Members present:
Mr. X-~allberg, Mr. Wilson., Mr. Petorsen, Mr.
Trmutm~n,~, Mr. Neujahr, Mr. Siebrecht
Also present:
John Davldson, Nei[ Slewert, Duame Groth, Pat Scul[)',
Cou~cih, nen Kane, Collins, and O'Connor, and various
members of the news media
Minutes of previous meeting - Mr. Wilson should be inc[u~ted'in the list of
members present at the meeting of Monday,, August ~, 1971. ~[~e minutes
were approved as corrected.
l~ro Wilson gave the subcormnittee report regarding the access road to the
school propert,; frontage road. No action was taken.
Mr. Neii Siewert and Mr. Duane Groth were present to ask for an
reaction to rezon!-g their property along Pine Street mud To Ho 55 to cormmer-'
clal. The Conurnission advised them to go to the Council, which would ia
refer them to the Planning Commission.
Mr. Pat Scull)- was present to ~uswer questions rsgardLug the rezonlng of hl~
property, l~r. Pete:'sen reviewed the action L~ken at the last meetiug to in/cra
Mr. Scull), as to the project. Mr. Davidson suggested the possibility' of Mrs
Scully's pro, ecl being put in the ol(~ Industria! park site.
It was Inoved by Mr. Neujahr, seconded by Mr. Hallberg~ 'that the request ~o
rezone lots 14 - 17, block 4, Vermillion Addition, be denied. Hallb,e~g, y~s~
Wilson~ )'esl Trautmann, no; l~leujahr~ )~es; Sieb;:echt, yes. The metienpasse~.
Home occupation - No report.
It was moved by hire Neujahr, seconded by Mr. Wilson, to recommend to the
City Council approval of the By-Laws of the Natural Resources Commission.
Ayes, all.
Motion to adjourn - Ayes, all.
Phone 437-692 ] J'Jastings on the Hi~si~sippi
Those present:
Mr. Siebrecht, Mr. Neujahr, Mr. Trautmann, Mr. Petersen,
Mr. Wilson and Mr. Hallberg
Also present:
Councilmen O'Connor and Kane, Mr. Scully, Mr. Davidson,
Mr. Groth, Mr. Siewert, and members of the press.
The first item was a request for rezon[ng to C-1 use by Duane Groth and Neal
Siewert their property adjacent to the Junior High School property on what was
once owned by Vince Ralphe. The Planning Commission stated that they would
not consider commercial use for this area, they may consider multiple dwelling
use. They should come back with a plan. The City however, is anxious to
secure right-of-way for frontage road through their property.
Due to a lack of quorum until 8:30 P.M., the meeting was officially opened.
There were corrections made to the minutes of August 9, 1971 to add Mr. Wilson
as being present. The minutes were then approved as submitted, moved by
Mr. Siebrecht, seconded by Mr. Hallberg.
There was a review of the South Frontage Road along T. ti. 55 and a meeting
held August 18, 1971 with residents or property owners who own property along
the route of the proposed frontage road along T.H. 55 and parallel to Pine Street
and the property accessing to Pine Street between 9thand 10thStreets.
The next item, Mr. Scully was present for an :informal hearing for rezoning of
Lots 14 through 17, Block 4, Vermillion Addition. Mr. Neujahr questioned the
advisability of spot zoning in this area. Several alternatives were suggested;
the garage facility in the old industrial park, adjacent to Smead Mfg. Co. Also
to persue the possibility of relocation in the Industrial Park complex where he
could house his solid waste vehicles, as well as have additional warehousing
available for rental space. It was moved by Mr. Neujahr, seconded by Mr. Hallberg
to deny the request for rezoning. The motion passed bya vote of 5 yes; 1 no.
It was then suggested that the minutes of this Planning Commission go to the City
Council with the agenda on Thursday, September Znd.
The next item discussed was IIome Occupations. This was tabled for no progress
Chairman Petersen suggested that we hold hearings by the Planning Commission
on the Comprehensive Plan. This will be recommended to the City Council to
establish the dates for the hearing.
Minutes of Hastings Planning Commission
Meeting held Monda)r, August 23, 1971
Page 2.
Chairman Petersen asked in regard to the Natural Resources Ordinance whether
there were any objections or comments to the ordinance as written. It was moved
by Mr. Neujahr, seconded by Mr. Wilson to recommend the ordinance to the
City Council for three readings.
Mr. Petersen stated that any development items should be referred to the Planning
Commission for approval. Also that the next item for discussion would be the
Capitol Improvements Program or Long-Range Planning.
It was also requested that the Engineer contact the City Attorney and see if the
Planning Commission could hold the hearings in regard to the Comprehensive Plan
and refer this back to the City Council for action.
We completed our meeting at approximately 10:00 P.M.
John Davidson, City Engineer