Members present:
Mr. Pat Wilson, Mr. Walt Petersen, Mr. Don Hallberg,
Fred Trautma~u, Mr. Ar[and Siebrecht, Mr. ~'kip Soleim,
Guests present:
Mr. John Davidson, Mr. Leo Schumacher, Mr. Fred
Larson and member-- of the news media.
It was moved by Mr. Siebrecht, seconded by Mr. Wilson to approve the m/nutes
of the previous meeting. Ayes, all.
Discussion regarding si~ for Hastings Sewing Center. Mr. Fred Larson,
ov~er. The sign is presently installed and Mr. Larson is seekhtg a Variance.
Moved by Mr. Hallberg, seconded by Mr. Wilson the request for Variance for
si~n for I-Iast/ng-- Sewing Center be denied. Ayes, alt.
Mr. and Mrs. Schumacher, Imperial Estate.' Sub-committee report given by
Mr. Wilson. Moved by Mr. Wileon, seconded by Mr. Hallberg to approve
Phase 1 development plan subject to Engineer% approval of drainage, etc. in
regard to Sec/ion 7. & of the Zoning Ordinance. Aye--, all,
Sub-committee report regarding Ray Driseoll Bus Storage Garage. Moved
by Mr. Trautmann, seconded by Mr. Siebrecht, a deci~io~ for the City Council, '
refer to Council. Call for vote. Wilson, nol Trautman~, yes; Soleim, yes;
Siebrecht, ye~; ~llberg, ~ Pe~ereen yes. Motion pa~ed 4 ~o 2.
Peterson-Bauer I~roposa! - no report,
Angerman Basement Apartment ~ub. corrm~.ittce report given by Mr. ItMlbcrg.
Things that ~rc
1. Next do~r neighbor i~ apartm~t buil~nE.
2. ~as b~sement acce~.
3. Window ~ ~aement, pier,of off-street parking.
Moved b~ Mr. Hallberg, seconded by Mr. Siebrecht ~ reco~end a~roval.
Ayes, all.
William Ch~mey Special Use Permit - Table.
Mr. Davidson Report: Letter to ~.K.D.A. re~,ardi~g Comprehensive Sewer
Council agreed Natural Re~ource~ is a Comnzission now, no longer a sub-
committee of ours.
Minutes of Has~ing~ Planning Com~ssio~
lV/eeting belt] l~-onday. October 11, 1971
P~ge 2o
Home Occupafion~ - No report° Hopelu!l}, w/l[ have a report for the Novemb ~
l~.iee ting.
Mr, D~vidso~: Sent letter to Polka Dot Caie regarding their sign.
Motion to adjourn, Ayes, all.
Fred Trautmann, Secretary
Has[ings Planning Conx~n~s$ion
Phone 437-6921
Hastings on the Mississippi
Prior to the regular Planning Commission Meeting, at the request of
Mr. Pat Wilson I prepared the following report:
Re: Gasparre-Dockmo Apartment Proposal for Imperial Estates
as per April 26, 1971 meeting, the review committee of the
Planning Commission recommended the following:
That the proposed ZSZ units be decreased to 247
total allowed on the 16. 538 acre site. This would
be six each, 36-plex units, and one each - 30 unit
apartment, together with necessary off-street parking
to allow one garage for each two apartment units plus
additional off-street parking facilities to allow two off-
street parking facilities for each apartment unit, in-
cluding garages.
The entire area of outlot A, including 1/2 of the
street widths of Westview Drive and Pleasant Drive
adjacent thereto is 16. 538 acres. The area, one-half
of Westview Drive adjacent to Outlot A is 724.50 plus
280.36, that total times 30 = 30, 146. 1 square feet or
0.692 acres. One-half the area of Pleasant Drive
adjacent to Outlot Ais 250.60 x 40 = 10,024 square
feet or 0.230 Acres, total street area 0.922 Acres.
Deducting that from the total area of 16. 538 Acres
leaves a net area ofOutlot A of 15. 616 Acres.
R-3 area requirements for apartment units is as
The basic square foot area required is 3, 100 sq. ft.
per unit.
A garage credit of 150 sq. ft. for one-half the units
would be 75 sq. ft. per unit average reduction or
balance of 3,025 square feet required. Deducting
150 sq. ft. per unit for allowing a 20% open space
credit, it would then require a net square foot area
of 2, 875 sq. ft. per unit. 2, 875 sq. ft. x 72 units
is 207,000 sq. ft. or 4. 752 Acres. The area being
considered for these two units is 5. 16 acres.
Therefore the area density requirements are satisfied.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission
Meeting held Monday, October 11, 1971
Page 2.
The regular Planning Commission Meeting convened at 7:30 P.M.
Those present:
Also present:
Mr. Wait Petersen, Mr. Arland Siebrecht, Mr. Skip
Soleim, Mr. Pat Wilson, Mr. Fred Trautmann, Mr. Don
Hallbe rg.
Mr. Fred Larsen of Hastings Sewing Center, Mr. Leo
Schumacher representing the Gasparre-Dockmo property,
Mr. John Davidson, City Engineer and members of the
The first item was a motion by Mr. Siebrecht, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously
approved to accept the minutes of September Z7, 1971 as written.
There was a review of the request from Mr. Fred Larsen, for a sign 2' 2" x 4' 8"
which is in violation of Section 7. 3. 19.5 of the sign section of the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Petersen stated that Mr. Dennis Pellant of the Chamber of Commerce had
discussed this in some detail with the Planning Chairman and could not make the
meeting this evening. It was pointed out that there were several stores, Fairhaven,
The Clothes Buggy and other stores on Znd Street which do comply to the ordinance.
It was also mentioned that if the sign were flush mounted that it would comply and
some effort would be made on behalf of Mr. Larsen to flush mount the existing sign.
After some discussion and testimony by Mr. Larsen stating that the downtown business-
men were not necessarily in agreement with the sign section of the ordinance, it was
moved by Mr. Hallberg, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously passed that the
variance be denied. This will be recommended as such to the City Council.
Mr. Larsen stated that the Council would be the final authority.
The next item of discussion would be the request of Mr. Leo Schumacher for the
Gasparre-Dockmo 1st phase apartment development. Mr. Wilson presented the
plot plan and the building and zoning requirements, stating that ail sections of the
zoning ordinance appear to be complied with, other than those sections outlined in
7.8 of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with planned residential development. It was
moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Hallberg and unanimously passed that the
1st phase be approved subject to Section 7.6 of the Zoning Ordinance.
There was a report from Mr. Trautmann in regard to the Scully-Driscoll garage.
Mr. Trautmarm read a letter from Mr. Dave Tanner citing Section 9.9 of the
Zoning Ordinance and in Mr. Tanner's opinion the bus-garage was not a conforming
use and wanted a recommendation from the Planning Commission so stating that it
was an allowed use or a non-conforming use. There was a review by the study
committee and Mr. Trautmann stated that the study committee recommended that
the interpretation of this ,in this case,should be one for the Board of Adjustment or
Appeals Committee which is the City Council. It was moved by Mr. Trautmann,
seconded by Mr. Siebrecht to accept the subcommittee report and passed by a vote
of 4 to Z. (Mr. Tanner and Mr. Soleim should both receive copies of the Zoning
Ordinance, Land Subdivision Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. ) Mr. Trautmann
was also asked to give a report on the Petersen-Bauer request. There being no
further action since the informal hearing, the Peterson-Bauer request was tabled.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission
Meeting held Monday, October 11, 1971
Page 3.
The City Engineer was asked by the Planning Commission Chairman to check
the flood plain zoning report with the Corps of Engineers and ask when this
report will be furnished the City. (Make a note to contact the Corps of Engrs. )
Mr. Hallberg's committee reported that the Angerman Apartment complex had
been given investigation by the subcommittee, that the apartment being immediately
adjacent to a multiple dwelling unit, with adequate off-street parking, adequate
separate entrances, the semi-basement aspect of the apartment unit, the committee
recommended that the Special Use t~ermit be allowed. It was moved by Mr. Hallberg,
seconded by Mr. Siebrecht and unanimously approved recommending approval.
Mr. Hallberg's committee also discussed the Bill Chaney request for Variance
for garage setback at 701 W. 17th Street. The committee recommended that
since there was no hurry in regard to Mr. Chaney's request that the Ordinance
be reviewed in regard to the conflict between the off-street parking section and
the lot setback section of the Zoning Ordinance.
It was also suggested at this point by the City Engineer that the same committee
consider the one garage per home concept and Mr. Soleim suggested that this be
written into the ordinance that a variance would be allowed for hardship cases.
It was also requested that the Planning Commission Chairman Mr. Petersen
write the Metropolitan Council to determine what their recommendation would
be in this regard, or whether it would be considered another "snob" zoning con-
sideration by the Planning Commission.
Planning Commission Chairman, Walt Petersen, suggested that every member
of the Plarming Commission review the l~lanned Unit Development Ordinances
as furnished by him sometime ago.
Councilman Hallberg reported that the Bierstube osmaer requested to withdraw
his request for a variance to the backyard setback and the item was tabled for
future consideration. A letter from Mr. Yanz is expected by the City Clerk.
The next item of discussion was the Capital Improvements Program. The City
Engineer reada letter that he had written to T.K.D.A. to initiate the action on
the Comprehensive Sewer Plan and asked that a meeting with a member of the
firm be held to meet with the Planning Commission to set some guide lines.
Mr. Petersen stated that the third reading of the Ordinance to establish the
Natural Resources Commission was passed by the City Council at their last
regular meeting. Also they wanted a report on the Home Occupations Section
of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Siebrecht stated that their committee would have
a report by November 9thmeeting and they are setting up, not only the require-
ments, but also the administration of these requirements.
The City Engineer stated that he had notified the PoLka Dot Cafe of the sign
requirements and asked about the Planning Commission's consideration of just
changing the faces of the sign, that the sign size was not altered. The Planning
Commission agreed that if that were the case, if it was just the facing of the sign
that would change, it would not require a variance.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission
Meetin held Monday, October ii, 1971
The next item of discussion was in the Capital Improvements Program to take
into account the thoroughfare plan, particularly school routes, review of the
street systems, ask that T.K.D.A. be at the next Planning Commission Meeting.
(Make a note of this so they are notified. ) (Try to secure a copy of the Transportation
Plan as furnished by Hodne and Associates. Randy Dotsonhas Walt Petersen's
copy, see if it can be retrieved.)
I also furnished Mr. Petersen a list of all of the engineers within the City of
Hastings who are connected with transportation or the State Highway Department.
(I will give you a list of these people and we should consider calling them to our
next regular meeting. )
We completed our meeting at approximately 9:30 1~.M.
John Davidson, City Engineer
Regardingt Letter, David Tanner
Ray Driscoll Bus Storage
We believe this to be a legislative interpretation and
therefore is a decission for the legislative body of the
City of Hastings to interpret and not a decision of the
planning commission.
The Co~ittee
Fred Trautmann
Approved by:the Planning Commission
Dater ; /~ -//- Q/
Hastings, Minnesota 55033
September 24~ 1971
Telephone 437--4188
Hastings Plannihg Commission
City of Hastings
RE: Ray Driscoll Bus Storage Garage
At the instance of Mrs. Claude Webber~ I have reviewed generally
Section 9.9 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hastings of
December 7~ 1970. It is the stated intent of this ordinance
section to establish a Community/regional commerce district in
recognition of existing downtown commercial developments~ etc.
Located within such a C-3 district is the established bus storage
garage owned by Ray Driscoll and located on West 3rd Street in
South Hastings~ between Cannon Street and Highway 61. Sub-
section permits the use of C-3 land for automobile parking
tots~ but I do not believe that a C-3 zoning envisions or per-
mits bus storage. In accordance with my view that the storage
of busses thereon would be a non-conforming use~ I ask that the
Planning Commission clarify its intention to treat this as a
non-conforming use at this time.
In the alternative~ should the Planning Commission be of the
opinion that such a use is in conformity with the general nature
of a C-3 zone~ then Z ask that the Planning Commission con-
sider that the land immediately across third street from this
storage facility, and in .fact~ the entire block being des-
cribed as Block 3~ Town of Vermillion~ except the East 165
feet thereof~ ought to be at this time re-zoned to some com-
mercial use. It is apparent that the Westerly portion of Block 3
is being surrounded by commercial uses. If these commercial uses
are allowed to continue to exists it would be in the best in-
terest of the owners and of the City of Hastings to permit the
whole of block 3 to become commercial. This would not at this
time~ be out of keeping with the zoning of the area next adjaaent
t'O the Wests and would provide a buffer zone between the Ver-
million Street commerce and any future residential area to
the ~est of Cannon Street.
I will be happy to review this matter with the Planning Com-
mission at any time.
Ve~truly you~--~~
~David E. Tanner ·
cc: Mrs. Claude Webber
iR.P.D. 3, Hastings~ Minn.
Sectlcm 7;6- General Requlrem~uts and Perfo~,~uce Standards for a P~ed
~ecreatien,shopm ~d i~d~'~z~ pl~ts cOaVO~.e~t]J loot, tod t~ each other
m~ ~=tend to ~. citize~ and r~c~de:ut~ ~f HosteSs; t, ~iect ch~g~$
~ the teckuolo~-' o~ lm~d dcv~l~o~$ to encouz~.g~ a mor~ creative
approach in th~ ut~ti~tle~ of
~ ~no~ ~th t~t cf th~ ~roun~g mrea~ the follo~.~ng reg~latio~
~fied control ~t ?~e ti~e ~f ~Dplication~ p~ed ~.d scheduled te bo
for ~uch dev~!opment ~ ~&~ the ~-PD~.cant h~s ~cq~red actu~ o~orc~p
bv~I~gs ~.~3.y u~der the t~;
~ bu~gs excs~d:~g ~ :~cight thc tf:~t ~aLly pO~'~tt~d ~ the
Secti~ 7,6.2.7 P~z,~tt~ Us~s.: Th~c~ ~=j ~tud, and sh~ b~ !~lt~d tog (~)
plan. Such sp~ should bo ~fectivoly ~oD~at~d ~ aut~b~o traffic
~d ~ be ready a~es~blo.$ th~ %e~m "o~n ~e" s~ not ~clud~
Se~lon 7'.6,Z.9 ~$yi ~ ~ ~_~, d~ity m~ ~ ~ed ~der the
~n.~ ormat!on~
S~Jctl. o~ 7~6~3,2 Appx'~v~ Of th~ Prclim:}m. ary
Section 7,6.3,a.~ Witt~m 60 days Cf
'~he appo~,ed C~y O, fio~a~.~ ~ho
~o the City Oo~cil ~ a :~itten r~por'$ ,', ',,, .~ "-,- . ,'"
r,,co~,ac~.~ that tho p.L~.n b~
~.sappr~vad~ aD~ro~d~ ~ approved '~th mo~Zlcati~ ~d ~i~E t~e
re~o~ for
(b) T~ .,a.~c~:.~p~ ba~o.,.~..~i,~ ou ~d~o~,~.~ of the o~:a~osed ~g,~meo. .... '"-
(e) q,-.,- ' ' , -~,, -, · -
tko dovelo'~mc~e- ~,,a .... =.,.~. -~ .,
or ~J~ y~'~ '~:~eZfOO~ S~??'c¥:~.'},~{~ ':'C~, ';"-~r~:g~ , c:v.,,c,~: , { · ;'; ';u ,',--;'""': .... '.--; -.i
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