecting.
Completed our meeting in Swanson and Plun~bing & Heating office
at approximately 10:30 PM.
John Davidson, City Engineer
Phono 437-6921
~a~ brief outline'of events leading to tho Vermillion River ~'lood Control Project
fo .1,lows:
Durhng the winter of 196% ~nd Sprin~ of 1965, weather conditions existed w~ch
cre~ted a torsi r~.off situation within the Vcr~l~on ~vcr watershed. ~pprox-
~tely ZOO squar~ ~iles within th~ watershed drain through the channel
r~'s south of.and adjacent to ~S~ 47 n~r the southern ~i~y Limits fnrou~h
On ~pril 5, 1965; th~ Vermillion ~iver lof~ its ba~s witch =he Corporate ~
of the City and flooded an ~rea within the City referred to as "~cs=wood iddition".
~t normal flow, the Vermillion Aivur appears :o be no=hans more than a creek,
consequently the strca~ bed is ~eanderin~ and con~ested witk debris, or~a~c
~rowth, brush, trees, utc. .~ considerable a~o~t of dcvc!op~en~ has, And is,
takinf place in the upper r~achus of th~ strua~ con~ributin~ ad~tional runoff
~t its resularly scheduled ~ectin~ of ~y 3, 1965, thc City Co~cil authorized
the City ~iurk to w'rite a letter to the District ~n~ineer, L:. Colonel Hardin~
of the Corps of Engineers, reqUestin~ a study of the Vermillion Aiver and i~s
tributaries. The Dakot~ County Enginocr was ~uthorizcd by ~ho Coun:y Co~n~ission~r~
to prepare a similar request.
On Aural 6, 1965, a temporary dike was constructed at th~ westerly side of
~es~wood ~ddition to diver~ th~ flood flow south of CS~ 47 and in=6 ~ho norn~al
channel ~re~ south of CSk~ 47. This operation ~s successful and was cons:rued-
ed by sandba~ d~es to stop the flow and subsequently rei~orccd wi~h co.packed
fill placed adjacent to the sandba~ d~es. On ~pril 8, 1954, thc flood wa~cr had
receded witch th~ ~estwood area.
DurLng the period April 5, 1965 through April 8, -9o5, all ,~ '~ '
wero e~ployud, all availablo p~rt-tin~ employees %vur~ used~ ~hc local ~ivil
D~f~nsc forces, th~ ~ationai Guard, ~nd countl~s~ vol~:~r~'wcru.wor~ng ~,.
and City Council
D~kotm County and thc City of I{~stings took action jointly ~o accuirc l~nd
CSAI-I 47 on Scptcn~bcr ZT, 1965. Thc total cout of land an~ conu%ructlon
$73, Z00.00, split on a 50°/0/50°/0 cos~ ratio. -
Dakota Cowry designed and constructed ~ new bridge on CSkI{ 47 a~ a cos: of
$101, 800.00. The City share w~s 45°/~ and County share 550/0, all contrac~ work
bu%ng completed in July of 1969.
On ~arch 3,~i1969, thc Hastings City Council took ~ction to i~i~tu ~ "Flood Plain ·
I~or~ation'~eport" in accordance ~ith Section Z06, P.L. 86-645," The rcpor~
requested was to include bo~ the ~ississ~ppi Aivcr ~nd Vor~iilion Aiver
plains. That rcpor~ is now complete and ready for presentation.
On ~ay 18, 1970, Gel. Gh&rl~s ~cGinnis, District Engineer, S~. paul ~
Corps of Engineers conducted ~ public hearing &t Hastings2 ~ plan, which
five years in preparation was ~ado availablc for local review prior to thc
and presented on that d~tc. Local City and County officials, as well as ~oca. '
Pla~ing Co~n~ission input, was included in the plan. Basically, ~ho plan was
to ~traighten and deepen thc present chapel for thc one ~il~ fro~ the new
Ro~d 47 bridge to the d~ at Peavey Company ~i~ls cas= of T.H. 61 bridge. Tho -
Plm~g Co~ission had requested a beautification concep: plan wi~h
=r~ils and plantings which was =cc~p~ud ~nd included.
~ committee of local concerned citizens, "Vermillion River Aestoratio~
~wo (Z) ~ain objections
1, Ae~oval of.seven ~o eight (7 to 8)'feet of tho
da~ constructed ov~r tho n~tural rock f~lls a:
The "straight" channel concept with rock (rip-rap) diking
along the overflow channel.
Subsequcn~ to the public hearing, ~h/~ayor l%otty appo~nuca a Vcrn~il!ion ~ivcr Study
~o~i%~eo consist~g of ~wo (Z) Councilmen, =we (~) Planr~ng Con%nuission me..burs
~nd four (4) Citizen ~e~bers. This committee formulated an ai~erna=e by-pass
channel conccp= ~nd submitted it to thc Corps of Engineers for review. Since ~.a:
ti~e the Hastings ~atural ~esourccs Commission ~as crc&red and ass~%ud
control of this pro~ec= for coordination ~nd dcvclop~cn=.
The'al~cr~te by-pass channel concept w~s presented :o thc City Co~cil, Plar~.in~
Co~issxon ~nd Na=urai Aesourccs Go.mission on ~arch Z7, 197Z by rcprc~cn~a-
~v,..~ of ~he Corps of Engineers.
Thc "Flood Plain I~orn%ation ~cport" on tho ~ississippi Aivur and Vurn%illio~
=doption of = Vermillion Aivur Flood Oon~rol plan.
and City Council
Ti%o i~lood Control Plan to bo considered must resolve thc following c~uc~=ions.
1. Should thc $Z50,000 Dan% rcplaccn~cnt (City share $125,0O0) at locavcy
~ill bo considered?
%. Should additional park and Rccrca[ion area bo acquired ou~sid~ 'of l~nd
~ neccss~y for flood control? (Estimated cost $55,
~. 3. Should tho City persuc an cmsc~ent only,~c~hod ~o gcquirc~ignd for
~: Flood Control Project?
'' 4. Should tke City purchase thc 40 acres plus or ~jnus required ~
Iris x~por~an~ to no~c ~1~ tko Flood plain I~or~ion will be ~cndcd ~o show
~ke r~%ov~l of ~ho ,,~s~ood ~r~" fro~ tho Flood Plain upon co.pie:ion of
Flood Control