HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/31/70I,/~Ii~]UT~.'S OF P~I~ Y~b~D ~ECP. E~kTION SUBCOIVikflTT.EE
Those present:
Mro David Pederson, Mr. Tony Wil[eke~ Mr. Werner
Fasbender~ Mr. J. M. McKane, Mr. Bert i-I. Lurid,
Mr~ Ed Fischer~ Mr. ~n klallberg, I~*.
Wol[mer~g~ Mrs, M~.vis Nelson~ Mr. Hi Ki[born,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sch~acher, Mr. Jo~ Co Hem[em,
Mr. Roger Yo~gqulst, Mr. Randy Dotso~ Mrs. PameX¢
Thomas~ Mro D~ck Co[[ins, Mr. Len Freiermu~h~
Mr. J~m Hohnes, Mr. Edwin Sont~g, Mr. Orv~ Mcen~
Mrs. ~u~ust Ho ~Ren~ie~ Mr. Ray ~u~son~ Mro Jim
O~Co~or, Mr. RusseX AndCews from ~he State
Office, Mr Waliy Erickson~ City C[erk~ Mr.
Davidson~ City ~ngineer~ Mr. WaXt Pe~ersen, Pinning
Co~ssion C~rman, Mr. Don Fk~ege[, C~ty At~rney.
Com~g ~ Xa~e: Mrs. Helen Beissel, Mrs. Ida Mae
C~rXes and Mr. Walter Thews.
Mr. ~Talt Petersen gave the openLug remarks, stating that the meeting tonight
wats ~o discuss financing of the Parks and Recreation Program for the City 0f
~m,,~ngs~ that the next meeting of this group would be held September 14~ t970~
a~: ~hich time ~r~ Tom Clawson from the Office of ~cal and Urban Aff~irs
vfil speak on ~he Grant Programs available for Park and Open Space purchase
~ad development.
The n~eeting was then turned over to Mr. Wallace Erickson, who introduced
Mr. Russel Andrews from the State Public Examiners Office. He discussed
the overall City budget. The State Law which is the autho~-ity and limitations
fc~ City budget purposes. He stated the net levy for the City of ~stin~s is
$551, ~59, ac~ua~ operational bud~e~ [s $807, 516, of ~hich $Z68,455 is income
99 m~[[s, the Co~W is 55~ ~1 and the School ~s Z80.0~. ~r. Erickson
empkmsized the ~egality of spending and the limitations of spending ~ aH
dep~rtments of the City of Hast~s.
~r. Russe[ A.ndme~s sta~ed t~t State ~w a~lows ~0 ~i[~s to be levied for
general purposes, $5~. 00 per cap~ta for a~l purposes that are levied. He
s~ted that ~evy allowed for Open Space or Park Acquislt~on requires that
the municipality be part of the Regional Park D~str~c~ ~nd ~hen they ~my ~evy
18~ per capita each year for park acquisition pu~oses~ Re[a~n~ th~s to Hastens,
~ith a population of 1Z, 000 t~s ~ou[d ~ean about $2, 160 per year ~t could
be i~vi~d fca this pu~ose~
Page Z
of Eng~eers. ~il Conserv~:ion Service ~nd the S[~[~ Conservation Service.
We completed our meeting and discussion at approximately 9:00 po rn.
¥Jalter Petersen. Chairman
I-!asr/rigs planning Commission