HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/70The Cornmisslo~l met at ?:30 p m at the Hast~z~gs C~ty Counail Chambers in the C,~ty ttall. Members prrsent-~ Petersen, Fislhcr, Morn, ltallberg, Bauer, Soletm and /?lueget Also present City Engineer Davidson. Duane Groth. and Mrs Darlene Hallbcrg Councilman F~scher reported on the zonsng ,~f the Staffel property. The ~omt~iss~on reviewed the than~es in the zoning ordinance and suggested that the area be zoned to 1-~. General ~dustrial. ~der the proposed zoning ordinance Mr Fischer stated t~t there were several alternatives that had been diecussed with Mr StoifeI foilov,~g the last meeting of the Pla~ing Co~ssion and City C~m~tl. at which tinge Mr ~toffel was given time to ~on~ider the R-3 zone in which he would be non-~o~or~n~, the Commercial zone in which he woa/d be non-cotdorming and the 1-~ zone in which he be co~dormiu~ and in which he would be allowed expa~ston of his for ~e~uae purposes: Mr Stoile[ reported W the Cit~ Engineer following that me~ting that he would prefer the h~dustri~l zone to allow free expansion of his business when it became necessary. Mr. Fischer stated that the proposal oi R- ~ zoning and iss~ng a building permit thatlwoutd be adequate for one year was presented, which ~r, ~toffet rejected '~e next item was presented by Mr Duane Groth representing Tri-CountF ~suraoce Agency lie requested re-zon~g of 4 05 acres formerly the Vince Ralphe property adjacent to the ~r:. ~h 5choo~ property It wa~ moved by Mr Fischer, seconded by Mr ~uer to approve the amendment to the zoning ordinance to re-zone the area from R-1 to R-3. subject to a legal easement for the West ~'~ feet of the described property being received prior to the third read~g of the zoning ordnance Mr. Groth then withdrew his request for the C-Z zoning for the area south of the Ve~msltion River until such time as the flood plain studies have been ~ompleted and the flood plain ar~:a ~pecificaH~ designated. Chg~rr~n Petersen then went through the correspondence he had pending ~he first ~tem was a letter from Drs. Kugter & Thlbodo who ~d acquired the propert~ at 55 ~d Pine It was determined that the new facility complied with the new zoning ordinance ~d accord~gtF there was no conftict~ Chair~n Petersen next read a tetter from Sanders Ackerberg raising certain questions with reference to the application of the ordinance to his apartment project The City Engineer ~d City Attorney were advised to meet with Mr Ackerber~ and see in what areas he could not conform to the proposed 'a~mg o~d~nance It w~s moved by Cou~ilm~ ~hliher~. seconded ~;,:,un, [[~.n Fl~her that Mt Ackerber~ be advised that t~s proJf~ Minutes o£ the planning Commission ~W£eeting Page Z The next item discussed was a letter oi resignation subn~ttet~ by Orvin lvioen. Mr. Ivioen agreed to serve the balance of the term which would end in ~anuary of 1971, A letter was received from lvirs. Marcella ~idde asking that she be considered for the vacancy on the Plannin2 Commission. There v~a also a letter from the Hastings University Women's Association recommending that she be considered. There was also an application received from Mr. Paul Donndelinger requesting ttu~t he be considered for the vacancy on .the Planning Commission. The next item di'ecussed was the advisability of changing the number of Council members on the planning Comixxission. Other related topics were discussed. The press representatives present were asked:to make a public announcement of the £act that there would be a vacancy or vacancies ha the ~lanning CommisSion and that anyone interested should submit appticationo A general discussion of the Natural Resources Oomnaittee occurred. Don I-Ialtherg was requested to attend the next Open Sapce and Natural Resources Committee meeting December 1, 1970, at ?:~0 porn. at the City Platt. The next item discussed was the proposal of IMike Gegen for R-~ living quarters on the corner of Oak and Highway 55. The Engineer reported that he had not received a revised plan from lvtr. Gegeno l~r. I-Iallberg stated ~l~,t Mr. Gegen was revising the original plot plan. The next item discussed was the C- 4 zoning. The City Engineer and City Attorney were instructed to Prepare a regulation and incorporate it in the zoning ordinance prior to the third passage. Mr. Sole~n next reported on the Haven Homes project. He reported that a series of meetings had been held with Rev. Fair and other citizens interested in the project. It appears that £inancing which was availab[e when the project was orig,inalty considered was not now available° The City Attorney was asked to check into the legalities involved in sealing all or a portion of the I~nds in the 15th Street Ponding Basin, It was next determined that the Commission should delay action on the Xavier Kaiser proposal for construction of a motel on County 47 until the Vermillion River plans were stabilized, The ~xteeting was adjourned. Donald ,T. Fluegel, Secretary Hastings planning Commission