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iersaw...•• <br />• <br />SR, <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Tomei. <br />J. A. Wagner was in from Vermil- <br />lion yesterday. <br />J. B. Mahoney was over gfrom <br />Afton Monday. <br />V. F. Rother, of Vermillion, was in <br />town Saturday. <br />J. P. Schanno was in from Hamp- <br />ton on Saturday. <br />Louis Gramsey was in from Rose- <br />mount Wednesday. <br />Dominick Lucius was in from <br />Douglas Saturday. <br />Miss Louise Schluessler went up to <br />Langdon yesterday. <br />Mrs. Casper Schilling went up to <br />Langdon yesterday. <br />Julius Wille, of Hampton, was the <br />guest of Charles Freitag. <br />Mrs. W. F. Johns left Monday <br />upon a visit in St. Louis. <br />P. C. Robertson, of Rice Lake, <br />Wis., is here upon a visit. <br />Mrs. C. S. Hanish went down to <br />Chatfield Saturday upon a visit. <br />Mrs. J. C. Scblirf, of Delano, is <br />the guest of Mrs. A. C. Bachman. <br />J. C. Zehnder, of St. Paul, was in <br />town Thursday on legal business. <br />Miss Grace A. Simmons returned <br />from Washington, D. C., last week. <br />Jacob Leut and J. A. Wagner, of <br />Vermillion, were in town Saturday. <br />John Anton, of Miesville, returned <br />Wednesday from hie visit in Chicago. <br />Mrs. Ellen M. Porter left yester- <br />day upon a visit in Columbus, Wis. <br />Md. and Mrs. Henry Niedere went <br />out to Hampton Monday upon a <br />visit. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Twichell left <br />Thursday upon a visit in Eldredge, <br />N. D. <br />Miss Mary Sommers, of Millville, <br />was in town Saturday, es route for <br />Afton. <br />Mrs. Mary E.Todd, of St.Paul, was <br />the guest of Mrs. Anna J. Hether- <br />ington. <br />Miss Anna R. Gerlach, of Minne- <br />apolis,was the guest of MissElizabeth <br />Hart. <br />Mrs. L. W. Hebert, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Mrs. Harvey Doten <br />on Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Frank went out <br />to Farihault and Morristown Tues- <br />day upon a visit. <br />John Dietzen, formerly of this city, <br />bas been appointed deputy game war- <br />den at Stillwater. <br />F. W. Gleim received a fine White <br />Plymouth Rock cockerel from <br />Illinois Wednesday. <br />Mrs. N. D. Purves, of St. Paul, is <br />visiting her mother, Mrs. Eliza <br />Varien, in Mershon. <br />Miss Anna O'Connor, of St. Paul, <br />was the guest of Mrs. James Mc <br />Laughlin on Sunday. <br />Mrs. T. H. Summers returned to <br />Mankato Thursday from a visit with <br />Mrs. B. S. Stoneman. <br />The ten per cent penalty on un- <br />paid personal property taxes will be <br />added after this week. <br />Mrs. Katherine .Heagy broke her <br />Jeft leg just below the knee on Wed- <br />nesday evening by a fall. <br />Mrs. Thomas Manion, of Prescott, <br />•and Miss Minnie Costello, of Welch, <br />were in town on Saturday. <br />E. A. Schroeder found seventeen <br />•pearls in one oyster at his lunch <br />room on Tuesday evening. <br />Mrs. H. H. Dornfeld, of Highwood, <br />was the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. <br />E. Welshons, over Sunday. <br />Mrs. Harvey Hawley, of Ham <br />mond, Wis., is the guest of her <br />:mother, Mrs. Joseph Frees. <br />Miss Elizabeth E. Faliy, teacher <br />On Minneapolis, spent Sunday with <br />:her sister, Mrs. T. P. Moran. <br />F. C. Gillitt has afine specimen of <br />grape fruit on exhibition, from G. H. <br />now at Caballos, Cuba. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Breck, of 8t. <br />Paul, were the guests of Dr. and <br />Mrs. R. H. Wald on Thursday. <br />The social hop at Masonic Hall on <br />Thursday evening was quite largely <br />attended and a delightful affair. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Monday to Mr. George Wise and Miss <br />Bridget Murnane, of Rosemount. <br />N. M. Reuter and Miss Lena <br />Reuter, of Goodhue, were in town <br />on Tuesday, en 'route for St. Paul. <br />John Ilia, of this city, and Henry <br />March, of Minneapolis, returned from <br />their South Dakota trip yesterday. <br />I. E. Day and E. C. Murray, of <br />Ravenna, attended the convention of <br />road builders in St. Paul on Thursday. <br />H. C. Miller attended the annual <br />meeting of the Retail Hardware Deal- <br />ers' Association in St. Paul Thursday. <br />The ladies of the Church of the <br />Guardian Angels will give a card <br />party at the schoolhouse this evening. <br />Dr. H. L. Sumption went up to St. <br />Paul Thursday to attend the mid- <br />winter clinic of the G. V. Black Den- <br />tal Club. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koppes were <br />receiving congratulations Wednesday, <br />the thirtieth anniversary of their <br />marriage. <br />Air <br />A marriage license was issue <br />Wednesday to Mr. William Lat <br />d on <br />tary <br />of <br />the <br />ibb- <br />ute <br />ake, <br />utb <br />hu - <br />God: <br />ped <br />the <br />eat <br />W. <br />the <br />day <br />rock <br />ger <br />the <br />ven <br />eat <br />og <br />ery <br />er, <br />the <br />ay <br />b- <br />hn <br />ter <br />0, <br />0, <br />ts <br />a <br />is <br />or <br />g <br />ts <br />J. <br />Us <br />e <br />ut <br />g <br />h <br />0. <br />d <br />11 <br />e <br />a <br />5 <br />0 <br />f <br />and Miss Jane McDermott, <br />Burnsville. <br />R. G. Bailey, time keeper for <br />Mahoney Mining Company at H <br />Ing, was in town Monday, en ro <br />for Decorah. <br />P. C. Robertson, of Rice L <br />Wis., sold his house and lot in So <br />Hastings on Thursday to M. H. 8 <br />macher for $400. <br />Wanted, two cords of green w <br />second growth. Inquire at this office <br />A. W. Wilson, of Nininger, ship <br />six cars of baled straw east by <br />Milwaukee and two by the Or <br />Western this week. <br />0. J. Dunn, Bernard Piehl, N. <br />Martin, and William Page, of <br />Milwaukee signal crew, leftWednes <br />for Hettenger, N. D. <br />A bum at Eggleston threw a <br />at the cab window of the passen <br />train yesterday morning, striking <br />fireman on the nose. <br />An enjoyable social hop was gi <br />at the town hall in Denmark I <br />Friday evening, several of our you <br />people being present. <br />Wanted, an apprentice in a millin <br />store. Apply to Mrs. F. E. Box <br />Masonic Block, Hastings. <br />The building committee of <br />Presbyterian Church met on Mond <br />evening to talk over the plans 8U <br />mated by the architect. <br />Mrs. D. L. Thompson and Jo <br />Warner went down to Roches <br />Saturday, owing to the serious co <br />dition of D. L. Thompsoo. <br />T. J. Ryan and Miss Kate Rya <br />of Hudson, and Miss Nora Hamilto <br />of Hollandale, Wis., are the gues <br />of their cousin, T. S. Ryan. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stroud a <br />daughter came up from St. Louis <br />Sunday, the guests of his parent <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stroud. <br />Theodore Steguer, of Lake City, <br />temporarily acting as night operat <br />at the station, G. B. Chrispen takin <br />a lay-off on account of illness. <br />Charles Freitag has sold four lo <br />in block six, Barker's Addition, to <br />W. Downs for a sawmill, the nucle <br />of a boom in that end of town. <br />Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hall wer <br />delightfully surprised by abo <br />twenty friends at their home o <br />Second Street Wednesday evenin <br />T. J. Brady & Son, dealers i0 <br />agricultural implements, have bough <br />the building occupied by them <br />corner of Vermillion and Fourt <br />Streets, from W. R. Mather for $2,50 <br />We want your business this spring, an <br />will make prices to get it, if you wi <br />come and see us. <br />C. W. ADAMS LUMBER CO. <br />The social given by Swea lodg <br />No. 4 last Saturday evening was <br />very enjoyable affair. The hall wa <br />prettily decorated in patriotic colors <br />E. D. McGill, of Dickinson, N. D. <br />freight conductor on the Norther <br />Pacific Road, was the guest of hi <br />uncle, Mr. E. E. Dibble, in Denmark <br />A. G. Mertz went down to Roches- <br />ter yesterday atter the remains o <br />Mr. D. L. Thompson, and they are <br />expected here on the eleven a. in <br />train. <br />Parties who are willing to enter- <br />tain teachers or others next week are <br />requested to phone Supt. C. W. <br />Meyers, No. 69, stating number and <br />terms. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Molitor, of <br />Douglas, entertained a large number <br />of their friends and neighbors on <br />Wednesday evening with dancing and <br />card playing. <br />A special meeting of the stock- <br />holders of the farmers' elevator will <br />be held at Wagner's Hall, Vermillion, <br />Mar. llth, for the purpose of selling <br />the building. <br />We have just got the stock from the <br />Libbey factory straightened up, and will <br />make you attractive prices on doors, <br />sash, and moulding. Come and see us. <br />O. W. ADAMS LUMBER CO. <br />The second entertainment in the <br />library course will be a concert by <br />the Glee Club of Hemline University <br />at the High School Auditorium next <br />Friday evening. <br />A tomahawk claimed to have been <br />found in a Montana cave two hun- <br />dred and three years ago is on ex- <br />hibition at Charles Nemerofosky's, on <br />Vermillion Street. <br />Mrs, Peter Knoll and Mrs. Michael <br />Witcheck went np to Minneapolis <br />Wednesday to attend the funeral of <br />an infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. <br />John Hoffenmiller, <br />Miss Hazel Keene, daughter of Mr. <br />and Mrs. B. T. Keene, of Denmark, <br />has recovered from a severe attack of <br />diphtheria, the quarantine being <br />raised on Saturday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kummer and <br />Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loesch, of <br />Vermillion, were among those in <br />attendance at the Wagner -Sieben <br />wedding on Tuesday. <br />The calico bail, D. of H., on Wed- <br />nesday evening was a very enjoy- <br />able affair, and quite well attended. <br />The plaque went to Miss Marie 0. <br />Kimm, with ticket 37. <br />Valentine Wiederbold, of Ma <br />hauled a cord and three-quarters <br />soft maple wood from across N <br />Lake on Tuesday, a distance of <br />miles, in about five hour <br />Charles Flower was held to <br />grand jury by JusticeDoss, of Sou <br />St. Paul, Monday for larceny of <br />from Fred. Burns, at the Msple <br />Hotel. William Hodgeoe for at <br />A. A. Scott, clerk of HMI <br />Camp No. 4747, received a check <br />$1,000 Monday on account <br />death of Arthur L. Norwatkl, <br />payable to his brother Raymond <br />The annual meeting of the <br />thoven Club will be held with M <br />H. L. Sumption, on Eighth 8 <br />next Monday evening, With elect <br />of officers, the tumid progrent <br />and refreshments. <br />P. L. Rupp, trainmaeter, W. <br />Thiele, train dispatcher, and J. <br />Wagner, roadmaster, of the ri <br />division, were in towo on Tutted <br />looking over the yards, lesviog <br />the Hastings & Stillwater. <br />I. M. Radabaugh, of Bastin <br />presided over the session of <br />Minnesota Association of Optom <br />trials, and was re-elected secrets <br />of the Minnesota Jewelers' Assoc <br />tion, at Minneapolis this week. <br />Before buying any building maserl <br />come and see ua. We have the luta <br />and will Save W. <br />money by ague <br />with its. 0. W. Alums Gelman CO. <br />The ten cells on the drat door <br />the jail have been plated in positi <br />and the work 1. 10 be pushed 10 00 <br />pletion. The board will probe <br />order new iron for the second d <br />which will be the cheapest in t <br />end. <br />John Gutting, of Ellsworth, sold <br />m of horses on Tuesday to Pe <br />einlein, of Douglas, for 3200, to <br />used on his traveling wagon. M <br />Gutting was a former employe <br />William Sondermann, at the bri <br />yard. <br />Mr. and Mrs. August Pitzen, M <br />and Mrs. N. M. Pitzen, and MI <br />Anna M. Miesen went to 81. Peter <br />Monday to attend tbe marriage <br />Mr. Joseph Pitzen, of Red Win <br />and Miss Anna Michaels, of the fo <br />mer town. <br />Miss Margaret H. Wagner ente <br />taiued the young ladies of the D. <br />C. at the City Hotel last Saturds <br />evening, with a delightful paree <br />shower for Miss Rose E. Sieben, <br />bride of Tuesday. The deeoratio <br />were in colonial style. <br />0. H. George has traded his bon <br />on west Second Street, occupied b <br />C. B. Nienaber, to Dr. A. M. Adsi <br />for a half interest in the old Drug <br />farm in Ravenna, one hundred an <br />forty-five acres. C. E. Reed 1 <br />owner of the other halt. <br />The programme by the Choral Club <br />next Thursday evening will be given <br />at the High School Auditorium, fol. <br />lowed by a reception to Gov. John- <br />son at the Gardner House. It is <br />hoped that there will be a general <br />attendance of teachers and school <br />officers. <br />The members of the Choral Club <br />are earnestly requested to be present <br />at the rehearsals Tuesday and Wed- <br />nesday evenings of next week, at <br />the high school auditorium. As thechoruses are to be given at the <br />entertainment Thursday evening, it <br />is hoped that there will be a toll <br />attendance. <br />The Hastings postollice has re- <br />ceived a small supply of internatioo. <br />al reply coupons, to be need by per. <br />sons wishing to pay return postage <br />on letters from foreign correspond- <br />ents. They are of the value .of six <br />cents each, and can be exchanged in <br />any country of the Postal Union for <br />stamps of that country. <br />Two amusing farces, Coale of Fire <br />and Der Bauer ale Koenig Herodes, <br />were given at St Boniface Hall on <br />Thursdayevenlog, by the St. Aloysius <br />Society, with music by 81. Boniface <br />Band. There was a largb and <br />appreciative audience, the entertain- <br />ment was a very creditable out It <br />will be repeated Sunday evening. <br />The seniors, juniors, aud high <br />school teachers were tendered a de- <br />lightful reception by Supt. and Mrs. <br />E. L. Porter, at their residence on <br />Ramsey Street, last Saturday !welting. <br />Nearly all the ladies were in colonial <br />coetuma <br />es, the boat and hostess repr <br />senting George and Martha Washing- <br />ton. The decorations were itfpatriot- <br />ic colors, and a be collation was <br />served. <br />The Ladies' Euchre Club and the <br />gentlemen were plessantiy enter- <br />tained at the residence of J. V. <br />Perkins, on west Third Street, int <br />Tuesday evening. Nine tables were <br />filled. The first favors were won by <br />Mrs. Michael Graus and J. A. <br />Holmquist, the second by Mrs. N. F. <br />Kranz and Herbert Reed, of Booth <br />St. Paul, and the lone band by <br />Mrs. Delis A. Jones and F. A. <br />Swanson, <br />robes, <br />of <br />ortb <br />eight <br />the <br />tb <br />dab <br />Leaf <br />ate. <br />rigs <br />of <br />the <br />J. <br />Bee. <br />re. <br />treet, <br />1 <br />J <br />me, <br />8. <br />ver <br />ay <br />on <br />the <br />ry <br />al, <br />bet <br />bg <br />of <br />00, <br />bly <br />oor, <br />be <br />a <br />ter <br />be <br />r. <br />of <br />r. <br />OD <br />of <br />r. <br />g, <br />r- <br />0. <br />$ <br />ns <br />se <br />t, <br />er <br />An&t wire cart <br />only $5.50. <br />CALC4. D SEE. <br />1.1; tr <br />• U <br />4, Son, <br />J <br />Minn. <br />vostOtt <br />Regular meeting, Feb. 24th. Pres - <br />eat Aids. Fe.sbender, Hanson, Hartin, <br />Johnson, Jones, and Nelaon, Mayor <br />West in the chair. <br />On motion of Ald. Jones, the <br />following judges were elected and <br />polling places designated, by wards: <br />1. W. J. Kenney, G. 0. Fasbender, J. <br />J. Schmitz. at J. P. &tillers. <br />2. J. A. Holmquist, E. S. Fitch, Benno <br />Heinen, at City Hall. <br />8. A. A. Scott, J. 0 Johnson, William <br />Hanson. at Estergreen's trimming shop. <br />4. S. N. Greiner, A. V. Gardner, <br />Thomas McLaughlin. at Vermillion <br />Chapel. <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />Otto Ackerman, recording charter.$10.95 <br />The Gazette. printing 14.00 <br />A, O. Nesbitt, batteries 1.00 <br />Charles flanked; postage, express1.50 <br />Adjourned to Monday evening. <br />Komi Rotate Transfers, <br />J. W. McNamara to Henry Con- <br />semius, part of section three, Nin - <br />Inger $ 200 <br />G. 0. Pettigrew to Otto Boche, <br />lot thirteen, block two, Buena Vista <br />Addition to St.. Paul 200 <br />Louts Barcelo to J. S. Gibson, <br />one hundred and sixty acres in sec- <br />tion sixteen. Lebanon 2,500 <br />D. T. Quealy to John Warner, <br />eighty acres in section nine. Mar- <br />shes. 3,200 <br />Mattis O'Brien et ale to Richard <br />Sharp (quit claim). one hundred <br />and sixty acres in section two, <br />Eureka 400 <br />Elizabeth Hager to J. T. Nystuen, <br />eighty acres in section twenty-two, <br />Greenvale 8,450 <br />1. S. Danens et al to P. H. Mc <br />Carthy. lot one, block five, Rose- <br />moant village 190 <br />Desperate <br />Coughs <br />Dangerous coughs. Extremely <br />perilous coughs. Coughs that <br />rasp and,, tear the throat and <br />lungs. Coughs that shake the <br />whole body. You need a regu- <br />lar medicine, a doctor's medi- <br />cine, for such a cough. Ask <br />your doctor about Ayer's <br />Cherry Pectoral. <br />w.,..... our formulas <br />p froealsastit=tal <br />yendoses, <br />Any pod doctor will tell you that a medi- <br />cine lika Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot <br />do its best work if the bowels are con- <br />sdpated. Ask your doctor If be knows <br />anything better thin AYer's Pills for cor- <br />reeds' this sluggishness of the liver. <br />als by.J. 0. Oyer Oa. Lowell. <br />DR. E. C. ROBERTS, <br />OPTOTIETMIST, <br />will make his next regular visit to <br />HASTINGS, MAR. 4th. <br />OFFICE AT PHEENIX HOTEL <br />Byes to. be fltted properly should be <br />examined scientifically, by some one who <br />is an expert. Guess work is not safe. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />&ad SmokersMattel's. <br />208 Second Street, <br />1. C. ItiltDMIIMO, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Flatitu: mossy to iaaa oa ettg imperil WI <br />ni <br />raat lowest rates of tatoroot.- If will <br />mLoa to look so up beers borrowing elm <br />..OTA 00. WIWI= ASSOCIATION, <br />Obeouarf, <br />Mrs. James Stenson died at her <br />home in Denmark list Friday eves - <br />lug fmm heart trouble. after sn ill- <br />ness of a week, aged Minty. <br />two years. She was a daughter of <br />Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herman, of that <br />town, and was married at Hastings <br />in May, 1905. Mrs. Stenson was au <br />estimable young woman, and her <br />early death is deeply mourned 'by • <br />wide circle of friends. 8be leaves a I <br />husband and two young daughters. <br />The funeral was held from <br />Church of Lite Guardian Angels on <br />Monday, at ten a. tn., the Rev. P. R. <br />Cunningham officiating. Interment! <br />at the church cemetery. <br />Mr. D. L. Thompson, a former well <br />known grain dealer of this city, died <br />at Rochester on Thursday evening, <br />aged about fifty-nine years. He had <br />been twice married, and leaves a wife <br />and two daughters by the first <br />marriage, Miss Adelaide M. Thomp- <br />son, of Lewiston, Mont., and Mrs. N. <br />J. Steffen, of Holland, Minn. The <br />funeral will be held from the Presby- <br />terian Church to -day, at half past <br />two p. m., the Rev. R. L. Lewis <br />officiating. Interment at Lakeside. <br />- - <br />Mrs. Sophia McCarriel, a former <br />resident of this city, died in St. Paul <br />on Thursday, aged sixty-four years. <br />The funeral will be held here at two <br />p. ID. <br />Mr. C. J. Meloy, a former well <br />known resident of this city, died at <br />Shullaburg, Wis., on Friday, after a <br />protracted illness. <br />The remaining twin of Mr. and <br />Mrs. George Franklin, on Vermillion <br />Street, died Tuesday morning from <br />malnutrition, aged three weeks. <br />Stelgliborl000d Favorite. <br />Mrs. E. D. Charles. of Harbor, Me., <br />speaking of Electric Bitters. says. " It is <br />a neighborhood favorite here with us." <br />It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. <br />It gives quick relief In dyspepsia, liver <br />complaint, kidney derangement. malnu- <br />trition. nervousness, weakness, and gener- <br />al debility. Its action on the blood as a <br />thorough purifier makes it especially tiee- <br />ful as a spring medicine. This grand al- <br />terative tonic is sold under guarantee at <br />Rude's drug store. 50o. <br />livssaaess. <br />Another pretty marriage took <br />place at Si.. Bobilaee Church on Tues- <br />day, at halt past nine a. m., tbe <br />principals being Mr. Nicholas G. <br />Wagner and Miss Rose E. Sieben, of <br />this city. The ceremony was per - <br />funned by the Rev. Conrad Glatz- <br />under. Miss Margaret K.. Sieben, <br />sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, <br />Mr. M. H. Schumacher best man, <br />and the ushers were J. A. Langenfeld <br />and V. J. Schroeder, Mies Mary Kranz <br />presided at the organ. The bride <br />was gowned in a beautiful white net <br />en train°, with lace trimmings and <br />medallions, wearing a white picture <br />hat, and carried a white prayer book; <br />the bridesmaid wore a Nile green <br />silk tissue, with lace trimmings, hat to <br />match, and carried white carnations. <br />Nuptial high MUM followed the cere- <br />mony, and at the close the party was <br />driven to the home of the bride's <br />Mother, corner of Fifth and Tyler <br />Streets, where a delightful informal <br />reception was held, only relatives <br />and immediate friends being present. <br />The bride is one of our popular <br />young milliners, and the groom a <br />well known contractor. Many hand- <br />some presents were received, several <br />of them from abroad, together with <br />the usual congratulations. They left <br />in the evening upon & wedding trip to <br />Austin, and will take up a resi. <br />dence on Vermillion Street. <br />Mr, William O. Stroud, of this <br />city, and Mins Nettie 0. Rognsted, of <br />Menomonie, Wis., were married at <br />the latter place on the 20th inet. <br />They arrived here Saturday evening, <br />and were tendered a delightful inform- <br />al reception at the home of bis <br />parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Stroud. <br />The groom's many friends here ex- <br />tend hearty congratulations. <br />State of Ohio, olt) or Toledo. <br />senior art the arni of F. &Co.. <br />Frank J. Cheney makes °ail that he is the <br />pLuca.ser0o.funty4 <br />doing business in the city of Toledo, ooanty and <br />suite aforesaid, and Wet said firm will paythe <br />sum of 'one hundred dollars for each and every <br />oase of catarrh that eannot be cured by the use <br />Hall's Catarrh Cure. <br />FRANK J. CHENEY, <br />Sworn to before me and subocribed in my <br />presence this 515 day of Deoem. Wbe.ouuso <br />r, a.d. 1898. <br />A „, <br />Notary Pablio. <br />Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and <br />acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces <br />of the velem. fiend for testimonials free. <br />F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, O. <br />Sold by druggists. 780. <br />Take Rallis Family Pills for eonstipaUon. <br />(Marsh At000socomosta. <br />Services at the Baptist Church to- <br />morrow morning. Sunday school and <br />young people's meeting at the usual hour. <br />A union service will be held at the <br />Methodist Church to -morrow evening, <br />with an address by HT. Clark, a represen- <br />tative of the Minnesota Anti -Saloon <br />League. <br />INTZRESTINO PA.iPHLZT$ IEEE. <br />Chlesso, IllIvraakoo. Pool lity. <br />Describe present opportunities offered <br />along the new railway lines la the Deka <br />tas, Montana, Idaho. and Washington. <br />Pamphlets are of interest to investors, <br />farmers, stockmen, fruit growers, mer <br />chants, tradesmen, and professional mem <br />These are the titles. Montana Folder, In <br />the Dakotas and Montana, Many Aeres <br />Open to Settlers, Business Opportunities, <br />A Trip Along the Paoli% °out Exten- <br />sion of theft. Paul Road. F. A. Stiller, <br />general pusenger agent. Chicago. <br />Card of Moak*. <br />We wish to express our sinoere appre- <br />ciation and thanks to many friends and <br />neighbors for their expreselons of sympa- <br />thy and kindness shown um In our late <br />bereavement, in the death of our beloved <br />'husband and father. <br />Mrs. Pena Continues and Family. <br />Dollbring &ad ballon Sim* <br />E. S. Loper, of Maxilla, N. Y., says, <br />"I am a carpenter and have had many <br />severe outs healed by Buoklen's Arnica <br />Salve. It has saved me suffering and <br />dollars. It is by far the best bean' <br />salve, I have ever found." Buis Weas <br />sores, nitwits, fever sons, 01111.4. led <br />• <br />IC11.10 <br />CORN SYiWIP <br />The delicious extract of <br />whole corn of unequaled <br />quality and flavor. <br />Nag awl Da* for <br />Grid& Cakes ht Candy <br />In al' -UI am Ilk Ole, <br />CM MOULTS MFG. CIL <br />. "1.0 <br />k <br />XXXX COFFEE CHUMS <br />ESTERGREEN'S <br />Wagon and Carriage Shop. <br />You will find a full line of <br />Wagons, (our own make) surreys, <br />open and top buggies, spring <br />wagons, milk wagons, de- <br />livery wagons, etc. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the best work, tieing Never Slip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of all kinds. <br />Having added a new planer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your patronage. <br />Dealer in ooal and wood. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Offioe and works, corner Fifth and 'Vermillion Streets, Hastings. <br />$37.15 to San Francisco, Los Angeles <br />San Diego <br />and <br />$30.40 Vancouver <br />to Seattle, Portland, Tacoma and <br />March I to April 3o -Daily , <br />Similar rates to thousands of other <br />points in the Pacific Coast States <br />and in Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and <br />New Mexico. <br />Through Tourist Mei:ping Cars daily from principal Burlington Route Stations. <br />Personally Conducted Tourist Car. Parties to California from principal <br />stations several times a week. <br />Let me give you folders telling all <br />itbout the low rates and good service. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent. <br />C. B. & Q. R. R. <br />111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 <br />DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS <br />BY CHECK? <br />And thus have a record of each and every amount expended, <br />together with a receipt for the amount paid?. <br />If not, you need a checking account with this bank. It is the <br />safest way, the most convenient and satisfactory method of trans . <br />acting all business payments. <br />We will be pleased to have you make this batik your place of <br />deposit. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />=.1.1 <br />0. ¥RRTZ &80N. <br />thisiselakhoe. <br />rimer& Okolkoit. <br />LBMIDGE,BRO8. & <br />Hoottags, Klan. <br />libabvitss.aste fatostood isilatmet, <br />t <br />