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THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Tepiee. <br />Mrs Mary A. Bacon went up to St. <br />Pant yesterday. <br />L W. HiIal, of Portland, Or,, <br />is hone on a visit. <br />Mrs. F. W. Oliver was down from <br />St. Paul yesterday. <br />Gustaf Pihl left on Tuesday for his <br />claim at Plaza, N. D. <br />\I. F. Siebenaler was in from Ver- <br />million on Saturday. <br />Miss Marie E. Gratis went up to <br />11ighwood on Monday. <br />Mrs. .1. 1'. Girtren was in from <br />Vermillion on Monday. <br />Miss Anna Kirshen went out to <br />Farmington yesterday. <br />Mrs. Rose Holtgrave was in from <br />Vermillion on Monday. <br />Mrs. Fred. Wyatt and son went up <br />to St. Paul Wednesday. <br />Mrs. Etnil Benter went down to <br />Red Wing on Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lucking went <br />up to St. Paul yesterday. <br />Michael Haas returned Friday <br />evening from Barron, Wis. <br />Mrs. E. D Chamberlain went up to <br />Minneapolis on Thursday. <br />Mrs. Wallace Kelsey left Thursday <br />upon a visit in River Falls. <br />Miss Grace .I. Cobh left Thursday <br />npon a visit in Minneapolis. <br />Frank Ableidintger, of Bloomer, <br />Wis., was in town yesterday. <br />Miss Emma M. Speakes left Sat- <br />urday upon a visit in Seattle. <br />Mrs. N. A[. Pitzen and children <br />went up to Si. Paul Thursday. <br />Misses Gladys and Georgia Ingalls <br />went up to St. Paul Thursday. <br />The Rev. J..1. Mies, of Miesville, <br />went tip to St. Paul Wednesday. <br />hiss Anna Erickson, of Prairie <br />Island, was in town on Tuesday. <br />Miss Louise E. Hoffmann went <br />out to Cannon Falls on Monday. <br />Mrs. G. 5. Thurber, of LaCrosse, <br />is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Ennis. <br />Miss Ellen A. DuShane, of Itaven <br />nes, went up to St. Patel yesterday. <br />Miss Myrtle Adsit went out to <br />Hampton 'Wednesday upon a visit. <br />Mr. and Mrs. August Pappenfus <br />were in front Hampton on \\onlay. <br />C. A. Drometer and F. N. Lorentz <br />were in from Douglas on Thursday. <br />The Warblers enjoyed a picnic and <br />launch- ride at Spring Lake Thursday. <br />Mrs. Sarah Cavanaugh returned <br />Thursday from a visit in Cannon Falls. <br />R A. Lambert, of Winona, is the <br />guest of his brother, J. B. Lambert. <br />Mrs. A. B. Nichols returned on <br />Saturday from a visit in Farmington. <br />Mrs. J. P. Griffin went up to <br />Minneapolis Wednesday upon a visit. <br />Miss Marion A. Bother, of Mar- <br />shan, went up to St. Paul Wednesday. <br />J. P. Erickson, of Madelia, is the <br />new foreman at Estergreen's wagon <br />shop. <br />Mrs. P. A. Beckjord and daughters <br />went up to St. Paul Thursday upon a <br />visit. <br />M. C. Ahern and children, of <br />Duluth, came down Sunday upon a <br />visit. <br />Miss NI. Josephine Fahy, teacher at <br />Minneapolis, is down upon a visit <br />home. <br />Joseph Roser, of Cannon Falls, is <br />the guest of his father, Aft. Diones <br />Boser. <br />Fall term, lintudrup .'. Nettleton Husine,e <br />College, Winona, Minn., opens Sept. 1st. <br />Miss Dorothy Shel Ihora, of Lang- <br />don, is the guest of Miss Emma A. <br />it ed i n. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John O'Boyle left <br />Thursday upon a visit at Rock <br />Island. <br />.Joseph Donaldson, of Northfield, <br />was in town Tuesday on legal <br />business. <br />Theodore Lucius, of Cannon Falls, <br />was in town Saturday, en route for <br />St. Paul. <br />Dr. L. D. Peck sold his automobile <br />to Byron Kingston, of Marshan, last <br />• <br />Saturday. <br />Mrs. Belle O'Brien and Miss Marie <br />O'Brien left Thursday upon a visit in <br />Superior. <br />George Swales is here from Holm - <br />field, Can., en route for Wisconsin <br />after cattle. <br />T. F. Milan, of Etter, was in town <br />on Monday, en route from a visitat <br />Dallas, Tex. <br />Mrs. H. A. Glendenning and chil- <br />dren left Saturday upon a visit at <br />Lansing, Ia. <br />Mrs. Michael Iteinardy, of Doug- <br />las, was at the Phoenix Hotel on <br />Wednesday. <br />Mrs. L. 3. Kilduff, of Hibbing, is <br />the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. G. <br />LeVesconte. <br />Mrs. Maria K. Mies, of St. Paul, is <br />the guest of her granddaughter, Mrs. <br />N. M. Pitzen. <br />Miss Clara Frederickson, of Farm- <br />ington, spent Sunday at the home <br />of J. P. West. <br />The Quincy came up early Mon- <br />day morning, the first through boat <br />of the season. <br />Master Albert Pitz, of St. Paul, is . Mrs. C. A. Baker and Mrs. J. R <br />visiting his uncles, Joseph and Bettis, of Webster Park, Mo., are tat <br />Anthony Pitz. guests of their cousin, Mrs. C. <br />The Beethoven Club will meet with Erickson. <br />Miss Mary Kranz on Tuesday even.! K. A. Schaller waif home fro <br />ing, July 7111. Duluth over Sunday. He Is in th <br />The steamer Purchase passed up emPtoy Of :the Interstate Traetio <br />river Wednesday afternoon with a . Company. <br />:INTENTION , <br />large excursion. A marriage license was issued <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holmquist !Saturday to Mr. Irving G. Hussey <br />went up to Minneapolis Wednesday to and Miss Christine Sundquist. of <br />attend a banquet. 'Mendota. - • <br />E. C. Stringer and J. C. Zehnder i Mrs T. J. Bevan, of Chicago, was <br />were down from St. Paul Tuesday the guest of her sister, <br />Mrs. Markin <br />on legal business. S. King, on Tuesday, en route for <br />Minnenpolis. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gorges, of Ver. A marriage license was lssued on <br />million, were in town Saturday, en Tuesday to Mr. Harvey E. Krayen- <br />buhl and Miss Lima B. Burt, of <br />South St. Paul. <br />Mrs. John Bihner and Mies Emily <br />Bihner, of Douglas, were among <br />those at the Biliner-Mienes wedding <br />on Wednesday: <br />Mies Amanda C. Estergreen and <br />Miss Florence M. Palmatrom left <br />yesterday for their new home In <br />Billings, Mont. <br />J. A. Toggweiier, of Louisville, -'.is <br />Minneapolis Thursday from a visit putting in the new spiral fire escape. <br />with Mrs. J. D. Curry. iatthe highschool building, at an_.ex- <br />bliss Hildegarde A. Palmstrom Poise tit $875. <br />left on Sunday for her summer Frank Damply has a new gasoline <br />school in Granite Falls. launch for pleasure partiee on -the <br />W. F. Kunze, now of Oniaha, was river, with a capacity of twentv.6ve <br />in town Tuesday calling upon a ! nr thirty people. <br />number of his old friends. F. A. Bohner, of West Point, N. <br />Misses Suzanne and Birdie S.1 Y., arrived here Tuesday upon is visit <br />Kranz are home from St. Benedict's with his sister, Mrs. C. J. Erickson, <br />Academy upon a vacation. at Prairie Island. <br />The city hoard of review, consist- The river registered twelve and five- <br />ing of the mayor, clerk, and assessor, <br />are in session at City Hall. <br />H. L. Frank completed raising the <br />residence of Anton Illegan, on west <br />Sixth Street, last Saturday. <br />Mr and Mrs. John Schiltgen, of <br />Oakbury, \lion., are the guests of <br />Mr. and M►•s..1. E. Dotting. <br />Mrs. Frank Wiederhold and Miss <br />Theresa Wiederhold, of M iesville, <br />were in town on Wednesday. <br />Miss Grace Dezell returned on <br />Wednesday from her visit in Minne- <br />apolis and Lake Minnetonka. <br />Mr. Guy Quinn and bride, of <br />Cannon Falls, were in town Wednes <br />day, en rotite for Minneapolis. <br />John Wells, formerly of this city, <br />has joined the regular army, and is <br />stationed at Ft. Wayne, Mich. <br />Mrs. Caroline LeVesconte, of Min- <br />neapolis, was the guest of her son, <br />C. G. LeVesconte, yesterday. <br />Mrs. M. J. Stevens, of Farmington, <br />is the guest of Mrs. A. B. Nichols, <br />en route home from Lake City. <br />Miss Clara E. Bremer and F. W. <br />Bremer, of Prescott, were the guests <br />of Mrs. L. H. Voigt on Saturday. <br />Misses Grace E. and Anna M. King, <br />of Marshan, left Tuesday upon a <br />visit in Minneapolis and Lakeville. <br />About seventy-five of our people <br />joined the Red Wing excursion to St. <br />Paul on Thursday, per steamer J. S. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lathrop, of <br />Washington, D. C., are the guests of <br />his father, the Rev. E. R. Lathrop. <br />The Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Lewis <br />visited Afton on Wednesday, enjoy- <br />ing a delightful cruise on the lake. <br />Every one who has visited Mankato Commer• <br />tialo <br />sues <br />the new Ir <br />R In bulldinR, says it Is a <br />wonderful place. Judging from the catalogue <br />it must be so. Any one Interested can get <br />catalogue by addressing the school. <br />Mr. and Mrs. F. B. •Brandemuehl, <br />of Prescott, were the guests of Mr. <br />and Mrs. Charles Bartels Thursday. <br />bar. and Mrs. D. H. Havenstrite, <br />late of Doyen, N. D., are guests of <br />Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christopherson: <br />Samuel Kingston, of Marshan, was <br />winner of the high score at Gillitt's <br />bowling alleys on Tuesday evening, <br />217. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Sunday to Mr. P. L. King and Miss <br />Clara II. Lewandowski, of South St. <br />Paul. <br />Mrs. S. 1'. Gardner and Misses <br />Chloe H. and Achsah Gardner, of <br />Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. J. A. <br />Ennis. <br />Miss Cora B. Beerse returned from <br />St. Paul on Wednesday, where she has <br />been attending St. Catherine'a <br />College. <br />The social hop given by Riverside <br />Camp No. 1554 on Thursday even- <br />ing was attended by about forty <br />couples. <br />F. A Beissel and family have re- <br />moved from Farmington to New <br />Trier, where he will engage in <br />farming. <br />M. J. Casey, of Jordan, and J. J. <br />Mahoney, of Faribault, are in town <br />in the interests of the Singer Sewing <br />Machine. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knoblauch, of <br />Farmington, were iu town on Tuesday, <br />en route home from a visit in <br />Prescott. <br />The Church of the Guardian <br />Angels will give a celebration at <br />City Park, Hastings, on the Fourth, <br />with music by Gieske's Band, and <br />sports of various kinds. Dinner and <br />supper nerved at the Opera Housee, <br />A general invitation ie extended. <br />route for St. Paul. <br />Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mrs. <br />Otto Peterson and son went up to <br />St. Paul yesterday. <br />Mrs. H. L. Simons and son, of St, <br />Paul, are the guests of her mother, <br />Mrs Wesley Archer. <br />Mr. and Mra. R. S. Stoneman and <br />sous returned Saturday from their <br />visit at Portland, Or. <br />3liss Lillian Collins returned to <br />tenths feet; above low water mark <br />yesterday, 'e raise of two-tenths in <br />twenty-four hours. <br />The funeral of Mrs. John Piculell, <br />of Afton, was held from the house <br />on Saturday, at two p m., the Rev. C. <br />E Odell officiating. <br />W. B. Neese, manager of the North <br />American Telegraph Company at <br />Stillwater, has resigned, and will look <br />for another location, <br />Miss Marie Johnson is giving a <br />house party this week, at her home <br />on Eighth Street, for Mies Hazel <br />Fitch, of Winnebago. <br />• John Cunnine and William Cun- <br />nine, of Madison, Wis , were the <br />guests of their uncle, John Cunnine, <br />in Marshan, this week. <br />The Lakeville creamery has <br />secured a government contras t.Tor <br />eighty thousand pounds of butter, to <br />be delivered at Chicago. - <br />Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knight end <br />daughters returned to Watertown, S.-- <br />D., <br />.D., on Sunday from a visit with Mr. <br />and pre. N. W. Taplin. <br />Mrs. C. B. Hilliard, of Durand, <br />Wis., was the guest of her brother, <br />Capt. J. S. Howard, yesterday, en <br />route for St. Paul Park. <br />Mr. and Mrs. B. .1. Benson, of <br />Gettysburg, S. D., are here upon a <br />visit with their son, .1. M. Benson, <br />head cook at the asylum. <br />Mrs. Peter Thiel went out to <br />Cannon Falls Monday to attend the <br />marriage of her niece, Miss Anna <br />Thill, and Mr. Guy Quinn. <br />Mrs. Adolph Ista and Mrs. John <br />Kauffman returned to Colfax, N. D., <br />on Monday from a visit with their <br />brother, J. H. Haverland. <br />G. H. Taplin has bought a pair of <br />mules, five years old, at the Minne- <br />sota Transfer, weighing twenty-seven <br />hundred pounds, for $400. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sinclair and <br />daughter came in from Melstone, <br />Mont., on Saturday, en route upon a <br />visit home in Kankakee, Ill. <br />Mise Catherine Boor, from St. <br />Benedict's Academy, and William <br />Boor, of Collegeville, are down upon <br />it visit with Mrs. P. F. Kranz. <br />A. B. Heinen, William Boor, and <br />Nicholas Mienes are back from <br />Collegeville, where e have been <br />attending St. John's e. <br />Peter Canter), of Minneapolis, is: <br />temporstfl in charge -of the Haste <br />ings & Stillwater train, 8. D. Bur- <br />bank taking a week's vacation. <br />George Jehu, of the Oak' Grove <br />Nursery, left ,us a handsome sample <br />of a seedling strawberry grown by <br />him, which be calls the Florence. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Morey went <br />up to Red Rock Thursday to attend <br />the annual meeting and banquet of <br />the Washington County Old Settlers. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paul, of <br />Webster, 8. D., arrived here Mon- <br />day upon a visit in Denmark, where <br />he lived some twenty-six years ago. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dolan, of <br />Washburn, and Mise Alice Williams, <br />of Duluth, are the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Edward DuShane, in Ravenna. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parmenter <br />wero summoned to Mankato yester- <br />day by the drowning of her sister, <br />Miss Eva Ethers, aged seventeen <br />years. <br />P. L. Thurber, who graduated at <br />the Racine Military Academy, arrived <br />here Tuesday to spend the summer <br />with his grandmother, Mrs. J. A. <br />Ennis. <br />Don't you whliit your old <br />chair or couch or 'any other <br />piece of furniture repaired <br />or re -upholstered? <br />We can do it. <br />Cost is very little. <br />Phone No. 91 and we will <br />call. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />6c son, <br />ria,stings\ - Minn. <br />- — ... <br />Moltke •''[lor.t M. LHabil and 1.) ilia <br />Miller, nt•etctia-end Richard Boet- <br />tcher, of Nr', it ;'lake, were in town <br />yesterday,. eu rAirte home from <br />Winona. <br />11. W. Smith, of the DesMoines <br />Company, cause in from Sheridan, <br />Wyo., last Saturday, and will remain <br />here until the waterworks system is <br />installers. <br />The boy who suletta the right <br />name for the Gentry witty and leaves <br />a sighed coupon at Thr Gazette office <br />will receive a family ticket to the <br />show, July 3d. <br />Mrs. C. A. ll,tneon went up to Min- <br />neapolis on Tuesday to attend the mar- <br />riage of her niece, bliss Ellen Han- <br />son, and bar. George Rennes, of <br />Hankineon, N. D. <br />The June meeting of the women's <br />auxilliary was held with Miss Gertrude <br />A. Norrish Wednesday afternoon, <br />Miss Knthrene Sleppy, of St. Paul, <br />delivering an address. <br />Mr. and Mrs .l. 1'. Hanson, C. A. <br />Hanson, Mr. and 31rs. Axel Johnson, <br />and Mrs. W. E Poor went up to <br />MiuneapolisWednesday to attend the <br />Renner -Hanson wedding. <br />About eighty Indies from the <br />Presbyterian Church were delight- <br />fully entertained by Mrs. Samuel <br />White, at her home on west Fourth <br />-Street, last Friday evenine. <br />'The„ Rev. C. H,, Curtis, assistant <br />kastor of the Peoples Church, his <br />Wife and family and bars. E. L. Con- <br />nell, of St. Paul, are the guests of <br />Supt. and Mrs. E. L. Porter. <br />F. W. Finch returned on Saturday <br />from Alexandria, where he attended <br />the annual meeting of the state <br />pharmaceutical association. Ile was <br />elected third vice president. <br />S. Gronaherg, n West St. Paul <br />peddler, was held up and robbed of <br />$L33 at Eagan last Thursday by <br />three unknown men. Sheriff sic <br />Devitt went up to investigate. <br />Miss Nettie Schoen delightfully <br />entertained about twenty young Indies <br />at a parcel shower, given at her home <br />on east Sixth Street, Monday evening, <br />for Miss Matilda 31. Mienes, a bride <br />of Wednesday. <br />Mr. Max. Kupitz„of Bismarck, and <br />Miss Dolores Kohler, of Watertown, <br />were married at the latter place on <br />the 18th inst. They arrived here on <br />Monday, the guests of their cousin, <br />Miss Lillian A. a11stlec'r. <br />The Humane Society of Hastings <br />has received notice of its incnrpora• <br />tion from the office of the secretary <br />of state at St. Paul, and persons can <br />enroll themselves as members by <br />signing the constitution. <br />11. 8. Cooledge will dive from the <br />top obi t#te-;bie htidge to day, at <br />seven p mitt. give a balloon 'as- <br />cension at CV :Park immediately <br />afterwards. The'public is invited to <br />attend the free exhibition. <br />OurNew <br />Hair Vi or <br />Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, <br />the best that was made. But <br />Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- <br />proved formula, Is better. It <br />is the one great specific for fall- <br />ing hair. A new preparation in <br />every way. New bottle. New <br />contents. Ask your druggist to <br />show it to you, "the new kind." <br />Dna net Acne de calor of flys 'Jirk <br />srssWa wtta fossa beetle <br />R law to to peas <br />aeon <br />Ayers <br />j. <br />alas ao as hems <br />As we now'tnake our new Hair Vigor it <br />does not have the slightest effect upon <br />the color of the Bair. You may use it <br />freelyand for any length of time with- <br />out ear of changing the color. Stops <br />faille( hair. Cures dandruff. <br />—ylae e es see t. 0. Ater Ce.. Lowen. senna.--• <br />Miss Alice P. Morton closed ber <br />school in District 1. ' Novelise, on <br />Friday afternoon of lest week with a <br />pleasing rhetorical programme and <br />an enjoyable picnic. She has been <br />re-engaged for soother year. <br />J. M. O'Brien, station agent at the <br />Burlington depot, had $23 iu a sack <br />taken from his cont hanging outside <br />of the station Monday morning. <br />Checks amounting to 5130 in a <br />pocket book were not taken. <br />An automobile party coral:tting of <br />Austin King and bliss Ellett B King, <br />of Minneapolis, Miss Margaret Meade, <br />of Hutchinson, anti Aire. GaRney, of <br />St. Paul, were the guests of Niro. T. <br />P. Moran and the Misses Fahy <br />yesterdny. <br />A number of our young ladies con- <br />sisting of Miss Pauii!ne 8. Kramer, <br />Miss Barbara Heinen, Hiss Mary <br />Kranz, Miss Lala E. Grans, Miss <br />Maud A. Beissel, Miss Josephine C. <br />Raetz, Miss Anna C. lleagy, Miss <br />Lillian A. Mather, and Miss Grace E. <br />Austin were delightfully entertained <br />by Miss Celestine M. Schaller at <br />the Frontenac Inn on Thursday. <br />dt►ueawt <br />One of the prettiest weddings of <br />the season was that of Mr. 11'illiaw <br />F. Bihner, of Minneapolis, and Miss <br />Matilda M. Albint's, at 81. Boniface <br />Church Wednesday, at nine a. m., the <br />ceremony being performed by the <br />Rev. Conrad (llatz nnier, Miss <br />Katherine C. btatsell was bridesmaid, <br />arid Mr. James W. btienea best man <br />The ushers were C. J. Haetz and <br />L J. Schoen. Mine Mary Kranz <br />presided at the organ. The bride <br />wore s beautiful cream silk with <br />valenciennes lace trimmings, white <br />picture hat, and carried cream roses. <br />Mies Mntsch a white Persian lawn, <br />with valeneiennea lace trimmings, <br />lust to snatch, turd carried pink car- <br />nations. Nuptial high mass followed <br />the ceremony, anti a Large number of <br />friends were present. A delightful <br />informal reception followed at the <br />home of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kranz, <br />on Ramsey Street, attended hp relit <br />fives and immediate friends. The <br />rooms were decorated with ferns and <br />cut flowers, the parlor in green and <br />white, and the dining room in pink <br />and white. The bride is a popular <br />young Intly, and the groom an em- <br />ploye of the Twin City Rapid Transit <br />Company. His former home was in <br />Douglas. Many useful and hand- <br />some gifts were received. They left <br />for their future borne in Minneapolis <br />in the afternoon, and will he at <br />home at 2613 Sixteenth Avenue south <br />after July Gtb. Their many friends <br />extend hearty congratulations. <br />Mr. Emmett R. Wells, second son <br />of Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Wells, former <br />ly of this city, and Miss Frances C. <br />Foils were married et Tully, N. Y., <br />on the 17th inet., the Rev. McGahen <br />officiating. They left that evening <br />upon n wedding trip to New <br />Castle, Pa. <br />A Grand Fain►tiy Med/close. <br />"It gives me pleasure to speak a good <br />word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr <br />Frank Conlan of No. 4S Houston Street <br />New York. "It's a grand family medi- <br />cine for dyspepsia and liver complica- <br />tions: while I for lame back and weak kid- <br />neys it cannot be tom highly recommend- <br />ed." Electric Bitter! regulate the diges- <br />tive functions, purify the blood, and im- <br />part renewed vigor and vitality to the <br />weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold <br />under guarantee at Rude'tt drug store. <br />50. <br />Drowned at the Vermillion. <br />Carl Sieberman, of Chicago, an <br />amateur traveling artist, in company <br />with John DiobaH went to the Ver- <br />million Tuesday morning to take <br />some views of the picturesque and <br />beautiful scenery in that vicinity. <br />They wandered down stream to with. <br />in a short distance of the old Ramsey <br />Mill, and decided to take a picture of <br />the ruins and dam. Mr. Sloberman <br />climbed a pine tree to direct the <br />placing of the cement, when the limb <br />gave way, throwing him into the <br />water below, nearly fl:Ety feet. He <br />came up once, feet foremost, and the <br />lifeless body was recovered by em- <br />ployes of the state asylum, about an <br />hour and a half afterwards. The <br />body was not filled with water, and <br />death was probably caused by the <br />fall. Several physicians worked over <br />the body, but unsuceeaafully, and <br />Coroner Mertz decided -not to hold an <br />inquest. The remains were removed <br />to Mertz & Son's undertaking rooms <br />and embalmed, anti sent home the next <br />day. The young man was a son of <br />Andrew Sieberman, of Chicago, and <br />has a wife and daughter living there. <br />Bis age was twenty-three years. <br />Upon his person were a few cards, a <br />bunch of keys, knife, and some <br />small articles. Be had been in Hast <br />Ings nearly a week, stopping at St. <br />John's Hotel. <br />antra' Awmemsoomeap. <br />At the Baptist Church to -morrow <br />morning the pastorwill preach upon The <br />Relation of the Christian la the World, <br />and in the evening -upon Revivals. Bible <br />school at 11:45 a. m.. and young people's <br />meeting at 0:45 p. m. A cordial invita- <br />tion to these services Is extended. espe- <br />cially to strange <br />Have Youa ,.:,. <br />Summer Stove.? <br />• <br />w• <br />heating the room. <br />The stifling air of a <br />close kitchen is changed <br />to comfortable coolness <br />by installing a New Per- . <br />fection Wick Blue Flame <br />Oil Cook -Stove to do the <br />family cooking. <br />No kitchen furnishing <br />is so convenient as this <br />stove. Gives a working <br />heat at once, and main- <br />tains it until turned out <br />—that too, without over - <br />If you examine the <br />NEW PERFECTION <br />Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook -Stove <br />you will see why this is so. The heat from the <br />chimney of the 'New Perfection" is marfratsd <br />under thekettle and not dissipated through the room <br />by radiation. Thus it does the work of the coal <br />range without its discomfort. Ask your dealer about <br />this store -4f aot with him, write our nearest agency. <br />The <br />OLamp is avery <br />handsome handsome <br />piece of <br />houaefurnishing and gives <br />a clear, powerful light more agreeable than gas or <br />electricity. Safe everywhere and always. Made <br />of brass finely nickel plated—just the thing for the <br />living -room. 1f not with your dealer, write our <br />mane' agsacy. <br />Stsauaard Oil Company <br />(tlaedeprated) <br />•••••••••••••••••••0011111141110•111••••••••••••••••• •••• •••• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />NEW GROCERY STORE. <br />� P. J. MEISCFi, <br />• <br />• <br />1 <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />1 <br />1 <br />• <br />• <br />••• <br />• <br />• <br />• Telephone No. 44. <br />•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <br />Successor to <br />F. B. LUCKING. <br />Just received it complete stock of <br />Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Etc. <br />In fact we keep everythiug found in a first class grocery house. Every- <br />thing is fresh. clean. and neat, and of the highest grade. When receiving <br />goods of us you will be assured of getting all new fresh goods. <br />Remember we carry the Home Brand Goods and the 999 Tea, the best in <br />the market. <br />Our aim is to aave you money and treat you right. Give us a trial order. <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />P. J. MEISCII, <br />210 Second Street. Hastings. <br />PIANOS <br />If you are thinking of buying a piano we would <br />like you to come in and look over our stock. We have <br />all grades, and the most complete line ever shown <br />here. We can sell the same grade piano from $75 <br />to $100 cheaper than any dealer in a large city. Call <br />and we will prove this to you. <br />Walbridge Bros. & Ryan, <br />Second Street, Hastings. <br />LandseekersExcursions <br />to <br />The Big Horn Basin <br />and Yellowstone Valley <br />On the first and third Tuesdays of each month, June to November inclusive <br />I will personally conduct Landseekers' Excursions to the Big Harn Basin,Wyo.� <br />and Yellowstone Valley, Montana- The earlier in the searon you go.the better. <br />Trate Leaves Omaha 4:10 P. M., Chicago 9:13 A. M., St. Louts 8;o2 A. M. <br />These sections are rapidly increasing in population anr3 the new towns are <br />growing fast. Opportunities to acquire land, stated briefly,as follows: <br />14,000 acres of homestead land near Garland, Wyo., irrigated by the Govern- <br />ment, now ready for settlors. <br />18,000 acres of homestead land, irrigated by the Government. and l;iti.'t►0 <br />sores under the Carey Act, ready for settlers in the vicinity of Baliaritine, <br />Hnntley and Billings, Mont. <br />50,000 acres under the Carey Act now ready for settlers near Cody, Wyoming. <br />60,000 acres under the Carey Act now ready for settlers in the vicinity of <br />Worland, Basin, Greybull and Lovell, Wyo. <br />Our new folder with large reap giving full and complete partleulam <br />regarding these lands will be sent tree upon request. Address. <br />D. CLEM DEAv8R. General Agent. <br />LANDSEEI(BRS' fNPORMATION BUREAU. <br />1004 Parols St., Omaha, Neb. <br />A Check Account furnishes a complete record <br />of each month's business. <br />For the business man. this <br />method will verify the cash book. <br />For anyone who wishes to be <br />exact in financial affairs, the check <br />amnia will give accuracy and <br />convenience at all times. <br />To have your bank book bal- <br />anced each month supplies you <br />with a record of the month's busi- <br />ness. All checks paid during the <br />month are returned by. the bank. <br />Your deposits are recorded. <br />Pay by check, always. <br />It gives you system. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />