The meeting convened at 7:30 P. M, at the Hastings Public Library Meeting
Those present:
Also present:
Mr. Frank $ieckert, Mr. Arland Siebrecht~ Mr. Don Hallberg0
Mr. Walt Petersen~ Mr. Orvin Moen, and Mr. Ed Fischer
Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Nell Siewert, Mr, Duane Groth
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Leonard~ representing Harry So
Johnson Associates,
The first item was approval of the minutes of the June 22, 1970 meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Sieckert that the report of the
subcommittee consisting of Mr. Fischer, Mr. $ieckert and Mr. Moen regarding
the Mobile Home Park along the Vermillion River in South Hastings be accepted
as presented.
It was suggested by Chairman Petersen at the last City Council Meeting that the
City submit to the Metropolitan Park Reserve Board the plan of the Corps of
Engineers for the Vermillion River and ask that they advise the City of Hastings
in regard to the Corps o4 Engineers concept plan.
Mr. Nei[ Siewert 4urnished with a copy o4 the subcommittee report, requested
along with Mr, Wayne Leonard, that consideration be given to the 19.5 acres
outside of the Corps of Engineers construction limits. It was recommended by
the Planning Commission, that because of the unstabiIized situation concerning
the Vermillion River, that no determination could be given for this strip o4 land
at this time. Mr. Siewert was advised that the Planning Corrunission would fur- '.
nish this report to the City Council at the next regular meeting and that it was
the City Council who would determine finally if the plan were to be approved or j/'
There was a request by Mr, James ~I. MuIlenbach, Lot 198, Westwood Addition,
to expand and improve his present carport so that it would be within 8 feet o4 the
property line. This report was turned over to the Building and Zoning Committee
of the City Council, Mr. Don Hallberg, Chairman.
The next item o4 discussion was the Zoning Ordinance. It was requested that
Section 5.6 of the proposed Zoning Ordinance, dealing with fences~ walls and
Minutes of Hastings Plamfing Commission
Meeting held Monday~ June 29, 1970
l~age 2o
hedges be amended as follows:
Add to the last paragraph: "Fences shall not be constructed.of
barbed wire, chain link with lmrbs up, or any other material that
proves dangerous or hazardous or has intentions of inflicking
ha~,~, to life and lirab. ]Electrical fences are not permitted
within the City of Hastings."
Section 5.5 should have a drawing to supplement the written words
in this paragraph.
The next item was a suggestion that the amended fence section of this ordinance
be furnished to Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward Companies so that their
fence contractors could comply to this ordinance as they erect fences wiehln
the City o£ Hastings.
The ne~t item of discussion was the Open Space Subcommittee. It was suggested
that the subcommittee consist of nine persons, It was suggested that they be
furnished a draft of the model by-laws. It was also suggested that they make up
a check list of interests for each person who had made application for this sub-
committee, The check list would consist of main items of interest in regard
to recreation and open space programs.
The Engineer reviewed the NYC - l~ational Youth Corp Program. He indicated
that l~r. Joe Mienover would be supervising the program and requested that if
the Pl~,~ing Commission had any City-wide project suggestions that they would
be considered for work by this work force.
Mr. Arland Siebrecht suggested that the City initiate a planting program that
could be coordinated with the horticulture program of the schools, that said
program should be initiated through the cooperation of lvir. Himango~ at the
High School.
We returned to the discussion of the Zon/ng Ordinance. The first item was
Section 3.7.4. 1.
Change '~barricaded" to "unbarricaded" and delete the fottowlng:
"lViore than three (3) feet deep."
Section I
Last line - "operated and maintained shall have a period of one (1)"
(This is not clear on the reprint of the Zoning Ordinance. )
Section 3.7.4. 4. 6
Delete the following: "in the amount of $10.00". Replace
with 'is required".
Minutes o£ Hastings Pla~,~ag Comrnissio~
i~eeting held ~vionday~ June 29, 1970
Page 3.
The next item of discussion was the City Zoning Map, It was suggested
that the City Engineer furnish Mr. Fischer with an updated urban map
showing all of the street systems which he would have prin~s prepared
from so ali street systems now platted or improved would he shown on
the urban n~,.p prior to completing our Zo,,t-g Map, It was also suggested
~h=t a City-wide street systems .map showing the thorough/ares, collector.
State and County highway~ be furnished the members o/the Placating
The meeting was adjourned to July 13, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. to be held at the
Citl~ Hall.
We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00
Approved by: Walter Petersen
John Davidson, City Engineer
Approyed by Walt Petersen 7-1-70
Oi~ic~ of ENGINEER
The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at the Hastings Public Library Meeting
Those present:
Mr. Frank Sieckert, Mr. Arland Siebrecht, Mr. Don
Hallberg, Mr. Walt Petersen, Mr. OrvinMoen, and
Mr. Ed Fischer.
Also present:
Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Neil Siewert, Mr. Duane Groth
and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Leonard, representing
Harry S. Johnson Associates.
The first item was approval of the minutes of the June 22, 1970 meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Sieckert that the report of the
subcommittee consisting of Mr. Fischer, Mr. Sieckert and Mr. Moen regarding
the Mobile Home Park along the Vermillion River in South Hastings be accepted
as presented. (See copy of report attached).
It was suggested by Chairman Petersen at the last City Council Meeting that the
City submit to the Metropolitan Park Reserve Board the plan of the Corps of
Engineers for the Vermillion River and ask that they advise the City of Hastings
in regard to the Corps of Engineers concept plan.
Mr. Neil Siewert furnished with a copy of the subcommittee report, requested
along with Mr. Wayne Leonard, that consideration be given to the 19.5 acres
outside of the Corps of Engineers construction limits. It was recommended by
the Planning Commission, that because of the unstabalized situation concerning
the Vermillion River, that no determination could be given for this strip of land
at this time. Mr. Siewert was advised that the Planning Commission would fur-
nish this report to the City Council at the next regular meeting and that it was the
City Council who would determine finally if the plan were to be approved or dis-
There was a request by Mr. James J. Mullenbach, Lot 198, Westwood Addition,
to expand and improve his present carport so that it would be within 8 feet of the
property line. This report was turned over to the Building and Zoning Committee
of the City Council, Mr. Don Hallberg, Chairman.
The next item of discussion was the zoning ordinance. It was requested that
Section 5.6 of the proposed zoning ordinance, dealing with fences, wallsand hedges
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting
held Monday, June 29, 1970 Page 2.
be amended as follows:
Add to the last paragraph:
"Fences shall not be constructed of barbed wire,
chain link with barbs up, or any other material
that proves dangerous or hazardous or has intentions
of inflicting harm to life and limb. Electrical fences
are not permitted within the City of Hastings. TM
Section 5.5 should have a drawing to supplement the written words in this paragraph.
The next item was a suggestion that the amended fence section of this ordinance
be furnished to S ears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward Companies so that their
fence contractors could comply to this ordinance as they erect fences within the
City of Hastings.
The next item of discussion was the Open Space Subcommittee. It was suggested
that the subcommittee consist of nine persons. It was suggested that they be
furnished a draft of the model by-laws. It was suggested that they make up a
check list of interests for each person who has made application for this sub-
committee. The check list would consist of main items of interest in regard
to recreation and open space programs.
The Engineer reviewed the NYC - National Youth Corp Program. He indicated
that Mr. Joe Mienover would be supervising the program and requested that if
the Planning Commission had any City-wide project suggestions that they would
be considered for work by this work force.
Mr. Arland Siebrecht suggested that the City initiate a planting program that could
be coordinated with the horticulture program of the schools, that said program
should be initiated through the cooperation of Mr. Himango at the High School.
We returned to the discussion of the Zoning Ordinance. The first item was
Section 3. 7.4. 1:
Change "barricaded" to "unbarricaded" and delete the following:
More than three (3) feet deep.
Section 3. 7.4.3. 1
Last line - "operated and maintained shall have a period of one (1).."
(This is not clear on the reprint of the Zoning Ordinance).
Delete the following - "in the amount of $10.00".
Replace with- "is required".
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting
held Monday, June 29, 1970
Page 3.
The next item of discussion was the City Zoning Map. It was suggested that
the City Engineer would furnish Mr. Fischer with an updated urban map showing
all of the street systems which he would have prints prepared from so ail street
systems now platted or improved would be shown on the urban map prior to
completing our zoning map. It was also suggested that a City-wide street systems
map showing the thoroughfares, collector, State and County highways be furnished
the members of the Planning Commission.
The meeting was adjourned to July 13, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. to be held at the City
Ha ll.
We completed our meeting at approximately I0:00 P.M.
John Davidson, City Engineer
June 29, 1970
To evaluate
E. Fischer,
O. Moen
F. Sieckert
if the proposed Star Realty Trailer Court site
in South Hastings bounded by the Vermillion River, Cannon
Street and the abandoned railroad right-of-way should be
authorized to proceed with development plans.
It is recommended that the construction of the proposed
Trailer Park be disapproved due to the following conditions:
1. The unstabilized situation concerning the Vermillion
River as related to -
a. Channel re-routing
Recreational utilization of
the rivey banks
b. land adjacent to
c. State Flood Yl~in management legislation
Impending revision of the state tax laws as related to
trailers and similar stru~:tures in light of the current
critical tax situation in the City of Hastings.
The lack of a clear neec for additional Trailer Parks
in the City of Hastings ~.n light of the existence of one
and the current construc!~ion of another site.
No fence shall exceed 6 feet in height in residential areas,
In front yards and corner lots no fence shall exceed 3 feet in
height above curb level and shall be at least 15 feet from the
curb and shall not exceed 20% in obstruction (80% open) and
of material approved by appointed office.
By no means shall barb wire and electric fences be installed
or any material that proves dangerous or appears hazardous
or has intentions of inflicting harm to life and limbo
The term fencing shall be only to prove boundaries and con-
All fences shall ha'~e chain links and boards or any approved
material on the outside only (posts inside) and far enough off
property line to maintain his or her fence.
Fence may be built on property tine if approved by adjoining
property owners at the time of construction, but in no instance
shall the wire or boards be on the inside,
Paragraphs E and F must be observed in building a basket weave
Any chain link fence that is installed down side up or barbs up,
prior to the date of effect of this ordinance~ shall be given one
year (365 days) to rever,',e the same or shall be guilty of
On any alley a 30" setback be required.
3-E. Franchise and Other Agreements. Any munici-
pality should be able to reserve the right to continue
in full force and effect, or to negotiate franchises or
other agreements including agreed upon fees or taxes,
Responsible government requires careful attention, not
only to meeting existing problems, but also to planning
for future growth and development. Local governments
are cognizant of a variety of planning needs and tools.
The following proposals reflect specific steps which
should be taken to allow municipal governments to con-
tinue to be responsive to such needs:
4-A. Minnesota Municipal Commission. To improve
the effectiveness of the Municipal Commission it is sug-
gested that thc following changes be made: Thc rcfcreh-
dura requirement in all annexation proceedings should be
removed; the Commission should be authorized to estab-
lish urban and rural taxing districts where none exist and
to provide for differential tax rates for not more than five
years, and to clarify the/provisions relating to apportion-~
mcat of assets and obligations, and to define more
clearly appealable orders. To improve the "orderly
nexation" provisions it is suggested that an affected
municipality be authorized to initiate orderly annexation
proceedings upon being ordered ny an appropriate state
ag~'-,v to extend municipal services to an unincorpor-
at ,rea or when unincorporated territory abutting thc
municipality qualifies as agricultural property for the
purpose of the Minnesota Agricultural Property Tax
Law. Initiation also should be permitted upon resolution
of the~anncxing municipality and a petition of either 100
or 20 percent property owners, whichever is smaller, in
the area to be annexed. Thc mandatory tax rate differ-
ential requirement sh6uld be removed and the Commis-
sion given discretionary autho~;ity to fix a period of
not more than five years in which to equalize the mill
rates in the affected areas. The annexed municipality
should be required to assume all planning, zoning and
subdivision obligations and functions, as well as author-
ized to levy special assessments for local improvements
. constructed, in an area designated as in need of orderly
4-B. Agricullural and Open Space Propet~y Tax Laws.
To achieve orderly urban expansion the League recom-
mends that modifications bc made in property tax
policies affecting agricultural and recreational open
space land. The period for paying deferred taxes on
agricultural rand should be increased to seven years so
that if within that time the land ceases to qualify or is
sold. the taxpayer should be required to pay the. differ-
enc,~between toe taxes he would have paid and the tax-
es ~ally paid while the land was classified as agricul-
turin. If agricultural or recreational open space land
has received tax deferment for more than seven years
and then is sold or ceases,to qualify, the taxpayer should
Min ,n?sota MuniCipalities
be required to pay 25 percent of the appreciated value
of the property computed from the time it first qualified
until sold. or the total deferred taxes for the last seven
years, whichever is greater. The amounts should be dis-
tributed to the a~{ected taxing districts on an equitable
basis. Additionally, an interim study commission should
be established to seek greater coordination of tax policy
and urban development programs.
4-C. Urban and Rural Tax Districl Laws. It is sug-
gested that platted land be authorized to be included in
rural tax districts, provided there is a periodic review of
both the tax ratio and district boundaries by the muni-
cipality; that if one lot in the platted area is developed,
sold, or basic municipal services made available, the en-
tire plat is transferred to the urban taxing district; and
that a minimum size for qualifying parcels be established.
4-D. State Programs and Local Government. Any ef-
fort by the state to establish a department of local af-
fairs should be undertaken with caution to avoid dupli-
cating the efforts of existing functional or service groups
or organizations, especially in consulting services, train-
ing programs, basic research and information services.
Moreover, a prol~ram of this type must be accompanied
by a significant financial commitment for the support of
departmental programs.
4-E. County Subdivision Regulations. It is suggested
that county subdivision regulations, as ts the case with
municipal regulations, be required to be filed with the
county register of deeds and tl~at h~ be prohibit0d from
accepting plats not approved by the county platting
authority. Metes and bounds conveyances should also
be restricted in counties which have adopted and filed
subdivision regulations.
The quality of service rendered by a municipality to
its residents is vitally dependent upon the quality of
its employees. A sound personnel program providing
equitable treatment to all employees is essential in secur-
ing ond maintaining quality personnel. An effective em-
ployment system must be structured in such a way that
undue preference is not afforded to selected individuals
so as to deny equal opportunity for original ap-
pointments or promotions to otherwise quali-
fied individuals. Furthermore, pensions and other pay-
related benefits should be adequately funded and de-
signed to allow municipalities to compete with other
potential employers in seeking and retaining qualified em-
ployees. The following specific proposals are endorsed
by the League as component parts of a programto move
toward equal employment opportunity for, all individuals
and to strengthen pay-related benefits ~o retain such in-
dividuals in mtmlcipal employment:
June, 1970 ~'