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• ., <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />LAVING TODD & SON. <br />-iATURPAY MARCH 28. 1908. <br />The 011 Inspection Muddle. <br />Had it not been for the salutary <br />law requiring the secretary of state <br />to cause an examination of the oil <br />inspector's accounts before approving <br />the bond of his successor, J. A. Mc <br />Dermott would have $6,199.75 in <br />bank as perquisites which are clearly <br />proven by the report of the public <br />examiner to be nothing more or less <br />than plain stealings. <br />Had it not been for the puerile <br />attempt of the administration to cover <br />up the peculation by swelling the <br />current collections $900 a month for <br />three months, the late oil inspector <br />would not be still $2,700 short ac- <br />cording to the official showing, and <br />for which his bondsmen should be <br />held responsible. The three reports <br />were verified by W. E. McEwen, the <br />present incumbent, and were accepted <br />by the state auditor and treasurer as <br />correct. <br />To avoid further scandal the oil <br />inspection law should be repealed at <br />the next session of the legislature. <br />It provides for nothing but a flash <br />test, and the $30,000 in annual fees <br />are practically absorbed by a $2,400 <br />inspector and his numerous deputies <br />as a reward for political services. <br />The additional cost eventually conies <br />out of the consumer, without adding <br />a penny to the value of the commodi- <br />ty. The matter of looking after <br />the quality as well as safety of <br />illutninating oils is properly within <br />the province of the dairy and food <br />commission, where it could be han- <br />dled by the existing force at a great <br />saving of expense. The subject is <br />worthy of the careful consideration of <br />every genuine believer in reform. <br />The Tart Campaign. <br />W. H. Taft is a big, brainy man, <br />wholesouled, warm blooded, and ripe <br />in governmental experience at home <br />and abroad. He is unmistakably in <br />the presidential class. Had he come <br />before the people upoq his own <br />merits, and not as a candidate of the <br />administration for the succession, <br />there would have been a vim and <br />enthusiasm in the current campaign <br />which all the present and prospective <br />office holders can never arouse. Ile <br />will'most likely be nominated, but a <br />precedent will also be established <br />more disastrous to the party than a <br />third term. <br />Then his canvas has been most <br />wretchedly mismanaged. The cool <br />ness with which Gov. Hughes has <br />been treated in New ens <br />York, and the <br />unfortunate war of extermination <br />waged against Senator Foraker in <br />Ohio, places both of these states in <br />the doubtful column. Thus far it <br />has been merely a band wagon sortie <br />after delegates, instead of a well <br />directed effort to retain a majority of <br />the electoral votes. <br />The Board of Education. <br />The special law organizing our <br />independent school district provides <br />that an inspector shall be elected <br />annually in each ward for a term of <br />two years, with the exception of the <br />fourth, where the term is but one <br />year. The iniquitous constitutional <br />amendment prohibiting special legis- <br />lation prevents any amendment, and <br />the new city charter under which we <br />are now supposed to be governed <br />provides for biennial elections with- <br />out any reference whatever to the <br />board of education. The question <br />naturally arises where the said board <br />will be at on the first Monday of <br />May, 1909, with four members whose <br />terms have expired and only three <br />holding over? <br />This is the last copy of The Ga- <br />zette which a number of our readers <br />will receive, under the new postal <br />regulations, unless immediate pay - <br />merit is made of all delinquenciesdat- <br />ingback a year or more. The yellow <br />label shows when the time expired, <br />and each suhscribercan readily ascer- <br />tain how much should be remitted to <br />settle the account. The unpaid bills <br />will be turned over to a collection <br />agency only as a final resort. <br />It is reported that the Red Wing <br />Sewer Pipe Company is contemplating <br />a new plant in the vicinity of the <br />twin cities, getting their clay from <br />Iowa. This confirms the rumor of <br />last year, that the supply of raw <br />material in our neighboring city is <br />about exhausted. <br />The platform upon which J. P. <br />Heatwole, of Northfield, professes to <br />stand in his gubernatorial candidacy <br />is given in full by The Albert Lea <br />Times -Enterprise this week. It ie <br />extremely lengthy, and only needs <br />the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Com- <br />mandments to cover any possible <br />mergency. <br />Rich Valley Items. <br />Henry Franzmeier was a city <br />visitor on Friday, <br />Miss Adell Longfield, of St. Paul, <br />spent.Sunday at home. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mootei were city <br />visitors on \Wednesday. <br />Misses- Winifred and Ada Maltby <br />spent Friday in St. Paul <br />Mr. Morris, postofiice inspector, <br />was in the valley Friday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Strathern <br />drove to Hastings Thursday. <br />t will <br />The ladies' aid society me 1 <br />Mrs. Smith Elston on Thursday. <br />-hiss Anna Wetterlin is v1911101 <br />her sister, Mrs..ldhnson, iu Hastings. <br />Mrs. T. Wallace and daughter <br />Luella left for Belfield, N. D, on <br />Friday. <br />Cat'rey'Bros.'completed loading six <br />cars of hay this week for shipul <br />Nashville, Ten. <br />W. E. Maltby, of Elk River, <br />Friday and Saturday with his p <br />Mr. and llrs, Fred Maltby. <br />TheI1ev.• J. F. Stout, pre <br />elder, held quarterly confers <br />the Methodist Church Saturday <br />ing and Stititlay. <br />• <br />fi <br />cut to <br />spent <br />arents, <br />soling <br />ace at <br />even- <br />cars <br />yermllllon Items. <br />Ferd. Bauer, of ;Marshan, was here <br />on Wednesday. • <br />Leo 5iebenaler, of Douglas, was <br />here on Tuesday. <br />Frank Rother, of Marshan, went to <br />Empire on Tuesday. <br />Fred Langeefeld, of Hastings, was <br />visiting V. J. Rother on Sunday. <br />Elbert Fossler and Jesse Anderson, <br />of Mershon, were here on Tuesday. <br />Quite a number from here attendeil <br />the N. Schanno auction on Thursday. <br />William Schneider, of Marshan, was <br />the guest of George Baker over <br />Sunday. <br />Dominick Wagner sold a car of <br />hogs to Fred Baker, of Hampton, on <br />Friday. <br />V. 11. Rather and H. J. Rother, of <br />Marshan, were in the twin cities on <br />Monday. <br />Miss Leona Gergen was visiting <br />Miss Agnes Bother, in Mershon, on <br />Wednesday and Thursday. <br />The fanners in this locality are <br />cleaning grain and repairing machin <br />ery, getting ready for hard work. <br />Jesse Anderson has taken a picture <br />of the schoolhouse and pupils in Dis <br />trict 95 for Miss Marie Graus, teacher. <br />Bread Cast Upon the Waters. <br />To the saying that virtue is its own <br />reward might be added the exten- <br />sion that bravery brings its <br />own reward. At • least that is the <br />way F. N. Truax, St. Paul Park, <br />captain of the government steam <br />dredge \l'arroad, stationed at Lake <br />Warroad, Minn., thinks, and he has <br />reason for thus thinking. <br />Sevt4ral years ago Capt. Truax <br />figured as a hero in a runaway tied - <br />dent in St. Paul. Ile saved an elder- <br />ly woman, a Mrs. Strait, from a <br />frightful death beneath the heels of <br />an infuriated team by dashing into <br />tale street and dragging her to safety. <br />After receiving the thanks of the <br />woman he departed, and had com- <br />pletely forgotten the incident until it <br />few days ago, when he was notified <br />that $1,500 had been left to him by <br />the woman he had saved. The estate <br />is now being settled, and Capt. Truax <br />has been notified that he will receive <br />his $1,500 as soon as matters are <br />adjusted. "I had completely for- <br />gotten the matter," said Capt. Truax, <br />"and didn't even know the woman <br />knew who I was. Of course I'm <br />grateful to her. It's the first easy <br />money I ever fell into." -St. Paul <br />Pioneer Press. <br />Hampton items. <br />Mrs. George Toombs went to St. <br />Paul on Thursday. <br />Ludwig Beissel had a bee on Tues <br />day, sawing thirty-two longs. <br />Peter Peterson shipped a car of <br />hogs to South St Paul on Thursday. <br />Miss Katie Miller, of Wadena, is <br />visiting with Miss Clara Conzemius. <br />Miss Margaret Thurmes returned <br />from a visit in Barron, Wis., on <br />Saturday. <br />William Fuchs is building a new <br />house, thirty two by forty, eighteen <br />foot posts. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Oswald <br />received their first shipment of Eas- <br />ter bonnets on Wednesday. <br />The St. Paul Pioneer Press pre- <br />dicts a republican victory at their ap- <br />proaching municipal election, because <br />of an increase of five thousand over <br />the republican vote of two years ago. <br />To an outsider it would appear that, <br />taking advantage of our absurd pri- <br />mary law, several thousand democrats <br />deliberately voted for Joseph McKib- <br />ben as the easier man to beat. While <br />hoping for his election, The Gazette <br />is of the opinion that L. G. Hoffman <br />would have been a stronger candidate <br />before the people. <br />The fiftieth annual convention of <br />the Minnesota Sunday School Ass°. <br />ciation will be held at St. Paul, Apr. <br />21st to 23d. Every school is in- <br />vited to send at least five delegates, <br />and no credentials are necessary. <br />Baking <br />Powder, Was in- <br />dispensable in the prepara- <br />tion of our daily food, must <br />be free from noxious ingredients <br />�te purityand whole - <br />sum ess are the vnq <br />tioneid characteristics of <br />DRPRUC <br />BAKING PO <br />Its active principle, cream of tar- <br />tar, a pure, bear trait <br />acid, to derived solely Irons grapes <br />Poisonous ingredients ars Ismail lathe <br />itow-pr'ieed balds>g powders. !Meth <br />active principle is a mineral add de- <br />rived from sulphuric add, oU o1 vttriei <br />Medi tar label salt Hq <br />Gab bobby powder mole <br />teem seems et tsetse <br />The Republican Convention. <br />The republican city convention was <br />held at City Hall yesterday, at half <br />past two p. m., and vas called to <br />order by Irving Todd, chairman of <br />the committee. F. L. Stoudt was <br />elected chairman, and G. C. Fasben- <br />der secretary. <br />A committee ou credentials was <br />appointed as follows: <br />J. A. Holmquist. <br />George Parker. <br />R. D. Robinson. <br />The committee reported the follow- <br />ing delegates entitled to seats: <br />First Ward. -G. C. Fasbender, B. J <br />Raetz, Christian Hill, John Muggenbur . <br />Second lVard.-Jerome Hanna, L. r <br />Hamilton, F. L. Stoudt, J. A. Holmqui . <br />Third Ward.--GeorgeParker,NelsErl <br />son, J. E. Nordstrom, Michael C <br />topherson, R. G. Henion, Peter Johnson, <br />P. A. Olson. C. C. Hardy. <br />Fourth Ward. -W. C. Pettinger, G. C. <br />Foster, R. 1), Robinson. <br />The following ballot was taken for <br />mayor, P. A. Olson and G. C. Foster <br />acting tis tellers: <br />C. E. Reed 11 <br />J. P. West 8 <br />C. E. Reed was declared the <br />nominee. <br />W. DeW Pringle w was nominated for <br />police justice by acclamation. <br />The delegates from the first and <br />second -wards selected N. C. Kranz as <br />a candidate for alderman, and the <br />third and fourth W. 11. O'Connell. <br />The following city committee was <br />appointed for the ensuing two years: <br />Irving Todd. <br />G. C. Fasbender. <br />Henry Fieseler. <br />A. A. Scott. <br />A. V. Gardner. <br />The Republican Primaries. <br />The following is the result of the <br />republican ward caucuses on Thurs- <br />day evening: <br />FIRST IVARD. <br />Alderman. -Peter Fasbender, <br />School Inspector. -D. W. Sommers. <br />Justice of the Peace. -Mathias Weis. <br />Constable. -Charles Raetz. <br />SECOND WARD. <br />Alderman. -l. M. Radabaueh. <br />School lltspector,-H. G. Van Beeck. <br />Justice of the Peau. -L. G. Hamilton. <br />Constable. -F. L. Stoudt, <br />Tnntn WARD. <br />Alderman. -F. L. Clure. <br />School Inspector. -A, E. Johnson. <br />FOURTH WARD. <br />alderman. -J. C. Harlin. <br />School Inxpector.-Peter Nelson. <br />Justice of the Peace, -C. B. Lowell. <br />Constable. -R. D. Robinson. <br />The District Court. <br />An order was fled by Judge <br />Crosby last week denying the motion <br />of the defense for a new trial in the <br />case of F. L. Gregg et ale vs. Alexan- <br />der Empey et ahs, action to recover <br />possession of land in section two, <br />Eureka, and damages for retention. <br />C. C. Flower was arraigned before <br />Judge F. M. Crosby on Saturday, <br />pleading guilty to grand larceny in <br />the second degree, stealing $85 from <br />Fred Burns in South St. Paul, Feb. <br />18th. He was sentenced to three <br />months in state prison. William <br />Hodgson for state, W. H. Converse, <br />of South St. Paul, for defense. <br />The Railroad Rate Decision. <br />The supreme court of the United <br />States holds that the recent railroad <br />legislation in Minnesota and North <br />Carolina fixing transportation rates <br />for freight and passengers is uncon- <br />stitutional on accountot the excessive <br />penalties imposed for violations, <br />Justice Harlan dissenting. This <br />decision practically takes the matter <br />OonncU Prooeedtngs. <br />Regular meeting, Mar. 23d. Pres- <br />ent Aide. Benson, Johnson, Jones, <br />Hartie, elson, and Niedere, Mayor <br />West in the chair. <br />An application from L. G. Hamil- <br />ton for appointment as city assessor <br />was placed on Elle. <br />On motion of Ald. Niedere, the <br />report of the electric light committee, <br />recommending s reduction of $5 in <br />the bill of the company, was adopted. <br />On mesion of Ald. Jones, Joseph <br />Dezell was re-elected city teamster <br />for tbdensuing year at a salary of <br />$70 per month, a raise of $5. <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />Electric Light Co., street lights. , .$2201.20 <br />F. W. Finch, disinfectants 25.55 <br />The Gazette. printing ... 5.80 <br />Telephones Co., phones.... .. 3.00 <br />F. P. Elliott. pine wood.... ...., 1.50 <br />Walbridge & Smith, hauling truck 2.00 <br />Dr. L. D. Peek. inspecting lockup 2.00 <br />Fire department. Bahner fire . 36.00 <br />J. A. Holmquist. salary 25.00 <br />B. M. Hall, hauling hose cart... , 2.00 <br />Question of Nationality. <br />An icagltabman, a Fregchman and a <br />G Oman sitting togetbefd in the amok• <br />lug room of an ocean liner, the conver- <br />eltiOn turned on their nationality, and <br />one of them asked what each of the <br />three would cb ose to be If he were not <br />of hits own nation. The Frenchman said, <br />VI!'V I- Wire' nt;ta Frenchman. 1 would <br />be an Englishman' The iitnenshman <br />G ala. "If I were not an Englishman, I <br />Would wish to be one." The Getman, <br />"If I were not a German I would wish <br />not to be a german'"--Carl Peters In <br />Deutsche Monatachrlft. <br />The Aaaedement Consee00O. <br />The meeting of 1 he cou n:y aaatheors, <br />county auditor, and c, 'linty oom- <br />miesipnt3ce at the courthouse Tues- <br />day afleistYon was I trge f attended, <br />all of the towns heitr repreeentetl <br />except Battings %nit South St Paul. <br />0. M. Hall, it member of the stale tax <br />codOliifittion, !ORS prearnt :tug called <br />especial attention to several vital bug- <br />gestipns iu the making of the assess- <br />ment for 1908,, the idea being to place <br />it upnit a mare egititnMe noels. <br />• <br />Bash. 1111 <br />Th�.; I li sebstol team de <br />featixl-th lades itt the auditorium <br />last Friday evening, score forty seven <br />to seventeen. The captains Lire Har- <br />riaptl attune. Notes Lvov Truax. <br />attune. Nom* <br />A. J. Trodden, superintendent of <br />construottdn; i9 here from St, Paul, <br />and the foundation for the new men's <br />cottage will be commend Apr. let <br />The Markel. <br />BARLEY. -00 ct6. <br />Raer.-$7.00 @ 17.59 <br />BRAN. -424. <br />• BuT'rxa.-25 cls. <br />CORN. -50 cis. <br />EOO9.-12; cis. <br />PEAL -1I.06. <br />Fiona. -12.90. <br />BAT. -$8. <br />0s1'e.--46; Les 47 ots, <br />MIDDLINOL,-425. <br />Poaa.--$5,00 Ctf $5.50. <br />POTATO8,.--35 ors. <br />RTg.-70 cis. <br />BORRENI 106.•-112.3. <br />WHRAT.-90 cis. <br />Rates ot Advorttesag. <br />One limbper year 1 6.00 <br />Each additional inch.... .... 1.CI1 <br />One Web, per week .96 <br />Local notioes,per line.,., .10 <br />- Orders by mail will receive ,ppp�usrA�ppt ttttenttoe <br />Address iRViNG "ttti9ilII4t$ON, <br />ItmUnge,Minn . <br />NEW ADVERT1SEMENT8, <br />WANTED. <br />,A man of upright character to take charge of <br />and manage our Minneapolis °Moe. Must <br />Invest 1'600, which will be fully secured, salary <br />1100 per mouth to good honest party, Address <br />Merchants Protection k S-o,rr, t rvlce Co., <br />Room 4. 12 E. Seventh Street. hit. ('cul, Minn. <br />WANTED. ' <br />Agent at Hastiogs for surety handing coin- <br />t1u¢ y and Frankfort Insurance (itmp.ny, wet - <br />Overtime work In the twine depart• accident insuraRTON•BIHH OQttil"A�iv, <br />went began Monday morning. There 614 Guaraat t#4Hdlag, <br />Mine lie, Minn. <br />were quite a fen men working in the T Oat -B/RAYED, OR STOLEN. - <br />other departments who applied for L4 The m <br />at plat book ntalt:Ina the ale <br />overtime work. Ten cents an hour is and grade Bees ones of the streets of the silty ofpHut- <br />to has <br />Hast- <br />ings been taken from t It <br />the o suttee any o <br />not very much, but to the prisoner it and tta wh.raaboat. I. ankne,rts Any npeemtaoo <br />is quite a Sum of money, and he 18 who will return said book or g'ive any informs- <br />Usa (bat win lead <br />willing to work hard to earn it. It l liberally <br />upon raaordino <br />the same to me will be Ilboratlg�r rrwarJed and no <br />questions asked. C. B. LOWELL, <br />the factory works overtime for three Olell Eneluearamd Qnrge1�or, <br />months, each prisoner will have earn- Itastiag., fNlan. <br />ed enough to buy a good suit of TAX JUDGMENT SALE. <br />clothes. -Prison Mirror, 19th, • P.ureeant,ton- real estate tax Seaagatent of the <br />district oourt of the county of Dakota, state of <br />Minnesota,, entered the 9iet day of March, 19081 <br />to prooeNings for enforcing ;payment of tares <br />and penalties upon real estate lea the county of <br />Dakota rems nuc delinquent on rho first on- <br />day.ln.January, 1908. and of the statutes In such <br />case made and provided, 1 shalt on Monday, the <br />eleventh day of May, 1908. at ten o'clock to the <br />forenoon at my office In the °onrthouse, la the <br />city 'Of H ithigs and county of Dakota, sell the <br />lands which are charged with tares, penalties, <br />and cost in said judgment, and on which tales <br />shall not have been previously paid. <br />Dated this 91st day of Meath. 1908. <br />P A. HGortir AN, <br />Auditor of Isakot. Coeoty. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State or Minnesota,county of Dakota, -ss. In <br />probate court. <br />In the matter of the estate of Maris <br />Rauch, decedent. <br />Letters of administration with the will an- <br />nexed tbls day having been granted to William <br />E. Beerse, <br />ItU ordered that the time within which all <br />creditors of the above named decedent may pre - <br />se ntclaims against her estate in tide court be. and <br />thesame hereby is, limited tosix months from and <br />after the date hereof, and that Seta'dey. the <br />st day of October, 1908, it We o'oleok a. m., <br />.in the probate court room at the courthouse, at <br />utings, in said county, be. and the same <br />'hereby Is, axed and appointed at that time and <br />place for hating upon, and the examination, <br />adjustment, and allowanoe of snoh claims as <br />obeli be presented within the time nforesaid. <br />Let notice hereof be elven by the publication <br />of this order in The Hastings Gaulle, u, pro- <br />vidLSz.sed by <br />4 law.: 97 <br />Dated March 93d, 1908. <br />H the oourt. • THOS.Judge 1+. MOItANPro. <br />.lw of bate. <br />STATE. OF DECEDENT. <br />asset Minnesota, county of Daltals. es. In <br />probate tenni. i. <br />In the matter of 'Ow estate of Frank 0. Holmes, <br />deoedeap • ::3: •. <br />The -state 'of Minnesotrt to Eiira; Holmes.. <br />rind ill• permute Interested in tho grant. <br />lag of ,adteinlslgation. of the estate of <br />Bald deoedenti The petition of Robert Holmes <br />having been filed in this court, representing that <br />Flank G. Holmes. then a resident of the county <br />of Dakota, atate;of' Minnesota„ dhed Intestate <br />on the 13th dayy of January. 19pg end praying <br />+bat ot administratloa of Ria elute be <br />gtantetl to said Robert Holmes, and the court <br />having fixed the time and puce for hearing <br />said petition. Therefore, you. and ewh of lou, <br />are hereby cited and, req�tlred to show cause, <br />It any you have, before tryfs mem at the probate <br />oourt room In the con honse, la the oily of <br />Heating., 1n the county or Dakota state of <br />Minnesota. on the 93d dey of Apill, 1908. at <br />two o'clock p. m., why wild petition should not <br />be aranted: <br />Witness theudge of said court. and seal of <br />*gamin. tbiilfth day 1908. 0.-! . <br />Coast 6aAt-1 TII1MirOtt. I'. MORAN, <br />3w Probate Judge. <br />°neon& Locant, Attorneys for Petitioner. <br />GUIDE TO THE LAST WEST. <br />Tb. Probate Court. <br />The final account of A. B. Nichols., <br />administrator of HubbardieNicboIe, <br />late of Hastings, was examined and <br />allowed on Tuesday. <br />The final account of Mrs. May 8. <br />Meeker, special administratrix of her <br />husband, M. C. Meeker, late of <br />Farmington, ,,.was examined and <br />allowed on Wednesday. <br />The Hastings Gazette, speakiogot <br />a municipal court for Hastings, says <br />one is needed just about as much as <br />a cat needs tbree tails.. The same <br />remark will apply to nine -tenths of <br />the officials on the pay rolls of the <br />state of Minnesota. -Mankato Ledger. <br />Republican -Muria Convention. <br />A republican soaventlon for the third con- <br />gres,lonal district of the state of Minnesota will <br />be beld at the courthouse In the city of Shako- <br />pee, Minn., on Wednesday, the 16th .day -:of <br />April, 1901 at eleven a. m., for the pupae of <br />electing two delegates and two alternat.f to <br />represent said district at the republican national <br />convention to be bald at Cblesgo June lath, <br />and to transact rub other business as may <br />properly oome before it. <br />Representation in this district convention <br />wilt be upon the following basis, each county <br />shall be entitled Mut same number of dele- <br />gates hen to as t the state oonveatlon to be <br />held atMinces pOuiApr. 16th namely: - <br />Carver r-. 19 NIoo11.1......... .....10 <br />Dakota..........., ..11' Usu.. • 1, <br />Goodhue ...v..19 Nett 7 <br />LLe88 x..11McLeod_ Sibley -- It <br />All said county delegates shall be elected by <br />republican county, conventions oaUed sod -held <br />under the auaploet''of the respective republIcen <br />county oommit6dls and pennant to the <br />general laws of the state of Minnesota jrovern. <br />ing the holilog and ooadeot 01 patty delegate <br />conventions, and each and all of alt county <br />conventions than be held on Thursday, Apr, 9th, <br />1908, <br />By order of the republican congressional <br />and Bute central oommittees. <br />A. H. KELLY. <br />Cbm. Bepabtian Congressional Committee. <br />T. H.6ALifON, <br />Secy. Republican State Central Committee: <br />Northfield. Mar. lith. 1908. - <br />RaoeMou (loamy Oeeveslalea. <br />A republlllan Douse convention will be bald at <br />Music Hall. Farmington, ou Tbumday,Aprlt 9th, <br />1908. at eleven a. m., for the purpose of electing <br />thirteen delegates to the state convention et <br />Minneapolis, Apnl ttith, and delegates to the re- <br />publican 000grenlonal convention at Shakopee, <br />Apr. 16th. <br />The several election districts are entitled to <br />representation as follows: <br />Burnevllle Mendota .,.... .....- 4 <br />Castle Rock 4 Mendota village. 9 <br />Douglas *New Trion............ I The t908 illustrated edition is now ready; sent <br />Eagan 4 Ntninger.....,.. 9 tree to those who are Interested enough to send <br />Empire ... 7 Randolph.... . ,,..,• 9 for it. It gives an honest description of the n• <br />Eureka 1 Ravenna ............. S sources and advantages offered In <br />Greenvale <br />., Rosemount........... , 4 <br />Hampton .............. 3selota.,.....,et w. 4..... <br />Hampton village... , .. 9 South Si.StPaul, l <br />Hutus <br />n, 1st w....... 3 South 81. Paul. lid w.. 8 <br />Huang., 9d w 4 south 8t Paul, 3d w.. 3 <br />Hastings, 3d w 8 Vermillion 9 <br />Haattaggss.4th w 8 Waterford ............. 3 <br />entirely out of the hands of the state Inver °rove... , . 6 West St. Paul, tat w.. 8 <br />Lakeville........ ... 4 West$�. Paul, 9d w... 4 <br />authorities, and congress will -nn- Lebanon 3 west et. Paul, 3d w... 9 <br />Manahan ... 9 <br />doubtedly be called upon to enlarge The above reptesenutlon Is one for each <br />tweatyave votes or mayor fraction thereof end <br />the scope of the interstate commerce one a larg. for (be,verage Toa cast for the to <br />commission to meet the changed al itteectioptio 19906 legislative ticket a the geocr <br />condition. The little jurisdiction ppi ietin betdiiee ut►,ie selection of dein. <br />Taeaday Apr, 7th, at eight p, mp. ulsg places on <br />lett for the - state commissions is per ceder of °casinos. <br />hardly worth their continuance,H• L. SORPTION, Chairman. <br />J. M. JACK, Secretary. <br />WESTERN CANADA, <br />the last good productive west; It retia why the <br />homeseeker or inventor should act quickly; It <br />tells about the choice oust hundred and fifty <br />thousand acre tract we have Just secured In the <br />Tramping Like district, and why we eau and do <br />make such low _prices and eaav terms; 0 tails <br />about our 11O a day guarantee; it tells about <br />Canada's laws, crops, Markets, health, schools, <br />climate, and development. There will be a big <br />rush for good land in Canada this year. Write <br />for a copy ot this book now, to -day. <br />Lr8E LAND COMPANY, Ltd. <br />613 insensee 1114``., <br />St. Paul, rites. <br />For <br />Griddle <br />Cakes <br />of All <br />Makes <br />1 <br />CORN SYRUP <br />It's the crowning joy that <br />makes a feast of a flapjack. <br />It spun the lazy appetite; <br />it surprises by its. exquisite <br />Raver. <br />Fine for baking -best for <br />any use from griddle cakes <br />to candy. <br />Lr sac. ase and sae <br />air-Aieht tins. <br />CORN PRODUCTS <br />MFG. CO. <br />I3STE <br />NS <br />Wagon and Carriage Shop. <br />p <br />You will find a full line of <br />Wagons, (our own make) surreys, <br />open and top buggies, spring <br />wagons, milk wagons, de- <br />livery wagons, etc. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the best work, using Never8lip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of alt kinds. <br />Having added a new planer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your patronage. <br />Dealer in coal and wood, <br />F. E. ESTEROREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Office and works, corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets, Hastings. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />i <br />N•eMMMNNMNeeeNeeellNNaeeeMeNMNNNMM1141•M <br />1 <br />OPENING. <br />Boxer's New Millinery Store, <br />Masonic Block, Sibley Street, <br />Thursday, ?%pr. 2d. <br />163,000 worth of new Millinery Goode at <br />the coat of handling. <br />I do not expect to make any profit on my Store this season, but I do Intend <br />to demonstrate that it is not necessary for the ladies of Hastings to go out of <br />the city t for the finest coda to <br />the market. and in <br />K spite of the efforts of my <br />competitors to discourage me, l can employe drat claw milliner durlag each <br />spring and fall season, and when oompetitlon gets down to a fair basis, 1 <br />believe 1 can make a reasonable profit. Meanwhile the ladles of Bastings <br />will be able to get better goods and better styles at cheaper prices than ever <br />before, and are cordially invited to attend this opening. Respectfully, <br />HELEN K. BOXER.. <br />••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• <br />1 <br />1 <br />i <br />$37•i5 <br />$30.40 <br />to San Francisco, Los Angeles and <br />San Diego <br />to Seattle, Portland, Tacoma and <br />Vancouver <br />Daily Until April 30 <br />Similar rates to thousands of other points in the Pacific Coast States and <br />in Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Alberta, Manitoba and <br />Saskatchewan. Liberal stop -overs. <br />Through Tourist Sleeping Can daily from principal Burlington Route Stations. Peruse/Ay <br />Coedected Tsarist Cer Parties b Cslgsrela from peinoipe 1 stations several times a week. <br />Homeseekers' Round Trip Rates <br />to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Idaho and Washington, lat and <br />3rd Tuesdays of March and April. <br />Let me give you folders telling an <br />about the low rates and good service. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent, <br />C.B.&Q.RR. <br />r <br />YOUR FAMILY. <br />and its needs probably occupy nine -tenths of your waking thoughts. If <br />you ars wise you are thinking of future as well as present necessities. <br />You are saving a part of your income, of course. <br />Are you investing your surplus wisely' <br />Security is the first consideration. There is nothing safer titan a certificate <br />of deposit in the German American Bank. It w111 give yon a aenee of abso- <br />lute security to make such an iovestmeot, and tiff "rainy day" will have no <br />terrors for you. We allow 3 percent interest. <br />German American Bank, <br />L <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />1 <br />MOP ET -TO TOAN, <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm lands at lowest rates of leanest. 1t will <br />pay you to look no up before borrowing else- <br />where. <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING ASSOCIATION, <br />A. J. SCaaLLsa, Reeretaey <br />FOR SALE. <br />Two Iota in South 8t. Paul, 8128. <br />Two hundred and seventeen acres Improved <br />tare In Dakota County, two and one hall miles <br />from Hastings, all muter out MD, <br />Reel Real plats Ikokst, <br />Hestia., Mae, <br />TOBACCOS, CJOARS, <br />and Stookers' A.i'tieles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />d, C. ItAmiia 1 0, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />-0. MERTZ do SON. <br />Unrareekle1. <br />rueetralzootere, <br />A 0. Marta. tete Ltesseet Embalmer. <br />tr- <br />J� <br />,11 <br />