HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/12/73zkls¢ Presentor:
accomplished by
and Lo~ 1~6 2lock 5
.Motion by Mr, Trautrn~.'m ~.ha~ i:h~ ~o~ng ord~ce~ be ~end~d iv c:~nge the
The r~aqu~rementa of ,$ecl;.c,~ To $ (plaz~ned unit dvwalc?m,~} ~e n~.et except
Thom:As ,~Jml~.h reqr~cst for Sgecial U~e Permit or a variance o~ l~art et ~t~ I and
~ho~l.d be conveyed ~o
~;'fl~ce e~bli~hi~g the l~L~nning coinmiaai~n ha~ no reporl,
Motio~ by lvi~, Kramero zeconded by lvireo Linde ~o au~rlze c~irmn a~ secre~ry
to sign aew registered ~d survey t~r ~ ~dus~r~l Park as ~e~ t~re pr~red and
D~wid Tanner~ ~ecre~ary
Phone 437-6921
Those Present: Mr. Soleim, Mr. Hallberg, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Trautmann,
Mrs. Linde, Mr. Leo Schumacher, Jr.
Mr. Hallberg acted as chairman in the absence of Mr. Jensen, Mrs. Lu Stoffel
also asked for an excused absence being on vacation in Florida this date.
The minutes of January ZZ, 1973 were reviewed and a motion was made by
Councilman Soleim and seconded Mr. Trautmann to approve the minutes.
unanimously pas sed.
Next was a report by Mrs. Linde's committee on the Joe Niedere request for
special use permit to allow for a basement apartment at 543 McNamara Avenue.
They stated the minimum standards for health and safety and all building codes
would be complied with. The owner was going to do the building construction
himself under permit. It was recommended by the committee by motion of
Mrs. Linde seconded by 5r', ~'~t4~'~ that the City Council set a date for hearing
and that the special use be allowed. (Make a note that this should go to $oanne
for the Agenda for February Z0.
Next item was the review of Dakota Hills 4th Addition. Mr. Soleims committee
made the review. It was suggested that the row of lots along 13th Street, being
lots 1 through 6, Block 5 of the preliminary plat and lot 7 through 9, Block 7
of the preliminary plat and lots 19 through Z5 and lots 1 and Z of Block 8 of the
preliminary plat be re-zoned to R3 three-plex. The original committee
recommendation was that these lots be sized for duplex construction. However,
the owner, Mr. Don Gustafson, had suggested that three-plexes would give a
more aethestic and desireable screen to the R1 residential to the South since
the configuration of the building could be varied with split level designs to approximate
a single family dwelling concept.
There was then a motion by Mr. Tanner to adopt a preliminary plat calling for
d'?-plex's along the South line of 13th and the East line of Westview Drive. This
motion died for a lack of a second. There was then a motion by Councilman
Soleim and seconded by Mr. Trautmann to adopt a preliminary plat calling for
three plex construction along the South line of 13th and the East line of Westview
Drive over the previously mentioned lots. That the area be rezoned to R3 three-
plex specifically. This was to be checked with the City Attorney for legality.
Motion passed unanimously. (Make a note on the Agenda for the February Z0
meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Dakota Hills 4th
Addition preliminary plan with that provision that the lots facing the shopping
center be rezoned R3 three plex. I advised the old Council that we would be
bringing this up at the next regular meeting. (This to should be placed on the
Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting
Held on Monday, February 12, 1973
The next review was Valley Manor Addition. Mr. Trautmann's corrnaxittee
recommended that the zoning ordinance be changed and the R3 density requirements
to change the 3, 100 square feet to 2,500 and the R4 density from 2,500 to 2,000
per unit. Motion was seconded by Mr. Soleirn. After some discussion relative
to changing the ordinance the motion failed by vote of one yes and four no.
Mr. Trautmann then went on to report that the initial density allowed on June 8,
1970 called for allowing 360 units of 21. 79 acres. The contractor was now asking
for 387 units on these same areas. There was then a motion by Mr. Trautmann
seconded by Mr. Kramer that Phase II developt~ent be approved with a stipulation
that Bahls Drive would be hard surfaced and the petition would be secured by
October 1, 1975 for work in 1976. Half of the cost to be assessed to either side
of Bahls Drive and also to comply with Section 7. 6 of the zoning ordinance. In
the discussion it was indicated the present zoning ordinance requirements would
allow no more than 340 units on the 21. 79 acres. However, since the original
agreement was made prior to the enactment of the present zoning ordinance it
was thought that the 350 units then should be allowed. It was then stated by Mr.
Trautmalm that he would like to accept Section 7.6. 1. 1 designating the density
requirements from his motion. At that point Mr. Kramer withdrew the second to
that motion. There was then a motion by Mr. Trautmann to approve Phase II with
stipulation to hard surface Bahls Drive and exempt the sections of 7.6 of the
zoning ordinance from the stipulations. This motion failed for a lack of a second.
There was then a motion by Mr. B2ramer to return the plat to the developer to
consider the original 360 unit design. This was seconded by Mrs. Linde. After
discussion it was suggested that Mr. Gustafson would have to reapply at his con-
venience for the 360 units on the Z1. 79 acres. Mr. Gustafson stated there was
$400. 00 tax income for each apartment unit to the City of Hastings. Mr. Kramer
said that he was against ordinance change for individual needs. That unless the
ordinance is unworkable he would be against any ordinance change as far as
density is concerned. He is also opposed to change in the zoning to an R4 for the
same reason as the R3 consideration had been given to this area by the Planning
Commission previously. He would like to stick with the R3 density. He stated
that tax income from this area was a secondary consideration as far as the
Planning Commission was concerned. We were concerned with the Planning aspects
of the project and it was thought that the density of 14 per acre was adequate
density at this time, irregardless of any amenities and recreation facilities added
to the original design. The original 360 units were approved in a preliminary form
a change now would be a special interest accommodation. No doubt that a 360 unit
apartment complex would again be approved. That if the complex were redesigned
to accommodate 360 units there was no question that the Planning Commission
would recommend approval. There was than a motion to table to the March 12
meeting 1973 by Mr. Trautmann seconded by Mr. Tanner. The motion to table
passed by a vote of 4-2.
Then going through the agenda the Tom Smith request for variance being studied by
Mr. Trautmann's committee for parts of lots 1,2 and the E~st 24 feet of lot 3,
Block 13, Allisons Addition was deferred for future study since Mr. Trautmann
was unable to contact Mr. Tom Smith.
Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting
Held on Monday, February 1Z, 1973
Page 3
The Jim Hoffi~an review by Mr. Trautmann~s committee. It was suggested
that this be deferred for further contact with Mr. Hoffman and suggestion that
he move to the old Industrial Park adjacent to the City of Hastings garage site.
The ordinance study committee under the direction of Mrs. Lu Stoffel was
deferred since Mrs. Stoffel was not present at this meeting. She had an excused
Highland Hills 4th Addition review with recommendations by the City Engineer
that 18th Street Court by named 18th Court. There was a motion by Mr. Tanner
seconded by Mr. Soleim that the Highland Hills final approval be recommended to
the City Council subject to an agreement from St. Philips Lutheran Ghurchto
provide necessary utility easements and an agreement with the contractor to
provide lot line distances to provide for utitity sanitary sewer and storm sewer
easements between lots and that the naming of 18th Court be approved by the
developer. This also should be placed on the Agenda for the February 20 meeting.
Next the Engineer reviewed the St. John's church proposal for rear yard setback
and side yard setback variances. A 7 foot side yard in lieu of a 1Z foot side yard
and a 6' 10" rear yard in lieu of a 15' rear yard requirement under the zoning
ordinance. This was referred to Mr. Soleims study committee for a report
back at the next meeting. Copies of the letter and the plan were provided Mr.
So le im.
At the request of the City Engineer a motion was made by Mr. Kramer seconded
by Mrs. Linde and unanimously passed authorizing the chairman of the Planning
Commission and the secretary of the Planning Commission to sign registered
land surveys within the Industrial Park as they come up for signature periodically.
(Make a note that this same motion will have to be passed at the regular Council
meeting of February
Next there was a letter from Ninda Publishing for a wood industries seminar at
the Sheraton Inn. Memo was dated January 30, 1973. Copies of the memo were
mailed to Mr. Jensen, Mr. Steve Gartzke and Mr. Steve Sindt who were not present
at the Planning Commission meeting.
It was also noted that the Wheeler Bicycle Shop hearing would be held on March 5
at 8:00 PM for anyone interested in attending that hearing before the City Council.
Had a request from Mrs. Linde that a copy of the ordinance establishing the
Planning Commission be furnished to her. Get a copy of this to her, Wally Erickson
has a copy.
Completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 PM.
The Engineer reported on the Environmental Impact Statement Seminar that he had
attended February 6, 1973, copies of this are on file in the engineers office for
anyone interested .
Completed our day at 10:00 PM.
John Davidson, City Engineer
Phone 437-6921
F ROlv[:
A meeting was held on December Z8, 197Z, between
Mr. Don Gustafson, the subcommittee chairman Mr.
Fred Trautmann and City Engineer Mr. John Davidson.
Also present were Mr. Leo Schumacher, Jr. and Mr.
Lennia Strusz. The following is the Engineers report
of that meeting.
Area rezoned to 1(-3
Referred to Planning
Commission from City Council
Planning Commission review
and approval
First building pernuit
Basic Unit Area
One garage per unit credit
20% open space unit credit
3, 100 sq. ft.
-150 sq. ft.
Z, 950 sq. ft.
-150 sq. ft.
Z, 800 sq. ft.
Area of site Z1.79 acres = 949, 172.4 sq. ft.
Allowance units = 949, iZZ. 4 = 338.99
Z, 800
Use 340 units
Apartment units approved 6-8-70, 360 units on 21. 79 acres.
Additional requirements discussed.
h Internal yard hydrant for fire protection.
(Insurance underwriters approval)
Z. Petition for surfacing boundry streets before
October 1, 1974. (So. Frontage Road & Bahls)
Comply to Section 7.6 and Zoning Ordinance
dated 1Z-7-70. "General Requirements and
Performance standards for PUD".
Hastings, l~[inne s ora
January Z4, 1973
Mayor and City Council
.City of Hastings
Hastings, Minnesota
Request for Variance
~. Johns Lutheran
~hur ch Addition
In accordance with Section 1Z. 3 o£ the City of Hastings Zoning
Ordinance dated December 7, 1970, we are requesting a Variance
to the District Lot Regulations, Section 9. 15 as it deals with rear
lot setback requirements.
Under i{-Z Zoning l~egulations, the rear yard setback for other uses
(church~ a 15 foot setback is required. The existing church structure
is 6' 10'~ from the alley right-of-way line along the north line of the
main church structure. V~e are asking for consideration to extend
the north wall of the proposed church addition along their same north
line 'of the main church structure and retain the 6' 10~' alley setback.
'~re are requesting the necessary legal procedures, including hearings
be initiated and consideration be given to allowing a Variance of the
setback as stated herein.
Art Groth, Chairman
Building Committee
~;ininger Planning Advisory Co~mission
?hirteenth Rog~llar Meeting~ Town Hall, February 5~ 1973.
Call to order E:05 P.M.
Members Present:
R. B. Darsow, ~,~n Crisp, Ken Truax, Bob Meiers, Walter Bauer,
Duane Zi~mer~an, Maynard Johnson, Henry Trapp~ J. Peter Hoffman~
Loren Sorg, R~lph ~agner.
~s~foers Absent: Fra~ Bauer, Jim Schneider.
Read a letter from the attorney representing Kenneth Klink re petition to
vacate a section of roadway in Seldel Addition. Mr. Klink now requests the
petitdon for vacation be abandon,g, and that the dedicated roadway be moved
west to a uew location on his property. Chai~n Truax referred this to the
Streets and Heads Subcommittee, and tbs Capital Improvements & Open Space
Subcommittee, for i~vestigation and recommendation.
Mr. Ken Anderson, Dakota County Traffic Engineer, and Mr. Gunnar Isberg,
Dakota County Planner, appeared and made numerous recommendation and proposals
to the projected streets and roads ~uap for the to~ship. After considerable
d~scussion and some exchange of ideas, the hearing ~ms concluded. Chairman
Trus~ charged the Streets and Roads S~oco~mittee to pursue the discussion further~
and to meet with these gentlemen in that endeavor.
Mr. Carl Hanks, Dakota ElectricAssn..representative appeared and gave us some
facts on underground electric service and probable hangups on underground
ordinances. He volunteered the services of their office in establishing a
program for lighting in future de~31op~n6 areas.
Gave fdnal rc~ding and discussion to proposed firearms ~rdinance. Since no
objection or modifications were presented, a motion was made and seconded to
accept the ordinance in its present fo~, and ~ss it GU to the Town Board for
action. Motion carried unamiously.
Election of officers was next. Henry Trapp nominated Bob Meters fox' ChaPman.
However Meters respectfully declined because of other county workload. Bob Meiers
nominated Darso~ for chain~an, l{owcvcr D~.rso~ declined for reasons of current
health. Darso~ nominated Lynn Crimp for Chairman and Ken TruaX for Vice Chairman,
which was seconded by Duane Zinrnerman. Truax nominated J. Peter Hoffman fer Vice
chairm~an, which was seconded. Lynn Crisp appointed as Chairman by unamious
acclimation. J. Peter HofDnan appointed as Vice Chairman by unamious acclimation.
Ken Tru~x n~ainated Darsow for reappointment for Secretary; which was seconded and
approved by unamious acclimation.
Received the return of Bright's Green Acres Plat from the Town Board for investigatien
of certain items. A copy of this letter is attached to and made a part of the
minutes of this meeting. Chairman Truax referred the plat t~ the Special Plat
Study Subcommittee for action.
Frandrup Plat was presented in its final form, the neces~y signatures were
affixed, and the plat made official.
AdjoUrned 10:30 P.M.
Mr. John Davidson
Mr. Walter Peterson
Mrs. ~ary Meyer
To~ Poard Members
Commission M~mbers
Special Meeting with Dakota County Planners, 8:00 P. M. Monday, Feb. 19th.
Phone 437-6921
Mr. Patrick Wilson, Sub Committee Chairman, Hastings
Planning Commission.
Plat review, Dakota Hills 4th Addition
I have done a brief plat review of the proposed plat of Dakota Hills 4th
Addition which is a replat of portions of Dakota Hills Znd Addition and
Bauers Znd Addition.
The review was in accordance with the land sub-division ordinance dated
December 16, 1968 and the City zoning ordinance dated December 7, 1970
and the proposed sidewalk ordinance which had its first reading on December
4, 1972.
Item 1. Lot size. Lot size to be in accordance with Hastings Zoning
Ordinance in R1 zones require 9,000 square feet minimum, 75 foot
minimum width at setback line minimum 25 feet from street right-
of-way line.
Corner lots to be platted at least 10% wider than minimum lot width,
therefore, corner lot minimum width at 25 foot setback line should be
8Z. 5 feet in width minimum.
In reviewing the plat I find that Block 1 along the North tier of lots would
require revamping of lot lines to provide the minimum corner lot width at
Pleasant Drive and 13th Street. Lot 15 at the South line of Block 1 would
likewise require a g 1/Z foot greater width than that shown on the pre-
liminary plat. Block g would require 8Z 1/g feet to provide a 76 foot width
to Lot Z the utility easement between lots Z and 3 would be required to line
up with the~utility easements in the Sontag's gnd addition adjacent thereto.
The 75 foot width at the setback line would r~quire a revision of lot lines
over lots 3, 4 and 5,6 and possibly 7. Block appear to meet all requirements
and Block 4 appears to meet all requirements for lot width at setback lines.
Block 5 would require a revision around the cul-de-sac to allow the 82
foot width lots over lots 17, 18 and Z4. Care should be taken that the lots
adjacent to the cul-de-sac have a 9, 000 square foot minimum therefore the
radial lines have been adjusted as Si~own in red. The entire tier of lots
facing Honeysuckle Lane on the Easterly tier of lots on Blockf5 would have
to be revised to 75 foot minimum interior widths and 8Z 1/g c~tner widths
therefore I am suggesting that Lots 6 and 7 be turned around to face 13th
Street to provide adequate widths without losing the number of lots within
Block 5. Block 6 appears to meet all the criteria except lot 9 which would
require a change from the 70 foot frontage to an 8Z 1/g foot width at the
setback line.
To: Mr. Patrick V~rilson
Re: Plat Review of Dakota Hills 4th Addition
Page Z.
]~lock 7 ~vould appear ~to require a total adjust~ent of lots losing one lot in the
process to allow the 82-1/Z foot corner width and 75 foot interior width of lots.
I am suggesting that the tier of lots along the north line of Block 7 be platted
in a North-South direction to give greater width of lots facing the Shopping
Center property to the north. A 90 foot minimum width is required for a duplex.
This may be a possible use of these lots as a buffer between the Shopping Center
and the R-1 Family Residential to the south, in which case if other than a single
family unit is allowed, the minimum width at the setback line would be 90 feet.
As such, there is not enough width between Honeysuckle Lane and Westview
Drive along iBth Street to allow for more than three lots and still meet the width
Utility easements are required 10 feet in width centered on rear lot lines where
necessary. In lleu of the fact that Northern States Power Co. and Pioneer-United
Telephone Co. prefer 10 foot easements along the street right-of-ways for under-
ground electric and underground telephone service, I am suggesting that the
utility easen~ents between lots and Block 7 be eliminated, that easements be pro-
vided adjacent to all streets within a subdivision 10 feet from the right-of-way
into the lot. One problem that may result as a condition of these new locations
for utility easements, is a fact that we require trees in subdivisions to be
planted 5 to 7 feet back of the right-of-way line each 40 feet along each street.
This may interfere or conflict with the proposed location by the utilities com-
panies for underground service 5 feet off of street right-of-ways onto private
property on these utility easements. This is one area that probably should be
resolved and standardized in all subdivisions.
The cul-de-sacs as designed and approved in the preliminary plans meet the
requirements of the regulations. It is suggested that the easterly end of 13th
Street on the church property be provided with a temporary cul-de-sac for
maintenance purposes on church property as a condition to leaving them this
outC~t and that a similar situation exists on school property at the west term-
inus of 13th Street. That the school allow construction on school property
without the possibility of closing off 13th Street as a connector, the temporary
construction of a cul-de-sac on their property. Construction of cul-de-sacs
on private properties would be born by the developer as a temporary expedient
tO maintenance services. (Similar to Country Club Znd Addition. )
In regard to road%vay systems, Pleasant Drive is a main arterial and as such
requires an 80 foot right-of-way as shown, a 44 foot width State-Aid street
will be constructed therein. 14th Street .is considered a collector street as
a companion to 15th Street, with possible future one-way designations. As
such would require a 36 foot street within a 66 foot right-of-way. V~estview
Drive also is considered a collector and is a 40 foot width street on a 66 foot
right-of-way. All other streets would be considered local streets, 36 foot
width within a 60 foot right-of-way. Sidewalks would be constructed along
Pleasant Drive, Westview Drive and 14th Streets.
In accordance with the new Sidewalk Ordinance, the entire grading would be
completed between the right-of-way lines. There appears to be no particular
To: lVir. Pat Wi[son
Re: Review of Dakota Hills 4th Addition Plat
Page 3.
hardship in regard to topographic features that would prevent the entire
street right-of-way from being graded to provide a flat section suitable for
future sidewalks [f required in the future. The pedestrian way between lots
5 and 6 .in Block g is a continuation of the sidewalk easement or right-of-way
as platted in Bauer's Znd Addition, Lot 1.
These comments are provided for consideration in your review. I would be
happy to meet with the subcommittee to discuss any further questions which
nxay arise in the review.
Copy of this memorandum is being furnished Hastings Construction Company
and Mr. Delmar H.Schw~mT~, the land surveyor who did the basic layout of
lots within the development.
John Davidson, City Engineer