Members present: Mrs. Lknde, Mr~ Petersen, Mr,, Trautm~umn. Mr~ S~e¢:kert~
Mr. Siebrecht, Mro HaIlberg ~¢nd Mr. Wilson.
Guests present:
City Engineer Jolu~ Davidson~ Mr~ and Mrs. Kem-~eth Anger~an,
Air. Schumacher, Mr. Pellant and members o~ the news
Moved by Mrs. Linde. seconded by Mr, Sieckert to accept the minutes of the
previous meeting. Ayes; all.
Peterson-Bauer Zoning Request. No one present, no discussion. Referred ~o
Sub-committee of Mr. Trautmann, Mr. Petersen~ and Mr, Siebrech~
Special Use Permit ~ Kenneth Angerman l~asement apartment. I~£ormal hearing,
Mr. Angerman presented i~ormation. Referred to Sub-core.tree of Mr. Siecke~'~
Mrs. Linde and Mr. Hallberg.
Proposal - no report. Table.
Home Occupations - no report. Still under study.
John Davidson gave report on Mr, Schuraacher's proposal, Imperial Es~ates,
Gasparre-Dockmo, for final approval. Referred to Sub-committee of Mr. Wi[son~
Mrs. Linde and Mr. Sieckert.
Letter from Mr, Tanner regarding Driscoll Bus Storage Garage. Refer leteer
to Sub-committee of Trautm~-~ Petersen, and Siebrech~.
Letter to School Board regarding the involvement of youth h~to City Pla~ninEo
Letter from Mr. Larson regarding sign for I-~s~ings Sewing Machine. Request
for Variance. Ask Mr. Larson to appear next regular meeting.
Applications for appointmen~ to Pl~n-~n~ Commission:
Mr, Robert Kulzer
Mr. Clarence SoIeirn
Mr. David Tanner
Mr. Tanner - 3 year term, Mr. Soleim for 1 year term.
seconded by Mr, Sieckert. Ayes; all~
Moved by Mr.
Request for Special Use Permit by Mr. Bill Chancy, 701 W~ 17th Street.
Referred to Committee of Mr., Sieckert, Mr~ HalIberg~ and l~irs, Lh~de.
Motion to adjourn~ Ayes; all,
Phone 437-692i
Hestlngs on the HississJppi
The meeting convened at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Those present:
Mr. Walt Petersen, Mr. Frank Sieckert, Mr. Arland
Siebrecht, Mr. Fred Trautmann, Mrs. Marcella Linde,
Mr. Pat Wilson.
Also present:
John Davidson, City Engineer, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Angerman, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schumacher and interested
It was moved by Mrs. Linde, seconded by Mr. Sieckert to approve the minutes
of September 13, 1971. There were no corrections to those minutes.
There was an informal hearing on the Elmer Pederson property. (See description
attached. ) There was no one present to represent the applicant. It was moved
by Mr. Trautmann, seconded by Mr. to table the request to
a time not determined.
There was an informal hearing on the Kenneth Angerman request at 2205 Forest
Street for a basement apartment unit. Mr. Angerman stated that the property
upon his house is located has approximately 70 feet of frontage and 100 feet of
rear yard width, 110 feet deep backing up against CSAH 47. He stated that it
is a split foyer with an existing walkout rear exit and split foyer at the front so
there are two points of access or egress to the basement unit. The living area
in the basement proposed would be 26' x 36' or approximately 525 square feet of
living area. The living area upstairs would be 900 square feet. There will be
a driveway 16 feet wide by 72 feet long which he indicated would allow for six
car off-street parking, provided they were parked back to back. The engineer
asked if there were any building code restrictions. The engineer stated that the
only restrictions were in regard to heat, light, ventilation and sanitary facilities.
There were no codes in regard to apartment sizes or minimum sizes of units.
It was moved by Mr. Sieckert, seconded by Mr. to refer this
to a study committee of Mr. Sieckert, Mrs. Linde and Mr. Hallberg.
Mr. Leo Schumacher requested final approval of the Irrrperial Estates plat along
with the approval of the 1st phase construction, two 36-unit apartments, with
adequate off-street parking and garages facility. This was referred to a committee
of Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Linde and Mr. Sieckert.
The next item of discussion was a formal finding in regard to storage of buses
on the Ray Driscoll property on S. 3rd Street in South Hastings. The request
was made by Mr. Dave Tanner, acting as an attorney for Mrs. Webber. (See
letter attached referred to Mr. Peterson.) The e ntire matter was turned over
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission Meeting
held Monday, September 27, 1971
Page 2.
to a study committee of Mr. Trautmann, Mr. Siebrecht, and Mr. Petersen.
The Planning Commission Chairman read a letter that he had written to the School
Board requesting youth participation in the planning functions of the Planning
Commi s s ion.
The next item of discussion was a request from Mr. William A. Chaney, 701 W.
17th Street for a variance to the garage setback under the Zoning Ordinance. The
engineer indicated that there seemed to be conflict between Section 8.2. 9. 1 of
the Zoning Ordinance and Section 9. 1.5, footnote "i"in regard to detached garage
setbacks in R-2 zones. The entire review was turned over to a subcommittee of
Mr. Sieckert, Mrs. Linde and Mr. Hallberg. The engineer was asked to take
this referral, along with that of Mr. Schumacher's to the regular Council Meeting
to be held on Monday, October 4, 1971.
There was a letter read from the Metropolitan Council in regard to their formal
review of the Comprehensive Plan, letter being read to the Planning Commission
by Mr. Walt Petersen, Chairman.
Mr. Fred Larsen, Hastings Sewing Center, had requested a variance to the Sign
Ordinance. It was asked that Mr. Fred Larsen be notified to appear at the next
regular Planning Commission Meeting to be held on Monday, October 1I, 1971,
at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. (Make a note tosee that Mr. Larsenis notified. )
The next item of discussion was the rezoning of the South Hastings area. The
committee had no report. The matter was tabled until the next regular meeting.
The next item referred to the Planning Commission was an editorial from the
St. Paul Pioneer Press read by Mr. Petersen entitled "Damaging the City".
Copies will be distributed by the Planning Commission Chairman.
There was a report by Mr. Hallberg that the City Council had included in the
budget the Capital Improvements Program for the Planning Commission for 1972
budget purposes.
The next item of discussion was the matter of filling the vacancy for the two
Planning Commission memberships open for that of Mr. Bauer and Mr. Neujahr.
There were three letters of application, one from Mr. R. M. Kulzer, Chemical
Engineer for Hudson Mfg. Co., Mr. Skip Soleim, Owner and Operator of Zephyr
Cleaners, Mr. David Tanner, Attorney in partnership with Mr. Millett O'ConneI1
in Hastings. The nomination was done by secret ballot. The first vote was 4
for Mr. Tanner, 3 for Mr. Soleim. The next vote was 4 for Mr. Soleim, 3 for
Mr. Kulzer. Mr. Tanner was named to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Neujahr
plus the next three year term, his term ending December 31, 1971. The other
term for Mr. Soleim was that of Mr. Bauer's which would be for one year and
three months, expiring December 31, 1972. It was moved by Mr. Sieckert,
seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously passed to refer to two nominees to the
City Council for consideration at their next regular meeting on October 4, 1971.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission
Meeting held Monday, September 27, 1971
Page 3.
The engineer then reviewed in general the pending improvements for 1972 which
included sewer and water extension request by Mr. A1 Sieben in South Hastings
and also the letter he had written to the town board petitioning the town board to
request the Metropolitan Sewer Board to extend utilities into Marshan Township.
This v~s explained to the l~lanning Commission and the press was requested to
view the information as off the record at this point, that any press releases should
be done by Marshan Town Board.
We completed our meeting at approximately i0:00 P. M.
John Davidson, City Engineer
Ufa. .,' '.' :
Hastings, Minnesota 55033
September 24, 1971
Telephone 437-4188
Hastings Planning Commission
City of Hastings
RE: Ray D~iscoll Bus Storage Garage
At the instance of Mrs. Claude Webber, I have reviewed generally
Section 9.9 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Hastings of
December 7~ 1970. It is the stated intent of this ordinance
section to establish a Community/regional commerce district in
recognition of existing downtown commercial developments: etc.
Located within such a C-3 district is the established bus storage
garage owned by Ray Driscoll and located on West 3rd Street in
South Hastings~ between Cannon Street and Highway 61. Sub-
section permits the use of C-3 land for automobile parking
lots~ but I do not believe that a C-3 zoning envisions or per-
mits bus sto~age. In accordance with my view that the storage
of busses thereon would be a non-conforming use~ I ask that the
Planning Commission clarify its intention to treat this as a
non-conforming use at this time.
In the alternative, should the Planning Commission be of the
opinion that such a use is in conformity with the general nature
of a C-3 zone, then I ask that the Planning Commission con-
sider that the land immediately across third street from this
s~orage facility, and in fact~ the entire block being des-
cribed as Block 3~ Town of Vermillion~ except the East 165
feet thereof, ought to be at this time re-zoned to some com-
mercial use. It is apparent that the Westerly portion of Block 3
is being surrounded by commercial uses. If these commercial uses
are allowed to continue to exist, it would be in the best in-
terest of the owners and of the City of Hastings to permit the
whole of block 3 to .become commercial. This would not at this
t!me~ be out of keeping with the zoning of the area next adjacent
t'o the Wests and would provide a buffer zone between the Ver-
million Street commerce and any future residential area to
the~est of Cannon Street.
I will be happy To review this matter with the Planning Com-
mission at any time.
MSs. Claude Webber
R.F.D'. 3, Hastings, Minn.