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Mande1ph items. <br />Almer May lost a valuable horse <br />on Tuesday. <br />The ladies' aid society met with <br />Mrs. George Day. <br />Clarence Foster went to Minneap- <br />olis to spend a few days. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Quinn visited <br />over Sunday in River Falls. <br />Mrs. Albert Hughs and children <br />spent Wednesday in Stanton. <br />Mrs. Thomas Oberdorf and William <br />Cords spent Monday in Dundas. <br />William Kleeberger is building a <br />barn on his farm west of Randolph. <br />Mr. Carrigan, of Fairmont, is visit, <br />ing at the home of R. B. Morrill this <br />week. <br />Miss Lizzie Severts is entertaining <br />company from Blueberry, Wis., this <br />week.. <br />Mrs. S. A. Smith, of Northfield, <br />was a caller Wednesday, en route fo• <br />Stanton. <br />Mrs. C. R. Foster and Mrs. W. L. <br />McElrath spent the last of the week <br />in Northfield. <br />Mrs. R. W. Osborn left for St. <br />Paul Thursday evening, en route for <br />Wallace, Ida. <br />Misses Clara Lueben and Pearl <br />Ryan went to Stanton Thursday to <br />attend a picnic. <br />Mrs. L. R. Miller returned on <br />Saturday from her visit in Chicago <br />and Milwaukee. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johnson and <br />son visited Kenyon and Faribault <br />Saturday and Sunday. <br />Misses Clara and Lenora Lueben <br />spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss <br />Ethel Cran, in Hayfield. <br />Miss Clara Lueben went to Minne- <br />apolis Monday to attend the summer <br />school at the state university. <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Bratley and <br />children, of Westby, Vis., are here <br />upon a visit with his sister, Mrs. E. <br />H. Foster. <br />Announcements were received Mon- <br />day of the wedding of Miss Ethel <br />Johnson to Erick Du Hann, of <br />Minneapolis. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Tyner enter- <br />tained Mrs. Frabk Tyner, of Fargo, <br />Mrs. Smith and Miss Jennie Smith, <br />of Northfield, on Wednesday, <br />Mrs. John Leglar, Mrs. Henry Mil- <br />ler, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Witte <br />went to Millsberg Wednesday to at- <br />tend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. <br />Charles Deman. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Koch, Mr. and <br />Mrs. Jacob Peter, Charles Legler, <br />and Edward Peter attended the funer- <br />al of Mrs. Carl Deman at Mills - <br />berg on Wednesday. <br />Misses Mabelle and Lizzie Senn, <br />August Kenrtz, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. <br />Koch, Mr. and Mrs. William Otte, and <br />Walter Otte went to Minneapolis on <br />Monday to attend the circns. <br />Misses Jennie Morrill, Clara and <br />Neva Lueben, Walter Lueben, and <br />Raymond Miller went to Welch <br />Thursday to spend the day with a <br />party of campers from this vicinity. <br />A party of young people, includ- <br />ing Misses Mabelle and Edythe Judd, <br />Ethel Cran, and Francis Wiesman, <br />James Hurley, Earl Morrill, Chester <br />Kinney, and Danny Ryan, left on <br />Monday for a week's camping at <br />Lindstrum, chaperoned by Mr. and <br />Mrs. E. E. McCloud. <br />Rich Valley Items. <br />W. W. Strathern was a city visitor <br />Wednesday, <br />Miss Lillian and Hibbard Drake <br />were city visitors Saturday. <br />Loren Bailey, of Elk River, spent <br />Sunday at the Maltby home. <br />Stephen Medcraft, of Northfield, is <br />visiting relatives in the valley, <br />Mrs. Hildred, of Farmington, visit- <br />ed friends in the valley Sunday. <br />The social given at the Wetterlin <br />home was well attended. Proceeds <br />$14. <br />Mrs. S. C. Fowler, of New York, <br />is visiting her sister, Miss Josephine <br />Chapron. <br />Miss Mary Connelly, of Minneapo- <br />lis, spent Saturday and Sunday with <br />her mother, Mrs. B. Connelly. <br />Mrs. Dunn and son and Mrs. Gotz- <br />ian, of St. Paul, came down in an <br />auto Wednesday to call on Mrs. <br />Lillian Drake. <br />Mrs. Willis and Mrs. McGregor <br />came down from St. Paul to board at <br />the home of Miss Lillian Drake a <br />couple of months. <br />Miss Clara Connelly, Miss Lizzie <br />Stumpf, Wade Maltby, and Joe <br />Jansky attended the circus in St. <br />Paul Tuesday evening. <br />Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Hartett, of <br />Milwaukee, and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy <br />Wetterlin, of Minneapolis, visited at <br />the Wetterlin home on Sunday. <br />South St.Paul Items. <br />A third childof Henry Keiper died <br />on Sunday of diphtheria. a boy of ten <br />years. The other children will <br />probably recover. <br />Russell Faller, of Inver Grove, was <br />taken to the Lutheran Hospital on <br />Monday, having shot himself in the <br />stomach with a small calibre rifle. <br />He 18 aged ten years. <br />Hampton items. <br />Miss Marie Zeien was in Hastings <br />ou Friday. <br />John Olson, of Vermillion, was in <br />town ou Tuesday. <br />Christ. Palm was a caller in Ver- <br />million on Sunday. <br />Charles Teuber, of Margin, was <br />a caller on Saturday. <br />Charles Schreiner made a trip <br />to St. Paul on Friday. <br />Mathias Ficker, of New Trier, was <br />a caller on Wednesday. <br />Micbael Reinardy, of Douglas, was <br />a caller the first of the week. <br />J. W. Halfen was busy taking <br />pictures at Chimney Rock on Sunday. <br />M. F. Siebenaler bought a horse of <br />Marcus Lorentz, in Miesville, for $150. <br />Mrs. F. L. Renslow and daughter, <br />of St. Paul, are visiting Mrs. S. J. <br />Toombs. <br />J. M. Feipel shipped two cars -of <br />mixed stock to South St. Paul on <br />Thursday. <br />Peter Rech went to New Prague on <br />Friday to attend the wedding of his <br />brother. <br />Nicholas Franz and Nicholas <br />Reinardy were down from St. Paul <br />on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Theis were the <br />guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Horsch <br />on Sunday. <br />Ben. Giefer and William Rech <br />attended the picnic at South Branch <br />on Thursday. <br />J. J. Hotlmau had a crew of <br />twenty-five men at work raising his <br />new barn on Monday. <br />Anton Thurmes, of Vermillion, <br />was in town the first of the week, en <br />route for the twin cities. <br />The dance in Murales' new barn <br />was quite largely attended, and a <br />good time had by all present, in <br />spite of the rain. <br />Mathias and Ferdinand Marschall <br />and Miss Maggie Majerus, of Shak- <br />opee, were down to attend the Sie- <br />benaler-Meier wedding on Tuesday. <br />A Fourth of July celebration will <br />be held here. The afternoon enter- <br />tainments include races of all kinds, <br />a ball game, Hampton vs. Vermillion, <br />and a dance in Krauz's Hall after- <br />noon and evening, with good music. <br />Colne and have a good time. <br />!Harahan Items. <br />The crop prospects in this locality <br />are very good. <br />Fred. Koch, of La Crosse, was here <br />ou Wednesday. <br />H. N. Schanno, of Hampton, was <br />here on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rother were in <br />Etter on Sunday. <br />F. E. Rother was a caller in Hamp- <br />ton on Thursday. <br />The storm of Monday did consider- <br />able damage to trees. <br />Miss Marie Rother went to Minne- <br />apolis on Wednesday. <br />William Schneider wade a dying <br />trip to Coates on Sunday, <br />Nicholas Franz, of St. Paul, was <br />visiting friends here on Sunday. <br />The dance at L'ucking's was a suc- <br />cess, there being a large crowd present. <br />Jacob acd Ferd. Fox, of Vermillion, <br />were the guests of II. J. Rother over <br />Sunday. <br />Nicholas Reinardy, from Water- <br />town, S. D., is visiting friends in <br />Miesville. <br />J. M. Malglaspy, of Nininger, was <br />buying horses in this vicinity on <br />Wednesday. <br />J. M. Feipel, of Hampton, was <br />buying fat hogs and cattle here on <br />Wednesday. <br />Dr. C. S. Flour, of La Crosse, was <br />canvassing this locality for more <br />patients on Wednesday. <br />Nicholas Roberts and Miss Lizzie <br />Roberts, of Miesville, made a trip to <br />Chimney Rock on Sunday. <br />It is reported that Chimney Rock <br />had another picnic Sunday, about <br />forty couples being present. <br />H. J. Rother and Guy Frank, of <br />Hastings, will give a picnic at Chim- <br />ney Rock on Sunday to about two <br />hundred people. <br />Vermillion Station Items. <br />John Eck returned from Stillwater <br />on Tuesday. <br />Mathias Marschall drove to North- <br />field on Monday. <br />Charles Schreiner, of New Trier, is <br />here upon a visit. <br />Frank Kirshen came out from <br />Hastings on Tuesday. <br />Nicholas Fusenic came down from <br />St. Paul on Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Philip Meiscb, of <br />Miesville, visited over Sunday with <br />their daughter, Mrs. Peter Wagner. <br />Frank Kaiser, E. N. Wallerius,• <br />James Mienes, and Charles Kranz, <br />were out from Hastings Wednesday. <br />Buelklen's Aries Halve Wins. <br />Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch- <br />ran, Ga„ writes, "I had a bad sore come <br />on the Instep of my foot and could find Political Announcements. <br />nothing that would heal it until I applied I hereby announce myself as a demo- <br />Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Legs than half craft° candidate for register of deeds at <br />of a twenty-five cent box won the day for the ensuing primary election, and respect - <br />me by affecting a perfect cure." Sold fully solicit your votes. <br />under guarantee at Rude's drug store. Jams <br />Coates HAPPY wofiENe <br />Miss Agnes Larelle, eile, of St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday with her sisters. <br />Miss Eva Wayman and Mrs. <br />James Jagoe were in St. Paul Wed- <br />nesday. <br />Stephen Medcraft, of Northfield, <br />spent Thursday and Friday with <br />Smith Elston. <br />Miss Irene Kennedy, of South St. <br />Paul, visited Miss Katherine Jagoe <br />the past week. <br />Miss Anna Sinnott, of St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. <br />W. D. Carroll. <br />A largo number from this com- <br />munity attended the funeral of F. J. <br />Hynes on Thursday. <br />Miss Helen Callahan attended the <br />King-Liudusky wedding at South <br />St. Paul on Wednesday. <br />Misses Agnes Murphy and Kittie <br />O'Donnell, of St. Paul, were the <br />guests of Margaret Callahan over <br />Sunday. <br />Misses Margaret and Helen calla. <br />ban attended the shower given last <br />Friday evening for Mies Lindusky, at <br />South St. Paul. <br />The Rev. John O'Brien, of St. <br />Paul, has charge of St. Agatha's <br />parish during the absence of the <br />Rev. P. J. O'Connor, <br />Mrs. Michael Murnane is critically <br />ill at the home of Mrs.lit P. Frey, in <br />Hastings. She was strike') Saturday <br />while on her way to the doctor. <br />Quite extensive plans are being <br />made for the Fourth of July celehra. <br />tion here. There will be a dance <br />afternoon and evening, a ball game, <br />and a variety of other sports. The <br />proceeds will go to St. Agatha's <br />Church. <br />Inver *Grove Items. <br />Mrs. John Ryan spent Tuesday in <br />St. Paul. <br />Alex. Anderson was in the city on <br />Wednesday. <br />Miss Alma Anderson returned from <br />St. Paul on Wednesday. <br />Sheriff McDevitt was calling in <br />this vicini.v on Sunday. <br />Misses Mabel Bradshaw and Edith <br />Hagen spent Sunday in St. Paul. <br />Quite a number from here attend- <br />ed the circus in St. Paul on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Ellen Anderson entertained a <br />number of friends from St. l'aul on <br />Sunday. <br />Mrs. M. Lundgren, of St. Paul, <br />visited with Mrs. Andrew Oberg over <br />Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gustafson <br />entertained a number of friends from <br />St. Paul on Sunday. <br />Miss Nellie Cavanaugh, of Minne- <br />apolis, was the guest of Mrs. John <br />Ryan the first of the week. <br />A number of families in this vicini- <br />ty enjoyed themselves at a picnic in <br />Barton's pasture on Sunday. <br />Miss Annie Fee, of Mendota, was <br />the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Tom. <br />Ryan, the first of the week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drake and <br />children were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Fay Benson on Sunday. <br />James McDevitt and William <br />Ryan drove to Vermillion Sunday <br />evening to furnish music at a dance. <br />The dance at George Bohrer's last <br />Saturday evening was well attended, <br />and enjoyed by all. Music by the <br />Ryan Orchestra. <br />Vermillion Item.. <br />J. M. Feipel was through here <br />Wednesday buying bogs. <br />John Stroudt, of Faribault, is the <br />guest of Mathias Huberty. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Holzmer have <br />gone to Wadena on a visit. <br />John Anbois, of Anamoose, N. D., <br />was here in attendance at the Sie- <br />benaler-Meier wedding. <br />P. J. Fuchs and Frank Keatly <br />made a business trip to the twin <br />cities the first of the week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Schweigler, <br />of Farmington, were the guests of <br />J. W. Halten on Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Schweigler, of <br />Portland, Or., are here on a visit <br />with her sister, Mrs. Linert Halfen. <br />The dance given by J. W. Halfen <br />was attended by about fifty couples, <br />music by the Red Wing Orchestra. <br />F. J. Leuf and Mise Kate I. Leuf, <br />of Hillsboro, 0., are the guests of <br />their cousins, J. W. Halfen and Miss <br />Mary Halten. <br />Mies Josephine C. Pohl and A. F. <br />Pohl, of Eau Claire, are the guests of <br />their cousins, J. W. Halfen and Mies <br />Mary H..Iten. <br />J. L Wiseman and Emma C. <br />Wirtaman, of Alamo, Cal., are:the <br />guests of their cousins, J. N. Rotty <br />and Mies Hattie Rotty. <br />Crops are looking fine, with no <br />sign of the green bug. Corn was a <br />little backward, but it is doing nicely <br />now since the warm weather. <br />Plenty of them la Hestia" and Good <br />Reason far It. , <br />Wouldn't any woman be happy. <br />After years of backache suffering, <br />Days of misery, nights of unrest. <br />The distress of urinary troubles. <br />No reason why any Hastings reader <br />should suffer in the face of evidence <br />like this: <br />Mrs. James Downs, corner Sixth and <br />First Streeta, Hastings, Minn., says, <br />"My kidneys bad been giving me trouble <br />for about three years. I took a great <br />deal of medicine, but nothing seemed to <br />reach the seat of the trouble. My head <br />at times would ache severely and really <br />seemed as if it would split. I generally <br />felt tired, and was nervous, and dizzy <br />spells were of frequent occurrence. lily <br />kidneys did not act properly, and the <br />secretions plainly gave evidence to their <br />disordered condition. When Doan's <br />Kidney Pills were brought to my atten- <br />tion I concluded to try them and pro- <br />cured a box at F. W. Finch's drug store. <br />They helped me from the first. i con- <br />tinued taking them, and now, after <br />using the contents of two boxes, can <br />positively say I never felt better In my <br />life. I do not hesitate to recommend <br />Doan's Kidney Pills, as they have proved <br />of great benefit to me." <br />For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. <br />Foster -Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., <br />sole agents for the United States. <br />Remember the name—Doan's—nod take <br />no other. <br />ar <br />If you are <br />satisfied <br />with the coffee yon are now <br />using—don't change—for <br />most people find it hard to <br />get good coffee. BUT if <br />you are not satisfied—try <br />McLaughl in's <br />XXXX <br />Coffee <br />It is a good coffee, and U <br />you give it the "Square <br />Deal "of a fair trial, paying <br />a fair amount of attention <br />to the cooking you will <br />have a good, clear, bran <br />ing cup of coffee that is <br />all coffee. <br />XXXX Coffee is prepared <br />to get your favor, and to <br />hold it. Sold by <br />HANSON BROS. <br />MICHAEL GRAUS. <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh. <br />xxlot <br />corras <br />CHUMS <br />SALE OF DITCHING JOBS, <br />Notice is hereby given that on the 6th day of <br />July, 190& at one o'clock p. m., at my omoe at <br />liutlogs,Minnesota, I will sell the jobs of digging <br />and constructing the Ditch No. One of Dakota <br />County, established by the board of county <br />commissioners of Dakota County, state of <br />Minnesota, by their order burins date June 9th, <br />1908, viz: For the work u one job, and also for <br />one or more sections of 100 feet each. and also <br />for one or more of the construction Jobs, each <br />of said sections to be knows and numbered by <br />stakes as shown by the report of the engineer la <br />said matter, commencing at the one lsolsdtag the <br />outlet, and from tbenoe, suooeaslyely, up etresm <br />to the one Including the 'autos following the <br />bed of a smell stream known u "Mud Creek" <br />to the lowest responsible biddedan bidders, and <br />that bids are invited for said work; said work to <br />be completed within the time required, and In <br />the manner speoltled 112 said engineer's report. <br />And no bid will be entertained which exceeds <br />more than thirty (30) per east over and show <br />the estimate cost of the oonalruotion, le say <br />ease, u stated In the said order: and the sso- <br />eeurut bidder will be required W give a satis- <br />factory bond, to be approved by the auditor of <br />said county, with two freehold sureties for the <br />faithful perfortnanoe and tulfillme t ot bis <br />contract, and tor all damages that may <br />acerae by reason of las failure to complete the <br />job within the time required is the ooatraot. <br />The said order and estimates and proms are oa <br />ale,.and may be seen army omoe. <br />The approximate of work to be done la the <br />000strooUon of such ditch Is as follows: <br />00.761 cubic yards. open ditch,* feet wide at <br />bottom and average width on top about 10 fest, <br />and length about 330 stations. <br />The estimated total cost of the work 1s three <br />thousand, two hundred, ninety-two and es-tes <br />dollars. <br />All bids mast be a000mpanled by a writhed <br />cheek payable to the auditor of said county, for <br />not len- than ten per Beat of the amount 01 each <br />bid. <br />The right to reject any and nil Lids is hereby <br />reserved. <br />Dated June 10th, 19118. <br />181a1.J P. A. HOPFMAN, <br />County Auditor Dakota County, <br />Siete of Mlde sots. <br />"Tenting It <br />by the shady basks of setae lovely inland lake or noble river, well stocked with fish— <br />is a moat healthy and delightful experience, particularly if (with judicious forethought) <br />a teas or two of <br />baa bees included in the commissariat. In the afternoon of a hot, fatiguing day, a few <br />foaming gimes of this famously rich and refreshing malt and hop brew, add wonder- <br />fully to the resat and enjoyment of pncitf, yachting, fishingor outing parties. lucked, <br />for vacation end holidaypurposes. the snappy thirst-gnenchiag and exhilarating qualities <br />Of f oor/ess have mae it always "first choice" by men who know, <br />Mail orders invited. Keeps is any climate. Sold in cafes, restaurants, hotels and first - <br />din ban, but you must auk for it. Brewed by the exclusive Guad Natural Process. <br />JOHN GtTND BREWING CO., • La Crosse, Wis. <br />H. F. LEVENICK, flanager, Hastings, Flinn., <br />Telephone, No. 64.' <br />Circus. <br />Circus. <br />GOLMAR' BROS. <br />Greatest American Shows <br />will exhibit at <br />IIASTINGS, MONDAY, JULY 6th. <br />Two exhibitions daily at 2:00 and 8:00 p. m. Doors open <br />one hour earlier. <br />Now added, the thrilling, sensational, gigantic spectacle: <br />FIGHTING THE FLAMES <br />The costliest feature ever carried by a circus. <br />Two herds of wonderful perform- <br />ing elephants, including beyond <br />question the largest single herd <br />performing together in the world. <br />The pick of the world's best bara <br />back riders. <br />Marvelous new aerial sensations, <br />headed by the wonderful Six Flying <br />Nelsons. <br />A great company of CLEVER <br />CLOWNS. <br />The World's Greatest Menagerie and Zoological <br />Garden, including an American born <br />baby camel and its mother. <br />Every promise faithfully kept. <br />The show that never misrepresents. <br />Grand free street puede every morning at ten o'clock. <br />SIX BIG cttGUSES ALL IN ONE. <br />Everything worth -easing brought to your very door. <br />Admission 50c, Oblldrdb under 12 years of age half price. <br />Reduced excursion rates on all railroads. <br />( <br />Springtime, atter • losg`.ttsVls <br />ase, balers putting away Olt Ibe <br />maw is the time ghoul bo rssov to blankets <br />Ws theroustly alums.. wawa <br />thatbb4 <br />4odor tad say *his <br />with the sass ask flan maid sad MOM than la r <br />etbbsy khat what arishially par. <br />asst <br />ri=baiatavg.tnie►.rwe <br />Gros fir <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State of Minnesota, oonnty of Dakota.—ss. in <br />probate 0oart. <br />It the tatter of the estate of David L. <br />Rut,4oedeat, <br />U of administration this day haring bees <br />graatee to Edwin 8. P1tab. <br />it is ordered that the time within which ell <br />auditors of the abort named decedent may pre. <br />seatelehus against his estate In this court be. and <br />Misuse hereby Ls, limited to six months from and <br />alter the data hereof, and that Thursday, the <br />Nth day of January, 1000. at ten o'clock a. m., <br />la the probate 00111 room at the courthouse, at <br />Hastings, is said county, be, and the same <br />hereby-- axed end appointed as the time and <br />Pius tot last s and the examination, <br />&ball <br />Outmostt,, sssad atlowam*oe of auclaims as <br />d. <br />Let hallos hereof be rivenled within by thetonal <br />publication <br />of this otter 1s The Hastings Gautte, as pro. <br />vlded b law. <br />Dated Jen 11th, 1101. <br />By *0. wart. TH08. P. MORAN. <br />Man.) liar Judge of Probate, <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of mosey to loan on city property and <br />farm lards at boast rates of Interest. It will <br />pay to look as up beton O borrowing w <br />w <br />OTICE OF EXPIRATION OF <br />LIredOM. <br />oe of, county auditor, county of Dakota, <br />state of Minnesota, <br />To G. 8. Clifford: <br />You are hereby notified that the following <br />piece or parcel of land, situated In the comity of <br />described as follotate ws, to -wit: and known and <br />Lot twenty -mo <br />M. block eleven (11). Hepburn Park adition <br />to the City of St. Paul, Is now assessed la your <br />name, <br />That on the sixth day of May, a. d. 18M, at a <br />sale of land pursuant to the real estate las <br />Jjudguteat duly given and made in and_by the111111ct court in and for said county of Dakota. <br />on the $list day of March, a. d.1891, In proceed- <br />ings to enforce the payment of taxes delinquent' <br />upon real estate for theear a. d. 18pn, for said <br />0n <br />00ty of Dakota, the above described pleas or <br />paroet of land was duty offered for sale, and <br />no one bidding upon said offer an amount equal <br />to subject for to bo sold, t said <br />*:the sum of rtwwo and <br />9-tou dollars, the same was duly bid is for the <br />state at Minnesota for said sum. <br />That thereafter, and on the twelfth day of <br />November, a, d. 1906, the said pleoe fir parcel of <br />lend, not then having been redeemed from said <br />ale, and having then beoome the abeolete <br />property of the state of Minnesota, was sold <br />an conveyed at public ale by the *Duster <br />auditor of mild county pursuant to the order sad <br />direction of the state auditor of the state of <br />Minneestta, and in a000rdanoe with the pro- <br />vieicas. or the statute la such ea. made sad <br />provided, for the sum of thirty-six and *5-1e0 <br />dollars duly laid to the twenty treasurer et fwd <br />count}. <br />That the certificate of sale for said piece es <br />parcel of land executed and delivered by said <br />county auditor upon said sale last above mo- <br />tioned bee been presented to me at my oma by <br />the bolder thereof for the purpose of having <br />notice of expiration of time for redemption from <br />said lax sate of said property given and served. <br />and that the amount required to redeem said <br />piece or parcel of land from said tax sale. at <br />the date of this notice, exclusive of the oasts to <br />accrue upon said noUoe, is the sum of forty. <br />three and elf -100 dollars. <br />That the time for the redemption of said edea <br />or pastel of land from said tax ale will expire <br />.ltty ORD days atter the service of this noels <br />and the tiling of proof of such service In my <br />oMe t. <br />Mathews my hand and seal of omoe this <br />nineteenth day of May, a. d. 1008. <br />3&$w Auditor, Dakota Countty, Mi Mnns ota, <br />NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. <br />Sealed bids will be received mitt' one p. <br />Monday, July 13th, 1009, for the grading. Im- <br />provement, and expenditure of twenty-one <br />hundred (00,100.00) dollars, on the State RoM <br />No. 1, Dakota County, 1310.00 to be expended at <br />each ot the following places: <br />LaeaUon No. 1. Ata point on the Dodd Road <br />near the residence of Hon. C. P. Staplaa, <br />Drainage and gravel 0350.00. Town of M <br />Location No. 1. Lutheran Church Hill. Tows <br />of Eagan. Grading. g160.00. <br />Loe*Uon No. 3, Whalea 11111, See. 17. T. 116, <br />R. 19, town of Rosemount. Grading, IMA. <br />Location No. 4. Poor Farm *111, betties <br />Sass. Head 18 T.114, R. 19. Grading. Town of <br />Empire, 0360.+30, <br />Locattioa No. !k Hill between Seca. 17 sad it <br />T. ala R. 19, Castle Rock. ending and sweet <br />MOO. <br />LoatUon No.6. At a point to be *eternised <br />upon dders may supervisors. <br />ld on each jobb separately or for <br />the Wtal work and will give Moe par eeNo <br />yard. Also the price of 14 inch ooreepted steel <br />culvert pipe per toot. <br />Raab bid must be accompanied by a <br />check of Ave per Dent of tate amount all at <br />addressed to the county auditor of Dakota <br />Cont . <br />all <br />�he board reserves the right to reject any as/ <br />P. A. <br />'14* County Auditor, Hastier. *lea <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State et Minnesota, ooaaty of Dakota,—a. Is <br />probate oonrt. <br />in the matter of the estate of tiles aebsM <br />Dab, decadent. <br />The state of Mianewta to DaftIfNwgaa <br />(widow), ltoi na. Sebastian, Oess>r <br />Minnie Sebastian, Rose <br />Bsh <br />Sebastian, and all persons bd <br />the trusting of sdmtnhatraWeo et the <br />estate of said deadest: TN <br />of Emma Sebastian having beet died is�gy <br />court, tepressnUng that Charles Sebastian, taw <br />a rubies' of the aunty of Dakota, state et <br />Minnesota, died Intestate on the lath day et <br />Jul.. 1104, gad preying that letters of addais• <br />tratiou of his estate be tad to said lama 8. <br />Lutian, widow of .Ye deceased, .nd ttrg _heart <br />having axed the time and place for btg,leg <br />said petition. Therefore, you, and each o yea, <br />are herebyoiled and nequtred to show mese, <br />it any you have, before this oonrl at esyrsbate <br />court room la the ooerthonue, a tlS'dty of <br />liastin`t, In the (musty ot Dakota, state of <br />Minnesota, on the 8th day of July, 18*. at <br />9.30 o'clock a. m., why said petition should act <br />be gratit.i. <br />Witness tbo judge of said court, and feel of <br />said west, this 10th day of June, 100a <br />(Uov*TSKAt..l THOS. P. MORAN, <br />393w Probate Judge, <br />!�. M. CATLIN, Attorney for Petitioner. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota.—N. la <br />pmts.:e court. <br />In the matter of the estate of Remora <br />Cannon, deoedebt. <br />'Me state of Minnesota b Michael P. <br />Cannon, end all persons l.terested Is <br />the meting of admintstration of the estate <br />of raid 4.oedent: The petition of Michael 1. <br />Cuomo having been tiled in this coat, sed <br />restating that Honors lhinnoa, thee a reel. <br />dent cabs oounty of Dakota. state of Missaeots, <br />died Intestate on the 18th day of July, 1011, <br />f bee <br />and praying <br />hl tstratios etate * grrated at letters MiaeF. Comore. and <br />the court haring axed the Woe gad <br />place for bearing said peiUoa. Therefore, yes, <br />endesbb 0l you ate hereby cited sad malted <br />W show cause, If any you have, betps, tlilgthen <br />at Du probate court room la the <br />in the fait, of Hastings, is the e0e s/ <br />was of 31(nnesota, on the TIMI ►� et <br />11911, s1 ten o'otooir a. m. why 0.N <br />should not be granted. <br />lasses the joins of said <br />till Ifti day of Ja <br />a <br />