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THE GAZETTE. <br />IRVING TODD • 80N. <br />SATURDAY JUNE 27, 1908. <br />The Romance of the Reaper is the <br />title of an interesting little volume <br />by H. N. Casson, with a comprehen- <br />sive description of the invention and <br />subsequent improvements of this <br />great American machine, with graphic <br />writeups of C. H. McCormick, Obed <br />Hussey, the Marsh brothers, William <br />Deering, J. II. Manny, D. M. Os- <br />borne, W. N. Whitely, J. F. Appleby, <br />and other giants in the industrial <br />field. It is as absorbing as a novel, <br />and of interest to every farmer. <br />Doubleday, Page, & Company, New <br />York. <br />J. P. Heatwole claims that the re- <br />ports of the Sunday papers that he <br />had lost Rice County are absolutely <br />false. He says that his friends elect- <br />ed fifty out of sixty-one delegates, <br />five to one, and that everything is <br />looking fine. <br />Knute Nelson carried Dakota Coun- <br />ty for J. F. Jacobson, but he can't <br />begin to carry it for him at the No <br />vember election. Our republicans <br />prefer a democrat to a bolter, and <br />will vote accordingly. <br />Grover Cleveland, the only ex - <br />president of the United States, died <br />at Princeton, N. J., on Wednesday of <br />heart failure, aged seventy-one rears. <br />The loss to buildings and crops in <br />Southern Minnesota by the storm of <br />Saturday afternoon is estimated at <br />upwards of $1,000,000. <br />The democratic state convention <br />will be held in Minneapolis 011 %Veil <br />nesday, Aug. 19th. <br />A partial eclipse of the sun will <br />take place on Sunday, from eight a. <br />in. to noon. <br />A Fatal Accident. <br />Frank J. Hynes, of Empire, was <br />crushed to death last Monday night, <br />while returning home from Farming- <br />ton. The horses were afraid of the <br />lightning and went off an embank- <br />ment, the overturned wagon box strik- <br />ing across his back. Michael Man- <br />ning, a neighbor, was with him, and <br />managed to crawl out and give the <br />alarm, but Hynes was dead when as- <br />sistance arrived. He was aged thirty <br />years, and unmarried. Coroner <br />Mertz held no inquest. The funeral <br />was held from St. Joseph's Church <br />on Wednesday, at half past nine a. in. <br />The District Cour'. <br />The action brought by Nicholas <br />Langenfeld against Mrs. Anna Lan- <br />genfeld for divorce was tried and <br />submitted on Saturday. Ernest Otte <br />and Albert Schaller for plaintiff, B. <br />11. Schriber, of St. Paul, for defense. <br />The case of M. T. Gary, of St. <br />Paul, vs. B. F. Metz, of South St, <br />Paul, replevin of a gun, was tried and <br />submitted on Monday. J. A. Burns <br />for plaintiff, W. L. Converse for de- <br />fense. <br />Albert Bulls, of South St. Paul, <br />was admitted to bail Monday in the <br />sum of $400, and released from jail. <br />Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul <br />right of way agents have purchased <br />small tracts of land on Prairie Island <br />from the Indians on which the new <br />roadbed across the island will be con- <br />structed. The Indians who have <br />disposed of such property and the <br />prices received for the same are as <br />follows: Thomas Williams and <br />wife, $250; Albert Walker and wife, <br />$7.50; Mary Walker, $15; Eliza <br />Wells, $55; Maggie Walker, $7.50; <br />Julia Wingrow, $42; Samuel and <br />Julia Thomas, $33; Emma Jones, <br />$14; Frank and Agnes Lawrence, $5; <br />Lizzie Thomas, $7.50. <br />The Probate Court. <br />Nicholas Theis, of Hampton, was <br />appointed administrator of John <br />Schanck, late of Douglas,Weduesday, <br />and a decree of descent made in the <br />estate of William Ryan, late of Sciota. <br />C. A. Drometer was appointed ad- <br />ministrator of his sister, Mrs. Mary <br />Mies, late of Douglas, Thursday, and <br />Leonhard Schaefer, of St. Paul, ad- <br />ministrator of Louis Lingg, late of <br />South St. Paul. <br />The Waterworks. <br />The waterworks are practically <br />completed, with the exception of a <br />few feet on Seventh Street, several <br />hydrants, and making connection <br />with the pump at the powerhouse. <br />The machinery will be installed next <br />week. There is considerable work <br />yet to be done on the Seventh and <br />Eighth Street sewers, about seven <br />blocks. <br />Asylum Notes. <br />John Miller, an inmate, died sud- <br />denly Wednesday morning from in- <br />testinal paresis, aged sixty years. <br />He was originally committed from <br />Mantorville, May 30th, 1881, and <br />transferred from Rochester Aug. <br />27th, 1904. Re has relatives at <br />Hayfield and Pine Island. <br />Base Balt. <br />The game scheduled for July 5th <br />is Hastings vs. the Keystones, a <br />colored aggregation from Minne- <br />apolis. <br />Manager J. P. Hoffman has en- <br />gaged C. C. Spillane, of St Paul, and <br />Joseph Wojtalewicz, of Red Wing, <br />as battery for the local team during <br />the remainder of the season. <br />The game on Sunday, Hastings vs. <br />the Plymouths of Minneapolis, re- <br />sulted in the defeat of the latter by a <br />score of four to two. The locals <br />only scored in the seventh inning, <br />the visitors making one in the first <br />and one in the eighth. Spillane <br />pitched a great game, striking nut <br />twelve, and Wojtalewicz's home run' <br />brought two men in. It was an <br />interesting game, with a large crowd <br />of spectators. The batteries were <br />Spillane and Wojtalewicz, Finn and <br />Hill. J. P. llotfman, umpire. <br />The Hastings team will go to Still- <br />water on Sunday to play the fast <br />team of that town, which defeated <br />Farihault ht• a score of three to troth <br />ing. They leave here on the eleven <br />a. tn. train, and it is expected that a <br />large number of our people will �o <br />over. <br />Think,' 1t slaved hin1,11e. <br />L. JI. Nelson. of Naples. Me.. says in a <br />recent letter. "I have used I)r. King's New <br />Discovery nutty rears for coughs and <br />colds. Anil 1 think it saved my life I <br />hsyc found it A reliable remedy for throat <br />and lung complaints. and would no more <br />be without at bottle than I would bi- with- <br />out food." 1•'or nearly forty years New <br />Discovery has stood at the head of throat <br />and lune remedies. :Is at preventive of <br />pneumonia ,curl healer of weak lungs it <br />has no equal. Sold under guarantee at <br />Rube's drug Ston. 3oe and $1. 'Fria: <br />bottle free. <br />(:ollntar tiros' <br />There is nothing' that catches Ih,• <br />people like circus bn. It fascinates the <br />old and vouug. and causes the gr.ty- <br />haired father to invent a theory that ice <br />is all at once interested in natural science. <br />1f he isn't cense listed ha- will invite his <br />family to accompany hila 1c the tents. <br />causing untold wonder. A father who <br />hasn't a liking to take his family to a <br />circus is a curious sort of at being. There <br />ate circuses that the most liberal father <br />would never think of laking his fancily <br />to, but a wholesome up to date circus <br />like Golntar Bros., where nothing will be <br />said or done to mar the feelings of the <br />most refined. there is no excuse for pa not <br />to take the fancily. Rentembt•rthis when <br />Goll mar Bros. greatest of American shows <br />arrive here on 1louday, July ath. <br />The Markers <br />BARLEY. --tai cls. <br />BEEF. -$0.00 (it *41 00 <br />BRAN. -42.t. <br />BUTTER. -IS els. <br />CORY. -70 cts. <br />EGGS. -t5 ccs. <br />FLAX. -$1.15. <br />FLOl1R. -$2.9f a, <br />HAY. -$S. <br />OATS. -45 cts. <br />bErnintNOs.-*27. <br />Potts:. --56.00 iii $0.50. <br />POTATOES. -35 Cts. <br />RYE. -67 cts. <br />SCREENINGS. -e2:1. <br />WHEAT. -90 cts <br />Kate. of Anverttotig. <br />One Inch, per year , 6.00 <br />Each additional inch... S.ln <br />One Inch. per week. <br />Local not:ces, {,er Ione 10 <br />Orders by triad will receive prompt attention <br />Address IRVING TODD & SON, <br />Hastings. Minn. <br />NEW AD1'EftTISEMENTS. <br />FOR SALE. <br />A second band square Steinway piano, its gond <br />condition, for sale cheap. Inquire of <br />.1. G. N1 ERT% S SON, Hastings. <br />IU.T. <br />J <br />One coin sack rnutuinin1 about #•.rt Monday <br />a. m.. between .1. y. Perkins' residence and the <br />Hurlinctou depot. Finder please leave :it this <br />office and receive a liberal r•tvarl. <br />FOR SALE. <br />Milch cow, spring pig., and colt. <br />G. 14. JACKSON. <br />West Fourth Street, Hastings, Mini,. <br />WANTED. -A person well acquainted <br />twith Inks <br />is vtvu or other counl'tes ns agent <br />for a wagon SCSI,' just patented nod for sate. <br />The most necessary, practical. economical, <br />Convenient, and money- .•tying labels ever <br />invented for the farmer. Address <br />THE FARMERS FRIEND SCALE ('O, <br />426 1st Ave. Southeast, Minneapolis, Minn. <br />FRANK L. BIERDEN, <br />CARPENTER AND BUILDER, <br />Bastingo, iliuu. <br />:111 my work guaranteed to he first class. <br />TO CONTRACTORS. <br />The trustees of the First Presbyterian Church <br />invite bids for the reconstruction of their build- <br />ing. to accordance with plans and specifications <br />on file at the office of Ackerman h Boynton, <br />Hastings, to be handed in by July 9th. The <br />right to reject any and all bids is reserved. A <br />suitable bond will he required from the success- <br />ful bidder. <br />„ Per order of the trustee:,. <br />J. C. FITCH, Chairman. <br />AUCTION. <br />MRS. HORTENSE KAYLER, <br />,dministratrix of the estate of the Tate F. B. <br />Larpenteur, will sell at auction, on <br />Wednesday, July 1st, <br />on Ramsey Street, the property of said estate, <br />consisting in part of one two seated carriage, <br />one phaeton, two platform wagons, five buggies, <br />three cutters. one pair light bobs, single and <br />double harness, robes, blankets, nets, office <br />furniture, etc. <br />E. IS. FITCH, <br />Auctioneer. <br />SUMMONS, <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota. <br />District court, first judicial district, <br />Marguerite C. Wilse, plaintiff, vs. Frank Wiese, <br />defendant. <br />The state of Minnesota to the above named <br />defendant: <br />You are hereby summoned and required to <br />answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the <br />above entitled action, acopy of which complaint <br />has been filed with the clerk of said court, at <br />his office In the courthouse, in the city of <br />Hastings, In said county and state, and to serve <br />a copy of your answer to said complaint on the <br />subscriber, at his office, No. 518 Globe Building. <br />In St. Paul, Minn., within thirty (00) <br />days after the service of this summons upon you, <br />exclusive of the day of such service, and, If <br />you fall to answer the said complaint within <br />the time aforesaid. the plaintiff in this action <br />will apply to the court for the relief demanded <br />therein, together with her costs and disburse. <br />ments herein. <br />GEO. H. GERLICH, Jr., <br />Attorney for Plaintiff, 512 Globe Building, et. <br />Paul, Minnesota. 406w <br />Bedecks its Glittering Crown of Fairy Land Majesty with Such Pure <br />Diadems of Sparkling Originality as to Lighten with Re- <br />fulgent Ray its Lordly Leadership. <br />Two Big Overwhelming Gentry Performances, Rain or Shine. <br />HASTINGS, FRIDAY, JULY 3d <br />(GILLITT'S GROUNDS.) <br />Rarest and Most Remarkable Exhibition <br />of AIl,Time. <br />GENTRY BROS. <br />FAMOUS SHOWS UNITED. <br />THE WORLD'S BEST <br />TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION <br />Seeks Critical Cotnparison to Prove Its Powerful Pre -Eminence <br />Over Every Other Tented Enterprise of Whatsoever Name <br />or Nature. <br />500 - Ultra Marvelous Animal Actors - 500 <br />Equines, Canines, Monkeys, Goats, Pigs, Sheep and Elephants. <br />that charm, thrill and dazzle by their almost <br />butnan intelligence. <br />50 - Beautiful Ponies in One Act. - 50 <br />The Cleanest and Absolutely Best Tented Exhibition <br />in the World. <br />Tho Children's Perennial Favorite. <br />ii,_hly. 5c11es and Sensations, that ran nowhere else lie seen. The <br />(1retltest Ever Alisnlutt'i' 1'nique, 1'onirnlleled nett <br />1' n}tpllrt,achahlt•. <br />PEERLESS AND POETIC STREET' --I;'AGEANTr- <br />1'nfolding to Public View Free lit Air to Ever%liodb. All the Vest, <br />Varied, Picturesque and Fairyland I'rt.cession:tl Itesonrces of <br />Gentry Ilrothers''rt-nted Establishments <br />Parade Starts from the Exhibition Grounds Promptly at 10 a. m. <br />ESTABLISHED 1858» <br />AT F. E. ESTERGREEN'S <br />Wagon, Carriage, and <br />Repair Shop <br />l'nu will find repairs for all makes of mowers. 1S'e can supply you with <br />pitmans, pitrnon boxes. sections, sickles, guards, rivets, etc., for any make <br />of mowers, at very low prices. Try tis and see. <br />Beit, titled up with itower and mnchiHery we coo do your <br />repair work of all kinds with neatness end dispatch. We are <br />also prepared to do rubber tiring of all kinds. On plow work we can not be <br />beaten.. as we have recently got to new plow man. one of the best in the slate, <br />and can guarantee you better work than ever. We do all kinds of resuwing, <br />planing. and minting. All kinds of painting. Bring in Your old buggies <br />anis have them repaired and repainted; we snake them look as guar os Hew. <br />All work guaranteed. <br />F. E. EST E RG RE E N, <br />Telephone 26. Hastings, Minn. <br />011ice anti works corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets. <br />Name the Pony. <br />Under the auspices of The Oazatte a <br />new baby pony with the Gentry shows <br />will be named•by some little boy or girl <br />when the show visits here on Friday. <br />July 3d. in each of the Gentry adver-' <br />tisements a coupon will be run daily. <br />Fill out this coupon, bring or mail it to <br />the Potty Editor before Wednesday noon,' <br />as the contest closes at that time. The; <br />judges will decide which name they ; <br />deem the prettiest, and to the lucky send -t <br />er of the name The Gazette will give al <br />family ticket, and also a permit to ride: <br />in the parade at ten o'clock Friday <br />morning, It's delightfully good to know I <br />you have named one of these prettily , <br />arched necked and spotted ponies. The <br />little pony will travel all over the United <br />States and Canada, and all the little boys; <br />and girls in every town will hear the <br />story of how the beautiful little pet got <br />its name, and when and by whom. The <br />first coupon appeared on Thursday, and <br />they will continue daily until and in- <br />cluding next Wednesday. Look for all <br />the coupons in the Gentry advs. you can <br />find and send as many names 09, you <br />want to. but all must be on the coupon <br />clipped from the advertisements. Start <br />now. <br />Name the Pony <br />My name is, <br />1 live at <br />You can send as many names <br />you have coupons. No limiL <br />est <br />The District Court, <br />Gus. Sandquiet, one of the alleged <br />Inver Grove holdups, was released <br />from the Ramsey County jail on <br />Wednesday, having furnished $600 <br />bail, and Joe McCoy is trying to <br />furnish sufficient security. <br />Tea Table Etiquette. <br />A hundred years or more ago there <br />was a quaint tea table etiquette. It <br />was considered a lack of courtesy to <br />take ranch cream or sugar In one's tea. <br />Etiquette demanded that the tea should <br />be tasted from the spoon acid that the <br />hostess should then inquire, "Is your <br />tea agreeabler Modern women would <br />be shocked by aallocable lady tat <br />those days who cooled her tea with Ler <br />breath, yet Young'wrote of a certain <br />bewildering Lady Betty: <br />Her two red lips &Rooted sepbiyn Wiry <br />To cool the Bohn and inflame tate-beau. <br />While one white ani and a,thuplb see.- <br />'2(e IUfthe cup and retake the world se - <br />mire. <br />A City and Its Preva. <br />In some respects, a modern city re- <br />sembles a vast commercial. house. In <br />comment advertisement is the secret <br />Of success, and the most 'ltuecesatal co- <br />adjutors of the municipality in the de- <br />velopment and palling 01 a eaplW are <br />the newspapers. And here Berlin Is <br />lacking. Her press is on a bopslesaly <br />low level, impoverished, without enter- <br />prise, under the thumb of the authori- <br />ties. In London, New York and Paris <br />the press has a votes in the running ee <br />the drys Londoa Outlook. <br />There to more cataria is this section of the <br />countrryy than alt older diaaua put top ther, and <br />uanl the last feroan was .5990.00 to rte Is- <br />curnble. For swarm"' many years doeton pro. <br />nouaoed 1t a local disease, and preaoribad roost <br />remedies and by constantly falling to oars with <br />local treatment, pronounced It tamable. <br />soigne has raven catarrh to ire aeoaultstloaal <br />dlneaae, and therefore requires oosstltutlonal <br />treatment. Hall's Catarrh Coro nanstactured <br />by F.J. Cheney A Co„ Toledo 0., 1• the Duly <br />constltutlonal ours on Ibe market, Il Is taken <br />Internally In doses from ten drops to ill <br />It acts directly on the blood and mannas <br />suttaces of the system. They offer 1100 for say <br />case It falls to cure. Send for oiroulsrs and cast . <br />monists. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. <br />Sold by druggists, 7f. <br />Take Hall's Family Zits for oosstlpstloa. <br />THE <br />91.1ititt <br />-"A Spars m....•."-wEBSTFR <br />Peculiarly a Paper of the People <br />Pioneer of Minnesota Newspapers. Estab. <br />kshed in 1868. Edited and printed in its own <br />building, in the Capital Qty of Minnesota. A <br />�� is a ply sound. progressive. <br />that to the ea gr no monopoly, a paper a riser by its enterprisincatersg management <br />o <br />has won the appreciation of its readers, and grown to be <br />vita's tremendous power towards the advancement of Minne• <br />The Lions catch Dispatch is an Evening Paper. ' Its various edi- <br />ts: ns n c e outgoing trains and are delivered to sub. <br />leeringin al the Towns and <br />when d the F mss, at an hour <br />Family have time to read. <br />The Dispatch, in ks Saturday Evening Edition, com- <br />bines <br />d the essential features of the largest Metropolitan <br />SutttdaDaikea. Its social Lkerary, Religious, Artistic, and <br />N!are , of the highest type. <br />pe. <br />T The Dispatch receives the Meg associated Press <br />P service, from all the world; <br />The Dispatch is liberal. Its colutafls are opento the <br />discussion of al topics of public. interest.. Editorially it is <br />broada advancement fearless. It stands for all that tends to the <br />The Dispatch lis -bed at Minnesota's Capital. It <br />is closely in touch' d deta lis of State matters. k gives <br />the eeriest, and most retable, information upon . them. h <br />uses ks position always for the .upbuilding of the inter-. <br />eatsof ostur own section. It is loyal to Minnesota, and the <br />Are you a reader of the Dispatch? If you <br />are not, you are invited to become one. We will welcome <br />you to our het of subscribers and friends. You will feel that <br />a real welcome is extendedyou that you are among con- <br />genial spirk a. seek to utak. feel Your fl that <br />wig be appreciated. We shall <br />you every dollar that you pay for our <br />paper is Bey wisely spent. We invite every one who <br />bekeves in the glorious future of our Northwest, to join the <br />army of readers of the Dispatch, <br />It costs but 35 cents a month or $1.00 for 3 months, <br />to receive the Dao visits of the Dispatch. May we <br />send it to you <br />bII 1 <br />Fonvardremktanoeto the subscription department, <br />No.231 Dispatch Bldg., St- Paul, Minn. Don't <br />forget it- Do k today. <br />Subscribe for your local paper, then <br />take the Dispatch. <br />0 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />•• <br />•• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />•• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />0 <br />•••• •0•• •••• <br />110,0 <br />▪ esteeeto er uYearetroer. <br />Pt+24,1 << .'aqui <br />t. �▪ tuu tl <br />pets <br />aVaotr ..t� tl,srre "� <br />t�rrt <br />vi. recce ereitittr,-$.1 <br />.►Lucia...Weis. kit+«, <br />4111074Preplitvit3r,kfirS <br />iteaft <br />+:e. <br />••••••••••••••••••••••• <br />THE RESULT OF <br />TWO YEARS <br />Of Constant Work and Experiment by the <br />Park Brewing Co. <br />9 <br />Winona, Minn., <br />is now on the market and is for sale by all <br />druggists. This product is known as the <br />Park MaltExtracl <br />and is an absolutely pure Malt Extract com- <br />posed of selected Barley, Choice Imported Hops, <br />and FilteredA rtesian Water. We claim for this <br />product great purity and perfection , in manu- <br />facture, and a quality superior to any other <br />preparatiou of the kind on the market. <br />,,,,�N <br />"c�a. r wd'n <br />Ask Your . Druggist for a Bottle. <br />J. M. LANGENrELD, Wholesale Dealer, <br />Hastings. Flinn. <br />••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />•1 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />0 <br />south St. Paul Nark's.. <br />CATTLE. <br />Orals fed. <br />Steers, good to choice 10.00 ® 0.75 <br />Sleets, fair to good... ... ....5.00 ® 5,75 <br />Cows, heifers. good ....4.50 (tt 5.50 <br />Cows, belfers, fair ...3.50 ® 4.50 <br />Cutter oowe. .... 2.50 0 2.75 <br />Bologna bulls . , 2.75 ® 3.25 <br />Canner cows 1.75 0 2.25 <br />Veal selves, good 8,75 (h 5.00 <br />Veal calves. common 1.50 @ 3.00 <br />STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. <br />Good to oholoe feeding ekers.$4.0000 4,40 <br />Common to fair- <br />Fair to good , .. 3.00 O 3.25 <br />Good to choice stook steers.. 8,25 • 3.75 <br />Fair to good . 3.00 @ 8,25 <br />Common. stock steers. 2.50 ® 3.80 <br />Stook fed bulla.. - .50 ® 3.75 <br />Good to oholoe stook heifers2.50 (4 2.75 <br />Common stock betters2,25.2.50 <br />HOGS. <br />Price Range. Sulk Price , <br />Thunday...$5,75 Q $5.95 $5.85 (( $5.90 t <br />SHEEP. <br />Good to choice. <br />Lambe 115.50 A 0.50 <br />Yearlings 5.00 (g 5.35 <br />Ewes ....::.....:.....:...•, 4.00 • 4.50 <br />Wethers . 4.15 $ 4.45 <br />EGGS FOR HATCHING. <br />Single Comb Buff Orplsgtons 11 per in. Single <br />Comb White and Brown Leghorns 75c per 16. <br />Some choice yearling .tock 111 each, ttO per dor. <br />Hest of stook and safe delivery guaranteed. <br />�_ is IRiE ISLAND POULTRY FARM. <br />• Eggleston, Mlnn. <br />TOBACCOS, CiOARS,- <br />aad Smokers' Artless. <br />208 Sewed Street. <br />J. C. LAMSERO, Dealer. <br />Repatrtag of pipes neatly done. <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & 1tYAN. <br />SaKangs, Mien. <br />Uwrertaking. <br />Fawaral Dlraetore. <br />W. 8, Walbridge, State Liosuasd Raahalmer. <br />FOR SALE. <br />Eighty sores Improved land In Vermillion. <br />Prlos.4.609. <br />Twe buadred and twenty acre. In Marshsn, <br />pod bundles*. <br />Good bowie oa Seventh Street. F1,e00. <br />C. E. @KED, <br />Sall <br />rrrlymo IF 41 n <br />• �' 1.145 a ' l <br />COLLEGE of ST.CATHEPINE <br />?WM ooLtrof FOS SI1* b bsaetltany <br />located is Gravesend Farkas aa sslo.ees over- <br />looking the Yssslr5Opl. Though wltaa saw <br />,,etch of St. Patti and Kinneapolls,11 .grainy. the <br />haalthtolness and retirement of'Memel <br />_ <br />!IL Clotherine's offers uta patrons cones. ofAGO <br />simtLr to thuso of women's collagist* the <br />Tbeprogramiscomprehensive, buskers. rooms <br />for elective studios to snit tM-taste sad ebb* <br />oft . student. <br />l'be College -Preparatory 0ours.I. Usdreeeb cel <br />systematic. Students of musicaadartbave...4 <br />Mut opportunities for the study of casae bytaa.,, <br />The buildings aro fireproof. dy.aaM , Omuta. <br />eats 'booms, Extensive sad <br />TL. Wowing departments are cess .tenses.. <br />ceps*8: Comeardel. <br />ACASesdPreNlis. UMW al The n s en of 81, J 000ddet 18. leo rye, <br />It lb under the (heretics of Arehblsaop Ireyy, <br />For blether earnest., address <br />MMehry.CaagaMSt. Cataariee.ateest lea. <br />a MERTZ & SON. <br />Undertaking, <br />Funeral Directors. <br />,0 <br />111 <br />