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1 <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />IRVING TODD & SON. <br />-ATURDAY MARCH 14, 1008. <br />The city of Hastings needs a mu- <br />nicipal court about as much as a cat <br />does three tails. We already have a <br />resident judge with the court business <br />of only one county to attend to, a <br />police justice who barely averages a <br />drunk per week, and four ward justices <br />who do not make an entry in their <br />dockets once a quarter. The taxpay- <br />ers have enough on their hands just <br />at present without unnecessarily ad. <br />ding to their burdens. <br />The Hon. A. L. Cole, of Walker, <br />died at Sanbenite, Tex., on the 5th <br />inst., of Bright's disease. He was a <br />prominent member of the legislature <br />in 1903 and 1905, and the republi- <br />can candidate for governor two years <br />ago. Minnesota has lost an able and <br />valuable citizen. <br />E. D. Libhey, of St. Paul, received <br />a check of $44 10 from the govern- <br />ment a few days ago, the difference <br />in pay when promoted from a sergeant <br />to a commissioned officer. He was <br />m+istered out of service in 1865, and <br />has been waiting forty-three years to <br />have the account adjusted. <br />C. E Elmquist, of Rush City, an- <br />nounces himself as a candidate for <br />railroad commissioner. He is serv- <br />ing his fourth term as attorney of <br />Chisago County, and a good man for <br />the place. New blood is certainly <br />needed in that important branch of <br />the state government. <br />At the meeting of the democratic <br />state committee in St. Paul last week <br />resolutions presenting Goss J. A. <br />Johnson as a candidate for president <br />were adopted by a vote of sixty-eight <br />to twenty-three. It was a dearly <br />bought victory. <br />For the creyclit of Minnesota it is <br />hoped that the managers of the state <br />fair will not attempt a reproduction <br />of the New Ulm massacre at their <br />coming exhibition. It would seem <br />too much like sacrilege. <br />The republican congressional con- <br />vention, third district, will be held <br />at Shakopee, Apr. 15th, to elect <br />delegates to the national convention. <br />Dakota County is entitled to thirteen <br />delegates. <br />The supreme court holds that <br />applications for the abatement of <br />state taxes must have the recommen- <br />dation of the county auditor to give <br />the state tax commission jurisdiction. <br />Our delinquent subscribers have <br />two weeks left to regain their stand- <br />ing with the postoffice department, <br />and much may be done in a fort- <br />night. Look at the yellow label. <br />It is said that W. J. Bryan <br />thinks of becoming an evangelist <br />if defeated for the presidency a third <br />time, as he undoubtedly will be. <br />Why not try life insurance? <br />The democratic state convention to <br />select delegates to the national <br />convention will be held at St. Paul, <br />May 14th. Dakota County is en- <br />titled to thirteen delegates. <br />J. J. Farrell, of Carver, was re- <br />elected president of the national <br />buttermakers' association at St. <br />Paul on Thursday. <br />Verm111ton Items. <br />C. W. Adams, of Pontis, S. D., is <br />here on a visit. <br />Leo Siebenaler drove to Hastings <br />Monday with a cord of wood. <br />Mathias Siebenaler drove to Hast- <br />ings Saturday. <br />John Zeien, of Dickinson, N. D., is <br />home on a visit. <br />John Halpen will he busy some <br />time taking pictures. <br />Michael Niesen shot jack rabbits <br />Monday and Tuesday. <br />H. J. Ruttier, of Marshan, is laid <br />up with a severe cold. <br />Jacob Setlauuo, of Hampton, was <br />in Marshan on Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Holzmer <br />aere in Hastings Monday. <br />V. F. Ruttier will ship several cars <br />of grain the last of the week. <br />Hubert Schneider, of Marshan, <br />drove to Hastings on Monthly. <br />tVilliaw Schneider, of Marshan, <br />went to the twiu cities Tuesday. <br />The forty hours devotion will begin <br />at St. John's Church on Monday. <br />Michael Kesel, of Marshan, was <br />visiting here the first of the week. <br />Nicholas Kaufman bought a three <br />year ohl Pereheron mare for $254. <br />Thirty-five teams were hauling lum- <br />ber for the new church on Monday. <br />S H. Anderson, of Marshan, and <br />Miss Lillie Hagen, of Hampton, are <br />i❑ the twin cities upon a visit. <br />Jacob Schano and Mr. and Mrs. V. <br />E. McNemery and daughter made a <br />flying trip to Hastings Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rother, of <br />Marshan, were the guests of her moth- <br />er, Mrs. Fred Schweich, over Sunday. <br />S. C. Petterson, of South St. Paul, <br />Nought quite a number of hogs and <br />steers\this vicinity last Saturday. <br />W. H. Furry, of Greenvale, recent- <br />ly shipped several bushels of Silver <br />Mine oats to the state experimental <br />farm at Hemline to he used as seed <br />at that institution.—Northfield Inde. <br />pendent. <br />R.nColph Items. <br />Carl Judd is telegraph operator at <br />Hampton. <br />Miss Vesta Dickman went to St. <br />Paul Tuesday. <br />Mrs. J. W. McDaniel went to St. <br />Paul Saturday. <br />James Hurley was a St. Paul <br />visitor Saturday. <br />Frank Biles, of Hudson, was in <br />town Wednesday. <br />Miss Ruby I. Brighton visited over <br />Sunday at Newport. <br />Mrs. John Metz, of Minneapolis, <br />visited here over Sunday, <br />S. A. Smith, of Bruno, is spending <br />a few days in this vicinity. <br />Merton Hickman, of Hayfield, spent <br />the last of the week in the village. <br />Walter Otte and Bernie Engler <br />were Farmington visitors on Sunday. <br />Mrs. Albert Baker left. for Montana <br />Tuesday evening to join her husband. <br />Miss Clara Lueben, teacher in <br />Hampton, is haring a week's vaca- <br />tion. <br />Walter, W. WV., and August Otte <br />spent Friday and Saturday in Mills - <br />burg. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ira Alexander enter- <br />tained the Skidoo Club Friday <br />evening. <br />Miss Gertrude Otte . entertained a <br />number of the Skidoo Club Saturday <br />evening. <br />Andrew Markman, of St. Paul, <br />spent Wednesday with Thomas <br />Oberdorf. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith and <br />daughters arrived home from Los <br />Angeles on 31on l:tv. <br />Miss Lydia and Susie Becker <br />entertained company- from Cannon <br />Falls on Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Engler, of <br />Cannon Lake, spent the first of the <br />week in this vicinity. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch entertained <br />Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamoro, of <br />Northfield, on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ahner May went to <br />Young America Saturday to see his <br />mother, who is quite ill. <br />Henry McIlrath, of Coates, is <br />speeding a few days with his wife <br />and daughter, who are sick. <br />Miss Lucile Smalley, of Faribault, <br />is spending this week with her <br />mother, Mrs. G: W. Smalley. <br />The Ladies' Aid Society will give <br />an apron and necktie social at M. \V. <br />A. Hall next Friday- evening. <br />Charlie Johnson, of Bixby, was the <br />guest of his uncle, C. F. Johnson, <br />from Saturday until Wednesday. <br />Miss Maude Duby, of Faribault, <br />was the guest of M rs. Ira Alexander <br />from Friday until Sunday evening. <br />H. 0. Nelson, of Minneapolis, spoke <br />in the Methodist Church Monday <br />evening on the Rochdale co-operative <br />plan. <br />The United Brotherhood lodge gave <br />a dance at M. \V.A. Hall on Tuesday <br />evening. Music by Mr. and Mrs. <br />C. D. Donaldson. <br />Mrs. Jacob Peter, Mrs. A. A. <br />Hedecke, Mrs. Albert Baker, and <br />Ray Peter went to Castle Rock Mon- <br />day to visit Mrs. Fred Severts. <br />Ramsey Camp held a regular <br />monthly. meeting Saturday afternoon <br />Two new members were received <br />Hereafter meetings will be on the <br />first and third Saturdays of the <br />month. At the close the ladies had <br />a bountiful supper at the home of <br />Mrs. Lillie McElrath, recorder. <br />Pt. Douglas Items. <br />D. L. Hone, of Minneapolis, was at <br />J. H. Hone's on Sunday. <br />Orange Dibble, wife, and daughter <br />spent Sunday with his mother, Ars. <br />Mary Dibble. <br />John Mares and family and Joseph <br />Carli, of Cottage Grove, were at C. <br />R. Whitaker's on Sunday, <br />Mrs, Frank Karnick was called to <br />Prescott on Wednesday on account of <br />the serious illness of her sister, for <br />Overly Miss Helen Karnick. <br />The following town officers of Den• <br />mark were elected on Tuesday: <br />Superrisor.—Albert Stotesbury. <br />Town Clerk.—C. 0. Henry. <br />Treasurer.—Mark Wrig1rf,yjr. <br />:assessor.— <br />Dennis Cook. <br />Justices of the Peace.—C. 0. Henry, <br />,lohn Wright. <br />Constables.—William Louden, Stephen <br />Cook. <br />Eli Dibble very generously gave <br />the use of his new phonograph at a <br />Sunday school entertainment at the <br />schoolhouse on Monday evening. <br />There was a large attendance, and a <br />vote of thanks was returned to Mr. <br />Dibble. Carl Henry skillfully manip- <br />ulated the machine, without exhaust- <br />ing half of the records for lack of <br />time. <br />Inver ((rove Items. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Nels Monson visited <br />in St. Paul Tuesday evening. <br />Harold McNellis, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of T. S. Ryan on Sunday. <br />Misses Effie Hagen and Esther <br />Malcum spent Sunday in St. Paul. <br />Mrs. Peter Malcum was the guest <br />of Mrs. Andrew Oberg Wednesday. <br />Henry Holmberg, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Alex Anderson last week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Clark Woodworth <br />entertained a number of friends at <br />cards Tuesday evening. <br />Mrs. Belle Bradshaw, of South St. <br />Paul, was the guest of Mrs. Nele <br />Monson Saturday and Sunday. <br />Dir. and Mrs. Charles Wiley, of <br />Rosemount, were the guests of Mr. <br />and Mrs. Clerk Woodworth Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oberg and <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fay Benson and chil- <br />dren were visiting in St. Paul on <br />Sunday. <br />Mrs Nels Monson entertained a <br />large number of friends at lunch <br />Saturday afternoon, her wedding <br />anniversary. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drake and <br />daughter were spending a few days <br />at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clark <br />Woodworth. <br />Vermilion Station Items. <br />Benno Nieseu is home upon a visit, <br />John Niesen drove to Hampton <br />Sunday. <br />Nicholas Rech was in Hastings <br />Monday. <br />Mrs. Louts Girgen went to Haat- <br />ings Monday. <br />Nicholas Schaono went to Union <br />Hill on Tuesday. <br />Frank Kitchen Caine out from <br />Hastings Monday. <br />A. D. Hubbard, of Hastings, was <br />in town Wednesday. <br />Dennis Fahey, and J. J. Gergen <br />were in Hastings Monday. <br />John Rech, of New Prague, is here <br />on a visit with his brother Nicholas. <br />Michael Dordan and John Burke <br />were out from Hastings Wednesday. <br />Peter Doffing and John Lenartz <br />were over from NOW Trier tVcdnes• <br />day. <br />Constantine Oswald, of South St. <br />Paul, is buying n car of horses in <br />this vicinity. <br />Nicholas Itech, jr, and Charles <br />Marschall are busy hauling wood from <br />Spring Lake. <br />,11r. and :irs. John tt'iederhold <br />and M rs Christ. Wagner drove to <br />Hastings Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Hettinger, of <br />Farmington, were here Sunday on a <br />visit with their daneliter, Mrs Jacob <br />Stoffel. <br />J. J. Gergen bought the farmers' <br />elevator at auction on Wednesday <br />for $6,525, and will he ready for <br />business next Monday. Ile is an <br />experienced man in the business, and <br />will undoubtedly do well the corning <br />season. <br />South St. Paul steins. <br />A number of families are afflicted <br />with the measles. <br />Supt. L. N. Isaacs has been re- <br />elected for a fifth term, at $1,575 per <br />year. <br />The tax rate this year is forty- <br />seven mills, owing to increasing <br />city expenses. <br />John Innes has been elected as <br />alderman to succeed George Wick- <br />man, resigned. <br />Thomas Nolan has been appointed <br />patrolman in the first ward, vice <br />William Robinson discharged. <br />The auction sale of horses on Tues <br />day was a record breaker, nearly <br />seven hundred being disposed of. <br />Tire new school building at South <br />Park will probably not be built this <br />year, owing to the failure to obtain a <br />state loan. <br />J. J. O'Brien, secretary of the <br />school board, has been provided with <br />a clerk, Miss Ethel Henderson, at <br />$20 per month. <br />C. A. Forbes has been appointed <br />special assistant engineer to examine <br />several bridges for the state highway <br />commission. <br />Joseph Meyei was held to the <br />grand jury last week for alleged <br />larceny of $60.50 from the trunk of <br />Paul Danka, tat a boarding house. <br />Joseph Burke was sent up for <br />ninety days on tVednesday for re- <br />fusal to support his wi fe, sentence <br />being suspended pending a suit for <br />ilivoice, <br />B. F. Meineclte, assistant superin- <br />tendent for Swift & Co., has gone to <br />Bowman, N. D., to work on the Mil- <br />waukee coast extension, and is sue- <br />ceeded by John Innes. <br />Hampton Items. ._ <br />J. P. Schanno was in Hastings on <br />Sunday. <br />Frank Bauer returned to Hast- <br />ings on Tuesday. <br />Constantine Oswald returned from <br />college on Monday. <br />Miss Marie Niedere spent Sunday <br />at home in Hastings. <br />John Schmidt made a trip to <br />Hastings on Monday. <br />Mathias Weiland and family were <br />in Hastings on Saturday. <br />John Scitobert has returned from <br />a business trip in Chicago. <br />Michael Kesel, of New Trier, was <br />in from Vermillion on Sunday. <br />M. F. Siebenaler has bought a <br />horse of John Lorentz for $150. <br />Benjamin Giefer made a flying <br />trip to Cannon Falls on Tuesday. <br />,John Ludwig, of Vermillion, was <br />the guest of Philip Tix on Friday. <br />J. M. Feipel shipped a car of <br />stock to South St. Paul on Thursday. <br />Nicholas Siebenaler and Mathias <br />Reinardy went to St. Paul on <br />Tuesday. <br />Michael Schneider and son, of <br />Marshan, were in town the flrst of <br />the week. <br />Charles Schweich bought a new <br />twelve foot drill in Hastings on <br />Saturday. <br />The Reed -Messner Marriage. <br />The marriage of Miss Maud E. <br />Messner, daughter of Airs. Josephine <br />Messner, to 51r. Melville E. Reed, of <br />Hastings, took place last evening in <br />Mrs. Messner's apartments at the <br />Angus. The ceremony was per. <br />formed by the Rev. A. D. Harmon, <br />of the First Christian Church, in the <br />presence of twenty five or thirty <br />relatives and friends. Preceded by <br />her sister, Mrs. ClarenceD. Williams, <br />of New York, the bride entered the <br />room with her mother, who gave her <br />away. She wore a gown of white <br />lace made in the Empire style over <br />white satin, and carried lilies of the <br />valley and orchids. Her veil was <br />of tulle, and the only jewelry worn <br />was a pendant of diamonds and pearls, <br />the gift of the bridegroom: Mrs. <br />Andrews wore pale blue mulle and <br />lace, and carried white sweet peas. <br />Mr. Reed's brother, Dr. C. A. Reed, <br />of Minneapolis, was his best man. <br />The rooms were prettily decorated <br />with palms, Southern smilax, and <br />white'flowers, and William Nelson's <br />orchestra tarnished the music. Mr. <br />and Mre. Reed left after the wedding <br />supper for New Orleans.—St. Paul <br />Pioneer Press, 1301. <br />Made from Pure Grape Cream of Tartar <br />I Shields the Food from Alum <br />The Town Meetings. Justices of the Neer. —Peter Heinen, <br />The following is the result of the Edward iVeyman. <br />town elections in Dakota County last I Const14' —Philip Kearns, T. B. Mau - <br />Tuesday : utnfr.' ' <br />BURNSVILLE <br />Super•cisor.—Walter Kennelly. <br />Town Clerk,—John Connolly. <br />Treasurer.—Thomas Kennelly. <br />Assessor,—Peter ]alley. <br />Justice of the Peace.—James McCoy. <br />Constable.—Charles Denham. <br />CASTLE ROCK. <br />Supervsor.—F. J. Grove. <br />Totes Clerk.—H. G. Otte. <br />Treasurer.—H, M. Sanders. <br />Assessor,—D. J. Childs. <br />Justices of the Peace.—A. J. Lasby, 2 yrs. <br />James Brant, 1 yr. <br />Constables.—O. D. Shumway, 2 yrs. P. <br />Doub. 1 yr. <br />DOUGLAS. <br />Supervisor.—Michael Feidt. <br />Town Clerk.—Charles Teuber. <br />Treasurer.—Simon Mainz. <br />Assessor.—A. J. Schauer. <br />Justice of the Peace.—F.N,W.Schwelch. <br />Conetabk.—Conrad Rohr. <br />EAGAN. <br />Supervisor.—Mlchael Barry. <br />Town Ckrk.—Everas Touslgnant. <br />Treasurer,—William Motz. <br />Assessor —A. F. Goetzke. <br />Justice of the Peau.—%V. H. Taylor. <br />Constable.—John Sieg. <br />EMPIRE. <br />Supervisor.—p. W. Klaus. <br />Town Ckrk.--C. 1. Wells. <br />Treasurer —H. W. Husmer. <br />Assessor.—S. G. Harrington. <br />Justice of the Pease.—George Perry. <br />Constable—T. J. Feely. <br />EUREKA. <br />Supervisor.—M. A. Fugile. <br />Toicn Clerk.—E. P. Ruh. <br />Treasurer.—peter Thompson. <br />Assessor.—J. S. Larsen. <br />Justices of the Peace.—A. L. Miller, <br />A. L. Savers. <br />Constable.—Oscar Leina. <br />GREENVALE. <br />Supervisor,—Andrew Nelson. <br />Town Clerk.— IV. J. Gill. <br />Treasurer,—J. J. Winter <br />Assessor.—John Armstrong. <br />Justice of the Peau.—G. H. Wood. <br />Constables.—Pat Mulligan, G. <br />Simpson. <br />HAMPTON. <br />Supervisor.—Adam Schaefer. <br />Town Clerk.—Gerhardt Gergen. <br />Treasurer.—Henry Schaffer. <br />Assessor.—Barney Oretz. <br />Justice of the Peau.—Edward Wille. <br />Constable.—Charles Wille. <br />INVER GROVE. <br />Supervisor.—Ferdinand Lengsfeld. <br />Town Clerk.—Henry Gackstetter. <br />Treasurer.—Fred Schmidt. <br />Assessor.—Wellington Rolling. <br />Justiee of the Peace, -0, J,'lehnder. <br />Constable.—A. M. Krech. <br />LAKEVILLE. <br />Supervisor.—John Myers. <br />Town Clerk.—W, F. Roche. <br />Treasurer.—G. W. Betz. <br />Assessor.—M. J. Kelly. <br />Justice of the Peau.—R. McClintock, F. <br />J. Paddock. <br />Constable,—Grover McGrail. <br />LEBANON. <br />Supervisor.—James Scott. <br />Toxon Clerk,—Thomas Scott. <br />Treasurer.—J. E. Delaney. <br />Auessor.—John Farrell. <br />Justice of the Peace.—Neice Nelson. <br />Constable.—John Dunn. <br />MARSHAN. <br />Supervisor.—F. N. Ruhr. <br />To104 Clerk.—Dennis McNamara. <br />Treasurer,—p. J. Reinardy. <br />Assessor.—Daniel Duffy. <br />Justice of the Peace.—Stephen McGree. <br />Constable.—Edward Doyle. <br />MENDOTA. <br />Supervisor.—William Callahan. <br />Town Clerk.—J. J. LeMay. <br />Treasurer.—H. E. C. Debrer. <br />Assessor.—A. W. Lau. <br />Constable —Richard Clemens. <br />NININGER. <br />Supervisor.—Frank Kelly. <br />Town Clerk.—Thomas Dunn. <br />Treasurer.—John Conzemlus. <br />Assessor. --James Ahern. <br />Justice of the Peau.—James Hackett. <br />Constable,—Water Blomstrand. <br />RANDOLPH, <br />Supervisor,.—W. P. Peter. John <br />Tyner, 2rs. <br />Town Clerk.—O. T. Valentine. <br />Treasurer,—H. 0. Witte. <br />Assessor,—Charles Smith. <br />Justice of the Peace.—Jacob Peter. <br />Constable, --John Englund. <br />RAVENNA. <br />Supervisors.—A. M. Anderson, F. E. <br />Blake. lyr. <br />Town Clerk.—I. E. Day. <br />Treasurer. --E. M. Veseth. <br />Assessor,—Edward DuShane. <br />ROSEMOUNT. <br />Supervisor,—William Leonard. <br />Town Clerk.—T. E. Devitt. <br />Treasurer.—J. J. Hynes. <br />Assaler.—Henry Jago.. <br />Superrilor, —ESCi. EU. 1T",aA r 1 r. <br />Town Clerk. --Frank Uerknt,4. <br />Treasurer.—Samuel Wert. <br />Assessor. --J. M. Slocum. <br />Justice of the fears --Elbert nowt. <br />Constable.—James Ilark n.t?alp, <br />VE(tM i',LiON. <br />Superrisor.—MIchnri Iledxnu'r. <br />Town Clerk.—.1. J. (tergeti. <br />Tf'easurer.—Christ, Warn. r. <br />Assessor.—.1oseph borsch. Jr. <br />Justice oft& Peare,---J, 0. Weller. <br />Constable.—Barney Bare tett, <br />WA'T'ERFORD. <br />Supervisor.—John Pentjit, a 1,nt. <br />Town Clerk.—A. T. Wltha•ru. <br />Treasurer.—A, E. Oosvc,11. <br />Assessor.—N, 8. Nichoiis. <br />Justices of the Peace.—E, S. 11111, It. <br />Gray. <br />Constable. --George Turner. <br />E. <br />The Vtllege Eteetliotne, <br />The following reports of the village <br />elections on Tllt!Rtltly 11aVe been <br />received: <br />HAMPTt_)N. <br />President, —N. P. Gores, <br />Trustees.—John Tix, Joseph Linden. <br />felser, Barney Tix. <br />Recorder. --L. L. Reinharalt., <br />Treasurer.—.1, M. FAtat <br />Assessor --Mashing Weruzlc:r, <br />Justice of the Peace.—John Ihilf+ 1 i. <br />Constable. —N. Ns Theis. <br />LAKEVILLE. <br />I',r'Gid:nt —E. Hearst. <br />Trustees.—P. P. %mels. William <br />Garth. C. H. Dunham, <br />Recorder,—W. F. Roche.. <br />Treasurer.—Otto Shen. <br />Assessor.—G. W. Betz. <br />Justice of the Peart•.—F. W. Lenlhen. <br />Constable,—M. L. Spt'Ilaac_v. <br />RANDOLPJI. <br />President.—D. C. Judd. <br />Trustees.—A. A. Hrtt tk e, William <br />Lueben, C. F. Johnson. <br />Recorder.—W. L. McElratlt. <br />Treasurer.—L. R. Miller. <br />Assessor.—J. W. MoDan(el. <br />Justices of the Peace.—R. 13, Morrill, <br />J. W. McDaniel. <br />Constable.—Joseph Felton, <br />VERMILLION. <br />President.—Nicholas Klutz. <br />Trustee. --J. J. Gergen. Christ Wag- <br />ner, John Kesel. <br />Reeorder.—J. P. Klein, <br />Treasurer.—John Wiederhold. <br />Hymeneal <br />Mr. John II. Jacobson and ;Hiss <br />Julia A. Barbaras, of this city, were <br />married at the residuuce of Mr. and <br />Mrs. 0. C. Schrimpf, itt ltobbiusdale, <br />on Sunday, at twelve In., the Rev. <br />Mr. Colp, pastor of the Congregation- <br />al Church, performing the ceremony. <br />Miss Olga Schrimpf was bridesmaid, <br />and Mr. J. G. Johnson, of Hastings, <br />best man. A delightful informal re <br />ception followed, only immediate <br />friends being present. Both bride <br />and groom are well ;known young <br />people, and their many friends in this <br />city and vicinity extend hearty con. <br />gratulations. They arrived here on <br />the evening train, and have taken up <br />a residence on Vermillion Street. <br />Mies Belle Daniels, a former teach- <br />er in our high school, was married to <br />Mr. W. E. Firthter, of Heron, S. D., at <br />Duncombe, IR., nn the 23d alt. They <br />will he at home in Huron after Mar. <br />15th. <br />A Wagnerian Evening. <br />A special Wagnerian programme will <br />be given by the St. Paul Symphony Or- <br />chestra at the Auditorium on Sunday <br />evening, with Mme. Johanna Gadakl, the <br />famous Wagnerian soprano, as soloist. <br />Mme. Gadski will sing three of the great <br />arias with which her nama and fame has <br />been so intimately associated, and the <br />orchestral numbers will be unusually fine. <br />The prices will be popular in character, <br />the seats selling at, fifty cents, seventy• <br />five cents, and $l. It is not often that <br />the music lovers of this portion of the <br />country have an opportunity to hear a <br />concert of Ibis degree of excellence. or' a <br />soloistof the reputation of Mane Gadakl <br />at these prices. Mail and telephone <br />orders may be sent to Dyer faros. Music <br />Store, Fifth Street, St. Paul. <br />Beware of Ointments for Cartarrh that <br />contain Mercury, <br />As" mercury will surely destroy the sense of <br />smell and completely derange the whole system <br />when enterhtg it through the mueous surfaces. <br />Snob articles should never be used except on <br />prescriptions from reputable physician., as the <br />damage they w111 do la ten fold to the good you <br />can possibly derive from them, Hall's Catarrh <br />Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney R Co„ To. <br />ledo, 0., wetting no mercury, sed is taken in. <br />ternally, acting directly upon the blood and <br />mucous surfaces of the system. in buying Hall's <br />Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genet.. It is <br />takes internally, and made in Toledo, O., by <br />F. J. Cheney A: Co. Testimonials free. <br />Sold by drugggistsprice 760. per bottle. <br />Take Aa11'e Funny Pills for ooluUpmtloa. <br />The Educational Association. at. Bsaltaoe Church. - <br />At the teachers' section on Friday A renewal of the mission was <br />the following officers were electtsti: held at St. Boniface Church on Thurs- <br />. <br />try.--AguMarges aretA. Myers, Lakeville, day,athalt astninem.,withsermonage <br />ing Steveea, Haat- by the Very lieu. Theoda.ore H- <br />A paper was read by Miss Ella man, of Mankato. In the afternoon <br />McFarland, of Eagan, upon Disci there were instructions for the <br />pline, the consideration bestowed and married people, and in the even - <br />methods adopted, favoring oorporal lug for the unmarried. Yesterday <br />punishment when necessary. a forty hour dev$tlon began, with <br />The second day opened with the sermon each day, at half past nine a. <br />Question Box, the slips being die, m , by the Jesuit Father, closing on <br />cussed separately by the superinten• Sunday with a procession of the <br />dents, teachers, and school o®cers, Blessed Sacrament. The Rev. Peter <br />much interest being elicited. At Wollaic, O. 8. B., of Duelist, Minn,, <br />the business meeting oftltxrs were will be here to preach to the Polish <br />elected as follows: people. The Rt Rev. Abbot Engel, <br />President,—Supt.. L. N. Isaacs, South of St. John's Abbey, the Rev. Alto <br />St. Paul. Walter. O. 8. B., of St. Paul, <br />Tice Presidents.— Ella McFarland. and the Rev, P. R. Cunningbam, of <br />Eagan. A. J. Schaller, Hastings, John alis elty, are assisting 1n the services, <br />Shields, Eagan.g <br />Secretory.—Josephine C. Raetz, South _-.-.__ - <br />5t. Paul. Hansa. <br />H. W. f)aine, Farmington. Reap. am X7. cls <br />Treasurer.— z7 <br />The following committees were <br />uppotnted: <br />Recommendations. — Magnus Brown, <br />akeville, James Slater, Mendota, <br />Florence I. Tuttle, Hastings. <br />Resolutions.—Florence Pierce, Mendota, <br />Ethel VanVllet, Waterford, Millie <br />Strouse, South St. Paul. <br />The report of the committee on <br />resolutions was adopted as follows: <br />The sixteenth annual convention of the <br />I)akota County Educational Association. <br />held et.Hastiogs. Mar. 6th and 7th, 1908, <br />has been an occasion of special enjoy- <br />ment and benefit to all In attendance. Be it <br />Redo/red. That we express our sincere <br />thanks to the people of Hastings for their <br />kind hospitality during our stay in this <br />citqq. <br />lteiotoed, That we especially thank the <br />(commercial Club for their delightful re- <br />ception Thursday evening. <br />Resolved. That we expresss our thanks <br />to Judge E. A. Jaggard for histnterestfug <br />talk: to the Choral Club for their excel- <br />lent music; to the Male Quartette for its <br />pleasing numbers; to Miss Rose Gergen <br />for her violin selections; to Miss Margaret <br />0. Heinen and Mr. Richard Arlen for <br />their vocal numbers. <br />Resolved. That we express our thanks <br />to the school board, who ,-o kindly fur- <br />nished the, building. heated and lighted, <br />thereby lessening our expenses. <br />Resolved, That inasmuch as death <br />has removed from among us one of our <br />earnest workers, Miss Addle Marsh, we <br />hereby express our sincerest, sympathies <br />to her mother and family, also to the <br />district in Eureka where she taught, and <br />that a copy of these resolutions be sent to <br />Mrs. Marsh and family, as well as to the <br />district at Eureka. <br />Resolved, That we express our thanks <br />to the executive committee for their faith. <br />ful efforts, which made this s most help- <br />ful and successful meeting. <br />The following report of the com- <br />tnittee on recommendations was <br />adopted: <br />Your eommittee would respectfully <br />recommend that the meeting of the <br />school officers section be held Saturday <br />instead of Friday. lo'order that the joint <br />meeting may be held at a time that will <br />cause a fuller attendance of both teach- <br />ers and officers to discuss questions of <br />interest to both. <br />The afternoon contests were in <br />spelling, arithmetic, and reading, a <br />prize of $2 50 being awarded to the <br />successful schools_ <br />Iu speiiiog there were five contest <br />ants, the prize going to Josie Hos- <br />ford, of District 20, Rich Valley. <br />In arithmetic, fifth and sixth <br />grades, there were two contestants, <br />Amanda Jorgenson, of District 71, <br />Waterford, and Alice Hause, of <br />District 104, Eagan, the prize <br />being taken by the former; in the <br />seventh and eighth grades there were <br />three contestants, George Jorgenson, <br />of District 71, Waterford, Josie Hos. <br />ford, of District 20, Rich Valley, and <br />Anna Becker, of District 38, Vermil- <br />lion, the prize going to Josie Hosford <br />In the reading contest, fourth, <br />fifth, and sixth grades, there were <br />two contestant., Amanda Jorgenson, <br />of District,71. Waterford, and Isabelle <br />1Veiler, of District 38, Vermillion, <br />the latter taking the prize; <br />in the seventh and eighth grades <br />there were two contestants, Mary <br />Schneider, of District 13. Eagan, and <br />Elizabeth Barry, of District 104, <br />Eagan, the latter winning. <br />Among the many fine exhibits of <br />school work mention might be made <br />of District 104, Eagan, Miss Ella <br />McFarland teacher. paintings and <br />drawings. <br />The visiting teachers and school <br />officers returned to their several <br />homes in the evening with many <br />kindly recollections of the successful Millinery Apprentice <br />and profitable sessions held in Hast- <br />ings, <br />astings, and the courtesy and hospi- <br />tality displaced by our citizens. <br />The meeting next year will rte held <br />at South St. Paul. <br />BRAN. -823, <br />BUTTER, -25 cls. <br />Ooltw.-55 cls. <br />Eoos.-15 cta. <br />FI.Ax.--til .07. <br />FI.otts.-42.90. <br />OATS. -45 @ 46 cta. <br />MIDDLINGS. —r 25. <br />Pmts. -14.50 ® 85.00. <br />POTAT0118,-35 Cts. <br />Rsx.-73 ora. <br />SCREENINGS.—$2,3 <br />WHEAT. -90 Cie. <br />Republican County Convention. <br />A republican county oonveotion will beheld at <br />Music Vali, Farmington, on Thursday,April 9th, <br />(8)8, at eleven a. m.. for the purpose of eleotino <br />thirteen delegates to the state convention at <br />Minneapolis. April 16th, and delegates to the re- <br />publican ocmgresslonal convention at Shakopee, <br />Apr. Ihth. <br />The several election districts are entitled to <br />representation as follows: <br />nurusvnle............ 21Mendota .... <br />Castle Rock........... 4 Mendota village....... 2 <br />Doug] ............... 2 New Trier ........ l <br />Empire 4 Nluinger.............. 2 <br />Eureka "" "... •• 7 Randolph.... . 2 <br />4 R,veona ... <br />Greenvale .. ........ 3 <br />_ 3 Rosemount............ q <br />Hampton. ............. 8 Sclota....... <br />Hampton villaul,1stage <br />Hut Das, 1st w8 South St. Paul, *4 w.. 8 <br />Hastings, 9d w 4 south St Paul, 3d w.. 3 <br />Ha'rings, 3d wR Verm1111o0 2 <br />Hastings. 4th w. ..... . 8 Waterford 3 <br />of w <br />Inver Oroye........... 6 West St. Paul, 1st w.. 3 <br />Lakeville.. . 4 West St. Paul, 2d w... 4 <br />Lebanon .... ......... 3 West St. Paul, 3d w... 2 <br />Marshan t <br />t Theabovevotes ore major fraon cUonne thereofandone at large for the average vote cast for the re- <br />publican state and legislative ticket at the genet• <br />al electron in 1906. <br />The primary election for the selection of dele- <br />gates will be held at the usual polling places oe <br />Tuesday Apr. 755, at !JIM p. in. <br />Per order of committee <br />H. L. SV/ACTION, Chairman. <br />J. M. JACK, Secretary. <br />A republicaniciitty oomvveeutItionvwill be held at <br />City !fall on Friday, Mar. 27th. at half put two <br />y m., for the purpose of nominating candidates <br />ter mayor. polka justice. and aldermen at large, <br />to be supported at the ensuing municipal <br />election. <br />severalThe tatton asflowi willds <br />based upon the be lrep republic,. vote <br />for governor at the last election, allowingone at <br />large and one foe each twenty -bre or maorr frac- <br />Um hereof: <br />First ward........... 4I Third ward ............8 <br />blin.4 Fourth ward <br />Second ward................3 , <br />The e <br />ectors will <br />eet in <br />cau- <br />oases on Thur. eyl evening. Me . 9655, at seven <br />o'clock, for the purpose of selecting delegates to <br />the above convention, and maklo • nominations <br />for aldermen, school inspectors. inotices of the <br />of glee ion and constables, <br />as <br />will he the notice <br />held at he <br />following places: <br />First ward, J. P. Scblirf's. <br />tvcoad ward City Hall. <br />Third ward, ward, <br />shop. <br />Fourth ward, Vermlll(oe Obapel. <br />Per order of city oommattee, <br />IRVING TODD, Chairman- <br />-- - Rattan 0 Advertising. <br />one Inch, per year ...................... /SAC <br />Each additional Inch.... ... 5.W <br />One inch, per week. 2b <br />Local notices per line .I0 <br />Orders by mail will receive prompt attention <br />Address IRVING TODD A SON, <br />Hating'', Mien. <br />NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. <br />N G. WAGNER. <br />Contractor and Builder, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />All orders in he sloe of building or carpenter <br />work promptly attended to and satisfaction <br />guaranteed in every instance. Give me a call. <br />AUCTION. <br />The Vermillion Horse Company arid sell their <br />stallion GERMAIN at auction on <br />Saturday, Mar. 21st, <br />at two p. m. <br />Sale will be at ST. JOHN'S HOTEL, corner <br />Vermillion and Second Streets, Hastings. <br />This stallion was Imported from France la <br />1909. registered full blood Percberon stands <br />eighteen and one-half hands high, weighs nine. <br />teen hundred pounds. His full pedigree and <br />license for 1908 will be shown at sale. <br />VERMILLION MORSE CO. <br />E. S. FITCH, Auctioneer. <br />WANTED. <br />The March Monthlies. <br />The Sunset Magazine has The Story <br />of Magdalena Bay, Trade Follows the <br />Flag, Ascendency of the American Drama, <br />Harnessing Streams, Garden Tragedies, <br />Mystical Monkeys. Among the Honey <br />Makers. Concerning Books of the West, <br />and Development Section. There are <br />several good short storied, Southern <br />Paciflc Company Passenger Department, <br />SanFrancisco. 81.50. <br />The Circle has The American Ineasion <br />of Canada, Stonewall Jackson as 1 Knew <br />Him, Blind Children at Work and Play, <br />The Influence of Automatic Musical <br />Reproductions Upon Musical Art, and <br />Why We Need More Foreign Markets. <br />The fiction is excellent, and the various <br />departments well filled with entertainldg <br />reading for young and old. Funk & <br />Wagnalls Company, New York. 81.50. <br />The Probate Coast. <br />The will of Martin Mollick, late of <br />Hastings, was admitted to probate <br />on Monday, with John Mollick as <br />executor. <br />The final accountof R M. Mueller, <br />administrator of his father, R. H <br />Mueller, late of West St Paul, was <br />examined and allowed on Wednesday. <br />The final account of 8. J. B. Wag- <br />ner and Nicholas Thurmes, executors <br />of Nicholas Einsweiler, late of Ver <br />million, was examined sod allowed <br />yesterday. <br />at once. <br />WRIGHT & AUSTIN, <br />HASTINGS, MINN. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State of Minnesota, comity of Dakota.—as. In <br />pmbate court. <br />In the matter of the estate of Christian F. <br />Meyer, decedent <br />Letters of administration this day having been <br />greeted to John F. Meyer <br />10 is ordered that the time within which a1) <br />creditors of the above named decedent may <br />present claims against his estate In this oourt be. <br />and the same hereby is, limited to sit months <br />from sad atter the date hereof; and that Fri- <br />day, the 16th day of Ootober, 1909, at 9:30 o'clock <br />a. to., to the probate oourt room at the oourt- <br />house at Haulers, lu said oouotr, be and the <br />same hereby is axed and appointed as the time <br />and plana for hearing upon and the examine - <br />Hos. adjustment, and allowanoe of such claims <br />as shall be presented within the time aforesaid. <br />Let sotloe hereof be given by the publication <br />of this order is The Rutin. Gazette, as pro- <br />vided by law. <br />Dated March lith, 1909. <br />By the scent. THOS. P. MORAY. <br />(aux.] lb7w Judge of Probate. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State of Minnesota, oomety of Dakota,— s. Is <br />probate court. <br />lathe matter of the estate of J. F. Johnson, <br />also known as J. F. Jonson, decadent. <br />Letters testamentary this day harlot bees <br />`ranted to Johanna Johnson. aad it appearing <br />by the s®davlt of said represeatative that there <br />are to debts of said decedent. <br />It is ordered that the time within which all <br />oredttors or the above named doondeut may <br />present claims aptast his estate le this soart, <br />be, and the same hereby is. limited to three <br />months from sod atter the date hereof; and that <br />Wednesday, the lith day of July, 1906, at tee <br />o'clock a. as,, le the probate open room. at the <br />courthouse at Hastings,1D said comity, be, aid <br />the aloes hereby Is Owd and appolsted as the <br />tame sed plan for hearties upon sad the ea- <br />so4saties, edlsstms.t, sad a%lowaeoe of such <br />oiahas as shall he ptswsted witb(s the time <br />aforesaid. <br />Let holies hereof be gives b 5 publtwtloe <br />Of his *Wiwi la The Restless Ossetia as provid- <br />ed__b77 law, <br />Daasd Marsh1>tlb, MOL <br />Matt. TI•M& P. IOltAlr, <br />!Ww Jadge of Prahat*, <br />ts- <br />