HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/71CITY OF HASTINGS 100 SIBLEY STREET, FIAgTINOS, MINNESOTA 55053 Phone 437-6921 Flashings on the H~sslssippi OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER MINUTES OF HASTINGS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINC; HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1971 Those present: Mr. Petersen, Mr. Steve Gartzke, Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Frank Sieckert, Mrs. Marcella Linde, and Mr. Leo Schumacher, Jr. The first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of Monday, November 8, 1971. The minutes were approved as presented. Planning Commission Chairman Walt Petersen indicated that there was Some misinterpretation of the public hearings held in regard to the Comprehensive ?lan and the Guide Plan, that this was not an intent to enforce any part of the Comprehensive Plan, it was merely a guide plan and he apologized if the intent of the hearings had been misinterpreted. Dave Tanner, Mr. Ar.land Siebrecht, Mr. Steve Willeke, Don Hallberg, Mr. Clarence Soleim, 3-r., Mr. Walt Pat Mr. Mike Rother appeared before the Planning Commission. He had requested a Special Use Permit in an R-3 zone for a three-plex to be placed on a lot approximately 68' x 148' or 10,640 total square feet. It was discussed that this would be an administrative function since the planned residential section of the Zoning Ordinance :is intended for areas of 5 acres and larger and that a building permit within an R-3 Zone for this type use was an administrative function, that all setbacks, parking, etc. should be determined at an administrative level. refSrence fo . was also brought out that/&ssessments had been made at the t~me the Kramer It Apartment was constructed approximately kitty-corner from the one being pro- posed by Mr. Rother and he was told that any future assessments would be ona per living unit basis or on an area basis rather than on a frontage basis. (Make a check of the Kramer apartment approval to see if th:is was ever put in writing). We went through the off-street parking requirements, which requires two offstreet parking facilities for each apartment unit, one garage facility for each two apart- ment units, therefore a two car garage would be required and it was also pointed out that the total parking could not be such that it would eliminate the total access or egress for anyone car at one time, that :if the garage were extended to a three- car garage facility, with one parking stall in front of each garage, that this would satisfy the zoning ordinance in regard to accessable parking requirements. We are to notify Mr. Mike Rother when he is to return to the Planning Commission. This was turned over to a sub-committee consisting of Mr. Trautmann, Mr. Petersen, and Mr. Siebrecht. The next item of discussion was a request by Mr. Ray Rother, who was not present at the time it was brought up for a plan for 14' x 20' addition to the old Livingston Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting held Monday, IioTember 22, 197i Garage, which is presently the Larsen Auto Body Shop on T.H. 61 at approx- imately 13thStreet projected. Mr. Rother came in late and stated that he had not made up a formal or written request. He discussed storage of vehicles on the property. It was also brought out that there was a hearlng scheduled for December 20that 8:00 P.M. in this regard, that prior to that time he would have to make written request showing a plan and how the plan related to the present facility. He stated that the construct/on would be a 14' x 20' addition over his in-place concrete slab at the easterly side of the present concrete building. It would be a concrete wall, wood roof fire resistant structure. One thing the committee had to check out was whether the building would project beyond the half-block line since part of the property is zoned C-3 and part of it is zoned R-3. We stated that he would require a Special Use and it was turned over to Mr. Wi[son's committee. There was no sketch or written request. The phone number was given to the Planning Commission, 437-6151 in Hastings, 463-7415 .in Farmington. (Get a copy of Ray Rother's notice of hearing for the building committee.) Mr. Rother stated there would be no junking or wrecking of cars on the site as part of this operation. There was a request from Mr. Dennis Pellant, who was present in the audience, in regard to a rev.iew of the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Petersen, Planning Commission Chairman stated that he would work with Mr. Pellant as a single member of the Planning Commission .if there were no objections. There being none, Mr. Petersen would work with Mr. Pellant on the proposed Sign Ordinance review. Mr. Walt Petersen appointed Mr. Soleim to the Traffic Study Committee, that study committee consisting of Mr. Swanson, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. McNamara, and Mr. McNamara. Councilman Jim O'Connor, in the audience, stated that he thought the Planning Commission did a commendable job :in presenting the Comprehensive Plan at the two hearings, however, there were several things that were brought to mind in his review that he thought should be resolved. Also he reviewed his recommendations for SpeciaI Use Permit and Variance requirements and stated that he thought the consultant should be hired to determine Special Use and Variances where there are no clear-cut or distinctive lines for approving or disapproving. He would like to streamline the entire procedure for receiving Special Use and Variance Permit Applications. We went :into a review of the Capitol Improvements Program. We discussed the Community Fac:fl.ities Section of the Comprehensive Plan. A report had been submitted by each of the Department Heads within the Public Works Department and coordinated with submiss:ion of a cover letter by the City Engineer, together with the City Clerk, City Engineer, Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department reports. It was stated by the architect, Mr. Wayne Olson, that the present Fire Station would not allow for a second story without additional steel roof joists and possibly additional columns. A iota[ structural analysis would have to be studied before a second story could be placed on the present Fire Station. The present steel roof joists on 4 foot on center with a single column between the 44 foot span Minutes of the Hastings lOlanning Commission Meeting held Monday, November 22, 1971 l°age 3. in the living quarters section or office section of the present fire station. Several alternative solutions were considered. One was to construct a 2 story fire station to the south which would then allow for combining the police and fire departments; or to relocate the street department and expand the fire station to the east. Next the library facilities were discussed. It was stated tlnat there has been a 2 year need for expansion at the library and the statistics prove there has been a 40% increase :in use in the last 2 years and the shelving is all filled. In addition to new shelving the Library Board would like to have a "Heritage Hall" for display of historic .items to be shown in a museum-type setting. It was indicated that the well facility at the 9th and Vermillion Streets pump house could be phased out so tha~ this building could be used as part of this "Heri- tage Hall" construction. Then there were some additional suggestions for this police and fire combined system: To relocate the fire department to another location and the police department to take over the present facilities or to construct totally new facilities for a combined police andfire system. It was indicated that ,~e are presently awaiting the fire underwriters to project the needs by requesting a review of our Hastings reclassification system. It was then suggested that the City Administrator and Engineer get together '~ith the consultants to give t hem some direct:ion mark off areas on the map to show possible building location sites for both combined police and fire and a combined public works system and to project the needs for the 5 year period. It was then asked by the l~lanning chairman what the status of the flood plain was for zoning. The Engineer indicated that he had not had any contact with Mr. Jim Wright of the Department of Natural Resources nor had there been any further discussion on the Hastings by-pass since the meeting v~ith the district 9 engineer, Bob Cartford, and the representative of Edwards and Kelcey deing the studies. Mr. Soleim stated that he had some sketch plans for the phase out of the pump house and adding an addition to the library. He will prepare a report and submlt it from the Library Board to the i°lanning Commission for consideration. It was then asked about school locations and how they tie into traffic facilities. Councilman Wilson suggested adding a youth activities center and new street lighting to the capital improvements program studies. The youth members were charged with coming to the next meeting with recommendations for the youth activities center. It was also suggested that solid waste facilities be added to the capital :improvements studies. This would be :in the way of locating a transfer station if it became necessary. It was then indicated that Mr. Chaney on W. 17th Street wanted a decision.<~n the 30 .inch set-back for his garage. Councilman Sieckert's committee stated that they wound follow through on the request. There was then a brief discussion on building restrictions. The Engineer in- dicated he had a letter from the assistant fire chief in Edina that information Minutes of the Hastngs Planning Commission Meeting held Monday, November 22, 1971 Page 4. is on file in his office for review and study and does have some bearing on the new state uniform building code. We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 P.M.. John L. Davidson, City Engineer Steve Willeke, ~klso ~resent; 3o~kn Davidson, City ~ ~'- Che first item. on the agenda was approvat of ~he rz~inutes of Monday, November 1971. The rflJnutes wei. e approved as presented, Plam.ning ComwJ. ssi.on Chair:tram Walt Pegersen £ndi. cated ,~hat there was some misinterpretation of the public hearing¢ heid in regard to the CemprehensXve Plan e~d th~ G~ide P[~, tha~ tl~s was not an intent to e~orce ~ part of ~he ComDrehen- ~ad bee~ ~sia~e~reted. L{ro ~fsl~e ~other appeared before ~he Plauning Gonmmission, He had requested a ma;~ely 68' x }48' or 10~ 640 to,al sq'~are f~e~. It was discussed tl~8 this ~uld be a-,n ~dnlinistra~ive f~c~ien since ~he ~[a~.ed Residential Section of tSe Zoning Ordi~nce is ~tended lot areas of 5 acmes and larEer ~d ii~t a. bui[dinE per~.t within an E- 3 zone all set~cks, parking, e/c, should be deter~ned at an adn~n- is~rative l~vei., I~ %~s also brought out t}y~.t referenc~ to assessments had been made a~ the tints tb.e Kran%er apari:rnent ~r~s constructed approxinlately kitty.~corner' fro.x~ t'he one being proposed by Mr. Rather ~d he was told that ~y future asse~s- rae~lts would Le on a per livhag m~t basis or on an area basis ra~her than on a frontage basit~ V(e veen~ through th~ off--stree~ parking requ~ronlents~ ~vlP. ch requires t;~o~%~ed out th~ Ehe total pas:krug could not be such eI~ i~ would elin,~naeo ehe to,al access or egress for ~yo;le car at one time, ~t if the garage were ex~am.ded ~o a zzoul.d sa~sfy ~!le Zo~.ng Ordnance ~ regard to accessable parking req~rements. 5?his a~udy v~a~ ~rned over ~o the co~Jt~ of ~fr. Traut~, }~r, Petersen, ?here ',vas a ~roposal fran~ Air~ Ray Rctha:.- for an addition, ck'l Liv~g~or Ford Garage. ~ ~[d~,_ -g~ ~c ko~se a '~o~y~ s~op~ 14' x 20' to the The Special Use m [./Ir. Derzm. s Pellant was present requesting a review of the Sign Ordinanee~ Mr. Petersen stated that he wou~d work wi~A }..~ro" Pellant on ~he Sign ©rdknance review~ cut or distim, ct}.ve lines !'or approv~n~ or disapprovJ~. He would like to s~rea.~[ine :nen~ P~og~'a;n%,, ~egard~ Po[ice ~d Fi:~e I:~%p=oveinenz~ ~¢; ~s noted that ~he zoof jo~sts ~n~ possibly addJ, t.i.one[ ce[un~_s, A ~otai structu, ra~ analysis would h~ve to '~e s~'~d[ed before a second story could be p}.a~ced, on the present Fire Stat[on. ()ha~rp:~an l'~e[;ersen re~.d z,. lette~ i~orn. UI~ l~olice ~l'~ef regarding their overall needs for th:~t dep=rtn%ent~ Discussion ~cok place rugard~g future facii~tkes for iv[r,, Chancy cn W, !7ff% Street requested tko Ptannhzg Con).miss[on ~o continue consider'at:.on of };.}S proposal on tNe 30' setback for his gc~age~ ~r~ S~eckert stated tha~ ~ con).~ittee woul~ follow ~hr~ugh on the request. Motion to adjo't~rn. Ayes} all. Hast/nas Planning C, ornrn[ssion