HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/70cc':, Sent Don Fluegel 3-13-70 CITY OF HASTINGS MINUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING HELD MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. at the Hastings Public Library Meeting Room. Those present: Mr. Wait Petersen, Mr. Don Hallberg, Mr. Skip Soleim, Mr. Orvin Moen, Mr. Don Fluegel, Mr. Leonard Bauer, Mr. Ed Fischer and Mr. Arland Siebrecht. Guests present: Thomas Tousignant, Greg Wollmering, Willard Bauer, Tom Majeski, Frank Kasel, George Marshall, Bruce Holien, Elmer O. Kiekow, William Pechacek, Willis J. Olson, Jim Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schumacher, Mrs. Darlene Hallberg and Mr. Louis W. Claeson, Jr. John Davidson, City Engineer, Wallace Erickson, Administrator-Clk. Mr. Louis W. Claeson, Jr. , Attorney for the League of Municipalities attended the meeting to explain change in tax ation laws affecting Mobile Homes. The present tax structure on Mobile Homes, taxed as personal property was established in 1959. Also a ceiling was established for /he purposes of establishing the market value of the personal property. A new trailer is assessed at 10% of its full and true value. The depreciation then is on approximately 1% a year basis until the trailer is five years old and never reduces below one-half of 1% of sg000 value. The present personal property tax collected is then distributed on the following basis; 10% Goes directly to the State, or is retained by the State. 10% Goes to the County 30% Goes to the Municipality 50% Goes to the School District. These are percentages of the total tax collected. The State has pre-empted all licensing of Mobile Homes. In other words, ali of the licensing of Mobile Homes goes directly to the State for which there is no reimbursement to the municipalities involved. There are some communities studying the possibility of establishing a gross earnings tax against the Mobile Home Park owner or operator, but in certain instances the City Charter may prohibit such a gross earnings tax. In any form, licensing should be established for regulation, not as a revenue raising means. Mr. Claeson indicated he would recommend not levying a tax or licensing at this time by the City until after some form of Legislation has been proposed by the Committee of the League of Municipalities. The committee generally feels it is no longer valid to depreciate on a fixed schedule, that probably because of the demand, the Mobile Home will appreciate in value rather than depreciate. Minutes o£ Hastings P/arming Commission Meeting held Monday. March 9, 1970 Page 2. Also, due to the new concept of Mobile Homes and Modular Homes, a new and different method of taxation must be established. The League Committee is recommending a drastic change in the Mobile Home Tax Laws, that there should be a tax levied comparable to the real property taxes. They are also aware that there will be several organized groups advocating changes in the present tax law in regard to Mobile Homes. The Mobile Home industry will be invited to meet with the Tax Committee prior to drawing up any of the Bills, however, the Mobile Home Industry will have a strong lobby in their favor. Mr. Claeson thought it would be doubtful that any Ordinance to enforce the number of school unit population within a park could be established by City Legislation. Mr. Claeson had another appointment and had to leave the meeting, so he could not stay~t for any additional question and answer sessions, how- ever, the information he gave the committee and those present would be evaluated for a decision by the Planning Commission. Chairman Walt Petersen was late in attending the meeting so the meeting was chaired by Mr. Hallberg. There should be an amendment made to the minutes of the last meeting, adding Mr. Don Hallberg to the list of those present at that meeting. The next item before the Planning Commission was the Bill Pechacek mobile home park. Mr. Pechacek furnished the Planning Commission with the committee's recommendations dated December 15, 1965 attached to these minutes along with newspaper accounts of approval of the Mobile Home Park. Mr. Pechacek indicated that he would use the interceptor sewer adjacent to his property as an outlet for sewer systems, that he will extend at his own cost the watermain to the proposed mobile home park which is located at the east end of E. 8th Street. Mr. Pechacek questioned the proposed 4,050 square foot area required under the proposed trailer park ordinance and said that his layout had been established on the basis of 3Z00 square feet. He indicated the preliminary plan had been approved by the Planning Commission and City Council in 1965, but that because of the lack of sewer to serve the area, he waited until the interceptor was constructed in 1967. He has been filling the area in general and did use a considerable amount of fill from the interceptor sewer construction in 1967 to bring the area up to grade. He is proposing 50 units in the Mobile Home Park and did furnish a print of the area for Planning Commission review. It was indicated to Mr. Pechacek, that because of the proposed Mobile Home Ordinance, that in regard to this, after it was approved, the existing mobile home parks would be given three years to comply, so that we were suggesting that when he established this park that it does con form to the proposed ordinances, rather than the existing ones. Minutes of the Hastings Planning Commission Meeting held Monday, March 9, 1970 Page 3. Mr. Pechacek stated that he did not intend to revise the plan in general, that he would only make certain small corrections to the preliminary plan that had been submitted in 1965. The area is zoned industrial and would comply to the present zoning for a mobile home park. The following factors were outlined: The Engineer would check the preliminary plan to see in what areas it did not comply with the proposed ordinance (Check and distribute with these minutes, the minutes of the 1965 or 1966 Council minutes where the plan was accepted by the City Council and return the Council minutes with the Planning Commission committee report to all members of the Planning Commission. ) Mr. Willis Olson indicated that he did have a question in regard to constructing a new mobile home park, but in view of the testimony given tonight, he would withdraw his questioning. It was determined by the Planning Commission that a meeting with township officials should be set up for March 31, 1970, the last Tuesday in March. It was suggested that this recommendation be made to the City Council at the meeting of Monday, March i6th so the City Clerk could notify the various township officials. The next item of discussion by the Planning Commission was the vacancy created by Mr. Ken Truax, missing more than the maximum of four meetings in a row. The recommendation was made that the Planning Commission notify the Council of this at their next regular meeting and publicity could be given in the press and news media to allow all persons within the City to apply for the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Mr. Don Hallberg indicated he would notify Mr. Truax prior to any general public statements made through the news media so Mr. Truax is aware of the fact that he will be replaced on the Planning Commission. It was moved by Mr. Fluegel, seconded by Mr. Siebrecht and unanimously approved urging Planning Commission Chairman Walt Petersen not to resign from the Planning Commission. This action was taken subsequent to a statement made by Mr. Petersen at the last regular Council meeting at which time he indicated he was considering resignation from the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission reviewed the Mobile Home section of the Zoning Ordinance. Paragraph 7.2.5 - add the phrase "except as noted in 7.2.24" This change was made by motion by Councilman Fischer, seconded by Mr. Siebrecht and unanimous ly approved. Minutes of the Hastings Planning Commission Meeting herd Monday, March 9, 1970 Page 4. The next revisision was 7. Z. Z4: Change the 3, 050 square feet to 3, 500 square feet. It was moved by Mr. Siebrecht, seconded by Mr. Fischer and unanimously passed. It was suggested that alt members of the Planning Commission review Section 7.2.30, 7.2.31 and 7.2.32 prior to the next meeting of the Planning Commis sion. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 P. M. John Davidson, City Engineer ~ece~r 15~ 1965 Ple~min8 Couminmiou 01ty si Hamtin~m HamtinSs, tiim~eeoCa Proposed Trailer Court Gentlemen: The end~rsisned were appointed as a sub-c~lttee Plemnin~ Couuismion to inquire i~to the proposed establishment of trailer court on East 8th Street of liastinSm, Minnesota. The tollowin8 action was taken, and the tollovin~ c~elustons arrived at by this sub-comities. The sub-committee, alons with Mr. Hflliam Pechecek, proponent off the trailer court, and City Clerk, Wallace Erickeon, mt et the site o~ Saturday, December 4th. A detailed discussion occurred end t;hemtter was thorou~ly discussed vithMr, Pechacek. Since that time the sub-committee has ~urCher looked into matters relatin~ to the proposed trailer park, has discussed it with Hr. Davideon of Cite City En~lneerins Department. The sub-co, salfree asain mt with Mr. Pechacek on December 10, 196§ Co discuss the matter. The proposed trailer park location is imaedtately South of East 8th Street and i~ediately East of the railroad tracks. The Plannin~ C~nmiaeion has at its disposal a plat of the proper~isa. _TAXATION. The question of Csx reveoue from the project ~e discussed. I~ spears that the real estate and t~nprovmnents thereto will be taxed as other real estate within the city. Hence the improvement wo~ld increase the real estate ~ax revenue derived iron the property. It is presently un~nproved property. The mobile h~a which viii be located on the property will be required to pay a personal property tax. This Csx is paid directly to the State o£ Minnesota in an amount determined on a slidin~ scale based on the valuation off the respective units. The personal property tax received by the State is dis~ributed as follows: 10% remains with the State; 50% is ratutmed to the School ~istrict wherein the trailer court ia located; 30'1 ~s returned to the Municipality wherein the trailer court is located, and 10~ is returned to the Co~uty~herein the trailer court ia located. The refamda to the respective nunicipal units are nade o~ a senioSnaual basis. UTXLXTXKS. The miter of ucilitisa, bottivithin the park itsel£, and leadin8 to it vas discum~ed in detail with ~. Pechacek and Mr. IMvidaon. ~C appears that water could be obtained either iron the line Two rmmin~ alon~ loth Street or fr~n the l~xte at or near Bailey Street. The eub-em~tttee ~akes ~o reaemae~lation with reference to which source is u~ed as Xt would n~t appear to afhct the interest of the city. Mr. Pechacek has indicated that he wuld) ii found ~o be feasible, plots the eleetele, teleldu~e,~and po canmectbed under fgound. It is tho feelin~ of the sub-countries that this would be very desirable and would enhance heliuB o! the sub-eonmittne thc it should not be giants nandatory. l/~. t'echsaek had orisioally indica~ed t~at he v~ plaeL~ a septic ~y~ ~ ~e area to se~e ~ a~a mill ~he s~er line al~ the reeled ~c~ ~ ~talled. I~ ap~re ~t ~0 e~ a~t ~ ~ral ~ ~ w ~r~ly ~ t~C Hr. ~ ~uired to c~ct in~ h city ,Mr r~ alo~ ~lley Hr. avtdsn a~l.~ fur a~ star in .hqut. ~ ~ndle ~e pro~oed i~reaoe. It would appar iht ~is w~ld req~re a ~p station a~ ~chcek lo ~an o~ this ~quirmnt a~ Is vlll~ to ~s~ll a ~p oteti~ if required, to semite ~e eras. ~e qusst~n of surface drel~Se vas also raised. Hz. ~t~cbt.k stated ~t he could nh no definite statist at ~is tim wi~ re!stance to drai~se as ~ profile MM had ~ ~e~red. H~ver, we ~ecaived his assurance ~t no difficulty ~ia area ~a8 antici~ted and he w~Id rcaolve any q~otion ~leh vas raised. It should be brousht t~the attention o£ the planning Coglaission that the State of Hinnesote prtecribes some rather 8cringnet requirements which must be met by anyone operatins a trailer park. The operator nmos receive an annual license frou the State Deparmont of Health. The applicant~r the license must neet State requiresMnte dcalin~ with disposal facilities, laundry facilities, water supply, waste disposal, fire protection, lot size, domestic animal housins, etc. The question of the proposed playsrouud area as indicated on the sketch provided by Hr. Pechacek was also discussed. It should be noted that the park owner will retain title tO all of the real estate. The lose are not sold to the persons occupyin~ the lots. Hence, the sketch is not a "plat' ss ~he term is used in connection with the real estate develop- neats. ~ccordtn81y, the ordinance requiring that a percentage of the area be dedicated for park uses appeared inapplicable. Hoverer, we advised Hr. Pechacek that we would t~list that areas equal to the area indicated on the sketch as playground area would in fact have to be reserved for that use. He mentioned that he misht wish to chaqe the location of tho playsround area after typotraphic studies were mede, but he a0surred us that the indicated mt of space would be reserved for that purpose. The matter of the increased traffic flow on adjacent streets was discussed. It is noted that the area serving the trailer park will be pri~cipally residential streets. However, it was not felt that the increased traffic flo~ anticipated would present a problem oX substance. ~A~[HTEI~CE,. Nr. P~,chocek, as operator of the trailer park, will assume ~u11 responsibility for nnintenaoce of the ar~a. This includes neintenanee oX interior streets and utility lines. The city will not be obligated to plow or repair the street within the park as this will remain private property. The question of whether 8th Street east of the pa~e Three railroad tracks would be blacktopped has not been discussed. Mr. Pechacek advised that the present trailer court in liaetin~e is operatin~ at capacity. Further, that there are other persons vho desire additional trailer court facilities. He stated that several parsees had contacted h~aand advised that Zheywould locate in the trailer court. Hence it appears that there is in fact a need for a facility of this type. It vas ~he feelin~ of the sub-c~ittae that ~he proposed area is a satisfactory site and that the use is good use for the properties. Based upon ~he above infor~tion it is ~he opinion of this sub-coamittee that the irroposed use should be allm~ed with the restrictions above indicated. We respectfully recommend that the Planning Co~mission allow the use and so recommend to the City Council. Respectfully aub~itted, Charles Weclman Orville Hoen Donald J. Fluegel A d£acueston was had relative to the building permit for the J. J. Schmitz property at 610 East 2nd Street, Hastings, Minnesota. Mr. & Mrs. Schmitz and their attorney appeared as proponents and opponents were also heard. Upon motion by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Petersen that the matter be referred to the building and zoning committee for recommendation and report for January 3, 1966 meeting. Ayes, all; Nays, none. The City Attorney advised that the Senate Sub-Committee on State liquor laws had communicated with the City and requested advicea as to whether the City of Hastings desired repeal of Minnesota Statutes 340.111, which ia the statute providing a special statute for one (1} of the five (5) liquor licenses. The statute requires the City to issue the license to a hotel of 50 or more rooms serving meals regularly. A discussion was had relative to the matter. Upon motion by Councilman Petersen, seconded by Councilman Karpen that the City of Hastings hereby re- quests repeal of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340.111. Ayes, all; Nays, none. //~ Moved by Councilumn Nelson, seconded by Councilman Soleim to approve the preliminary plans of William Pechacek's Lakevtew Terrace Mobil Home Park located at East 8th Street in the City of Hastings with the roi. low- ing atipulatione recommended by the City of Hastings Planning Commission. 1. The area will be served by the Bailley Street sanitary sewer. Construction of a fence between the railroad track and the mobil park. The same will be constructed by the park owner at his own expense. 3~: It is specifically understood, that the approval given herein- is tentative and and the plat plan and specifications, are subject to City Council approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. e foregoing motion being put to a vote: Ayes, all; Nays, none. Moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Rotty that the bills as audited be approved and the City Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Ayes, all; Nays, none. Isabel /New Park /Idea Is Approved ", Over~ook. COunc/l / Pechacek Prese mobile home. ?.t/y has a s;~' il Opened th ~ar~c ~n P-~-. ,,~z~ar / ~co~t, Wis., f I~'J~NUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNiNG COMiV..ISS;ON IV~EETING HELD MONDAY, ~RCH 9~ 1970 A4embers present: Walt Petersen, Don Hallberg, Clarence Soleim, Orvin lVioen, Leonard Bauer, Don Fluegel, Ed Fischer and Arland $iehrecht Members absent: Ksn Truax Guests present: Thomas Tousignant, Greg Wol[mering, ltfillard Bauer. Tom l~ajeski~ Frank Kasel~ George Marshall. Bruce Holien, Elmer O. [{iekow~ William pechacek. Willis J. Olson, Jim Zeller, lvir. and Mrs° Leo Schumacher, Mrs. Darlene Hallberg~ Mr. Wallace Erickson. lvir. Louis %Y. Claeson, Jr. and IV[r. John Davidson. The first item of business was to hear from Mr. Louis Claeson, attorney for the League of Minnesota Municipa[itles on the question of mobile home taxation. Mr. Claeson stated that the present law taxing mobile homes was passed in 1959. The mobile home industry has~ however, changed substantially since that time and there is a movement under way to revise the taxing pro° ceduree. At the present time, the tax is in ef£ect~ a personal property tax on the mobile home itself based upon 10% o£ full and true value for the first year. After one year old. the valuation is based on 8- 1/2%~ after two years 7- 1/2%, after three years 6-1/Z%, and after four years ' 5~1/Z%~ After the fourth year. there is a one-half of I% drop per year. but never drops below 10% of $2~ 000, 00. The mill rate applied is the average mill rate for the state. The funds received by the state are distributed as follows: 10% to the State 10% to the County 30% to the Municipality 50% to the School Last year thc &ross revenue was $63Z~ 000.00. Mr. Claeson stated that the State has pre~empted the mobile home park licensing and accordingly the City does not have authority to legislate any meaningful licensing laws, Some rnunlcipalities have considered a gross earnings tax on the mobile home park, but this is something to question~ It is doubtful that State Law would authorize it, and further it is unclear that any Charters applicable would also authorize it. There is in fact a serious challenge to the validity of any City tax on IViobile Home Parks as such. Mr. Claeson stated that the League is recommending dr.astic law changes in th~s area. Questions were then posed on the mobile home subject to IV[r. Claeson by the Commission and interested citizens in the audience° Minutes of Hastings Pl~nniug Commission Meeting held Monday~ March 9~ 1970 The next item o£ business was review of the minutes of the prior meeting° They should be corrected to include Don Hal[berg as present at that meeting.. Mr. William l~echacek then addressed the Commission on the proposed Mobile Home ]Park at Lea Stree~ and East 8th Street. Mr. l~echacek noted that approximately four years ago the City Council approved his Mobile Home Park plan. After discussion with the Commission° the following appeared: That a sub-committee of the Planning Comm/sslon had studied the matter in December of 1965o A written memorandum was exhibited to the Commission from the sub-committee, (See attached) Notes of the Planning Comm/ssion Meetings /n 1965 disclosed that the' report of the sub-committee had Been adopted by the 131analog Commission and forwarded to the Council. The plan as submitted contained approximately 50 lots and Mr. l~echacek said that he feels the new Mobile Home Ordln~ce being considered, which requ/res 4~ 050 square feet per lot is excessive. He thinks 3200 would be appropriate. This subject was concluded By advising Mrf, 13echacek that the Commission would review the n~tter and check the Council minutes to see exactly what action was taken by the Council on the proposal. (See Council minute extract attached. ) The next item of business was a discussion with Marshan Township representatives, Greg Wollmering, Willard Bauer and Tom TousiEnant regarding the Apac.h,.~ P[at submitted to Mars~=~ Townsh/p for consideration. The engineer reviewed a list o£ his comments on the plat as it would be effected by I-I~stings ~ubdivision OrdinanCe had the plat been submitted for lands within the City, There was also a d/scussion with the representatives of Marshan Township about the H/ghway 55 - 61 by-pass. It was concluded that a meetinE would be scheduled for March ~1~ 1970 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall for discussions between the City and the Townships. The next item of discussion was the /act that one of the members, because of a conflicting schedule has been unable to attend the vast majority of meetings over the past year or two. Whereupon, a motion was duly made, seconded and unanimous ly carried: That the P]~i~g Comm/ssion has a vacancy due to the non., attendance oi one of the members and interested persons should be advised to subm/t to the City Clerk their names for consider~t/on at the next 131~n~ng Commission meet/rig at which time the l~lann/ng Commission will recommend to the City Council the name of an individual or individuals to fill the vacancy. Further. that said name to be subra/t~ed to the City Clerk by April 1~ 1970. M~nutes o£ Hauteurs Pl~n~n§ Commission Meeting held Monday~ lv~a~¢h 9, 1~70 stated in~ention to subn~ his resignation to ~he Commission, Upon motion duly made~ seconded and ~,,~_animously adopted, Chairman Petersen is urged to re-consider his position and not submit his resignation as the Commission feels that his services are invaluable ~.~d will be so during the foreseeable future. The Commission then took up the matter of the Zoning Ordinance relating to Mobile Homes. Motion by Mr. Fischer, seconded by Mr..~,~uer to amend Section ?~ 2.24 by deleting 3, 050 square feet and substituting 3, 500 square feet. And further that Section 7.7.5 be amended by addiag the following: "Except as in Section 7. Zo24.' Ayes~ all; Nays~ none. A general discussion Of the Mobile Home Park Ordinance and also the Imperial Estates Mobile took place. The next meeting will be a review of the Mobile Home Section in detail, The meeting adjourned at 10:00 I~.M. Don Fluegel~ Secretary Hastings pl-,,,~i,~g Commission COPY Pl~,dng Commission City of H~stings I-L~s ting s, Mi,~esota Re: Proposed Trailer Court Gentlemen: · The tmdersigned were appointed as & sub~cornmittee Planning Commission to inquire into the proposed establishment of a trailer court on East 8th Street of Plastlngs; Min~esOtao The following action was taken~ and the following, conclusions arrived at by this sub-committee. The sub-committee, along with l~[ro William Pechacek. proponent of the trailer court, and City Clerk, Wallace Erickaon~ met at the site on Saturday, December 4th. A detailed discussion occurred and the matter was thoroughly discussed with lviro Pechacek. Since that time the sub~ committee has further looked into matters relating to the propossd trailer park, has discussed it with 1Vlro Davidson of the City Engineering Departments The sub-cornmittee again met with Mr° Pechacek on December 10s 1965 to discuss the matter. The proposed trailer park location is immediately south of East 8th Street and immediately east of the railroad tracks. The Pl~ing Commission has at its disposal a plat of the properties° TAXATION. The question of tax revenue from the project was discussed,, It appears that the real estate and improvements thereto will be taxed as other real estate within the City. Hence the improvement would increase the real estate tax revenue derived from the property. It is presently unimproved property. The mobile home which will be located on the property will be required to pay a personal property tax. This tax is paid directly to the State o£ Minnesota in an amount determined on a sliding scale based on the valuation o[ respective units. The personal property tax received by t~e State is distributed as follows: 10% remains with the State; 50% is returned to the School District whe~.e the trailer court is located; 30% is returned to the M,,~icipality wherein the trailer court ia located, and 10% is returned to the County wherein the trailer court is located. The refunds to the respective municipal units are made on a basis, UTILITIES. ~Che matter of utili~es~ both w~thin the park itself~ and leading to it ~s ~scussed ~ detail ~ Mr~ Pe~acek a~d Mr~ Da~dson~ It appea s ter c0u d be 0bta ed either from alon Street or from ~e ~e at or near Ba~[e~ Street. ~e sub~co~ttee makes no reco~enda~on ~th re~erence to w~ch source is used as i~ would not appear to ~ect ~e ~terest of ~e Oity~ ~r. Pec~cek has ~.ca~ed ~t he wou[d~ il ~o~ ~ be feasib[e~ place the electric~ telephone, ~d gas co--scSi.ns ~dergro~d~ It is ~e feel~g of ~e sub-co--tree t~t ~s would Be ver~ desirable and ~ce ~e appear~ce of ~e area. H ~s iz not feasible however, it is ~e reeVE of ~e sub-co--tree $~t it shoed not Be ~de mandatory. Mr. l~ecbacek has originally indicated that he was consid~.,i:iag placing a septic system in the area to serve the area until the sewer trurak line along therai!road tracks is installed, It appears that this might not come about for several years andwe accordingly recommend that Mr, l~echacek be required to connect into the City sewer runninl~ along Bailey Street. Mr~ ,Davidson advised that this sewer is adequate to handle the proposed increase, It would appear that this would require a pump station and Mr. l~echacek is aware of this xequirement and is willing to install a pump station if required, to service the area. The question of surface drainage was also raised. Mr. Pechacek stated that he could make no definite statement at this time with reference to draln~ge as no profile maps had been prepared. However~ we received his assurance ~-h~t no ~if¢icuity in this area was anticipated and he would resolve any question which was raised. It should be brought to the attention of the l~lan~i,~g Commission that the State of Minnesota prescribes some rather stringent requirements which must be met by an}one operating a trailer park. The operator must receive an annual license from the State Department of Health. The applicant for the must meet State requirements dealing with disposal facilities, laundry £acilitiea~- water supply~ waste disposal, fire protection, lot size, domestic animal etc. The question of the proposed playground area as indicated on the sketch provided by Mr. l~echacek was also discussed. It should be noted that the pa~k owner will retain title to .ail of the real estate. The lots are not sold to the persons occupying the lots. Hence, the sketch is not a ~plat, as the te~-~ is used in connection with the real estate developments, Accordingly~ the ordirm,~ce requiring that a percentage of the area be dedicated for park uses appeared inapplicable. However, we advised Mr, Pechacek that we wouid insist that areas equal to the area indiCated on the sketch as playground area would in fact have to be reserved for'that use. He mentioned that he'might wish to ch~ge the location of the playground area after topographic studies were made,~ buthe assured us that the indicated amount of space w~uld be reserved for that purpose. The matter of the increased traffic flow on adjacent streets was discussed. It is noted that the area serving the trailer park will be princi~;.~1ly residential streets. However~ it was not felt ih~tt the increased tra/fic flow anticipated would present a problem Of substance. will assume full ~esp0nsibilit~ for maintenance of th~ area. ~his includes maintenance of interior streets and utility lJ-nes o ~ne City will not ~e oblit~ated to plow or rep~ir the street ~v~tl~i,~ the park as this will rems-in private property, The question of whether 8th Street east of the railroad tracks would be blacktopped has not been discussed. Nit. Pechacek advised tl~t the present trailer court in Hastings is operating at capacity. Further, that there are other persons who desire additional trailer court £acilities. He stated +_l~t several persons had contacted Bim mid advised that they would locate in the trailer court° Hence it appears that there is ill fact a need for a facility o[ this type. It was the feellng of the sub-committee that the proposed area is a satisfactory site and that the use is good use [or the properties. Based upon the above information it is the opinion of this sub- committee that the proposed use should be allowed with the restrictions above indicated; We respectfully recommend that the planning Colrllnission allow the use and so recommend to the City Council, Respectfully submitted. Charles Weckrnan /s/Orville Moen /s/ Donald $o Fluegel EXTP~CT OF COUNCIL M_INUTES oF DE¢ BEa z00 1965 Moved by Councilman Nelson~ seconded by Cotmcilman Solehn to approve the prelhninary plans o£ William Pechacek~s Lakev~ew Terrace Mobil Home Park located at East 8~ Street ~ ~e City of ~s~ga ~ ~e follo~g stipulations reco~ended by ~e City ~sfings Pl~n~g Co~ission: 1o The area will be served by the Bailey Street sanitary sewer~ Construction of a fence between the railroad track and the mobile park. The same will be constructed by the park owner at his own expense~ It is specifically understood that the approval given herein is tentative and the plan~ and sp¢~cifications are subject to City Council approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. The foregoimg motion being put to a vote: Ayes~ all; Nays~ none, Trailb Court - ' bel I P'edminary plans for COnstrue- ]tion of a n~w mobile ho ]OVCr!ooking Lak me park [east end of E ~h ~mght by I~-~, cd Monday /Pechacek~ ~ contractor Bill ' ' accommodate GO and 1~6 foot m?ile homes which are ],too large .or the present mobile ~hOme phrk here Pechacek ~ A total of 80 lots la ~prop~rt~~ s?rts ~rom the Reh~dd ' ~ be for ned ,upper Ieve E..:~. at t~ could ha.~u_ ~ er facil Pecb~:cek wa~'~dme upper leve Mayor T~d R'Ches referred the ~atter to t~ c~ty planning com- ~ ' ~'~a [° fas t ~ l~b e eommissio~ 'mobile home park in ~res'cott, Wis., ~ppe~ed t~ree ~ears ~go~ Idea Is bonle park x, vhic2 local coD[Factor Bill Pechacek proposes to build at the end of East 8th St., overlook. ing Lake Isabel. However there were two restrle., tions imposed by the council, bothi of which Pechacek said are agree- able to him. The council requires that the )ark must be connected! with the city sewer system, and if that means that a pump station would have to be installed, would have to be done at Pecha. cek's cost. Also, if the council l deems timt there is a safety need for a fence between tile park and nearby railroad tracks, that too would have to be built at Pecha- ceh's expense. An actual pIot plan and specifi- cations will be reviewed by the cgunciI before final approval is To be known as "Lakeview Ter- race Mobile IIome Park," it would contain a total of 50 lots, 40 by 80 feet, with expansion possibilities~ for a total of 80 lots, according to~ Pechacek.