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MINUTES OF' HASTINGS PI~NNING COMM:$SION MEETING , 2~ HELD MONDAY, F_EBRUARY__~;_i- 1973 Mr~ 3ensen~ Mr. tlalll~erg,: .Mr. I<ramer, Mrs Linde, Mrs Trau~ma.nt% Mrs Tat~e~r, Mr. Soleim~ Junior Members; Mr~ Schumacher, Mr, Gartzke~ Mr. Sindt. Also Present: Mayor Pe~erse~, City Engineer John Davhtson Minutee of Febr~lary 12 atnended to show that t,tiere stere mo ~e~:ondz to two motions to~- accept~ce st Valle~ ~nor P~ae II Developrnenl. There ~:~a ~ second to fi~$t rnotio~ regarding Dakota ~lls Fourth Addit~n approval and t/mt there wa~ req~r~ on the Thomas S~th matter. Minutes approved as ame;~ded by ~tion by }L!~llbel, g, seco~ed by Mr. ALI ayes. Davidson recommended that the Planning Commission study the redesiguation i fire zones and study a housing guide and occupancy pern~it procedure, matters reported to Mr., Soleim~s co~mit,tee~ (J:hairman Sensen ~xade the following assignments for study committees: ~I.:-. Traut~n~; C~i,r~n Mr. ~leim CMirman Mr~ ~[Ibe~! C~irman ~i~s, S~olfeI Mr~ Kramer Mr, T~er M~,~ Jensen Mr~ Gartmke Mrs., Linde M~ Schu~cher Mr~ Sindt Ai the request of Mayor Petersen, the Commission will study Section 7~ 6 of lhe Zoning Ordi-~,,ces regardlng planned unit devuiopment. Tl::is ntatter referred to Mr. Trautma~u's committee,, Thor~as Smith request for special use permit or variance on part of Lott~ I and 2 and the ~st 24 fee~ of Lot ~, Block 1t, Allison'~s Addition° Mr. Trauttrm~'s c,ammitiee reports that a duplex would not be permitted umder the ~,~'>ing ordln~aces and t~t a single [a~ly dwellimg,, w~ch requtre~ drayage study an~ pc~isible agreeme~ with ~he Cily regardin~ dwa~ge~ Motion by Mr Traut~ ~o deny either a variance or a ~ecia[ use permit. Secon6ed by Mr~ ~l.[berg. All ay~$~, James Hoffman~ request to re~sone Lot 5~ Block 108, Original Town of Hast~ngs. Mr. Trautrna~ul~l commlt~ee reports that the tree service buziness veould he Lucompatible o~ th~ lot and that the lot ~:~uld be t~ s~l[ for the intended Motio~ by Mr~ Trautm~ to dellK the request to re~o~e, seconded by Mr~ All ayes, 'rra~iic study cortumAttee cf Plan~dmg Conxrni~sioa ~ubmitted its re~rt on the TH 61 4th St~-eet sig~L Mr~ David~on reco~ends t~t a study commf~[tee study the problem of parkt~g on Vermillion Street~ between 3rd and 5th s~eets in con~ction ~,ith a ~ro~oaal to revis~ the t~ic ~1~1 ~w in place. Referred t~ Mr~ ~llber~s comm~ttee~ "gfilliam H~rcha~t appearmi el, bihalf of !'d,,~ c ~.zd. da .for vacam,~ ? sa Pxa~m ,,:t; CITY OF HASTINGS 100 SIBLEY STREET, HASTINGS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone 437-6921 OFFICE OF CITY I~NGINEEF~ MINUTES OF REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY Z6, 1973 Those present: Mr. Kramer, Mr. Hallberg, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Trautmann, Mrs. Linde, Mr. Gartzke, Mr. Schumacher Mr. Sindt and Mr. Soleim. There were some corrected suggestions to the minutes of February 12 indicating no seconds to the motion made by Mr. Trautmann and no report in the case of one report that was given the motion was made by Councilman Hallberg seconded by Mr. Trautmannto accept the minutes as corrected. {See Mr. Tanners minutes) The following was taken from the minutes of Mr. Tanner. Minutes of February 1Z amended to show that there were no seconds to two motions for acceptance of Valley Manor Phase II Development. There was no second to the first motion regarding Dakota Hills Fourth Addition approval and that there was no report on the Thomas Smith matter. Minutes approved as amended by motion by Mr. Hallberg, seconded by Mr. Trautmarm. Ail ayes. The City Engineer introduced the Building Official and the Fire Inspector to the Planning Commission. Asked that the Planning Commission censider using these people in making investigations for "Special Use Permits" and "Variances" in particular and also in any change in occupancy within a structure. It was requested that the request for "Special Use" or "Variance" go through the building inspector and the fire inspector prior to submission to the Planning Commission for action upon use. It was thought that in some cases because of health and safety factors involved that would require costly construction to change the use of some structures that it would defer some portion of those "special use" permits which have been brought for investigation in the past. They would therefore be screened prior to Planning Commission action. This procedure will be followed in the future. Make a note that we do the following: 1. Prepare a application form for "special use" and "variances". Z. That the application be submitted to the building official and fire inspector, city engineer, prior to being brought before the City Council for referral to the Planning Commission. It was also discussed as to preparing mimeographed informative sheets on various aspects on building requirements so that these could be given to the public at the time they make application for requests along this line. Such memos could deal with property line, offsets, set back lines, minimum building area requirements as well as building code enforcement requirements pertaining to footings, sfructures, single family residence consfruction, multiple dwelling units, fire code requirements etc. There was unanimous agreement that the building officials should be used for this purpose and unanimous agreement that ali requests be made in writing, that all requests be screened, that before the request gets to the City Council action will have already been taken by the building official, fire official, City Engineer and each Minutes of regular Planning Commission Held on Monday, February 26, 1973 Page 2 will make an evaluation and include .in writing his comments as pertaining to recommendations for or against or what code ordinances or laws would be controlling and allowing or disallowing a particular use for "variance". Make a note for our records that Mr. Dick Jensens phone number is 646-7406, Extension 46. Mr. Jenson read a letter from the Mayor asking that the Planning Commission study the possibility of enactment of a Housing Code and Occupancy Permit. {See copy of letter attached). There was some discussion on the entire proposal of housing code, Occupancy Permits, Building Permit Applications and Fire Zones and this was referred to Mr. Soleim's committee. We will set up a date to meet with State Officials and review code enforcement with State Off$ci~ls. Mr. Tonsager and Mr. Holmes were advised to set up that meeting atv/~.~me we would meet to discuss the above referenced items. A letter from the Fire Chief to the Mayor, City Council and Planning Commission was received outlining the enforcement of the State Building Code and the Fire Zones. (See copy of letter dated February 20, 1973). The Planning Commission Chairman appointed new committees as follows: Mr. Trautmann~s Committee Mrs. Stoffel Mr. Jenson Mr. Leo Schumacher, Jr. Mr. Clarence Soleim's Committee Mr. Tony Kramer Mr. Steve Gartzke Mr. Hallberg's Committee Mr. Dave Tanner Mrs. Marcella Linde Mr. Steve Sindt The Planning Commission Chairman was furnished from the Mayor a copy of the Planned Unit Development Section as recommended by the Metropolitan Council in their development guide, suggesting that Planning Commissions review Section 7.6 of the Zoning Ordinance for possible updating in regard to Planned Unit Development. This was given to Mr. Trautmann's subcommittee for report. {Make a note to check the copies of the Home Occupations change to the Zoning Ordinance, that the change has been affixed to each ordinance that we send out for distribution). (Also the updated sign ordinance be attached to each Zoning Ordinance ). Mr. Trautmann reported on the Tom Smith request for Variance on the property at 9th and Maple Streets. A committee report is attached to these minutes. It was moved by Mr. Trautmann, seconded by Mr. Hallberg that the duplex request be denied and unanimously passed. This will be recommended to the City Council at their next regular meeting. (Make a note that it appear on that agenda. ) Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting held Monday, February 26, 1973 Page 3. Mr. Trautmann reported on the Jim Hoffman request for Variance on his lot at Znd and Lea Street. He stated he had talked with Mr. Hoffman and in order for Mr. Hoffman to get his earnest money contract back, the request would have to be denied and it was recommended for denial on the basis that it may have some detrimental affects to the downtown renewal program, secondly, that it would take both a rezoning and variance to the Ordinance in order to accomplish the placement of a building the size as proposed by Mr. Hoffman. Therefore, it was moved by Mr. Trautmann, seconded by Mr. Kramer and unanimously passed recommending to the Council that the Rezoning and Variance be denied. There was also discussion relative to the lot being too small for the size of the building, that the building would not be computable with other buildings in the area and the double variance required for both rezoning and Variance from the Zoning Ordinance in regard to front and side yard setback, being in violation of present setback requirements. We discussed the traffic signal at T.H. 61 and 4th Street. (See copy of report attached, .including copy of the traffic subcommittee report. Copies of this were sent to Mr. Hallberg's study committee and the entire review sent for recommendation). In the interim the engineer was requested to post signs from each direction indicating there was a traffic signal ahead, repaint the signal, repair the lenses and check out the mechanism of the signal to make sure it is functioning at time correctly. The engineer indicated that he does not have the staff to do this signal repair work and may contact the County for this repair work. Mr. William Hirchert, 1603 Pine Street, applied for a vacancy on the Planning Commission. Introduced himself to the Planning Commission and answered questions relative to his experience and background in planning. He lived in Hastings for one and one-half years, moved here from a City in Oklahoma of 4, 000 population where he took an active part in the planning commission in that municipality. He was thanked for presenting himself to the Planning Commission and was told they are presently reviewing the ordinance establishing the Planning Commission and will make no additional appointments at this time until such time as that review is completed. It was suggested by Councilman Hallberg that an agenda of the Planning Commission meetings be prepared and mailed with the notice of meeting so those chairmen of subcommittees who are to report will have advance warning that they must give a report at the following meeting. It was stated that if an agenda could be furnished to the Engineer's secretary by Wednesday of the week preceding the Planning Commission meeting, we could arrange to have that agenda sent out with the notice. We completed our meeting in City Hall at 10:15 P.M. John Davidson, City Engineer OFFICE O~ ThE MAYOR Hosting,,, I~inne~o~o 550-'13 February 21~ 1973 Mr. Richard Jenson, Chairman l~stings Planning Commission 1915 Ashland Street }lastings, Minnesota Dear Mr. Jensen: Please make arrangements for your Commission to study'the possibility of the City of Ilastings adopting a Housing Code & Occu- pancy Permit Procedure and to what extent. Mr. John Davidson has quzte a bit of information on this subject, and he is available for advice. I would also suggest that the State Office of Local and Urban Affairs, the Metropolitan Council, and our Chamber of Commerce be contacted for further advice and counsel. Yours for the Betterment of Hastings, ._ ? C. Mayor cc: D. Hallberg D. Tanner J. Davidson wEP/jc FIRE DEP ART~ E ~T Phone 437-5470 Ha~tingm, Minneiota 55033 ~. 20~h, 1973 HONORABLE ~YOR CITY COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION PLEASE BE ADVISED OF THE FOLLO~riNG: ~' DURING TP2] 1971 REGULAR SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE, CHAPTER 561 WAS PASSED AND SIGheD BY TI~, GOVENOR ON M~Y 26~ 1971. THE. CITY OF HASTINGS CHOSE TO ~;ACT THIS AND ENFORCE THIS CODE. THE. END RESULT OF TI~IS ACTION IS WE ARE UNDER THE STATE BUILDING CODE. THE CODE INCLUDES THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, AND WITH THIS VOLI~E WE ARE CHARGED WITH CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS. THE FIRE CHIEF, %~ITH THE HELP OF THE INSURANCE SERVICES, AND 0THFR AGENCY ~EOOLE ~ RELATED FIELDS, MUsT SET THE BOUNDRY LINES OF T}~ FIP~. ZO~. OUR MAPS MUST BE BROUGHT UP TO THE, NEW REQUIREMENTS. THE CHIEF OF THE HASTINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT MAY DECLARE AN AREA IN A ZONE, BECAUSE OF ITS USE. TO MAKE THIS ACTION CLF~R ~ CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO TH}~. INDUSTRIAL PARK, THIS AREA SHOULD NOW BE IN F/RE ZONE 1. MANY DECISIONS HINGE ON THESE DETERMINATIO~ PRESENT ZOHES WILL BECAUSE OF T}~SE ACTIONS BE CHANGED TO CONFORM. THiS LETTER IS BEING SENT TO YOU ONLY FOR CLAIRIFICATION, AND TO LET YOU KNOW WHY CERTAIN CHANGES ARE TAKING PLACE. R.A.H. CC: YAYER ?ETERSON CO~CiL PLANNING CO~. BUILDING DEPT. YOURS TRULY, ..... ",,' oc ,, LATCH HASTINGS FI~E CHi~~ CITY OF HASTINGS lO0 SIBLEY STREET, HASTINGS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone 437-6921 OFFICE OF CiTY ENGINEER MEETING HELD WITH THOMAS R. SMITH 904 MAPLE STREET, HASTINGS, MN Mr. Smith met with Mr. Fred Trautmann and myself at 8:00 AM on Friday, February 16, 1973. We reviewed a letter dated 1-Z3-73 from Mr. Smith to the Mayor and City Council requesting a Special Use or Variance over Lots 1 and Z and East Z4 feet of Lot 3, Block 13, Allisons Addition. Mr. Smith does not have title to Lot Z or the East 24 feet of Lot 3. Presently he is purchasing Lot 1, Block 13, Allisons Addition. Explained to Mr. Smith that he must have 7, 000 square foot minimum lot area. Minimum width at the setback line of 50 feet, minimum front setback at 25 feet, minimum side yard at 7 feet and a maximum height of 25 feet. His request for a duplex on the parcel proposed was not feasible. He would need over 9,000 square feet if he established a lot of 9, 000 square feet with the two present structures on the two lots and part of a third lot would not leave the necessary 7, 000 square foot minimum for the two existing structures. Therefore reviewed a plot plan whereby a single family residence lot could be carved from the two and partial lot as shown on the attached drawing. Mr. Smith would have to purchase the South 50 feet of lots Z and the East 24 feet of Lot 3 and the East 4 feet of Lot 2. Must then attach the East 4 feet of the North 100 feet of lot g to the North 100 feet of lot 1 to provide the necessary 7,000 square feet, for the present structure that Mr. Smith is residing in. He would then have a minimum size buildable lot of 50' in width and 156' in length over the South 50 feet of lets 1, 2 and the East Z4' of lot 3 as shown. Mr. Smith was advised that he must provide for rear lot drainage for the properties to the West which drains over and actually ponds on the property in question. That if he filled the lots he should secure the services of an attorney to see what drainage laws he may be violating in regard to pooling water on adjacent properties by obstructing a natural drainage course or obstructing a natural ponding area which previously drained properties to the West of the property in question. Told him if he did not pursue the duplex the permit could be issued providing all of the above mentioned restrictions were provided for. Provide a clear title and deed attaching the properties as outlined showing three separate and distinct parcels by deed. That he had ownership over the parcels in question over which the building permits would be issued. That adequate provisions were made for the drainage situation. If he was contesting any part of our restrictions he had the right of appeal under the Ordinance to take it to the Council. However if all of these conditions were met he would not require special Council consideration. If he was still of a mind to ask for a variance for the duplex on the indicated size parcel I told him it was my opinion that the Planning Corr[mission or the Council would not allow such a structure. Meeting ,vi~ ~kom~ R. £m~th 904 Maple St., Hastings, MN However he had every right to make his appeal to the Council and the Planning Commission if he did desire to make that appeal he should letme know before the next Planning Commission meeting or be in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting at the time that this report will be reviewed to the entire Planning Commission. john Davidson, City Engineer S~UDY I'~B©Rg, T.H. 61 at 4th St. in The proposed project is located at the intersection of T~k Highway 61 ~d 4th Street in Has~ings, Dsfl~ota County. A n~ap showing the intersection and the milepost number is attached. The proposed project consists o1' revising the sij~l system now inplace and instal] tng zhall actuated traffic con'trol sis~als ~h street lzghts and overhead indications for Trunk Highway 61. Two p~se operation wlll be provided with provisions for future left turns from Tr'~2~..~ghway 61. Pedestrian pushbuttons ~nd indications for crossing Trunk Highway 61 end 4th Street v~ill be provided. With the installation: el~ t~e left turn indications, five phases of operation Yrill be provided. The standards of design will be ~ accord wit]z current L~J_rmesota ~iighway Depsmtment policy. It is proposed to let a contract for this work ir. June 1973 to be completed by April 1974. ~runk ~ighWay 61 at this point ~s two through l~ues northbour~d ~nd southbound with park_tug on the right side. Trur~k pi~ghway 61 has a four foot ~ide raised concrete medio~u. The roadway was resurfaced with bit~a~uous in sum~,~er of 1971. Trunk Highway 61 is the main arterial route, north and south~ t?~rough Hastings. The posted speed limi~ on Trunk Y~ighway 61 is 30 A z%~ll actuated system is inplace at this intersection. Ti'f~s system will be removed sm.d salvaged. The salvaged material will be delivered to the City of i~stings. ~ourth Street at ~his point has one t~ough la~e eastbound and westbound. The road surface is bit'~uminous and is i~ relatively good co~.dition. Park~-~g is sullowed on both sides of the street ~nd ti~is parkin~ doesn't z.arrow the tl-~rough l~eSo The posted speed l~r. it on Fourth Street is The next traffic sifts'al on Trtufi~ Y~ighway 61 is at the intersection of Trunk i~tghway 55, appro~mately one-h~lf mile south of Fourth 5zree%. i(O interconnection of the two system, s will be prorided, but proviszons f ,r future intercormection will be provided. 5].e i~%stallation of overhead indications will improve the poor visahility of the inplace pedestal moun~ed sign's-Is. Southbound versicles have difficulty in seeing the inplace indicazions because el' the surroundi~g building end illuminated advertising signs. In the years 1968, 1969 smd 1970, ten of 26 accidents occ'~urred because of carelessness on the part o£ a driver or the driver went through a red indication. ~_he -'..nstallation of overhead indications for Tru~ .w_ighway 61 should help tt'~ese inattentive drivers and reduce the running of the mM indication. Collisiou diagrams fcr these years are attached. It is considered ~-n the public's best i~;terest to revise these ez~tsting ~raffic si~als. !" - 2 -- · ~'~ .... City street~ Since this is the intersection of a T~'u~'dc ~%Lh a~v with a the cost will be st~ured equally (50>~-50~) by the S~ate arid by the City of l~sti~gs. An agreemen~ wi~h tho City o~ ~a~t~no~ v;ill be required for ~in~en~nce. The n,~inten~ce of ~ho inplace sisals is the responsibility of tho City of i.~stings exclusively ~nd is stated Lu Agreement No. C-1261. Estimated cost is $40,000. , %7e have reviewed %his project as well as a~y affected proper~y with respect to the requirements of Sec~zon ~(z) of ~he Department of Tra~usporta~ion Act° ¥~;e have found no public p~rks, recreation areas, wildlife aud waterfowl refuges, or historic sites t~t v~ill be a~fected. This project is not controversi'al ~d does no~ al~er ~he existing character of the area. Therefore, no public hearings will be held. It has no effect upon water or noise pollution. ~o right of way is ~-" ~ should needed, no people v~ill be displaced a.ud no negative e~cct. occur to soci'al, economic, work, school, rccrca~ion~l or religious opportunities. The projec~ will increase tr~-'~nspor~ati°n quality and overall s~ety. This project does not con~lzc~ with a~%y kno~vn local~ regional or Sta%e plan~uing. Local approvals have not been received~ but they are ~nticipa%edo Because the items discussed are not considered to have ~J adverse environmental effects, and because of the anticipated benefits as to safety~ reduced congestion, and efficiency, a negative declaration of environmental impact is made. ?ao~l.?c~l,~ 347~~ © ® © 14o~or VeMcte ~ P~d V~h~cle ~r~ ~9e Only F~.'~ 2942A (5-67) MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Section COLLISION DIAGRA/~ Data obtained from Number of Accidents © indicate North - > 0 0 "~otar Vehicle Moving Ahead l~otor Vehicle Backing Up Motor Vehicle Stopped Pedestrlan P~rked Vehicle Fixed Object Fatal Accident Personal Injury Property Damage Only Rear End Out of Control R'ight Angle STANDARD SYMBOLS We(~ther: Light: Surface: C = Clear(l) L = Daylight (1) D = Dry (1) R: Rain (2) D: Dark (2) W: Wet (2) S = Snow (3) S: Dark w/ I = Snowy or F: Fog (4) street lights (3) icy (3) EXAMPLES Mo.-Day: Hr.-Day of Wk.-Weather-Light-Road Surface*D.river Behavior or Cause L_.),---,< 7- Z5: 1530-3- C L D 03 NOT~: Driver Behavior is used for 1966 accidents and later. Cause is used for ~ · '~b~, 2942A (5-67) T.H. ~ at Data obtained from ...... MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Section COLLISION DIAGRAM Period Number of Accidents Indicate North 'd 0 C) M,~or Ve:'ic!,~ ~'~:: ,~c~; Ahead ~arked Vehicle Fixed Object Fatal Accident Personal Injury Property Damage Rear End Out of Control Right Angle 3TANDARD SYMBOLS Weather: Li[Iht: Surface: C = Cle,~r(1) L: D~:yi[ght (1) D: Dry (1) R: R~in (2) D = Dark (2) W: Wet (2) S : Snow (3) S: Dark w/ J = Snowy or F = Fog (4) street lights (3) icy (3) EXAMPLES Mo.-Day:Hr.-Day of Wk.-Weather-Light-Rood Surface-Dniver Behavior or Cause ~r'~ 7-2-5: i~]0-5- C L D NOTE: Driver Behavior is used £o~ 1966 accidents and later. Cause i~ u~ed accidents ~eiore 1966. .-.. 0 n~ 1,... .