HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/26/72HELD MONDAY~ JU~.~E 26~ :972 Mernbe rs prasent: Mr. Petersen, IVirs~ Linde~ Mr~ Soleim~ Mr. Siebrech% Mr0 Tauner~ IV[to Trautmanu~ Mr. Hallbergo Mr. Wils>n~ Junior member.~ Leo Schun~chero Sro Steve Gartmke a=d Steve Willeke o ~ Also present~ Mr. John Davidson~ City Engineer Minutes of June lZ~ 1972 Planning Ccmrnission meeting were approved on motion by IV[r~ Solei:n~ seconded by Mr~ Siebrecht. Letter of resigr~a~ion from ~rank Sieckert read and accepted° Moved by Mr, Solef~n~ seconded by lViro S}ebrecht to request written appiications for repim(e~ merit. Letter from Natural Resources Corarnission recommending that the City tease Lots 7 and 8~ Block lZ0 from James Haas for park purposes. (Copy of letter a~tached us 'Exh/bi~ A'. ) ~oved by lViro Trautmar~ seconded by Mr° Siebrech~ to endorse this recommendation and send to City Council All ayes~ Letter from ToKo D. Ao asking ~o extend completion date for Comprehensive Plan from August 1~ 1972 to September 11~ 197Z~ Moved by Mr. Soleim~ seconded by Mr° Trautmann to recommend thais extension. All ayes° IViurray Laub - no report frcn~ Trautrnann con~n~tteeo Cliff Olsen ~ no report from Linde cornmittee~ Dakota Hills Third Addition ~ Wilson Co:nmittee report (copy attached as ~"Exhibit B~)o Moved by Soleim, seconded by Tanner ~hat plat be approved sub~ ject to requirements set forth in Mr~ Wilson% committee report with recomJnend- ation No° 5 chaged to read: "5° Sidewalks be installed by the contractor per ordimance~" Passed 7 to !o Ayes; Wilson, Solein% Siebrecht, I-lallberg, Tanner~ Trautr.~ann~ Peterseno Nay; l~.'~rs0 Line. The contractor agrees with No. 4 and 6. For No. 5 he suggests excrow of cash for sidewalks at time building permit is issued° Suggests that 14th Street is good substitute for No~ 30 Suggests that No. a is iinmaterial since he doesn't agree to No~ 1. Objection to No. 1 is that this would reduce value of lots wli~a rear to ravine a~d that the m~nimurn 5% park land has already been given to City. Possible methods of City acquiring the approxin~e, te one-half (1/2) acre of r~v.;ne in question are: Donation from coniractor. Meeting held Monday, June Z6~ 1972~ t~age Z~ lEasenxent for park Pt~rcl~.~ ~.~ using cash h~ liana o~! parkla.~d .funds° ~rch~e frora r,~g~lar ~udget~ O~ea~on of this proposed ex~en~o~ of C;on~emius l~rk referred to Natur~.i ~.e.~ources Commission for their recon~rnendat:~om ~iewert Construction Gornpany~ l.ot 1, Block 8, Townsv.~ew E~a~es - referred back from City Go~cil f~r reconslderatiom Moved by Mr, Ti-a~tma~, ~eco~ded by Mro ~leim to deny variance. ~a~sed 6 to 2~ Ayes; Traut~ T~ner~ Wilsono Siebrecht~ ~llberg~ Nayl Linde, Mr. Siewert knew oi the ordi~ce at ~e lime construction sta:cted the violl[lon before blocks on we~t aide were M;t. Davidson reported that the Metro Sewer Board staff confe~ored this da~e and will recornnaend to Metro Sewer l~oard approval of ~he City o£ Itas~lngs~ Gornprehensive Sewer Plan. This plan is for the City only and doe~ not includ~ aurrounding area~ The ne~t regular meeting of ~he Hastings l~lanning Commission veill be held on Monday~ July 24~ 1972 David Tanner~ Secre~a,v~r CITY OF HASTINGS 100 SIBLEY STREET, HASTINGS, MINNESOTA 550S3 Phone 437-6921 June Z0, 197Z OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER Mr. Walter Petersen, Chairman Hastings Planning Commission 13Z9 Tyler Street Hastings, Minnesota 55033 Dear 1V[r. Petersen: It was moved, seconded and passed to recommend to the Planning Commission that the City of Hastings establish a lease agreement with James Haas for $1. O0 on a yearly renewal agreement basis for his two lots adjacent to Lake Isabell. This would release Mr. Haas from paying taxes yearly on land he cannot use. Z. If Mr. Haas should decide to sell said lots, the lease agreement then would terminate. 3. The City would maintain the lots under said lease. 4. When funds are available the City of Hastings should purchase said lots. Yours truly, Dave Pederson, Chairman Natural l{esources Commission DP: df "EXHIBIT A" June 26, 1972 TO: HASTINGS PLANNING COF~MISSION FROM: SUB COMMITTEE (SOLEIM, TANNER, GARTZKE, WILSON) SUBJECT: DAKOTA HILLS 3rd ADDITION The s~b-committee recommends the approval of the final plat of Dakota Hills 3rd Addition subject to the following: Fifty feet of public property be acquired along the base of the ravine. (25 feet from Dakota Hills 3rd Addition & 25 feet from the plat to the North). This represents less than 1/2 acre and would be used as a nature walkway adjacent to Conzemius park. The city require a 50' drainage easement on the North..border of the plat. This would be reduced to 25' if the city acquires 25 feet at the base of the ravine. At least a 10 foot walkway be acquired or platted extending from the ravine to Westview Drive. Ail walkways (6' Bituminous) be constructed and absorbed as part of the total project cost. These would be completed prior to the sale of any lot adjoining a walkway. 5. Sidewalks be installed by the contractor prior to the homes being sold. 6. Trees be planted (per ordinance) on each lot during the first spring after the sale of the property. "EXHIBIT B" CITY OF HASTINGS 100 SIBLEY STREET, HASTINOS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone 437-6921 OFFICE OF CItY ENGINEER MINUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD MONDAY, JUNE 26, 197Z Councilman Hallbe rg, Commission Meeting. officials minutes. Councilman Wilson and myself were late for the Plarming For notes prior to the following see Mr. Tanner's We were notified that Mr. Frank Sieckert had submitted a letter of resignation. Therefore the report on Mr. Olson's request for garage setback at 17thand Forest Streets had been deferred. They indicated they would hold a special meeting prior to the regular Council Meeting on Monday, July 10th to determine whether the recommendation of the Planning Commission should be in favor of or to deny the request for variance. Mr. Wilson reported on the Dakota Hills 3rd Addition. Present were Mr. Gustafson and Mr. Ralph Wagner of Apache Engineering to make the present- ation. Copy of the subcommittee report is attached. In going through the sub- committee report item by item, the contractor agreed to items Z, 4, 5 and 6. However, items 3 and 1 he objected to basically that he had already dedicated 5% of the land for park purposes and he didn't think any additional land should be dedicated free of charge to the City and that he didn't want a 10 foot walkway extending through the private lots which backed up against the drainage course running through the Conzemius ravine. It was asked if the builder could put in protective covenance in his deeds which would protect the trees through the area if they were privately owned, protect them from being indescrimately removed by property owners after they were purchased. It was suggested that this go to the Natural Resources Commission for their review. It was moved by Mr. Soleim, seconded by Mr. Tanner to approve the plat subject to the conditions of the subcommittee. We reviewed the depth of the lots along 14th Street. If Z5 feet were acquired as requested by the subcommittee, it would still leave lot depths of approximately 155 feet. The area 25 feet wide by the 700 plus feet in length would be about 18, 000 square feet or less than one-half acre of land. It was indicated that money from plats where money was submitted in lieu of parkland dedication could be used for the purchase of additional land through this ravine from this developer. The developer also indicated that he would be in favor of the side- walk charge being made at the time of issuance of a building permit, provided all other developers were treated the same way, that each new building permit would require a surcharge. Item 5 was then changed to read: "Sidewalks will be installed as per ordinance". The motion passed to a vote of 6 yes, 1 no. Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting held Monday, June 26, 1972 Page The next item of discussion was the lXJeal Siewert request for Variance on building setback at ZZndand Pleasant Drive. Mr. Siewert stated that this did not affect the public. He stated he had not been informed prior to the laying up of the blocks as they now existed. However, after the blocks had been laid to the point that they are now laid, he did stop construction. He stated that whether or not the building had been started he was asking the Planning Commission to overlook the fact that the present basement exists, to look upon it as a request for Variance on the basis of similar uses within the area in accordance with item 1g. 3. 1. 1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Engineer also indicated that we were dealing with two separate situations, one the point of view that was held as enforcers of ordinances by Mr. Matula and myself, which was the legal authority invested in us to uphold the ordinance and as such we have to require that the ordinances be enforced and complied with. However, there was also in this case a moral issue of whether other properties in the area are in fact entitled to similar uses as that as the con- tractor is requesting. That decision would be one for the Planning Commission and City Council to make. It was moved by Mr. Trautmann, seconded by Mr. So[elm to deny the Variance. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1. This will be sub- mitted to the City Council for their July 10th meeting. (Make a note that this should go on the agenda). The NaturaI Resources Commission informed the Planning Commission that they will be holding a Capital Improvements meeting next month to determine the 5- Capital Improvements Program in detail for City Parks. Also the Dakota Hills 3rd Addition plat would be submitted to them for review. The engineer reported on the meeting held with the Metropolitan Sewer Board in their review of the Comprehensive Sewer Plan with City Administrative officals and staff of the Metro Council and Metro Sewer Board. We would be called before the Met ropolitan Council at their meeting of July 6th. We would appear before the Metropolitan Sewer Board at their regular meeting of July i9th at which time those bodies will review and approve or make amendments to our Comprehensive Sewer Plan. We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 P. M. John Davidson, City Engineer June 26, 1972 TO: HASTINGS~ PLA~NNiNG CO~4ISSION FROM: SUB COYK~IITTEE (SOLEiM, T~NNER, GARTZKE, WILSON) SUBJECT: DAKOTA HILLS 3rd ADDITION The sub-co~n]ittee recor~mends the approval of the final plat of Dakota Hills 3rd Addition subject to the following: Fifty feet of public property be acquired along the base of the ravine. (25 feet from Dakota Hills 3rd Addition & 25 feet from the plat to the North). This represents less than 1/2 acre and would be used as a nature walkway adjacent to Conzemius park. The city require a 50' drainage easement on the North,border of the plat. This would be reduced to 25' if the city acquires 25 feet at the base of the ravine. 3. At least a 10 foot walkway be acquired or platted extending from the ravine to Westview Drive. Ail walkways (6' Bituminous) be constructed and absorbed as part of the total project cost. These would be completed prior to the sale of any lot adjoining a walkway. 5.~%.Sidewalks be installed by the contractor prior to the homes being sold. 6. Trees be planted (per ordinance) on each lot during the first spring after the sale of the property. 'P. J. Wilson