Members Present:
Junior Members:
Also Present:
Jensen~ Hatlberg~ Soleim~ Kramer~ Linde~ Stoffel~
Sindt, Gartzke
Mayor Petersen~ City Engineer Davidson
Minutes of March 27, 1973 approved on motion Linde~ seconded Kramer.
Mr. Ed Theil of Hudson Manufacturing Company appeared and asked that
consideration of the Hudson Company request for a variance be held
over until further information is available.
Election of member to Planning Commission. Mr. Richard Kteis~ Mr.
William HirchertU and Mr. Dan Seidelmann were nominated. Mr. Hirchertt
is unanimously recommended for membership by secret ballot of Plan-
ning Commission members.
St. Johnts Lutheran Church request for variance: Soleim committee
asked for further time to study the matter. Mr. Groth of the church
appeared to respond to questions by commission.
True Value Center application for variance: Hallberg committee report
attached hereto. Motion Hallberg~ seconded Kramer to adopt committee
Ail ayes.
Planned unit development: Trautmann committee had no report other than
to recommend study of the materials discussed last meeting.
Nininger Township Planning Commission meeting: Nininger Township ad-
opted the position that the Highway 55-61 bypass should not be located
in Nininger Township. This position was presented to the ad hoc Plan-
ning Committee at their meeting held ~pril 3~ 1975. Nininger suggested
that the Highways should be located South of the present County Road
48 in Vermillion Township. Moved Soleim, seconded Hallberg that Hastings
favors the location of the new Highway 55 in Nininger Township and that
the location should be roughly in accordance with the Hastings Com-
prehensive Plan with an interchange in the vicinity of Augustine's
farm~ West of Jacob Avenue and South of the present Highway 55 and then
to continue South over the present Highway 55 to a point at the present
Pine Bend junetion of Highway 52 and 55 and further that if Highway 61
is to be re-routed~ that the location suggested in the Comprehensive
Plan be adopted.
Ail ayes.
This provision is reeommended because:
1. The Comprehensive Plan assumes this loeation of the Highway bypass.
2. Courthouse accessibility would be improved.
3. This location seems to be more ecologically acceptable.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting
Held Monday~ April 97 1973.
Page 2
City Fire Zone map report by Soleim committee. Progress report pre-
Valley Manor rezoning hearing has been set for May 7, 1973.
John Delborn request for special use permit to build a swimming pool
at Lot Four Block Four City of Hastings referred to Hallberg committee.
David E. Tanner, Secretary
Hastings Planning Commission
SUBJECT: True Value Store request for variance allowing barbed
wire fence.
Section 5.6 of the Zoning Ordinance states that fence~ shall not
be constructed of barbed wire°
Section 12,S authorizes variances from the terms of the Ordinance
as will not be contrary to the public interest where owing to
special conditions~ a literal enforcement of the provisions of
this ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship° In addition
other conditions must be presented according to 12.3 at eto seq.
The committee believes that a variance allowing a three strand
barbed wire top on a six foot chain link fence presently in place
at True Value Store at 3rd and Eddy Streets ought to be allowed
for the protection of personal property of the owners~ which is
stored out-of-doors and which materials could not reasonably be
stored in an ordinary retail building°
The committee further finds that liability insurance should be
provided by the owners of True Value Store protecting the City
of Hastings against tort liability~ if the City Attorney so advises.
The committee further recommends that studies be made of the
City of St. Paul ordinance regarding fences and in particular~
barbed wire fences~ and that consideration be given to amend the
Hastings Zoning Ordinances.
Phone 437-6921
Those present:
Mr. Jensen, Mr. Kramer, Mr. Soleim, Mr. Hallberg,
Mr. Tanner, Mrs. Linde, Mrs. Stoffel, Mr. Gartzke,
Mr. Sindt and Mr. Trautmann.
Also present:
Mr. Wallace Erickson, Mr. Walt Petersen, Mr. Ed
Thiel, Mr. Groth, Mr. Mike O'Connor, Mr. Tom
Novak, Mr. Erwin Schnirring, Mr. Collins, Mr.
Dennis Pellant, Mr. Roger Tonsager and Mr. Richard
The first item for discussion was a referral from the City Council at
the last regular meeting of April g. Aproposed construction plan for
H.D. Hudson Manufacturing, Mr. Ed Thiel, representing H.D. Hudson,
stated that the request was a bit premature. That H.D. Hudson, let
contracts for design and construction. The design plans are not
immediately available and asked that this be held over to the next regular
meeting which would be April 23 or 30 since the Council meeting would be
held over to the Z3rd for the purpose of awarding bids for the 1973
Construction Program. The meeting then proceeded through the regular
agenda. (See agenda attached).
The election of a replacement member to the Planning Commission for
recommendation to the City Council proceeded. The first tally indicated
a tie between Mr. William Hirchert and Mr. Daniel Siedelman. The
second tally recommended the appointment of Mr. William Hirchert.
There was then a motion by Mr. Trautmann seconded by Mrs. Stoffel
that a unanimous vote be cast for Mr. Bill Hirchert. The recommendation
will be made to the City Council at their next regular meeting, April 16.
The next item of discussion was the St. John's Lutheran Church variance.
Mr. Art Groth stated that he would request a variance be granted so that
St. Johns Lutheran Church might advertise for bids for the proposed
construction in accordance with the plan. The sub committee, however,
had recommended by report that the Planning Commission take no action
until such time as a meeting was held between Mrs. Gere who owns
property to the West of the proposed variance and the church board or
representatives of St. John's Lutheran Church. Mr. Art Groth indicated
that the meeting had been scheduled, that the~r~was some interest on the
part of St. John's to purchase the property in question. The Planning
Commission then resolved that it would not act on the variance until
such time as the ownership of the property had been determined or that
the present owner agreed to said variance.
Minutes of Regular Planning Commission Meeting
Held on Monday, April 9, 1973
Next was a report on the variance request for True Value. The conan~ittee
recommended that the variance be allowed. This was referred then to
the City Gouncii for action at the next regular meeting. (See copy of
committee report attached).
It was then moved by Councilman Hallberg, seconded by Councilman
Kramer that we accept the committee report. That the variance request
be recommended for approval and that a date for a hearing be set at the
next regular Council meeting. (Make a note of this for the next Council
Meeting ).
Next item of discussion was the Planned Unit Development section of the
"Zoning Ordinance". The committee chairman, Mr. Trautmann, stated
that he had no formal subcommittee report at this time. Asked that all
members read the proposed ordinance as submitted by his committee at
the last meeting, be prepared thenfor input at the next regular meeting
of the Planning Commission. It was also suggested that when inspection
of the ordinances reviewed and a draft has been prepared that the developers
within the City be invited to come in and meet with the committee for their
It was also suggested that a student from the Metro Council staff be present
to make a presentation of the Planned Unit Development approach to con-
struction. (Make a note to contact the Metropolitan Council and see if a
member of the staff could be made available to meet with the Planning
Gornmission in regard to Planned Unit Development).
The next item of discussion was the Nininger Planning Commission position
on relocation of T.H. 55. The City Engineer reported that the Ad Hoc
committee had met on April 3 bn?. the Nininger town planning commission
had recommended to their governing body, the town board, that there be
no highways constructed through Nininger township. This is complete
variation from the several alternative plans presented to and by the
Highway Department over the past five years. That the intention of the
Ad Hoc committee was to resolve the location, specifically, within
the corridors and that we would push to have early approval for early
corridor hearings and establishment of corridors at an early date so
that the townships of Nininger, Marshan, Ravenna and Denmark might
plan their development around these corridors and preserve them for
future highway purposes. It was indicated that this request by Nininger
to completely by pass Ninlnger with highway systems is contrary to
previous planning. It is a detrimental condition as far as the City of
Hastings is concerned and access to the highway systems. It will
further delay any corridor hearings because of additional studies required
an additional environmental impact statements required.
Minutes of Regular Planning Commission Meeting
Held on Monday, April 9, 1973
Page 3
It was recommended that the City of Hastings take a firm position in
recommending the corr.~dor concept plan as adopted in the Hastings
Comprehensive Plan which is virtually the same corridor as recommended
to the Highway Department and agreed upon previously by township
planning groups. Recommendation was made by Councilman Soleim,
seconded by Councilnaan Hallberg, unanimously passed, recommending
that the Councll take a firm position and recommend the route of highway
55 as proposed previously. It was also suggested that this notice be mailed
to Nininger township and other members of the Ad Hoc planning group.
The next item was a presentation by Mr. Soleim and Mr. Kramer of the
Fire Zoning Map and their recommendation that adoption of Fire Zone 1,
which would be the most restrictive, common wa[[ high dens[Fy;
Zone 2 which is a high use area with ome separation .~m-e-n ~'cnurcnes,
schools and multiple dwelling units; and Zone 3 which would encompass
all other development. The committee would recommend that the Zoning
map be adopted at the time an ordinance draft is prepared for general fire
zone requirements adopted in writing, as well as on the official map.
Also the official document would make the Zoning Map and official map of
the City of Hastings and give definite guidelines to the building officials
for particular buildings in particular fire zones and the construction require-
ments relative to each zone. A final draft of the recommended ordinance
will be presented at a later meeting.
The City Council referred to the Planning Commission the following items:
Mr. John Delbourn's request for a swimming pool permit. It
was referred to Don Hallberg's subcommittee.
A hearing was set for May 7, 1973 for rezoning Valley Manor
Addition from R-3 to R-4.
T.H. 61 - 4th Street Signal was referred to the Safety Committee
for study. The Safety Co~mittee is O'Connor, Schnirring, Hallberg,
Collins and Kramer.
Under Planning Commission Chairman's report, Mr. Jensen indicated
there would be a seminar on April 11, 18, and 25. If there were any inter-
ested parties they should contact him. He had the necessary reservation
forms. He also read a letter from the Mississippi Valley Star indicating
that ail meetings should be public meetings in accordance with the Attorney
General's opinion.
We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 P.M.
John Davidson, City Engineer
There will be a regular n~eeting of the Hastings Planning Commission
on Monday, April 9, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of
City Hall.
Election of Planning Commission Member:
Willian~ Hit chert
Richard Kleis
Daniel Seide lrnann
Discuss St. John's Lutheran Church Variance
3. Report on Variance request by True Value Store
4. Discuss Planned Unit Development
5. Discuss ~ininger Planning Commission position
on relocation of T.H. 55.
Dick Jensen, Chairman
Hastings Planning Comn~ission
SUBJECT: True Value Store request for variance allowing barbed
wire ~ence.
section'5.6 of the Zoning Ordinance states that fences shall nor
be constructed of barbed wire.
Section 12.5 authorizes variances from Uhe terms of ~he Ordinance
as will no~ be contrary to the public in~erest where owing To
speclal conditions~ a llteral enforcement of the provisions of
~his ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship. In addition
other conditions must be presented according to 12.5 at et. seq.
The committee believes ~hat a variance allowing a three strand
barbed wire Top on a six foot chain link £ence presently in place
au True Value S~ore aU 5rd and Eddy Streets ought ~o be allowed
for the protection of personal property of the owners~ which is
stored out-of-doo~s and which materials could not reasonably be
stored in an ordinary retail building.
The committee further finds that liability insurance should be
provided by the owners o£ True Value Store protecting the City
of Has~ings against ~orT liability~ if the City Autorney so advises.
The committee further recommends that studies be made of ~he
City of St. Paul ordinance regarding ~ences and in parUicuiar~
barbed wire fences, and tha= consideration be given to amend the
Has~ings Zoning Ordinances.