JUNE 8, 1970at 7:30 P.M.
Members present: Peterson, Moen, Siekert, Bauer, Hallberg, SJebrecht,
Solelm, Fluegel and Fischer. City Engineer, Davldson was also present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed.
The committee appointed to review the Mobile Home Park requested by Star
Realty stated that the matter ~s still under consideration and more time is required.
The committee reviewing the Sontag plat stated that the matter is still under
'[he City Engineer reported that the Hud grant requested for the East side of
Hastings and the Northwest orea had been denled, A discussion took place with
reference fo the pollutlon problem in East Hastings,
Donald Gustafson next addressed the Commission [n connection with the
proposed commercial rezon[ng.' Mr. Sole[m stated thor his committee felt the commercial
would be better located between Wes~iew and Pleasant Drive South OF Highway #55
as opposed to the location presently under consideration. Mr, Gustafson stated that
the present multiple dwelling area had already been approved for 360 units with a
recreational building. It involves 21.79 acres. There will be one garage and one off-
street parking place for each unit. If approved, the request for commercial zoning on
the present petition would be deleted. This would average about 16 units per acre
whereas the prior approval was for 14 units per acre, He stated some buildings will have
elevators. He stated they anticipate starting with the 42 unit building with 42 garages
and 42 parking places. A discussion took place with reference to the procedure regarding
Committee to recreational and asthestitc considerations.
Commission and a cltizens group and that special considerati0n be given by t}nls
The motion was unanimously
The following names were submitted for consideration on the committee:
Mavis Nelson
Ray Knutson
Bert Lurid
Mrs. Charles Thomas
John Lighthorn
Hiram Kilborn
James Greet
Tom Wollmerlng
Dave Pederson
Roger ¥oungqulst
/v~rs. Roger Young. uist
Tony Willike
Chester Bassettl,
It was agreed
by the Commission that all of these persons would be invited to the next meeting to
express their vlew~
Mr. Sieckert stated that with refer erice to the building code, recommendations
will be submitted to the Building Inspector for consideration and then submitted to the
Planning Commission, hopefully at the next meeting. A general discussion took place
with reference to the proposed airport location at the Rosemount - Farmlngton area.
HELD MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1970 AT 7:30 PoMo
Members present:
Petersen, Moen, Sieckert, Bauer, Hallberg0
Siebrecht, Soleim, Fluegel and Fischer
Also present:
John Davidson
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailedo
The committee appointed to review the Ivlobile Home Park requested by
Star Realty stated that the matter is still under consideration and more time
is required°
The committee reviewing the Sontag plat stated that the matter is still under
conside ration.
The City Engineer reported that the HUD Grant requested for the East side of
Hastings and the Northwest Area had been denied. A discussion took place
with reference to pollution problems in East Hastings.
Mr. Donald Gustafson next addressed the Commission in connection with the
proposed commercial and apartment rezoning. Mr. Soleim stated that his
committee felt the commercial would be better located between Westview and
Pleasant Drive, south of Highway 55 as opposed to the location presently under
consideration. Mr. Oustafson stated that the present multiple dwelling area
had already been approved for 360 units with a recreational building. It
involves 21.79 acres. There will be one garage and one off-street parking
place for each unit, If approved, the request for commercial zoning on the
present petition would be deleted, This would average about 16 units per
acre whereas the prior approval was for 14 units per acre, He stated some
buildings will have elevators, He stated they anticipate starting with the
4Z-unit building with 42 garages and 42 parking places. A discussion took
place with reference to the procedure regarding building permits, elco Mr,
Gustafson stated that they would llke the first three buildings up before the
recreational building would be constructed. None of the buildings would have
any below ground apartments.
A motion was made by Mr. Fischer to approve one building in the southeast
corner. This motion was subsequently withdrawn°
A motion was made by Mr. Fluegel~ seconded blt Mr. Fischer to approve
three 4Z-unit buildings as lald out in the southeast corner of the site plan,
each building to be on a separate building permit and to meet all ordinances
in effect at the time of application for permit and the balance of the area to
be reviewed at a later date~ The motion was 6nanimousll~ approved.
Iv~inutes of Hastings Planning ~om~i~ission
Meetin§ held Ivionday, 3une 8~ 1970 l:a§e Z0
Mr. Gustafson stated again that the request for commercial zoning that
was presently under consideration would be withdrawn.
Mr. Siebrecht reported on the application by Jehovah Witnesses requesting
authority to construct a meeting hall in Block 23 of Addition Noo 13o It
was stated that the Committee felt that there was inadequate parking avail-
able and further felt that the applicant should acquire more land for parking.
It was noted that they only had Z3 parking spots available. The plan
indicates that there should be at least 43 parking spaces. Whereupon, a
motion was made by Ivir, Siebrecht, seconded by Mr. Moen, to adopt the
report of the Committee~ and approve the request upon the applicant pro-
riding necessary parking spaces as set forth above. The motion was
unanimously carried,
The next item of discussion was the Vermillion River. After much discussion
a motion was made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Hallberg, to the
following effect:
That there is a flood problem and that the Commission go
on record as favoring steps being taken to alleviate the
problem, but that the plan as presented by the Corps of
Engineers be reviewed with a Committee consisting of
representatives of the City Council, the plan,~ing Commission
and a citizens group and that special consideration be given
by this Committee to recreational and aesthetic considerations.
The motion was unanimously carried°
The following names were submitted for consideration on the committee:
Mavis Nelson
Ray Knuts on
Bert Lund
lvirs. Charles Thomas
John Lightbourn
Hiram Kilbo rn
James Grier
Tom Wollmering
Dave Pederson
Roger Youngquist
Mrs, Roger Youngquist
Tony Willeke
Chester Bassetti
Walter Thomas
John Herniem
John Go IVicKane
It was agreed by the Commission that all of these persons would be invited
to the next meeting to express their views.
Mr. Sieckert stated that with reference to the Building Code, recommendations
will be submitted to the Bnitding Inspector for consideration and then submitted
to [he Planning Commission, hopefully at the next meeting. A general dis°
cussiot~ took place with reference to-the, proposed airport location at the
Rosem~unt - F;~rmington. area.
Mintlte~ o I-Iastmas lanmng Commission
Meeting held Monday~ June 8~ 1970
l~age Z~
With reference to the Zoning Ordinance, the committees previously
appointed by the Chairman are to review their respective sections of
the proposed ordinance and to submit the same to the City Engineer
for preparation.
The meeting v~s duly adjourned, upon unanimous vote,
Donald Jo Fluegel, Secretary
Hastings Planning Commission
The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at the Hastings Public Library Meeting
Those present:
Mr. Walt l~etersen, Mr. Don Fluegel, Mr. Frank Sieckert
Mr. Don Hallberg, Mr. Skip Soleim, Mr. Leonard Bauer
Mr. ArlandSiebrecht, Mr. Ed Fischer, and Mr. Orvin
Also present:
Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Lew Jacquis, Mr. Dick Fox,
Mr. IDuane Groth, Mr. Don Gustafson, Mr. Jack Magnuson.
The first item was the approval of the minutes of May Z5th, 1970 as submitted.
The Rehfeld proposal was discussed. They want to reconstruct a basement home
on E. 8th Street, which would be lot 8, block 135, Original Tovzn of Hastings.
The Building Permit was disallowed on the basis that the existing foundation is
unsound structurally and that basement homes are a variance to the present
building code and would not be allowed on the basis of the five-year building
Under Committee Reports, the first report was on Mobile Home Parks.
Mr. Fischer's committee said there would be no report until the next regular
meeting since the data had been collected only last Thursday. They had not
had a chance to review the data.
The next item was review of the Sontag plat by Mr. Hallberg's committee. It
was mentioned that this had just been turned over to the Planning Commission
formally by the City Council at the meeting of June 1st. Mr. Hallberg's committee
will review the plat as presented.
There was a review by the City Engineer of the HUD Grant request for sewer and
water to East Hastings, extension of the Northwest Trunk Sewer to the West
Corporate Limits and development of a Ponding Basin Area. The HUD Grant
was disallowed in accordance with a letter received from Mr. Edward Bruder,
Assistant Regional Administrator, Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment dated June 4, 1970. It was suggested that the Planning Commission give
consideration of a study of this area in East Hastings as to how it would fit in
to our new Zoning Ordinance and possibility of phasing out construction in the
area of East Hastings which would be either side of 2nd Street from the CMStP&P
Railroad tracks east.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting
held Monday, June 8, 1970 Page Z.
The next item for review was the Hastings Construction Co. proposal for
C-1 and 1{-4 zoning, headed by Mr. Soleirn's cornrnittee. Mr. Don Gusta£son
made a presentation, asking to have his C-1 zoning withdrawn and presented
a comprehensive plan for R-4 development in the area of Valley Manor
Addition. He is proposing 360 units on 21. 79 acres, giving it a density of
16 units per acre. Some of the 4Z-plex units would have elevators in these
units, only elderly residents would be housed and those without elevators
would be given over to younger couples. The construction would be wood-frame,
with brick veneer. It was moved by Mr. Fischer to approve the first unit at
the northwest corner of Bahls Drive and Lyn Way. This motion died for lack
of a second.
The next motion was made by Mr. Fluegel, seconded by Mr. Fischer to
approve the three 4Z-unit layout at the southeast corner of Valley Manor
Addition subject to approval of building permits for each of the 4Z-unit
apartments. Mr. Oustafson stated that he would request in writing a with-
drawal of the C-1 zoning for the Valley Manor Addition and this study would
then be discontinued by Mr. Soleim's committee. However, he will be asking
if the area previously petitioned for for I{-4 zoning, would then be zoned to
C- 1 Commercial, which would be that area lying south of T. It. 55 between
Westview Drive and Pleasant Drive along the south side of T. Pt. 55.
We then discussed some of the requirements for obtaining a building permit.
One would be that shatter-proof glass be installed in the patio doors, that
there be soundproofing between units, that the parapet type of design for the
overhang of the roof would be fireproofed and that the fire escape facilities
would be reviewed for the building.
There was a committee report by Mr. Siebrecht on the Jehovah Wittnesses
Church. The church would seat 150 persons, the committee recommending
they acquire property to the east for parking, that at least one additional
50 x 150 foot lot would be required initially. They would suggest that possibly
both 50 foot lots east be acquired for future expansion of parking facilities.
It was moved by Mr. Siebrecht, seconded by Mr. Moen that these additional
properties be acquired prior to issuance of a building permit for construction.
Also, that the 36" freeboard be designed in for landscaping purposes prior to
final approval of the building permit since this area is situated directly adjacent
to the ponding basin and we would want to insure there being no possibility of
flooding in the future.
The next item of discussion was the Vermillion River Flood Project, as proposed
by the Corps of Engineers. There was a general discussion by all members of
the Planning Commission. The Engineer recommended approval of the Corps of
Engineers basic design with some alteration in proposed fishing pools and the
possibility of installation of a dam or replacement or part of the dam. It was
moved by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr. Hallberg, and unanimously approved
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting
held Aionday, June 8, 1970 Page
to recommend to the City Council approval of the basic plan presented by
the Corps of Engineers, based upon the fact that there is a flood threat.
Thc plana ~hould bc ~itcrcd to pr0vidc fi0hing p0010 and dam replacement,
that a joint City-County citizens committee be formed to study aesthetics
and work with all interested government agencies in upstream flood preventative
The next item of discussion was the Proposed Sub-Committee of the Planning
Commission in the area of Park and Recreation. Mr. Petersen read off a
list of letters he had received the past week from persons interested in serving
on this subcommittee. He suggested that all persons who had written request-
ng consideration for the subcommittee be asked to come to the next regular
Planning Commission Meeting to be held Monday, June 22, 1970.
It was suggested by Mr. Sieckert that he would work with Mr. Les Matula
on clerification of the Building Code and have it ready by next week so that
these considerations would be given the new 42-plex to be built by Hastings
Construction Co.
The South Area Air Port was discussed. There was a general discussion and
there were no recommendations by the Planning Commission at this time.
We went into a quick review of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. It was
suggested that the City Engineer completely type the zoning ordinance for
submission to the City Council for review as written without any further
corrections, that the sub-committee of the Planning Commission would
be reviewing their various sections for any additional corrections that would
have to be made prior to final adoption, that in the interim, that while the
City Council was reviewing the Ordinance, the Planning Commission would
work on the zoning map.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P. M.
The next regular meeting will be held Monday, June 22, 1970 at 7:30 P.M.
at the Hastings Public Library.
John Davidson, City Engineer
Siebrecht~ Solein~ Ftuegei and Fischer
~,!so prosent:
John Davidson
%:he corr~r, li'~tee erppoh%ted to rovi er; ~he }/Iobite Home Pa~ reqnested by
Tko conlrnltgee reviev~in~ ~he Sol, tag pia~ sf~a+.ed that the ~iatter is s~ili under
co,side ration.
The City Engineer ~°eported that ~e HUD Grant requested for t~e East side of
Hastf~gs ~nd the Nor~hv~st J%rea h~d be~n denied. A d~scu~sion took place
%vith reference ~o poilv.~ion problems in East i-las~ings.
lv%r. Donald Gustafson next addressed the C'.o~nrnission i.n cot~nection v~.::i% ~a
pis. ce for each n~t~ !3 approved. ~k~ request for co~ercial zoning on the
b~ildings ';~iil have eievator~. P!~ s~gted riley anticipate star,ting ~tA the
place v/ith reference ~o tk~ ?~..'oceduse rega~iilg buildiz~g perYz~its~ e{:c. ~ylr..
any baler; g.ror~d ~parf~n;ie_3'~.
J. I~otion ~x~as naade bM A4r. Fischei' to approve one b6iiding in ~:he sout!~east
co£'ner. ?his motion ~;as s~g}segp.entiy ¥¢ithdsavnl.
.~.~ rno~:ion ~,as i."nad~: i}3~' A4r. F!uegel,~ seconded b! l~¥{ro Fischer to approv~
~hree 42-u~t buiidin~s as ~aid ou~ in ~iie souti:cast cci'nar of the si~e pith,
each building to be on a separate 'building per~vai~ ai~d to n%ee~ ail ordinances
in effec~ at ~he ti~o;~ of applicagio~z for per~ni~ and the balance of the area to
lV~inutes o£ Hastings Plannin§ Cor,~rnisslon
h01d M0n , June 80 1970
Mr. Gustaison s~ted again that ~he request for commercial zoning that
was presently under consideration would be withdrawn.
Mr. Siebrecht reported on ~e applica~on by Jehovah Witnesses request~g
au~orit~ to construct a meet~g hall in Block 2~ of Addition No. I~.
was stated ~t ~e Co~ttee felt ~at there was ~adequate parking a~il-
able ~d iur~er ie[t t~t ~e app~c~t s~u[d acq~re more l~d for park~g.
It ~s noted that ~ey only ~d Z3 park~g spots av~lable. The p~n
in, cares ~t ~e~e should be at least 43 parking spaces. ~ereupon~ a
motion was ~de by ~r. Siebrecht, seconded by ~r. Moen, to adopt
re~rt of the Co--tree, and approve the request upon the applican~ pro-
vid~g necessary parking spaces as set forth a~ve. ~e motion
~i~us [y carried.
The next item of ~scussion ~s the Ver~11~n River. ~er much discussion
a motion ~s made by Mr. Fischer, seconded by ~r. ~l[berg, to the
following ei/ect:
T~t ~ere is a flood problem and that ~e Co~iSsion go
on record as favoring steps being t~en to alleviate
problem~ but t~t the plan as presented by t~e Co~s
Engineers be reviewed with a~Co~it~ee consisting of
representatives of the City Co~ci~' the P~u~g Co~ission
and a cit~ens group and that special consideration be given
by t~s Co--tree to recreational ~d aesthetic considerations.
The motion was unanimously carried.
The following names were submitted for consideration' on the 'committee:
avis Nelson
ay Knuts on
~ert Lund
/~lVlrs. Charles Thomas
John Lightbourn
Hiram Kilbo rn
James Grief
Tom Wollme ring
~Dave Pederson
Roger Youngquist
I~rs. Roger Youngquist
_Cony Witleke
hester Bassetti
~Walter Thomas
~ohn Herniern
,,~John Go lvicKane v~,~.
It ~s agreed by the Co~iSsion t~t all ~ ~ese persons would be invited
to the next meeting to e~ress ~eir. views.
Mr. Siecke~ stated that with reference to the Building Code, reco~endations
~ll be sub, rte.5 to the B~lding ~spector for consideration and then sub~f~ed
to the Pl~ng Co~ission.. hopefully at the n~xt meet~g. A general dis-
cussion took. p~ice ~th reference to the proposed airport lo,lion at the
Hosemo~t - F~rmington area.
Minutes oI Hastings l°lannlng
Meeting held Monday~ /Tune 8~ 1970
~a. ge Z.
With reference to the Zoning Ordinance, the committees previously
appointed by the C~rman are to review their respective sections o£
the proposed ordinance and to submit the same to the City Engineer
for preparation.
The meeting w~s duly adjourned, upon unanimous vote.
Donald J. Fluegel, Secretary
Hastings Planning Commission