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THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topics. <br />J. N. Mares is over from Stillwat <br />Michael Klein returned to China <br />on Monday. <br />T. C. O'Brien is in from Ortoovil <br />upon a visit. <br />Peter Bauer was in from Hampto <br />on Saturday. <br />P. J. Kiemen was in from Vermi <br />lion yesterday. <br />John Hoheisel left on Tuesday f <br />Leavenworth, Kan. <br />John Barrett was down from iii <br />Valley on Saturday. <br />Oliver Lovgreen was in fro <br />Douglas Wednesday. <br />Michael Reinardy was in fro <br />Douglas Wednesday. <br />Miss Helen R. Dyer spent Sund <br />at St. Anthony Park. <br />▪ Mrs. W. F. Johns returned fro <br />St. Louis on Sunday. <br />Mrs. V. T. Stevens, of Denver, i <br />at the Gardner House. <br />Miss Theresa Leifeld, of Hampton <br />was iu town Saturday. <br />G. J. Keogh was down fro <br />3linneapolis on Sunday. <br />Dr. A. H. Steen was in fro <br />Cottage Grove Saturday. <br />M. L. Nelson was over fro <br />Cottage Grove on Saturday. <br />Henry Sehanno, of Hampton, wa <br />among our Saturday's callers. <br />J. C. Zehnder, of St. Paul, was i <br />town Thursday on legal business. <br />0. M. Strate, of Eureka, was i <br />town Thursday on probate business <br />Mrs. F. E. Boxer will have he <br />millinery opening on Thursday, <br />Apr. 2d. <br />C. A. Donaldson, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Peter Erickson on <br />Sunday. <br />Misses Margaret M. and Marie <br />Temple were home from St. Paul on <br />Sunday. <br />Mrs. B. S. Ruhr returned from her <br />visit in St. Cloud last Saturday <br />evening. <br />The basket ball team of the high <br />school was disbanded on Monday <br />evening. <br />Caleb Truax returned to the gov- <br />ernment fleet at Fountain City on <br />Monday. <br />Andrew Nesheim, of Decorah, is <br />the new harnessmaker at Albert <br />M atsch's. <br />Misses Hannah 0. Olson and <br />Annetta L. Hobbins spent Sunday in <br />St. Paul. <br />Miss Elizabeth K. Ries, of Shako- <br />pee, is the guest of Mrs. Otto <br />Ackerman. <br />Mrs. S. D. Cecil is receiving treat- <br />ment at the Asbury Hospital, <br />Minneapolis. <br />Mrs. 0. H. George left for the <br />City Hospital in Red Wing last Satur- <br />day evening. <br />Mrs. D. W. McEwen, of Milwau- <br />kee, is the guest of Mrs. H. A. <br />Glendenning. <br />P. L. Mahlberg, of St. Paul, is <br />visiting his uncles, Joseph and <br />Anthony- Pitz. <br />Mrs. E. M. Easley, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Mrs. J. C. Hartin <br />on Wednesday. <br />John Hackett, of Nininger, lost a <br />valuable horse from spasmodic colic <br />on Wednesday. <br />Miss Agnes C. O'Keefe, of St. <br />Paul, was the guest of Miss Lala E. <br />Graus on Sunday. <br />J. H. 'Case came down from <br />Minneapolis on Tuesday to look over <br />his Nininger farm. <br />Mrs. George Holt, of Denmark, re- <br />turned on Monday from a visit in St. <br />Paul and Hayfield. <br />Mrs. Sidney Ottman returned to <br />Oronoco on Tuesday from a visit with <br />Mrs. H. C. Brown. <br />John Schmitz, of Hampton, was <br />the guest of Peter Kiemen, in Ver- <br />million, on Sunday. <br />J. A. Wagner, J. J. Gergen, and <br />H. J. B. Wagner were in from Ver- <br />million on Thursday. <br />0..1. Dunn's signal crew on the <br />Milwaukee Road came in from Hettin- <br />ger, N. D., yesterday. <br />The sheriff of Houston County <br />passed through Monday with two <br />er. <br />go <br />le <br />n <br />f- <br />or <br />c <br />ay <br />m <br />m <br />m <br />m <br />e <br />n <br />n <br />Among the many purchasers of A bur oak tree cut down this week <br />our sewer orders is the grand lodge, at vela Erickson's residence, west <br />Sixth Street, had one hundred and <br />fifty rings, indicating an'ageof one <br />hundred and fifty yeare. <br />H. F. Gibson, formerly nightopera- <br />tor at this station, now dispatcher for <br />the Milwaukee Road at Aberdeen, <br />was in town Thursday, en route from <br />a visit home in Wabasha. <br />J. E. Aeplin, jr., brakeman on the <br />Hastings & Stillwater train, went <br />over to Stillwater on Monday as a <br />witness in a personal injury case <br />against the Milwaukee Road. <br />Bat. Steffen, of the Phcenix Hotel, <br />left Wednesday for the Mayo Hospital <br />at Rochester to have an operation for <br />appendicitis, accompanied by Miss <br />Kathryn C. Steffen and N. J. Steffen. <br />Straw for sale. Phone 98-2. <br />A St. Paul theatre advertises a <br />flock of trained sheep as its leading <br />attraction this week. We wereunder <br />the impression ,hut the republican <br />state committee bad adjourned and <br />gone home. <br />The Vermillion Horse Company <br />will sell their well known Percberoo <br />stallion Germain at auction at St. <br />John's Hotel, Hastings, next Satur- <br />day, at two p m. E. S. Fitch, <br />auctioneer. <br />Miss Elizabeth P. Hetherington, <br />tea,:hcr at St. Francis, and Miss <br />Ida G. Hartley, S. S. Soiie, <br />and A. L. Hetherington, of Minnea- <br />S. of H., $5,000 at six per cent. <br />H. H. King, of Lebanon, was ex- <br />hibiting two live wolves in town Sat- <br />urday, trapped by him recently. <br />A fine of $10 was paid in the <br />police court Wednesday for fast driv- <br />ing over the high bridge last fall. • <br />Miss Florence H. Hoenck, of St. <br />Paul, is the new milliner at Mrs. <br />Helen K. Boxer's, Masonic Block. <br />D. L. Thompson, of this city, <br />h held a $5,000 lite insurance policy in <br />the Travelers, payable to his wife. <br />Mrs. Theodore Cook left on Tues- <br />day for Minneapolis, owing to the <br />• illness of her sister, Miss Kasberg. <br />bliss Amelia Heiden, of Si Paul, <br />is the new trimmer at Sieben's <br />millinery store on Vermilion Street. <br />Mrs. E. A. McDonnell and sons, of <br />St. Paul, were the guests of her <br />mother, Mrs. Joseph Elm, on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kuechler and <br />son, of Wausau, Wis., were in town <br />on Tuesday, en route for Winoua. <br />Miss Florence E. Lindblad, teach- <br />er in District 92, Goodhue Couuty, <br />is home to spend the spring vacation <br />0. H. George has bought the re- <br />maining half interest in the old <br />Draeger farm, Ravenna, from C. E. <br />Reed. <br />Charles Knocke has removed his <br />tailoring establishment to the Rosen- <br />baum Block on Second Street, up <br />stairs. <br />Misses Margaret and Anna Stepka <br />and William Nied, of St. Paul, are <br />the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias <br />Stepka, <br />Mrs. P. D. Hindinarsh left on Satur- <br />day for Duluth, owing to the serious <br />illness of her sister, Mrs. Ora <br />Walker. <br />Mrs. C. W. Speakes, of Minneapo- <br />lis, was the guest of Mrs. G. W. <br />Speakes on Tuesday, en route for <br />Ravenna. <br />William Schneider and ,Jesse <br />Anderson, of Marshan, went up to <br />St. Paul Saturday to buy a thresh- <br />ing outfit. <br />Mrs. Gesina Benjamin, of this city, <br />was in attendance at the Jacobson- <br />Barbaras wedding at Robbinsdale <br />on Sunday. ' <br />The first section of the senior ora- <br />tious was given at the High School <br />Auditorium yesterday, with music by <br />the juniors. <br />Sewer anti water pipe have been <br />laid on Tyler Street up to Fourth, a <br />hydrant put in, and the trench opened <br />to the alley. <br />Mrs. W. G. Metzger and Dr. <br />George Metzger, of Minneapolis, were <br />guests of her cousin, Mrs. C. E. Wood, <br />over Sunday. <br />Mrs. Drury Hildred, of Farming- <br />ton, was the guest of her daughter, <br />Mrs. J. W. Simmons. in Marshan, <br />over Sunday. <br />The river registered three and <br />seven -tenths feet above low water <br />mark yesterday, a raise of a foot <br />during the week. <br />An elegant thirty-six light chande- <br />lier, a gift from one of the parishion- <br />ers, has been placed in St. Boniface <br />Church, at a cost of $200. <br />H. L. Frank returned from Doug- <br />las Thursday evening, where be re- <br />moved a barn for Frank Meyer, and <br />a house for Conrad Rohr. <br />Con. and Mrs. S. D. Burbank re- <br />turned from their visit at Galveston <br />last week. He resumed his Hastings <br />d Stillwater run 0n Monday. <br />The burning out of a chimney at <br />the home of Miss Bridget O'Neill, on <br />west Fifth Street, created a little <br />commotion on Friday evening. <br />Mrs. Josephine Lewis, of Green- <br />castle, Ind., arrived here on Tuesday <br />to take up a residence. She is the <br />guest of Mrs. A. J. W. Thompson. <br />A democratic city convention is to <br />be held at City Hall on Saturday, <br />Mar. 28th, at half past two p. m., <br />and primaries the previous evening. <br />The Ladies' Sewing Society of the <br />Guardian Angels Church will meet at <br />the schoolhouse every Wednesday, at <br />three p. m., during the Lenten season. <br />Otto Ackerman, H. C. Heinsch, <br />W. C. Lueck, and J. F. Tautges, of <br />this city, attended the annual tourna- <br />ment of the St. Paul Skat Club on <br />Sunday. <br />Mrs. A. A. Scott and Mrs. .1. A. <br />Lowell represented Riverside Camp <br />No. 1554 at the convention of Royal <br />Neighbors in St. Paul on Tuesday <br />and Wednesday. <br />A fierce looking bear has been seen <br />in the vicinity of the electric light <br />works at the Vermillion during the <br />past few .days, but is considered <br />perfectly harmless. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sehlirf, of <br />Delano, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daulton, <br />• prisoners for Stillwater. <br />William Schneider, of Marshan, <br />returned Wednesday from a business <br />trip to Charles City, Ia. <br />Miss Daisy W. Davis and Miss <br />Cecilia A. Koppes, of Minneapolis, <br />spent Sunday in this city. <br />Mrs. W. E. Thompson and daugh- <br />ter, of Minneapolis, are the guests of <br />Mrs. A. J. W. Thompson. <br />Miss Julia M. Walleriva, of 8t. <br />Paul, was the guest of her brother, <br />E. N. Wallerius, on Monday. <br />Miss Katherine Schweich, of <br />Douglas, is the guest of her grand- <br />mother, Mrs. John Schweich. <br />William Coffman, of Denmark, was <br />badly cut in the head on Monday <br />evening while chopping wood. <br />Miss Amanda E. Robinson, of <br />South St. Paul, was the guest of <br />Miss Maud Burke over Sunday. <br />polis, were the guests of Mrs. Anna <br />J. Hetherington on Sunday. <br />E. H. Chamberlain, of Nininger, <br />received a car of Louisiana lumber <br />on Monday for a stock barn, thirty- <br />two by fifty-eight, eighteen foot <br />posts. The basement will be of <br />concrete, the first in this vicinity. <br />Mr. and Mre. C. M. Barns and <br />children. of St. Paul, and Mrs. <br />Henrietta Veith and Mrs, Robert <br />Gelb, of Red Wing, were among <br />those in attendance at the funeral of <br />Mrs. Susanna Herbst on Tuesday. <br />The young people of the Church of <br />the Guardian Angels will give Home, <br />Sweet Home, a three act comedy, <br />and the Mystery of a Four Wheeler, <br />a farce, at the Opera House next <br />Tuesday evening, St. Patrick's Day. <br />A blazing mattress in the second <br />story of Dennis Bihner's residence on <br />Sixth Street called out the depart. <br />ment on Wednesday evening, but it <br />was thrown through the window and <br />extinguished with but little damage. <br />C. E. Sommers, of this city, has <br />obtained a patent upon a folding crate <br />for shipping poultry, an invention of <br />considerable merit. A committee <br />from the Commercial Club is consider- <br />ing the feasibility of placing it on the <br />market. <br />Lost, a gold necklace, Suitable re- <br />ward. Inquire at this office. <br />The state tax commission will meet <br />the county board, county auditor, <br />and town assessors in this city On <br />Tuesday, 24th inst., to talk over <br />assessments. It is an important con- <br />vention, and should be generally <br />attended. <br />A new gymnasium will he started <br />in the basement of Masonic Block <br />next week by the high school boyo <br />and others. The room will be <br />equipped with tip to date apparatus, <br />and it will doubtless become a popu- <br />lar resort of our young men. <br />M. P. Schweich, of New Trier, <br />had a narrow escape from drowning <br />in the Vermillion Thursday, his horse <br />getting off the track and going down <br />in a washout. He was luckily <br />rescued by G. B. Freese and LeRoy <br />Freese, and taken to the home of John <br />Seffern. <br />C. A. Forbes, of South St.. Paul, is <br />preparing plans for the proposed <br />county ditch in Greenvale and Water- <br />ford. It is to be seven miles in <br />length, will drain about two thousand <br />acres, at a cost of $3,000. The <br />expense will be met by asaessmente <br />upon the land. <br />The concert given by the Glee <br />Club of Hemline University at the <br />High School Auditorium last Fri- <br />day evening was a very enjoyable <br />affair, with a large audience in attend <br />ance. The last number io the 11. <br />brary course will be liven Apr. 10th, <br />a lecture by the Rev. J. F. Stout, of TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />St. Paul, on The Tale of Three Cities. <br />Good Gar Everybody, <br />Mr. N. R. Coulter, a prominent archi- <br />tect in the Delbert Building, San Fran- <br />cisco, says, "I fully endorse all that hu <br />been said of Electric Bitters as a tonic <br />medicine. It is good for everybody. It <br />corrects stomach, liver, and kidney dis- <br />orders in a prompt and efficient manner <br />and builds up the system." Electric <br />Bitters is the best spring medicine ever <br />sold over a druggist's counter; as a blood <br />purifier it is unequaled. 50c at Rude's <br />drug store. <br />F. N. W. Schweich, of Douglas, Ja G. MERTZ & SON, <br />had a hauling bee last Monday, twen- <br />ty farmers and their teams bringing <br />stone from Cannon Falls for the base. <br />Go=Carts. <br />Like above <br />only $5.50. <br />CALL AND SEE. <br />J. G. ertz <br />& Son, - <br />Hastings, - Minn. <br />Cuuuclt l'roceodtuga. c . <br />Regular meeting, Mar. 9th. Pres <br />ent Alds. Fasbender, Hanson, Har - <br />tin, Johnson, Niedere, and Rada- <br />baugh, Ald. Jones presiding. • <br />A communication from our local <br />attorneys, asking for the establish- <br />ment of a municipal court, was re- <br />ferred to a committee consisting of <br />Alds. Hartin, Niedere, and Mayor <br />West, to investigate and report at the <br />adjourned meeting. <br />On motion of Ald. Niedere, the <br />sixth estimate of the DeJMi,ines <br />company was allowed as follows: <br />Waterworks 82,471.20 <br />Sewers. 1.833.0:1 <br />On motion of Ald. Fasbender, con- <br />sideratiou of the proposed new frau <br />chise of the electric light company <br />was deferred until Mar. 16th, <br />On motion of Ald. Hartin, T. A. <br />Mahar was re-elected engineer of the <br />fire steamer at $50 per 'month, with <br />$10 additional for the pumping sta- <br />tion when completed. <br />On motion of Ald. Hanson, the <br />mayor and clerk were instructed to <br />issue an order of $2,000 .in payment <br />of refunding bonds Nos. 21 to 24, <br />due Mar. 1st. <br />The following hills were allowed: <br />Malting Company, coal 813,65 <br />A. C. Nesbitt, lamps... ....... .. 1.10 <br />The Gazette. printing 0.50 <br />The Democrat, printing:.,r:--1 2.75 <br />Mrs. Anna Humm, meals'priseners 5.05 <br />On motion of Ald. Niedere, ad <br />journed to next M,utday evening. <br />The Lucky Canner. <br />Is the oue you pay out fur a box of Dr <br />King's New Life Pills. They briug you <br />the health that's more precious than <br />jewels. Try them for headache, bilious• <br />ness, constipation, and malaria. If they <br />disappoint you the price will be cheer- <br />fully refunded at Rude's drug store. <br />The District court. <br />A motion was made on Mond.iy for <br />a new trial in the cases of Mrs. <br />Cecilia Costello, of Welch, and Mrs. <br />Christine Resetnius, of New Trier, vs. <br />Joseph Eckert et als, of Douglas, to <br />recover $400 and interest from Apr. <br />9th, 1906, in each of the two actions. <br />The matter was taken under advise- <br />ment by Judge F. M. Crosby. Al <br />bert Johnson, of Red Wing, for <br />plaintiffs, W. H. Gillitt for defense. <br />• <br />The Family <br />Physician <br />The best medicines in the <br />world cannot take the place of <br />the family physician. Consult <br />him early when taken 111. If <br />the trouble is with your <br />throat, bronchial tubes, or <br />lungs, ask him about taking <br />Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then <br />take It or not, as he says. <br />A We pablb sl air <br />formulas <br />qi �.i�:a <br />eta.a <br />M,onol <br />tiers--..d"---4-7.-4 <br />octor <br />Bilious attacks sick -headaches, indiges- <br />don, constipation, dizzy spells—these <br />are some of the results of an inactive <br />liver. Ask your doctor if he endorses <br />Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose <br />la small, one- pill at bedtime. <br />=Masa by the J. O. Am 0c, Lowell, *ass ....-- <br />4 <br />and Smokers' Articles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />J. C. LIA01BHR6, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm lands at lowest rata of Interest. It will <br />Pay you to look us up before borrowing else- <br />where. <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING ASSOCIATION, <br />A. J. Sca,tt.r.aa. Secretary <br />and Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Daly, of ment of a stock barn, eighty-two by <br />Langdon, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher thirty-eight, twenty feet poste. Din - <br />Bauer, of Marshan, and Miss Rather- ner and supper were served, follow. <br />ing Bauer, of St. Paul, were among ed by a game of cinch, the prizes ba <br />tboee in attendance at the funeral of ing taken by Peter Moes and Mark <br />Mrs. A. C. Baohmann on Wednesday. Lorentz. <br />Undertaking, <br />Funeral Directors. <br />A O. Martz. State Llcenyed Embalmer. <br />MARE MONEY by sending your bides, <br />fora, eta, to us. We pay highest prices and <br />tell guns, traps, ale„ cheat,. <br />N. W. HID,. t FUR CO., <br />900 First Street N., Minneapolis, Minn. <br />Write for catalogue and prise list. <br />Obttuarp, <br />Mrs. Susanna Herbst died at they <br />home of her daughter, Mrs. L. N. <br />Holt, on west Second Street, last I <br />Friday night from heart trouble, <br />after a brief iliness. Her death <br />came rather suddenly, and the <br />announcement was a great surprise to <br />the community. She was born in <br />Switzerland, June 22d, 1835, cont.; <br />direct to Hastings in 1856. , <br />Mrs. Herbst was a woman of kindly' <br />disposition, and her death is deeply <br />mourned by a large circle of friends. <br />She leaves three daughters and two <br />sons, Mrs. George Sunberg, of <br />Willow City, N. D., Mrs. C. M. <br />Barns, of St. Paul, and Mrs. L. N. <br />Holt, Alex., and Victor, of this city. <br />There are six grand children. The <br />funeral took place from the house, <br />on Tuesday, at half past two <br />p. m., the Rev. Jacob Sehadegg olf- <br />ciating. Interment at, Lakeside. <br />Mrs. A. C. Bachinaun died at tht <br />residence of Anthony Ilachmauu, of <br />east Second Street, Mnnday morn <br />ing, after a protracted illness. Mies <br />Susie E. Schlirf was a daughter of <br />)1r. and 3lrs. J. P. Seitlirt, horn in <br />Hastings, Jan. 4th, 1886, and was <br />married Apr. 23d, 1907. Mrs. Bach- <br />mann was an estimableyoung woman, <br />and her early death is deeply mourn- <br />ed by a large circle of friends. The <br />funeral was held from St. Boniface <br />Church on Wednesday, at half past <br />nine a. m., the Rev. Conrad Glatz <br />waier officiating. Interment at the <br />church cemetery. <br />Best for cakes <br />of all makes <br />Roselle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. <br />Nicholas Feyan, of Marshan, died at <br />St. Joseph's Hospital, St. • Paul, last <br />Saturday as a result of an operation <br />for appendicitis, aged twelve years <br />and six months. The funeral was <br />held from St. John's Church, Ver- <br />million, on Tuesday, the Rev. Pius <br />Schmid officiating. The remains <br />were accompanied from St. Paul by <br />the parents, Mrs. Charles Feyan and <br />daughter, Mrs. 1'. A. Hines, and <br />Miss [hide Drews. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haas, of <br />this city, and lir. and Mrs. Peter <br />Greten and Peter 1'laas, of Maraban, <br />returned Tuesday from Lidgerwood, <br />N. D., where they attended the <br />funeral of Mra. Joseph Biever, a <br />,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Haas, aged <br />twenty-three years. She leaves a <br />husband and daughter. <br />A message was received yesterday <br />afternoon stating that the Rev. <br />Rudolph Deuetermann, pastor of <br />St. Mary's Chili -eh, New Trier, <br />,lied Thursday night, after a brief ill <br />ness. No particulars. <br />No aro* to Dir. <br />"1 have found out that there is no use <br />to die of lung trouble as long 88 you can <br />get Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs <br />J. P. White, of Rushboro, Pa. •' 1 <br />would not be alive to -day only for that <br />wonderful medicine. It loosens up a <br />cough quicker than anything else, and <br />cures lung disease even after the case is <br />pronounced hopeless." This most relia- <br />ble remedy for coughs and colds, la <br />grippe, asthma, bronchit.ts,and hoarseness, <br />is sold under guarantee at Itude's drug <br />store. 50c. and $.1. Trial bottle free. <br />Ileal Estate Transfers. <br />J. J. Radermecber to P. J. <br />Mahowald, part of section, twenty- <br />three and twenty-four, Lekevllle..85,750 <br />A. 11. Coe to Mary Bigelow, lots <br />one, nineteen, and twenty-three to <br />forty-two, block one, David Davis' <br />Addition to South ;3t. Paul 1.750 <br />South St. Paul Improvement Co <br />to F. L. Henderson, lots nineteen <br />to twenty-one, block twelve, Stock- <br />yards' re -arrangement id blocks one <br />to twelve, South St. Paul 050 <br />E. E. Frank to J. E. Frank, lots <br />three and four, block ninety-aeven <br />Hastings 125 <br />Charles Klein et a1 to John Klein, <br />fiend section sixteen, Inver Grove 800 <br />Peter Robertson to M. H. Schu- <br />macher, south two feet of lot four <br />and all of lot five, block thnr, Ver- <br />million Addition to Hastings -125 <br />Elizabeth C. Davis to W.S. Shep- <br />ard. lots twenty-seven and twenty- <br />eight. block one. Riverside Park.,. 100 <br />Emma M. Cleary to William <br />Dablow, lot seven, Washington <br />Heights Addition to St. Paul 2,900 <br />G. W. Betz to Carl Kruse, lot <br />six and east fifteen feet of lot five, <br />block fourteen, Lakeville village., 125 <br />T. L. Cole to Q. L. Lytle, Iota <br />twenty to twenty-two, block seven, <br />Stockyards' rearrangement of <br />blocks one to twelve, South,St. Paul 1,000 <br />The Choral Club. <br />The -following officers of the <br />Choral Club were elected at the <br />annual meeting on Tuesday evening: <br />President.—Albert Schaller. <br />Vtc.e Prethienl.—C. W. Meyer. <br />&crefary.—Miss Stella Telford. <br />Treasurer,—T. A. Brown. <br />Director,—II. G. Van Beeck, <br />Librarian.—Mitts Julia It. Thorne. <br />Plant:O.—Miss Mary Kranz. <br />The society is a very popular <br />organization, and it is proposed to <br />make it one of the permanent institu- <br />tions of the city. Meetings are to <br />be held at the courthouse every Tuts. <br />day evening. <br />Card of Thanks. <br />We desire to express our thanks to <br />friends and neighbors for the sympathy <br />shown us during our late bereavement in <br />the death of our mother. and for the <br />beautiful floral offerings. <br />Mrs. C. M. BARNS. <br />Mrs. Gnomon auxnE,O. <br />Mra. L. N. Hol.T. <br />Ai.EY. HBRItsT. <br />Cath of Thanks, <br />We wish to extend sincere thanks to <br />our friends and neighbors for the many <br />acts of kindness shown us during our <br />recent great bereavement <br />J. P. Scnt.tnt► and family. <br />A. 0, BACHMANN. <br />Chunk Aanoano.nteaza, <br />At St. Luke's Church to -marrow, Holy <br />Communion at eight a. m., morning <br />service at eleven, with sermon by the <br />rector on Sacrifice and Service. The <br />Rev. S. B. Purves, of Minneapolis, will <br />preach in the evening. All cordially <br />invited. <br />_ <br />Sore. <br />In Hutiogs, Mar. 10th, to Mr. and <br />Mrs. Bernard Klrebtea,,.a , a bier. <br />CORN PRODUCTS <br />tMFGt co. <br />QST <br />EN <br />S <br />Wagon and Carriage Shop. <br />You will find a full line of <br />Wagons, (our own make) surreys, <br />open and top buggies, spring <br />wagons, milk wagons, de- <br />livery wagons, etc. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the beet work, using Never Slip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of all kinds. <br />Having added a new planer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your patronage. <br />Dealer in coal and wood, <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Office and works, corner Filth and Vermillion Streets, Hastings. <br />$37.15 <br />$30.40 <br />to San Francisco, Los Angeles and <br />San Diego <br />to Seattle, Portland, Tacoma and <br />Vancouver <br />Daily Until April 30 <br />Similar rates to thousands of other points in the Pacific Coast States and <br />in Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Alberta, Manitoba and <br />Saskatchewan. Liberal stop -overs. <br />Tbr00gbTourist Slumping Cars daily from principal Burlington Route Stations. Personally <br />Conducted Tourist Car Parties to California from principal stations several times a Rest:. <br />Homeseekers' Round Trip Rates <br />to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho and Washington, 1st and <br />3rd Tuesdays of March and April. <br />BurIirvn <br />ROUTE <br />Let me give you folders telling an <br />about the low rates and good service. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent, <br />C. B. & Q. R. R. <br />The air -ti° i ' full -weight packages and the glazing <br />of pure sugar keep this coffee clean — fresh — <br />entirely free from dust and dirt, <br />McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee sold by <br />Hanson Bros. Michael Graus. <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh. <br />I <br />11 <br />A Bank Account is not only a <br />Luxury, but a Necessity to a <br />Successful Business Man. <br />Do you know of a man or woman who is conducting a successful <br />business without the assistance of a bank account? <br />No matter what line of business <br />you are engaged, in farming, <br />merchandising, teaching, clerking, or one of the professions, you <br />should have an account with a bank—THIS BANK. <br />We furnish a bank book and checks free, <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />FOR SALE. <br />Eleven and one -huff acres in heart of lite olty, <br />also Capt. K.C. Anthony's resideaoa,tbmoegk y <br />modern. <br />RealCltiWaar, <br />fallen, Mine, <br />J <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />Undertaking. <br />Fu nen' Dlrrotore. <br />W. S. Waibridge, State Licensed Emba liner. <br />