HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/71MINUTES OF MEETING,,...grrTH yER, M~,. LL][ON,,,RIYE.,~R 'STUDY COMMITTEE
Those present:
Mr. Dave Pederson, Mr. Tony Willeke, Mr. Chester
Baesetti, Mr. Roger Youngquist, Mr. George Skene
from the Corps of Engineers, Mr. Pat Wilson, Mr. Don
Hallberg, Mr. Frank Slechert, Mr. Wait Petersen, Mrs.
Marcetla Linde, Mr. Kiram Kilborn and John Davidson.
The first item was a review by Mr. Dave Pederson of the last meetings held
on November 10th and November tgth, 1970, Mr. Pederson also related the
recommended ch~-net changes by the study committee at those meetings, for
a by-pass channel concept. He stated that the Corps of Engineers were asked
to evaluate the by-pass ch-n,~el and come back with feasibility reports.
Mr. George Skene from the Corps of Engineers then presented the alternate
plan and stated that the by-pass channel was indeed feasible. He also had some
architectural renderings showing what the by-pass channel would look like with
~he present channel in place as is. Mr. Skene stated that it would be required
to have rip-rap at the entrance and exit to the by-pass channel because of the
fast velocity of those two points, however, we could eliminate the rip-rap for the
length of the by-pass channel. The by-pass channel would be appror, imately 400
feet wide, with a total depression of 6 feet to 8 feet at the center. The by-pass
channel however would take considerable amount of addjt/onal land acquisition
in order to accomplish the by-pass channel concept. There could be no vegetation
growing within the by-pass channel other than grass, and it was thought that t]~e
City would have to maintain the grassed area, part/cularly after a flood frequency
of ~vice in one year, in that the soft condition as a result of one flood may cause
a second flood to erode the by-pass channel. It would be the City's responsibility
to do all upkeep and maintenance work on the by-pass cha~net and to retain the
grassed condition without vegetation other than sod. It was thought that this Wide
channel could alas be used for recreation purposes.
The Corps of Engineers estimates were as follows:
Original Concept,
Closed Conduit Concept
without channel change
from the by-pass channel
~o below the dam, leaving
the dam in place .
Federal Govt. $700, 000. City
Federal Govt,
et,~/00, 0oo.
$95, 000.
City $995, 000.
Dam Removal Alternate
with a removable dam
Federal Govt. $ 800, 000.
City $170, 000.
M inures of. Meeting, With Vermillion River
S{Udl C mmltt e 'h'eld Wednesday,. junes3;, t971'
Pa e Z'
I-lowever there was :<.me indlcatlon that the Corp, may pair at least part of the
cost for the rems'sable dam. The removable dam only would cost approximately
$100, 000 .~ 00.
There was then a question ~ud an3Wor session In rel.~ard to the Corps o.~ Enlllneers
revi~ed concept plan. It was asked of Mr. ~ene when the ~rk could be completed,
provid~g there was City approval wi~n a very shore period of time. Mr. Skene
stated t~t the priority procedure Ma been chang,d, that the~ ~re now approprlat~g
f~ds by =egion~ ~d tha~ tMs would be given priorl[~ No. I in the u~er Mississippi
region. It would t~e approx~tellr one month ~ complete the revised pl~a and
al~er the original report. H t~s were approvedo ~e probability of going ~to
consider, n, p~ovid~g ~e access'cry righi-of-~ys were acquired, would be
witMn one year. It ~uld ~ke some fim~. however, for th~ ch2nges to be made
to ~e recreation plan ~ t~t these ~ouId have to be c0ordina~ed with the local
recreat~n ~d park pl~-ning agency.
Mr. Hi Kilborn rep. rind that the activities committee of the Natural Resources
Committee h~d a tentative plan set up for the Vermillion River area and that a
meeting ~tth the Recreation Director of the Corps of l~.ngineers would be the
next logical step.
It was suggeoted by Mr. Hallberg that we set the procedures up for proceeding
with the project - ia the Iollowlng order: ~
1, Land aceluisltion
2. Recreation Planning
3. Total flood control plan
Mr. Skene then furnished the members with a brochure showing the Firestone
Rubber Company libra dam. This would be an inflatable dam which could be
deflated at the time that the.flood water, radiant would have to be lowered. In
some cases, they deflate this at the FAll of the year and cover it so that the dam
would be lowered through the winter months and then inflated for the summer
months to create the pool hack o£ the da~m.
It was a motion by Mr. Iq~llberg, seconded by Mr. Chester tlassetti to accept the
general concept plan of the by-pass cb~nel with reservation ~hat the dam re-
placement concept and plan review be given further detail study. Motion ~s
~imusly passed.~
There was some discussion between IVX.r. Kilborn and tho Committee as to when
the local Recreation Pla~nlng Group could meet. They decided on meeting on
Tuesday, Juno Zgth. 1971. The time a~xd pl~ce o£ thc, meet~g will be a,~uounced
by the Natural Resources Committees Chairman.
Mr. Shahs Ludlcated that the flood plaLu study being prepared jointly by the Corps
Minutes of Meeting with Vermillion ]River
S~udK Cornn~ittee held Wednesday'~ June Z30 1971 P~e 3
o~ ~ee~s an~ the Natural Resource~ Co~ission si the State would probably
not be completed ~ ~ut~ as orl~lly e~ected. ~here is som~ deta~ because
of loss of perso~el ~ ~e Co~s of Engineers~ o~flc~.
The discussion then centered aro~d the met~ of l~cin~ the pro~sed
acq~sitlon of right-of-~y.
There .was a brief discussion of the Hud me:~fl of open apace acquisition,
th~t~a ~d ,eater conaervaeion~ a local bond issue w~ch would
take a referendum vote ~I the pabtlca or ~e ~enerat assessment system.
It was e~ectefl ~t some combination si [in, ce systems ~uld be proposed,
so t~t the City Co~c~l could give them further conaiderat~n.
The Corps of Engineers indicated that they would like a general acceptance of
the concept plan before proceeding with final plans for the by-pass
It was requested that copies si the minutes o[ this meeting be sent to the City
Coundil, pt~_-niug Commission and Natural ]Resources Committee for their
There was a motion by Mr. Sieckert, seconded by Mr. Willeke to adjourn.
$olmI~vidson, City Englneer
The five year plan will provide for axc:ui ti0n of land for
a park on the southern edge of the city and for the develo,,ment of existing
neighborhood and community p~rka.
Ihe p~rk on the southern edge of the city, hereafter called
the Vermillion River Parkway, will encompass an area of approxi!,,~tely 80
acres lying along the banks of the Vermillion l~iver and both east 6nd west
of US Highway 61. Ihe area east of U'S61 and south of the river Will be
developed 8s a picnic and walking area with the main point of interest
being a look-out a£ea to observe the Vermillion ~tiver Falls. Ihe im,~ediate
area around .the falls has great historical significance in the development
of the flour milling industry. A plaque will be erected explainlng the
significance of the area.
Ihe area west of US61 and south of the river would be developed
for intensive recreational use at the eastern end. Ihe area~would include
playground equipment, permanent outdoor hockey area, several softball
diamonds and rest rooms. The area along the south bank of the river would
be left in its natural state with ~alking trails and picnic areas along
the river. The western part of.the area will be left open for snow-
mobiling~ hiking, ihe ar,%a west of USdl and north of the river to CR47
will be left in its natural state with walking trails and ;)icnic areas.
The acquisition of this land for the proposed Vermillion
River Parkway is the most urgent part of this plant
lhe city of Hastings has requested the US Corps of Engineers
to do flood control work on the Velmtillion miver. A preliminary proposal
by the Corps indicates that the city of Hastings would be re, uired to
acquire approximately half of the lane for the flood control project.
Additional land in the area lies in the flood Plein of the aiver. /he
City of Hastings shouId ac¢~uire lan({, in addition to that re~.uired for
the flood control project~ io implement the proposed' Vermililon l~iver
The following par.eels of land, totalling api~roximately 80
acres would bd acquired:
bank of the
t. Ruth Hagen etal - Parcel 12836 - 1.49 Acres
2. Huth Hagen etal - Parcel 12836 - 12.6 Acres
3. F. H. Peavey ComiJany - Parcel 12942 - .90 Acres
(Ihe land described above is east of US61 and along the south
Vermillion Aiver.)
4. Charles & Margaret Rosenberqer -130228 - 10.14 Acres
5. Charles & Margaret Rosenberger -12835A - 9.61 Acres
6~ 7 8 gnd 9 - the same approx. 12.0 Acres and 20 acres
10. Nowicki - 150' from Canter line of River from
CR47 south to jdn w/Rosenberger
11. LaVerne Davis 'Parcel
12. F. H. Peavey
1~. Xavier & ~arie K.aiser
(/he land described in items
the south bank of the Vermillion River.)
Xavier Kaiser
1~. Xavier Kaiser
16. Xavier Kaiser
17. Anna Kitzman
18. Anna Kitzman
- Approx 4 Acres
12~54 - .21 Acres
12942 - 1.05 Acres
Parcel 12826 - .87 ¢~cres
4-13 is west of U$61 and along
Parcel 12832 - .35 acres
Parcel 17633 - 1.49 Acres
Parcel 128318 - .07 acres
Porcel 12831A - 3.57 Acres
Parcel 12831A - .67 Acres
(/he land described in items 15-19 lies along the north bank
of the Vermillion River between the river and CR47.)
19. Easement across Rossing-~elsh proi)ert¥ - Parcel 13027
for access to city property north of Rossing's.
~0. Negotiate with State of Minnesota for property east of
Hagen across ~ilwaukee Railroad troCZ. Ibis area is open
and ideal for picnicing and observation of ~ermiliioa
The acquisition and develo,,ment of the land described above in
con~unction with existing parks and oi~en space owned by the City of Hastings
would provide a Green Belt along the Vermillion River in the southern part
of the city. Ihe Green Belt would include the existing Old Mill ParK~ site
of the historic Ramsey ~ill, the proposed Vermillion River Parkway, the
the Franzmeier land.
Nowicki land and
2 miles long.
The Green Belt would be approximate~
Part of ~he plan could be started at once by redms~gdng the
Old MiII Park. The present Old ~ili Park ~ith roads running helter
skelter thru the area does not fit into the concept of the over-all plan
for the parkway. The area should be used for picnicing and walking traiis~
a pIace ~or rest and reIaxation. The Old Mill Park should be immediately
closed to overnite camping. All roads into the area should be blocked.
and a parking area established at the Northwest corner of the park.
This proposal could reduce vandalism in the park and ~ossibly establish
the park as a family picnic area.
The ~innesota State Historical Society has repeatedly em-
phasized the historical significance of the Ramsey Mill Ruin in the Old
Mill Park and the Gardner ~ill, now the site of the Peavey Elour ~ill.
Application should be made to the Historical aociety to preserve the
Ramse¥ Mill as a ruin.