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TELE GAZETTE. <br />IRVINO TODD *SON. <br />SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29, 1908. <br />The fines of $15,000 imposed by <br />Judge Page Morris against the Great <br />Northern Road for giving rebates to <br />a shipper have been sustained by the <br />supreme court of the United States, <br />which holds that the provisions of <br />the Elkins law were not repealed by <br />the Hepburn law. The decision <br />affects the $29,000,000 fine against <br />the Standard Oil Company and a <br />number of similar cases. <br />The republican state convention to <br />elect delegates to the national conven- <br />tion will be held at Minneapolis Apr. <br />16th, and that to nominate state offi <br />cers at St. Paul July 1st. This early <br />date means another long and lifeless <br />campaign, with the probability of <br />continuing the present democratic <br />administration. <br />Quite a number of our weekly sub- <br />scribers do not appear to realizb the <br />fact that their names must be remov- <br />ed from the list next month unless <br />all arrearages are paid and something <br />in advance. The publishers have no <br />option whatever in the premises, <br />under the ruling of the postoffiee <br />department <br />The Red Wing Republican charges <br />that Gov. Johnson, unasked, pledged <br />himself to retain the girl's training <br />school at that place, and in going <br />back upon his word has proved him- <br />self as unreliable as the average cheap <br />politician, who sacrifices his promises <br />for votes. <br />Three hundred and ninety-six <br />thousand acres of state land in <br />Northern Minnesota will be sold at <br />auction next June. The terms are <br />fifteen per cent cash, balance on long <br />time at four per cent interest. <br />The Pitt Iron Mii4 gJompany <br />paid $126.50 on Monday for ore <br />taken over the line, the first mineral <br />trespass on record in this state. <br />It was settled at fifty cents a ton, <br />double the lease rate. <br />Judge E.A. Jaggard, of the supreme <br />court, is the latest name suggested as <br />an available candidate for governor <br />on the republican ticket, and there is <br />more in it than might be supposed at <br />first sight. <br />Mrs. Maria Gross died at the <br />soldiers' home on Monday. She was <br />horn at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., <br />July 29th, 1806. and had Lived near <br />Owatonna since 1856. <br />The testimony in the F. B. Hart <br />disharrment case was filed by the <br />referee on Tuesday, a bulky volume. <br />It will he considered by the special <br />court, Mar. 10th. <br />.J J Hill has given an additional <br />$2.000 to the University of Wiscon <br />sin to endow a railway library. His <br />contribution three years ago was <br />$5.000 <br />The grand lodge, A. 0. U. W., <br />made a considerable raise in assess• <br />ment rates, adopting a sliding sale <br />based on the age of the applicant. <br />Gov. ,Johnson is booked for a series <br />of Chautauqua lectures next summer, <br />his subjects being The Majesty of <br />Law and Landmarks of Liberty. <br />A crusade against overhanging <br />signs is being made in Minneapolis. <br />The town always looked like an <br />overgrown village. <br />Faribault is to have a new city <br />hospital costing $35.000, under the <br />control of the German Evangelical <br />Synod <br />The national guard is to be equip- <br />ped with the new Springfield rifle, the <br />same as the regular army. <br />Rich Valley Items. <br />John Strathern drove to Hastings <br />Monday. <br />W. W. Strathern was in the city <br />Tuesday <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Volkert were <br />in the city Thursday. <br />R. H. Strathern and W. F. Torne <br />drove to Hastings Wednesday. <br />John Mittelstadt returned from a <br />trip to Wisconsin Saturday evening. <br />Mrs. W. L. Strathern and daugh- <br />ter Gladys were city visitors on <br />Thursday. <br />About seventy young people en- <br />joyed a dance at the O'Leary home <br />Sunday evening. <br />Miss Gertrude Records, of St. Paul, <br />was a guest at the Walter Strathern <br />home on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Smith Elston, of <br />Coates, spent Sunday with Mr. and <br />Mrs. Arthur Bailey. <br />Mr. Petteraon,- better known as <br />Swede Pete, hdught two cars of <br />cattle here and shipped them <br />Monday. <br />Mrs. Cornelia Brotherhood was <br />called to Ottawa, I11., on Wednesday <br />by the death of her mother, Mrs. <br />Eliza Sapp <br />Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Wetterlin and <br />their little nephew, Arthur Elston, of <br />Minneapolis. spent Sunday with hie <br />parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles <br />Wetterlin. <br />Rwndolph Items. <br />William Morrill was in St. Paul <br />Tuesday. <br />Walter Otte was in -Hastings on <br />Wednesday. <br />Eli Ballard, of Hampton, was here <br />on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Minnie Bartlett is quite sick <br />with quinsy. <br />Henry Spillman was in St. Paul <br />over Sunday. <br />Mr. Shetield, of Minneapolis, was <br />in town Tuesday. <br />Percy. Cran, of Hayfield, was in <br />town Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mts. Albert Hughs spent <br />Sunday in Kenyon. <br />Mrs.O. S. Beck returned to Water- <br />town, S. D., on Saturday. <br />G. H. Smith, of Minneapolis, was <br />here Saturday on business. <br />C. W. Curry, of Farmington, was <br />here Friday and Saturday. <br />Miss Hanna 'Papenfus, of St. Paul, <br />is visiting her parents this week. <br />Mrs. William Peter went to St. <br />Paul Saturday to visit her mother. <br />Mrs. Ira Alexander and children <br />spent the last of the week in North- <br />field. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michael, of <br />Faribault, were here the first of the <br />week. <br />John Kauffman lost one of his best <br />driving horses Monday from lung <br />fever. <br />Edward Miller and family, of <br />Hampton, spent Friday with Mrs. J. <br />Peter. <br />E. E. McCloud, who is working at <br />Coates, spent Monday with his <br />family. <br />Mr. Kinney, manager of the eleva. <br />tor, spent Sunday with his family in <br />Minneapolis. <br />Miss Lizzie DEmann, of Castle <br />Rock, is spending the week with Miss <br />Gertrude Otte. <br />Mrs. Jennie Nelson went to <br />Cannon Falls Saturday to visit her <br />sister, who is ill. <br />Mrs. Joe Pfenning, of Empire, is <br />spending the week with her daughter, <br />Mrs. Jasper Grisim. <br />Stephen Pfenning, of River Falls, <br />visited over Sunday with his sister, <br />Mrs. Jasper Grisim. <br />Earl Morrill, of Hayfield, is spend <br />tag a few days with his parents, Mr. <br />and Mrs. R. B. Morrill. <br />Mr. and Mrs. E. Otte entertained <br />their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, C. Ubling, <br />of Stanton, on Sunday. <br />C. E. Doebler, of Amery, Wis., <br />spent Saturday and Sunday with his <br />sister. Mrs. Henry Senn. <br />John Legler and family, of Sciota, <br />were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. <br />Jacob Peter on Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. August Otte, of <br />Cannon Falls, visited with Mr. and <br />Mrs. Fred Koch on Sunday. <br />Mrs. Minnie Dickman and Miss <br />Vesta Dickman were the guests of <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch, jr., in <br />Hampton, on Sunday. <br />The ladies' aid society will give an <br />apron and necktie social at M. W. A. <br />Hall next Friday evening. Every <br />one is cordially invited. <br />Inver lirove Items. <br />Nets Munson was in St. Paul over <br />Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan were in <br />the city on Tuesday. <br />David and Nathan Malcuw were <br />in the city on Monday. <br />Miss Luella Motz and Albert Motz <br />spent Friday in St. Paul. <br />Miss Effie Hagen has been spend <br />ing a tew days in St. Paul. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. Ginter and chil- <br />dren, of St. Paul, were guests of his <br />father on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drake enter- <br />tained a number of friends at cards <br />Wednesday evening. <br />William Borden, of Merriam Park, <br />visited his cousins, Thomas and <br />William Ryan, on Sunday. <br />Lauty Brennan entertained a num- <br />ber of young people at a dancing <br />party last Saturday evening. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Olof Johnson and <br />children were the guests of Mr. and <br />Sirs. Fay Benson on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Borden and <br />son, of St. Paul, were the guests of <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan on Sunday. <br />Carl Malcom and Miss Freda <br />Edstrom, of Minneapolis, visited at <br />the home of his parents on Sunday. <br />The dance at Thomas Roszak's <br />Saturday evening was well attended <br />and enjoyed by all. Frank Roszak <br />furnished the music. <br />The Probate Court. <br />Henry Whaley was appointed ad• <br />ministrator of Theodore Holmquist, <br />late of South Park, on Monday. <br />The will of Peter Fahey, late of <br />Burnsville, was admitted to probate <br />on Monday, with John Fahey as <br />executor. <br />J. J. Scofield was appointed ad- <br />ministrator of his mother, Mrs. <br />Elizabeth J. Scofield, late of Eureka, <br />on Tuesday. <br />John and Martin Mahoney were ap- <br />pointed administrators of their father. <br />Martin Mahoney, late of Empire, <br />on Wednesday. <br />South 8t. Paul Items. <br />L. H. Newburg went to Red Wing <br />on Wednesday, where he has the con- <br />tract of plastering the city hospital. <br />Severalnewcases of small pox are <br />reported this week, and the epidemic <br />seems to be spreading into the first <br />and second wards. <br />Mrs. Mary Franze dislocated her <br />right hip by a fall on the kitchen <br />floor Tuesday evening. She is aged <br />eighty-six years. and lives with her <br />daughter, Mrs. Peter Fable. <br />The Sewer, <br />The trench on Tyler Street has <br />been opened two hundred and fifty <br />feet south of Third, and the cable <br />removed a block. A manhole is <br />being put in the centre of Third, and <br />a hydrant at the alley. About the <br />same nutnber of men are employed <br />Our T.= Payers. <br />The following is a list of pe <br />in Dakota County who pay a per <br />property tax of 810 and upward <br />1907.' <br />rsons <br />sonal <br />s for <br />BoRxsvm.g. <br />Begley, Lawrence >i <br />Connelly, John <br />O'Regan. J. H <br />Strese. William <br />Walsh, R. F <br />CASTLE ROCK. <br />Crandall. Charles $ <br />Demano, August <br />Empey, A <br />Kraft, A <br />Sheffield Mill & Elevator Co <br />Sbellenberger. Freer <br />Sanders, H. M. acid G. H <br />Tutewohl, John.... <br />Towler. Joseph <br />Carnal. Florian <br />Fox, Alois..... <br />Knoblauch, William <br />Meisch, P. J <br />Schaffer, Theresa <br />DOUGLAS. <br />EAGAN. <br />House, L. D. $ <br />Larson, C. <br />Slater, James <br />EMara&. <br />Bradford. A. S. estate $ <br />Balch, G. S <br />Coates Elevator Co <br />Cook. J. 0 <br />Fitzgerald„Julia <br />Hynes, Mrs. Bridget.... <br />Klaus, P. W <br />Sora. Charles <br />Sprute, Fred. jr <br />Ulrich, F. W <br />Westwood Stock & Farming Co <br />EUREKA. <br />Blocker, Peter $ <br />Borg, A. J <br />Bruce, W. C <br />Curry, Nellie M <br />Hammes, Paul <br />Halderson, Anderson <br />Hart, G. R .... <br />Hansen, Jacob <br />FARMINGTON. <br />Exchange hank. <br />Wellcome. F. H $ <br />Davis, T. C.... <br />Taylor, N. B <br />Taylor. G. R <br />Ayotte. M <br />Belies, J. N <br />Betzold, C. E <br />Brackett. E. L <br />Clay, Ham <br />Deegan. M. .1 <br />Davis, T. C <br />Day. G. It <br />Ehlers, Henry <br />Fluke. L. P.... ............. <br />Fletcher, W. J <br />Feeley, P. H <br />Gillman, Miss M. J <br />Gray, A. K <br />Griebie & Etter <br />Gannon & Campion. <br />Garvey, Edward <br />Graves, E <br />Hoffman. Chris <br />Heileman. G. Brewing Co <br />Hosmer, H. N ... <br />Johnson, 0. J <br />Kroft. William <br />Keeling. Mrs. M. A <br />Lewis. C. 3 <br />Lester. Mrs. Mary A.. <br />Moes.'D <br />Meeker, M. C <br />Mayer, Mrs. A. M <br />McElrath, U. G <br />Michel. Henry <br />Nixon. William <br />Perry, R. St. J <br />Rogers, H. N <br />Roach. J. W <br />Schei Publishing Co <br />Sprute, A. H <br />Smith, C. H. .. <br />Standard Oil Co....... <br />Sieckert Bros.... <br />Thompson. A. E <br />Wright, John <br />Weeks, M. 0 .... <br />Works, Miss H. R............ <br />GREENVAT,E. <br />Aslakson, Aslak $ <br />Aslakson, Even <br />Bogue, Z <br />Christenson, Soren... <br />Evenson. 0. A <br />Hendricks, Thos........ <br />Lace, William <br />Olson, Ole.. <br />Steffenson, .1. J <br />HAMPTON <br />Kranz, J. 8 $ <br />HAMPTON VILLAGE. <br />Clark. R. 0... $ <br />Daleiden, 0. M <br />Gores, N. P <br />Hampton, Bank of <br />McMullin Lumber Co <br />HASTINGS. <br />First National Bank <br />Duncan, Clara L $ <br />Heinen, John <br />Mares, Abbie I <br />Finch. F. W. <br />Follett, Thomas <br />Dakota Countv Investment Ce <br />St. Paul Title Trust Co <br />Espenschied Axa M <br />Espenschied, Louise J <br />Espenschied. Ruth G <br />Mairs, Samuel <br />Mains, Agues 0 <br />Gardner, Chloe H <br />Gardner, Louise A <br />Maine, Clara G <br />Gardner, G. W. <br />Follett. Denis <br />Rathbone. Bertha A <br />Mahe, Helen R <br />German American Bank. <br />Cook, The ,dore. <br />Duffing. Charles <br />Doffing, Peter <br />Gergen, N. B <br />Gergen, Apolonia <br />Union Investment Co <br />Welcome. F. H <br />Whitford, E. A <br />98.41 <br />11.19 <br />10.54 <br />10.00 <br />19.53 <br />13.87 <br />11.77 <br />24.72 <br />13.90 <br />13.20 <br />10.80 <br />11.73 <br />10.42 <br />13.89 <br />13.96 <br />10.23 <br />11.00 <br />15 73 <br />13.81 <br />11.49 <br />15.64 <br />13.88 <br />11.08 <br />10.91 <br />18.50 <br />11.73 <br />11.54 <br />19.17 <br />16.53 <br />12.25 <br />19.06 <br />51.04 <br />12.55 <br />20.57 <br />14 85 <br />13.58 <br />15.57 <br />17.60 <br />1002 <br />16.58 <br />Off <br />IN" The Oficial <br />Nests show Dr: Prii <br />Baking Powder , to:lie. most <br />efficient in strength, of highest <br />parity and. healthfulness <br />No Alum, No Phosphate of time <br />No Mum or alum -phosphate: taking <br />powder has been guaranteed or <br />approved by the United States or <br />any State authorities. The adver- <br />tising claims of the &um powder <br />makers to that effect are " faked." <br />Erns^ <br />Gund, Jobn Brewing Co <br />Glendenning, H. A <br />220.40 Greus, Michael <br />28.96 Gores. Herbert <br />18.08 Griffin. J. P. <br />171.83 Hampton, Mrs. George ,•„ - <br />Hubbard. A. B <br />20.9.1 Han A. R <br />20 p4 Hunt. Helen J <br />10.55 Hodgson, William <br />130 70 Heinen. John <br />14.8' Hastings Malting Co <br />14.28 Hanna.. Jerome <br />119.44 Haueoo time <br />16.42 Hetherington Bros. <br />1288 Hiniker Shoe Co <br />35.58 Hsiticgs Electric Light Co <br />17.64 International Harvester Co... <br />123 21 Johnson, A E <br />44 Og Johnson, A. L. s <br />28.42 Johns. Mrs. W. F <br />170.00 Johnson, Mrs. Johanna <br />34.110 Kenner Bros <br />84 80 Kuenzel, Gus <br />103.70 Kleii. John. <br />27.84 KopPre• Peter <br />15.30 Kranz Bros <br />22.54 Kranz, P. M <br />53.60 Kelobofer, Barbara estate <br />15.10 Latta, Marie <br />Lamber J. <br />1.21.85 Lambertt,, J. B. <br />11.00 Lucking. F. B. <br />Sg 2fl Langenfeld, J. M <br />39.8i Langenfeld. Nick <br />32.38 Ludwig, Franz <br />14.31 Liddle. C. Pt <br />10,08 LeDuc, W. 0 .... . .11.89 <br />75.88 Mather. W. R. jr • 18.89 <br />10.15 Mertz & Son " "84,98 <br />27.98 Martin, N 20.80 <br />34Jiorse, G. W 0 <br />.00 McMullin Lumber Co ' 152.92 <br />94.99 Meyer & Johns (:48.40 <br />0 <br />28 73 Mullaney, P. W ]2.80 <br />18.40 Mahler, Fritz 22.90 <br />18.08 Matsch, Albert 24.11 <br />13.80 Meyer, F.. W. r8.89 <br />88 48 Maurer, Charles......10.85 <br />1(3 2,5 Niedere, Louis.,..,,r,, 12.08 <br />22.91 Olson, Andrew 45.5 <br />Orman & ('Shaughnessy 35.40 <br />Pitz Bros t 14.118 <br />Pitzen, N. M 78.03 <br />Perkins. J. V 19.18 <br />Porter, E. L 12.40 <br />40.26- <br />41.81 <br />178.83 <br />18.40 <br />89.73 • <br />ltl <br />$4.56 <br />47.90 <br />18.22 <br />12:31 <br />?6, 52 <br />13.1: <br />87.32 <br />85,68 <br />806,86 <br />28:80 <br />118.96 <br />115.02 <br />*tab <br />14.18 <br />14.86 <br />S6eb, Henry <br />Sanger, Mat <br />Sauber, Jobn.... <br />Sullivan. J. H <br />• • LEnANoN. <br />Daley. Patrick $ <br />King, Silas <br />McDonald. Ed <br />' MARMIAN. <br />Doffing. J, P. ... $ <br />Hubbard, F. D <br />Judge.' M. 3 <br />Kiogatop, 8. P <br />Orman, M.1 <br />8cbneider. M <br />' `MF.NDOTA. <br />Burns. James $ <br />Clarkson. C. J <br />'Law%Reinhold & Co <br />Mendota Stone Co <br />McMillan & Co <br />1%rtensen. 8' <br />38.98 Neerser, N. <br />22.80 Limerd. 0, <br />19.40 Tousignant, 1) <br />Weber. Leander <br />Wachtler, Joseph <br />li(*LNDOTA VILLAGE. Rernil't; Esdras $ <br />• NEw Tanen. <br />Ficker. Mltthias $ <br />Peine, C. E <br />Resemius. W. L <br />,741 <br />14.68 <br />I41.60 <br />470.92 <br />•31.20 <br />25.01 <br />04.24 <br />13.02 <br />10.00 <br />10.00 <br />11.65 <br />13.23 <br />18.'x3 <br />22.69 <br />10.74 <br />10 35 <br />10.47 <br />13.10 <br />Parker, C. W 18.$1 <br />Preston. 0. W 10.14 <br />Raetz, George - 13.60 <br />14.31 Rude, S. B O1.0 <br />10.82 Reisner, Otto 29, 1 <br />Radabaugb, I. M SI.7B <br />Reed, W. B 118.E <br />Kaway, J. !11.1 <br />18.�g <br />11.•10 Schaller, A. J 95,48 <br />10.110 Stroud Humphrey Mf'g Co23.60 <br />34 37 Sleben, J. 0 82.41 ScurTA <br />Schaal. Theodora 20,E Bowe, A. E <br />34.64 Schaller, Albert 28,1$ z $ Freeman, MM. 0. <br />Steffen B Harkness. Frank <br />24(10 Taylor, E.21.72 „ Stockyards National E " <br />9 85 Schaal. Gerhardt <br />9 71 Smith. Ida B. <br />12.32 Solna ST. PAUL <br />Bank. <br />13.08 <br />RANDOLP•:tt. <br />Foster. E. 11 $ <br />Gores. NIc <br />Miller. William <br />Smith. Charles.:.. <br />Valentine. 0. 1 • <br />RANDOLPH VILLAGE. <br />Dakota Co. Co-operative Co $ <br />Kauffman, John <br />Miller. R. L <br />McElrath &Tyner <br />Morrill;- C. -L <br />North Star Lumber Co <br />Sheffield Milling Co <br />RAVENNA. <br />Depinger, Dr, 0 <br />Murray, E, 1' <br />peakes. 0. W. <br />Vesetb. F., .M <br />1tosaaot'NT. <br />Blown. 1, F $ <br />Derham, .Emma <br />Gollon & Hyland <br />Geraghty &' Hynes <br />richly. A 8.. trustee <br />Hynes, J. J., adm <br />Hynes. J. J <br />Mullerv, re.' J. E <br />Tierney, James, estate <br />Warwee, L. P <br />Ward. A. J <br />128 <br />6 <br />13 <br />17 <br />Standard Oil Co <br />4.04 Sullivan, M. H 19.78 Briggs. W. E <br />09.85 Todd, Irvlog & Son... ...... . 40l5�'i 1$ UarrollCarton,, -LH.. <br />. A H. B <br />34.93 Thill, Peter <br />34.93 Tuttle, E. E .32,,19 Clark: J T. <br />4.64 U. 8, Time Recorder CB 28:80 Flannagan, J. J <br />34 78 Voigt, L. H 11.14 Flower. M.. D <br />� anBeeck, H. 0 .� . , ..... .18.08 Hartwell, D. ' E <br />11.93 Walbridge & Smith.,,. 4,2.48 Hebert., fouls..,.,,, <br />34.93Walbridge Bros. & Ryjn 47,20 Henderson. Lizzie M <br />34.93 Wri¢ht &Austin.._,.,; 188.80 McQuillan. Louisa O <br />34.93 Whitford. E. A * 135.74 Reid. James <br />34 93 Whltford.E.A., guard.; Doebler 4148 Strohm, B. F.., <br />34.93 Whltford,E.A., gas faith. 42.48 Swift. G. F.. estate <br />1.•8899 Wbitlord,E. A., gsa mltb 42.48 Swift, E. T <br />• Swift. L. F <br />.78 Gunther. P--1 TR. .' Peter. ., Shaw,. W R <br />93 Jngoe, Mrs Johrr.i,, elle Veeder, A. 11 <br />Pierk, Wilitim...`r.',4h .:..r•.. 76 Weed. 3.11 • <br />51.59 Rowe, James.....,... �,.. <br />38.24 Lt - Albert. Joseph.., <br />57.35 Anderson, Peter. $ l Anderson & Carlson <br />19.12 Curry, 1. C <br />Reciter, Louis <br />7.36 Dunham Wright.:.-Braoo1kcaa�&. H. H <br />.36 Deegan. Jams �a� . Sickle, George <br />19.1.2 Glynn, .1'; J i. ,. .. Bronson. W. G. jr.,... ...... <br />28.65 Hyland. Patrtok '' 1111762 Blumenfeld,• D:.. <br />Hyland, M $' r . -ILEI Campbell Commission Co <br />.84 Johoms; J. E -i+:10.06 Cation. Wood & Weeler. <br />18.50 Klemenhageo. Geom....., , .. , 10.18 Clay, Robinson & Co. <br />14.67 Lynch, James. ...„44.4 12.19 Co-operative Grocery Co. <br />19.40 Murphy, M 1146 Clerk & Co <br />11.14 Yc8herry, J. B 10.26 Callaghan, James <br />5.35 Mahoney, M 10.75 Coates, John.. <br />.68 McSweeney, F 13.15 Covlogton, J•: 13 <br />34 Ruehlow Bros 25.93 Dagget, W. 8. & Co <br />.06 Van Doren, A. 1 3 .. .1(89 Erick. Schuh Hardware Co... <br />9.11 Yung, John • 10.68 Evan & Linderdale.... ..... <br />.26 Lazsvtt.r s Vna.Aes. Edgar& Jamieson <br />.03 Ackerman. Otto .1 , 14 46 Engoman, Hancock, Seeking Co <br />2,74 Bagley, Sarah 22.90 Erick, $lien........ 4....... <br />.32 Betz Bros 24.58 Foaiey, Fred <br />.25 Herres Bros 27.28 Fisher. Jacob... ... ...... <br />.40 Claro Millin Oo 2798 Foch & Co. <br />7.71 Dakota•Oo, Mate Bank 144.60 Frederlcki, William' <br />2.24 Gepbart, D. J l2.t12 Frie % Cruel? & Co.......... <br />2.80 0und, J. Brewing Oo '10.11 Gatdie,. Emil. . ... .. . ........ . <br />2.87 Hamm Brewing Co 1015 Grugan` H. A. & Co <br />.40 Heileman Brewing Oo •I41ti3 Glenn. Jaw,. <br />.70 Hynes, J. J 00.73 0rrs�titt,1. A. , <br />18.88 Lenihao Mercantile Co 55.48 Gibbons, P, Com. Co. <br />10.15 MOGrail, E. Soo* & 00 42.90 0edelsky,►F° •,- • <br />.80 McClintosk, R 12.76 Haie,O.-L. Com.., <br />.40 North Star Lumber Oo 80.78 Hamm. Theo. Brewing Co...., <br />10.66 Bamels Lumber,Co...., e0 Haueer&tsoaa Malting Co... <br />63.01 Samels. P. P 18.96 ,Heberje Francis Co . <br />14.061 Strong. George 1877 , Trtrleg bra <br />16.90. Ssuber. William.... ......... .11.18 JusgBteedee Co <br />14.06 1.8amehl, IR. &, :.. Iii:eoliii . C.'L.' Cem..... <br />25,114 Buser, Marg't... ..... , 1107 Kirk, J. &. Gel <br />17 <br />104 <br />296 <br />28 <br />104 <br />34 <br />18 <br />554 <br />Adams, E. W. Lumber Co.. , . 103 <br />Anderson, Aaron <br />Adslr. A. M. <br />Anthony, E. C <br />Archer. Mrs. Wesley <br />Beersc, W. E 4 <br />Brady & Son 80 <br />Carter, Seymour 316 <br />Conzemius, Nick 25 <br />Crosby. F. M. 1 <br />Clure, F. L. 84 <br />Cornelison, L. A 84 <br />Doffing. Charles 1 <br />Drager, Charles. 28 <br />iloten, Gay 21 <br />Dakota County Investment Co212 <br />Estergreen, F. E. 4 <br />Enols, J. A2 <br />Engel, F. A 4 <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh 6 <br />Feipel, John 36 <br />Frank, Daniel 22 <br />Farmers Elevator Co <br />Featherstone, J. 8...,, <br />Follet. Denis 123 <br />Finch, F. W 43 <br />Freitag. Charles <br />Fasbender & Son <br />Fitch, E. 8 <br />Griffin, E. P <br />Gergen, N. B . <br />Graves, Mrs: E. J <br />12.46 <br />27.11 <br />11.13 <br />22.15 <br />1 King, <br />Keil, Louie <br />Kielnbohl, William <br />Kennedy Bros <br />Kruper, John <br />Larson, Albert <br />Lennon, W. P <br />Lindstrom. Otto <br />McDonald, John <br />McHugh, Christenson & Co <br />McKissick Bros ......... . .. <br />McCormick, W. E <br />Melad),S.J.& Co <br />Matczynski, L <br />Moser. F. C. <br />Mickelson, Mike <br />Minneapolis, Sr. Paul&Sub.Rv <br />Neaom, Alfred <br />Nauer, Louis <br />O'Keefe. P. R <br />O'Toole, Mike <br />Prouty Com. Co <br />Rogers & Rogers <br />Robinson, A <br />Reinert. W <br />Reporter <br />Spllker. Charles <br />So. St. Paul Grain Co. <br />Slimmer & Thomas..... <br />Sandqutat & Co <br />So. St. Paul Horse Exchange <br />Shaw. W. R <br />St. Paul Tannery <br />Smith, Ed <br />Schaefer, A <br />St. Paul Cattle Loan Co <br />Straight Bros <br />Schumacker, 8. 0 <br />So. SL Paul Mercantile Co <br />Sterling Graoery 0o <br />Schutt, Fred <br />Swift & Co <br />So.SLPaulLiveStock Exchange <br />Electric Light Co <br />St. Paul Union Stock Yards <br />Schmidt, Jacob Brewtag Co <br />So. Park Foundry& MacbineOo <br />Stockyards Building Company <br />Thuet Bros <br />Troutman, George <br />U. 8. Gypsum Co.. <br />Van Dusen Barrington Co <br />Viuum, Percy, & Co <br />Worm & Sons Grocery Co. <br />Wcins & Conlin <br />Whaley. H <br />John <br />VER1taLIox. <br />Callahan, John <br />11 64 ReFaxrmersElevElevatoratorCo Co <br />1 7 12 Stoffel, J. P <br />13.50 Sheffield Milling & Elevator Co <br />Wallerius, E. N <br />W ATERFOILD <br />Boulger, Christ <br />Berke. H. I <br />Cowell, A. E <br />Grimes, E. E <br />Hunter. Walter <br />Peter, FA <br />13.63 Pennington, J. P <br />12.20 WEST ST. PAUL. <br />10.20 ilartoch. Adolph .............$ <br />30.50 ilo ge, H <br />51.04 Groff N. 8 <br />11.60 Howe, Hebert <br />18.38 Ick Ter, Mrs. Peter <br />11,70 Kulenkamp& Peters <br />19.18 Krey. George <br />11.43 Kraushaar, Ernest <br />10.71 Kulenkamp, Jobn <br />Koplitz, Charles <br />40 45 Kirsch, E <br />l.othenback, B <br />i23,7155ambrecht,M Otte Bros <br />.0410 Sachs. E <br />White, S <br />11.40 <br />11,05 <br />13.45 <br />12.55 <br />11.45 <br />11.90 <br />14.86 <br />22 84 <br />.42 <br />11.78 <br />17.45 <br />85.28 <br />21.58 <br />Ba,0l <br />117.52 <br />47.00 <br />87.62 <br />81.12 <br />11.06 <br />29.86 <br />24.88 <br />$.525.00 <br />12.52 <br />17.58 <br />14.12 <br />35.36 <br />145.70 <br />148.05 <br />22.74 <br />27.88 <br />52.87 <br />24.67 <br />9400 <br />164.50 <br />14.10 <br />70.60 <br />324 30 <br />240.00 <br />133.19 <br />12.22 <br />282.00 <br />41.12 <br />17.84 <br />70.50 <br />72.56 <br />10.58 <br />18,851.70 <br />22.82 <br />305.50 <br />258.64 <br />37.80 <br />145.70 <br />88.92 <br />147.52 <br />16 54 <br />101.94 <br />146.40 <br />11750 <br />49.78 <br />29.79 <br />11.93 <br />12.71 <br />22.61 <br />13.72 <br />10.96 <br />28.76 <br />31.89 <br />$ 15.20 <br />11.04 <br />11.96 <br />10.71 <br />10.22 <br />11.4I <br />11.92 <br />22.38 <br />12.40 <br />22.54 <br />15.43 <br />41.24 <br />46.08 <br />12.50 <br />11.03 <br />17.28 <br />14.26 <br />2,5.92 <br />23.80 <br />12.05 <br />11.38 <br />12.63 <br />21.55 <br />10.23 <br />102.41 <br />11.12 <br />37.62 <br />23.00 <br />14.63 <br />21 00 <br />20.00 <br />209.00 <br />19.19 <br />35.38 <br />12.09 <br />15.15 <br />12 87 <br />12.15 <br />188,12 <br />155.12 <br />82.72 <br />261.92 <br />51.70 <br />108.42 <br />41 38 <br />51 72 <br />227 42 <br />10.34 <br />103 42 <br />20.70 <br />175.7'2 <br />465.32 <br />155.12 <br />155.12 <br />51.72 <br />134.42 <br />51.72 <br />20.68 <br />55.92 <br />18.80 <br />18.80 <br />12.84 <br />40.42 <br />75.18 <br />108.30 <br />117.50 <br />117.50 <br />58.00 <br />67.40 <br />10.08 <br />63.10 <br />14.72 <br />23.50 <br />36.42 <br />47.00 <br />141.00 <br />117.60 <br />14.10 <br />14.00 <br />31.78 <br />79.32 <br />11.04 <br />148.00 <br />12.4u <br />18.22 <br />10.82 <br />56.82 <br />0180 <br />11.46 <br />148.00 <br />89.50 <br />235.00 <br />86.80 <br />30.58 <br />7,98 <br />ML70 two weeks' visit to Watkins,. ZduS <br />70.511 4al1sy, aha Delano. . .' <br />23.97 <br />80.82 <br />12,06 <br />1920 <br />11.50 <br />17.21 <br />12.60 <br />1858 <br />10.33 <br />16.40 <br />14.81 <br />2980 <br />11.87 <br />17.21 <br />10.05 <br />12.78 <br />Hampton lemma. <br />B. A. Betzold, of 8t. Paul, le visit- <br />ing here. <br />J. N. Werner, of Vermillion, was <br />in town on Sunday, <br />J. P. Schanno made a trip 1.0 <br />Hastings on Saturday. <br />• Miss Theresa Hammes, of Hastings, <br />spent Sunday at home. <br />John Ludwig, of Vermillion, was <br />in town the flat of the week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zeien, of Ver. <br />million, were bere on Sunday. <br />Mies Marie Wagner was the guest <br />of Mise Katie Beissel last Friday. <br />Peter Schweich and Mathias Del• <br />teld were home from Northfield on a <br />visit. <br />Nicholas Schanno, of Vermillion, <br />was among our business callers on <br />Friday. <br />Mr and Mrs. Ferdinand Bauer, of <br />Marshan, were visiting Mr. and Mn. <br />Nicholas Bauer. <br />Nieholaa Kauffman and Niebolu <br />Kummer, of Vermillion, were herr <br />on Thursday, en route for Northfield. <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Siebenaler, <br />Anton Siebenaler, and Miss Lena <br />Girgen returned from a visit in <br />Shakopee on Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. J. B. Wagner de <br />lightfully entertained a large number <br />of friends and neighbors on Tuesday <br />evening. Supper was served at <br />eleven. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Huberty <br />were greatly surprised on Monday, <br />his namesday, quite a large number <br />being present. Cinch was played, <br />the first prize won by John Holzemer <br />and foot by Mathias Anton. Refresh <br />menta were served in the afternoon and <br />evening, and all bad a good time. <br />Pt. Douglas it.., <br />Frank Johnson was down from <br />Minneapolis over Sunday. <br />Everett Page, Willie Page, and <br />Miss Nelson, of Minneapolis, spent <br />Sunday at Albert Page's. <br />Eli Dibble has aphonograph which <br />cost 8100. Maybe he thinks it's <br />cheaper than a wife, even at that <br />price. <br />Mrs. Amass James gave a musical <br />last Monday evening for her Pt. Doug <br />las friends, which wu much enjoyed <br />by those wbo were fortunate etlongb <br />to receive an invitation. <br />About forty farmers met at the <br />town hall in Denmark Thursday night <br />to listen to the county organiser of <br />the Society of Equity, and incidental- <br />ly to form a town society, with 0. B. <br />Hetherington president, Dan. Magone <br />vice president, John Wright secreta- <br />ry, and T. B. Leavitt treasurer. <br />slaw. iter. <br />Peter Roberts was in Vermillion <br />Wednesday. <br />John Peine and H. P. Leiteld drove <br />to Hastings Thursday. <br />J. P.- Gergen came down from 8t, <br />Paul Saturday upon a visit. <br />Quite a number from hers atteoded <br />the dance in Hampton Monday. <br />J P Drell, Oonrid Picker. soil J. <br />J. Beissel returned Saturday trues t <br />Tonalities ismms. <br />William lichueider is very busy <br />gltudiug teed. <br />Michael Poi, of Watertown, 8. D., <br />is the guest of bis brother Nicholas. <br />&rt. and Gottried Beissel, of St. <br />Paul, were guests of their mother, <br />Mrs. Maty Ifuis.el, on Sunday. <br />Mr. sad Mrs. Jacob Dries, of <br />Empire, were guests of his mother, <br />!►t rs. Mary Dries, the Bret of the week. <br />The party ot Mr. and Mrs. Michael <br />Kimmel last Sunday night was well <br />attended, thirty eouples being present. <br />There was a big dance at Nicholas <br />Beuk's hall Wednesday evening,. with <br />music by John Wiederhold and John <br />2.0153'. <br />H. J. Rather and Miss Agnes <br />Rotlmr, ot Manahan, were the guests <br />of Mn. Y. Anders, New Trier, on <br />Sunday. <br />The stockholders of the Vermillion <br />Creamery Company held a meeting <br />on Wednesday with a view of start- <br />ing up again. <br />Peter Teires, while driving home <br />Sunday, broke through the ice. The <br />buggy bhafts were broken, and the <br />horse swam ashore. <br />The basket social in District 95, <br />Marshan, was well attended, twenty. <br />two being sold. Miss Mary Oestreich <br />was the prize winner, her .basket <br />bringing 81.45. <br />8. A. Wilson, Frank Keetley, John <br />Schneider, and Walter Keetley, of <br />Meridian, attended the Farmer's <br />Elevator meeting at Wagner's Hall <br />Wednesday afternoon. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Wagner <br />were enjoyably surprised Sunday <br />evening by a large number of friends <br />and neighbors, Refreshments were <br />served from seven to nine, and supper <br />at eleven. <br />J. W. Halfen shot a wild cat Mon- <br />day weighing twenty•nioe and one- <br />half pounds It was sitting on the <br />limb of a tree ready to jump, and <br />measured three feet, nine inches from <br />tip to tip. This is the second killed <br />by Mr. Hallen this winter. <br />The JwtaMwg Of Place. <br />"Consumption had me in its grasp; and <br />1 had almost reached the jumping off <br />place when 1 was advised to try Dr. <br />King's New Discovery; and I want to say <br />right nQw. 11. saved my life. Improve- <br />ment began wltb the first bottle. and <br />after taking one dozen bottles I was a <br />well and happy man again." cava George <br />Moore. of Grimealand. N. C. As a reme- <br />dy for coughs' and colds, and healer of <br />weak, sore lungs. and for preventing <br />pneumonia New Discovery is supreme. <br />50c. and $1. at 8. B. R e's, druggist. <br />Trial beUJe free. <br />0. C. Anderson, of Mareban, Minn., <br />gave a very good lecture in Ander- <br />son's Hall last Sunday afternoon to a <br />fair sized audience. The subjects <br />treated upon were very deep, and for <br />that reason just one hour's lecture <br />could not cover it all, but Mr. Ander- <br />son done well as far u it went. - <br />Frost Record. <br />awes. <br />In Hastings, Feb. 22d, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />J. L. Darling. a eon. <br />In Denmark, Feb. 22d, to Mr. and <br />Mrs. Edward Snee, a son. <br />Elwes ,rzes.F.. <br />Th. eaara:ea. <br />BAHLitT.-70 80 Ota. <br />Rsaw.--$6 $7. <br />BRAN:423. <br />Btrrrsa-2S cta. <br />Coax. -55 eta. <br />Koos.-20 eta. <br />FLAX. -SI .08. <br />FLone.-,$3.90. <br />HIT. -$8. <br />OAT. -443 cta. <br />MIDDLINe11.-125. <br />Poaz.-$4.50 @ 85.00. <br />POTATostt.-85 cta. <br />RTZ. -72 cite. <br />Scaslitxrxne, -$23 <br />Wtts.Z.--90 Me. <br />Rate. ot Ad..rtsesaa. <br />Ilse toot per year 1 6 O <br />Each additional 1.01 .... .... ....... . 5.05 <br />One inch, per week. <br />Local sotioes per has <br />Orriets ee by mall wIIll rets RVINprop <br />G TODD & BONN, <br />Hutisn. Mian. <br />NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. �. <br />FOR RENT. <br />fry nsldeaoe on Tyler Street for rent Apt. <br />tat. Isquire at Kraals Reel. market. <br />C. W. OERLACH. <br />I, OR SALE. <br />Wasted, good mutat for Improved Canadian <br />Quarter on boundary Ilse. <br />For sale, four hundred and ,lzty•alz acres. <br />Dekoa County ant clam farm at Empire. <br />C. E. REED, <br />Real Estate Broker, <br />Hastings, Mtnn, <br />MAKE MONEY by sending your bides, <br />tan, etc., to us. We pay highest prices and <br />sell guns, taps. etc,. cheap. <br />N. W. HIDE & FUR CO., <br />SOO First Street N., Minneapolis, Mina. <br />Write for osalogos sad prim list <br />N OTIOE. <br />baled bids will be reoelved at the oossty- <br />*edltor's oboe, Heatless, Mina., up to noon <br />Mmdse. Marob 15th. HOE from beaks boated. <br />in Dakota Oosate, Mt&a. as depositories of the. <br />public foods of Dakota County, as provided by <br />eba�t� O. a ISM, statist what security <br />wfTbs vee to said county for the fonds so. <br />1 all what Interest allowed on monthly <br />on edltles that such feeds with, <br />, <br />soorrlsd interest shall be held subject to draft- <br />isall mown at all times on demand. <br />laiasyt► be opened on Monday, March 181*t, <br />511N sad the board reserves the riSIS tat mpooa. <br />asy.aa e41 bids. asourtty bads prsRwsd: <br />#ew p Oosaty Auditor. <br />ATE OF DECEDENT. <br />of Minnesota, county of Dakota. -ea. 1aete'lla <br />1r t1. satatter of the WWII Of ft'ebbazd <br />1►le1ots, d.esa.aL <br />Tbe mete of leftmost* Chart. Nichols. Mester A. Lyoa. a. Abaft' ry A. <br />a ltarttNiNo1e, <br />m, - <br />Violet M, Hefts. Celesta V. Swan. Sacrist M. <br />bleep K. Niabo <br />Deealssa, Frames 1. Poor Freak N <br />Atherton R., <br />Niels* Hemet Nichols, Arthur rats Nora <br />*said bottle a <br />rtsaford, [anis !trite, . <br />stabs melats.. Edward atom.,sad all par - <br />ease lnturaa In the anal aeeoast sad Ills. <br />teIbdoa or me estate ieesdasil. , <br />is rtwatlr. of the RR <br />banal Med Is this anal assesst N a. <br />aI111. 1* t1a .etaset tee the <br />wttb bls Oetitaoa ;ruin trite the. <br />ate ttu.a .1 it and amortate o <br />51. sons sm. lase lashof <br />.sNt1.s. Tbw. <br />:red to shote yes b s. re <br />before tens 51.1.8. essrt nem la *steno rtbotiM, Dakets, .Ity of Igatlstea,lameftW. u t s <br />>1151. 1s .1 M meta <br />sit tush cake* a. ms., <br />er� err ot mot he ata surd <br />+a <br />4. <br />1 <br />l <br />