HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/72HELD MOND_______~AY.. FEBRUARY ZS~ 197Z MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs° L,~nde, Mr. Petersen, Mr. Slebrecht, Mr, Steckert, Mr0 Soleh-n~ Mr. Tanner, Mr. Trautrnann and raembers, Steve C~arLzke~ Steve Willeke, Leo $chuna&cher~ ~'r0 Minutes of February 14, 1972 amended to show Mr. Sleckert was present and change Mr. Schumacher to Mr. Trautmann's committee0 Approval as amended. l~essers. Keller, Morris.n, Gasparri and Schumacher presented plans for Townhouse development on Outlot E~ Imperial Estates, Descrlptinn of pt.,, in February 14 n~mutes. Mrs Trautmann°s cornn~ttee reported that they have studied the proposed and recommended approval subject to; 1) reservinE utility easement along North edge of Outlot E~ 2) leavinE space on South edge to build service road paralled to Highway 55, 3) study the thru tratiic problems for 4~h Street from ~ast to West blf City Engineer° Mr. Trautmann moved, seconded by Mr. Siebrecht to recommend re-.o-b~g of Outlot E Imper/al Estates to R3 for P~Luned Unit Development &s presented by Leo Scbumacher. Mr, ~asparri suggested Haot~t-gs look into adoption ~f a Townhouse ordinance such as in Edlna and St. P~Ulo TKDA by Mrs Berkowttz presented report on sidewalks and parks and playgrounds~ Parks and Recreation ComrflSttee study was presented simultaneously° TKLs report completeo pre~ry examlm~tion of ~mplementhtion of Comprehensive Plan0 l~lembers will review all TKDA reports for March Z7 mee~i~ with view to establlsh-~ merit of priorities based on need. Members should consider priorities in three major groups: 1. Community facilities 2. P&rks and playgrounds Utilities (storm sewer~ s-,,ltury newer water, roads and s~dewalks)o Mr° ,leon of LaPepinlere Montessori School and Mr. Don Gustatson of Hastings Construction Company presented a plan to rent apartment ~1~7 at 1120 Bahls Drive for purpose of lviontessori School. Motion T,,n,,er, seconded Soleim to recommend to City Council approval o! use of apartment /~137 at 1120 Bahia Drive as a Montessori School. Passed, NO (2) Trautws,nn, Sleckert YES (5) Soleim, T~,n-er, Slebrecht~ Petersen, L/nde Basis of approval seemetl to be that Montessort School Is somewhere between a public and parocl~lal school and there/ore w/thin intended use in un R3 zone, Mr. Wagner and Mr. Gustafson presented a pt,e. tor Townhouse development on ,uti, ts C and D~ Dakota Hills 2nd Addllion and on adjacent land. l~fotlon Tr~u~mann~ seconded ~olel~n ~o re~one ~lots C ~d D ~o~ ~lls Znd Addition ~o ~3 fo~ Toe.use use subject Vaca~ng 13th Str~e~ ~d l~th P~ce 2, Re.cate access from W~s~iew Drive ~ church property acceptabl~ to Archd~cese ~ S~ Paul. {0 ~r~t ~ city a 20 foot ~de ea~e~nt bet~an Wes~ew Drive ~d the West end of s~rm sewer for pu~se of a pedestr~ Ayes Motion Trautmann, seconded Sleckert to adopt letter prepared by City Enginoer to County Assessor requesting that Assessor place market value on unplatted land and establishing poJ~cy of requiring cash pay~ent In lieu of 5% of land be paid at time plat is filed, Ail ayes, Motion Trautn~nno seconded Tan~er to approve Fluegel ~Kugler Old Bridge plat, Nex~ n~et!~g (Ma rch 15) will be joint wlt~ Townships° Dave Tanner Secret&ryo I~stings Pluming Commission CITY OF HASTINGS 100 SIBLEY STREET, HASTiNgS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone 437-6921 Hastings on the Mississippi OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Held: February 28, 197Z at the Library. Tom Donahue attended the meeting. The following are the minutes of that meeting. 1) z) There was a presentation by Darrel Berkowitz of the sidewalk proposal. A representation of the park lands proposal, consisting of 1) the Vermillion River flood purchase, Z) setup priorities first and then determine the cost, 3) development of the open spaces Z3 acres of Lake Rebecca, 4) a Z0 year program for 80 acres around the Lake Isabel area, 5) corrolate all projects and establish priorities and discuss this again at the meeting of the Z7th of March. Also Mr. Gustafson was present. He reported on the Montessori School off street parking availability and noise factor. The Montessori School was approved by the Planning Commission. Next Mr. Gustafson presented a Townhouse develop- ment plan to the Commission for 14. 14 acres, llg units, 54 type A and 58 type B. It was recommended to the Council for rezoning of Outlots C and D, Dakota Hills Second to R3, subject to approval of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and the 20 foot easement to the ravine from Conzemius Park to Westview Drive. Next there was a letter referred to Mayor Rottyin regard to 80 acres to County Court House. Next a payment due upon platting in the amount of 5% if assessed value for a ~ubd~visiq% in lieu of park land was approved, and the Iiugler Fluegel plat of ~-~~-¢Addition was approved on that basis. These approvals and recommendations will be reconlr~ended to the City Council at their next regular meeting, March 6. They completed their meeting in the Library at approximately 10:00 PM. John Davidson, City Engineer