Those present: Mr. Pat Wilson, Mr. Don Hallberg, Mr. Frank Sieckert,
Mr. Fred Trautrnann and Mr. John Davidson
A special meeting was held to discuss Lake Rebecca and the Eagles request
for a shooting range.
In regard to Lake Rebecca, John Davidson gave a report on the various park
facilities and reviewed the three possible alternatives proposed by the Corps
of Engineers. The program would take from three to live years before com-
A general discussion £ollowed and it was moved by l~r. Hallberg, seconded
by Mr. $1eckert to accept Plan No. $ as proposed by the Corps of Engineers
with the following stipulations:
l~i~imize CampIng
Minimize Use of Auto Tra/[ic
Maximize Wilderness
l~rimary emphasis on use of lake for canoeing
The motion unanimously passed.
In regard to the Eagles request for a shooting range, it was reported that
there was not enough Property based on Mormation from the National Rifle
Association. A building permit has been issued for a new home on the property
east, with construction within 50 feet of the property line and in the tine of fire.
It is a bird sanctuary and the ground c~,,~ot be cultivated. It was moved by
Mr. $ieckert, seconded by Mr. Haltberg to deny the permit for a rifle range
and unanimously passed
The proposal from l~aul Reuter was referred to a committee of Mr. Sieckert,
Mr. Haliberg and Mrs. Linde.
Fred Trautw,~?., Secretary