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MINUTES OF H/%HTINGS PI.,&NN~'N© COMMiSSiON MEETING HELD MONDAY~ lvt~Y 8 1972 Members Mr,, Tanner~ Mr~ '~'r~;u~x'rxann~ IViz, Wl~son and Junior Membe~-~ Mr, Gartzke and Mr~ $chum~cher,, Also Present: John l~videon, Ci~g Engineer Minutes of Atzril 24 approved~ Allayeso Medical Office Building proposed at Regina Hospital propertyo The land is properly zoned as Po I~ The building would be owned by the hospital and used as a medical office facil/~yo Moved by Mr~ Hallberg~ seconded by Mrs° Linde to approve plan without further study~ Ali ayes~ Robert Schorarner application for a variance to allow construction of addition to single family dwelling at 204 E~ 3rd St0 (presently zoned C~3}, Mr. Wilson comralttee recommends approval of variance based on 120 3. 1~ ~ of Zoning Ordinance. Moved by Mr~ Wilson, seconded by Mr. Soleim to recommend variance to City Council All ayes. ~Mr0 $chorax~er withdrew his application verbally prior to vote}° Dakota Hills 3rd Addition final plat presented by Ralph Wa~ner of Apache Engineering for Hastings Construction Company. Referred to Mr. Wilson study con, nitres. Leona McNeal application for variance at 900 W, Brd StreeL Referred to Mrs° Linde corrunitt eeo Kugler-Fluegel {EastL Mr, Trautmanu committee recommends approval of Lots 1, 2, and 3 with a temporary cul~,deosac for ~outhvlew Drive adjacent to Lot 3° Moved Mr, Trau[ma seconded by M:,~ Siebrecht to approve. Motion by Mr. Hallberg~ seconded by Mr. Soleim to amend to require a Z0~ pedestrian walkway East o£ the }?asr edge of lot and immediately adjacent thereto. All ayes on amendinent~ All ayes on motion° Wilson suggests review of Zoning Ordl,~-~ce regarding: Mobile home density (in mobile home parks}. 2o 50~ park dedication in platting. Matter re~erred to Mrs. l.lnde co--tree. Motion by Mr° Hallberg~ seconded by Mr. Soleim to recoramend a West location for Highway 55 bypass° This is based on: Preservation of wetlands to East o£ Hastings. Hastings has an inadequate connector system i/highway was to East. 3, City growth is to East and ~outho Other engineering and social reasons. May 18~ 1972~ will be hearing ot Metro Sewer Board at So. St° Paul Council Chambers° We are invited to attend. CITY OF HASTINGS 100 SIBLEY STREET, HASTINGS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone 437-6921 OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER MINUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD: MONDAY, MAY 8, 1972 THOSE PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Peterson, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Hallberg, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Soleim, Mr. Siebrecht, Mrs. Linde and the Junior Members, Mr. Schumacher, Mr. Gartzke, Mr. Trautmann and members of the press. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schommer. The first item was the approval of the minutes of April 24, 1972. Motion was made by Councilman Hallberg, seconded by Mr. Trautmann to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously passed. Next was a presentation by the Engineer of a proposal by the Sisters of Charity represented by Sister Tabitha for a $500, 000.00 Doctor's Clinic at Memorial Hospital. There was a motion made by Mr. Hallberg seconded by Mrs. Linde to recommend to the Council the approval of the construction of the Clinic and recommend that the City provide services as needed at no cost to the City. It was indicated that the Conzemius' would pay for that portion of Watermain running through their property and provide necessary easement. The hospital would pay for that portion providing a benefit to their property and provide necessary easements. The Engineer indicated that in the future the difference between the 8 and 10" size pipe could be charged back against the entire Northwest area using the water system at which time the hospital could be reimbursed for a portion of their cost. Next a sub-committee report from Mr. Wilson's committee in regard to the Robert Schommer request for Variance. (See copy of cornrnittee report attached). The discussion centered around the conditions under which the Variance could be granted. It was suggested that we might allow the Variance under Section 12.3. 1.Z. That the use would be in accordance with other properties in the same area. The Engineer stated that because there were Some vacant lots within the C-3 Zone the Planning Cornn~ission should give Some consideration to precedence in that if a home or a building permit were requested for a home on a vacant lot in the C-3 Zone, it may have some affect on the proposed C-3 use or intended use of the C-3 area. At this point, Mr. Robert Schornrner arose for point of order asked that his request be withdrawn and indignately left the meeting. Subsequent to this the motion was made by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. and unanimously passed recommended approval of the building permit. Unless Mr. Schommer's request is withdrawn in writing before the next meeting the referral will be made to the full Council at the next regular Council Meeting of May 15. The next item was a presentation of the Dakota Hills Third Addition final plat by Mr. Ralph Wagner of Apache Engineering representing Hastings Construction Company. The plat had been turned over to Mr. Wilson's study committee. The preliminary plat had been approved previously by the Planning Commission for 45 lots. It has now been reduced to 44 lots. It was suggested that the new easement shown through the drainage course should show that it .is a pedestrian walkway and drainage course and would dedicated as a permanent easement for public access. There was some question about utilities, Northern States Power utility in the area which would be underground, however, the lots on the South side of 14th does have overhead service to the rear of those lots that PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, May 8, 1972 Page Z probably would be served overhead. The developer was asked Lf he intended to build sidewalks on 14th Street. His answer was that this would be up to the Planning Commission and the Council. He was not going to commit himself. He was asked when the trees would be going in on Westview Drive from 14th to 15th Street. It was indicated that the trees should be planted every 40 feet or one on each lot. Fie stated that he was not aware that trees had to be planted. Councilman Wilson asked that the approval be subject to review of his committee who had not had sufficient time to review the plat in detail and the original copy of the plat before corrections had not gone to sub-committee. The next item, the McNeal Mobile Home request was referred to Mrs. Linde's sub- committee. No action was taken on this item. The Meier re-zoning was tabled until the next regular Planning Commission Meeting. The Fluegel-Kugler plat, lots 1 through 3, was brought before the Planning Commission by the sub-committee. Mr. Trautmann made a motion seconded by Mr. Siebrecht to approve the plat of 3 lots adjacent to Southview Drive. There was then a motion to amend the approval by Mr. Hallbert, seconded by Mr. Soleimto provide a right-of-way through the property to the dike from Southview Drive could be used as a pedestrian way. A Z0 foot pedestrian way was suggested along the East line of lot 3. The amendment passed unanimously. The original motion then passed unanimously. Next under communications the Engineer informed the Planning Commission of a letter from Councilman O'Connor indicating a review of the density of Mobile Homes and also the fees to be established under the zoning ordinance and the 5% requirement for park dedication. The Engineer then read a letter from the State Highway Department indicating that the State wanted input into the tiighway 55, 61 by pass at Hastings. I stated that I had met with the Traffic Study Committee and we had a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 10, to review this by-pass system and make written testimony to the State. Councilman Hallberg made a motion, seconded by Mr. Soleim to take a positive position in regard to a westerly by-pass with the recommendation to not fill the Flood Plain and wetlands to the East of Hastings and to go on record strongly urging the Highway Department to proceed with corridor studies and selection of the wet corridor. Next the Engineer read a letter from the Metropolitan Sewer Board indicating they would hold a hearing on the Five Year Capitol Improvements Program of the Metro Sewer Board on Thursday, May 18 at 7:30 PM in South St. Paul. The Engineer indicated that he had other commitments. Mr. Tom Donahue would be at that meeting and report it back. Next the Planning Commission chairman, Mr. Peterson, indicated that a letter had been sent out with the Agenda of the Capital Improvements Program suggested by the Natural Resources Commission that everyone has a copy of that letter for review and we will be involved in the priority system under the 5-Year Capital Improvements Program at the next meeting. We completed our meeting at approximately 10:30 P.M. John Davidson, City Engineer Subject: May 5, 1972 Spec~-ai Use Pe£mit - Robert $ch0mmer TO: HASTINGS PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: SUB-COMMITTEE (WILSON, TANNER, SOLEIM, GARTZKE) FACTS: 2. 3. 4. The home is a single family dwelling located in a C-3 zone. The present structure meets all C-3 requirements except the rear yard setback. The proposed addition would also meet all C-3 requirements. The addition would be an improvement to the property. RECO~4ENDATION 1. A S~-~~mx be issued to Mr. Schommer for an addition to his present single family home located in a C-3 zone. The engineer will withhold the Building Permit until he has had an opportunity to review the final drawings. P. J. Wilson l