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t <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topics. <br />J. B. Ries was in from Shakopee <br />on Monday. <br />W. L. Mollick loft for ,Miles City <br />on Monday. <br />D H. Poor was in from Marshan <br />on Tuesday. <br />J1 P. Schweich was in from New <br />Trier yesterday. <br />Miss Lizzie Lenertz left for St. <br />Paul on Tuesday. <br />R. T. St. John, of Riceville, Ia., was <br />is towu Saturday. <br />A. M. Maltby was in from Rich <br />Valley yesterday. <br />Tom Knighton, of Morton, is here <br />upon a short visit. <br />F. W. Oliver was over from Eau <br />Claire on Saturday. <br />Miss Eva R Keetley returned to <br />St. Paul on Monday. <br />Miss Elsie A. Bell went down to <br />Winona on Thursday. <br />P. H. Vogel left Monday upon a <br />visit at Buffalo, N. Y. <br />W. A. Sorg was down frow Minnea- <br />polis to spend Sunday. <br />Mrs. Bat. Steffen returned to <br />Rochester on Thursday. <br />Mrs. L. J. Girgen was in from <br />Vermillion on Monday. <br />August Minuesang left yesterday <br />upon a visit at Wykofi. <br />Coin. Al. «Verden was down from <br />Inver Grove yesterday. <br />Mrs. J. C. Cunningham is down <br />from St. Paul upon a visit. <br />Mrs. J. W. Anderson returned to <br />McIntosh, S. D., on Monday. <br />August Zewpel, of Douglas, was <br />among our Tuesday's callers. <br />Mrs. T. J. Maloney is down from <br />St. Paul to spend the summer. <br />E J. Ingalls left Saturday upon a <br />business trip to Dodge Centre. <br />T. D. Fisher, of Denmark, was <br />among our yesterday's callers. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Anton Johnson, of <br />Eureka, were in town on Monday. <br />Chief Leonard Binder was down <br />from West St. Paul on Thursday. <br />C. W. Ackerman, of St. Paul, is <br />the new clerk at the freight depot. <br />The New Faust is booked for the <br />Opera House next Monday evenin bb <br />E. A. Whitford returned from his <br />visit to the Pacific Coast on Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bettinger <br />were in from Farmington Monday. <br />Misses Katie F. and Vronica Schaef- <br />er were in from New Trier Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Lang, of Cannon Falls, is the <br />guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Rich. <br />Misses Myrtle Wehrman and Esther <br />Wolf were over from Prescott Satur- <br />day. <br />Alex. Schuman came up from <br />Louisville Wednesday upon a short <br />visit. <br />The concrete floor at the county <br />jail, second story, is about half com- <br />pleted. <br />Mrs. Daniel Bergin, of St. Paul, is <br />the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. <br />Murphy. <br />Mrs. L. D. Peck and son Llewellyn <br />returned from Rochester Sunday <br />evening. <br />The Beethoven Club meets with <br />Mrs. M. L. Chapin on Monday <br />evening. <br />Miss Ida G. McShane, teacher at <br />Cloquet, is home to spend the spring <br />vacation. <br />V. H. Rother returned to Velva, <br />N. D., on Monday from a visit in <br />Marshan. <br />District 26, Hastings, receives. <br />$4,830.91 from the March appor- <br />tionment. <br />Mrs. J. P. Hopper, of Minneapolis, <br />is the guest of her cousin, Mr. A. H. <br />Blodgett. <br />L. B. Owens, late with McGuire's <br />railway bridge crew, left Thursday <br />for Fargo. <br />Mrs. William Driscoll, of Marshan, <br />went up to St. Paul and Minneapolis <br />yesterday. <br />bliss Mabel Nelson, of Prescott, <br />was in town Saturday, en route for <br />Red Wing. <br />Dr. L. D. Peck was in Rochester, <br />owing to the death of his father, Mr. <br />B. J. Peck. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wilson, of <br />Nininger, left Thursday upon a visit <br />in Chicago. <br />J. F. Krueger left for his home in <br />Sumter Monday, en route for Sas- <br />katoon, Can. <br />Mrs. T. E. Sands, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Mrs. Edward Johnson <br />on Thursday. <br />0. H. George, official stenographer, <br />went up to Mora Sunday evening to <br />attend court. <br />N. C. Kranz had a rat terrier run <br />over and killed Monday evening by <br />an automobile. <br />John King, of Marshan, and Frank <br />Alstrom, of Douglas, went up to St. <br />Paul on Monday. <br />C. P. Nelson, of Bothell, Wash., is <br />here owing to the serious ilium of <br />his mother, Mrs. John Nelson, atter <br />an absence of twenty years. <br />Mrs. J. W. Thomson, of St. Paul, <br />is down upon a visit with her mother, <br />Mrs. T. A. Mahar. <br />Stephen Majerus, of Belvidere, w <br />the guest of Fred Schweich, in Ma <br />shan, on Monday. <br />Mrs. Fred. Meilieke, of Spokane, i <br />the guest of her parents, Mr. an <br />Mrs. John Wright. <br />The drawbridge swung for th <br />first time yesterday. Last year th <br />date was Mar. 27th. <br />The Rev. Arthur Chard went dowi <br />to LaCrosse Wednesday to hold ser <br />vices in the evening. <br />Mrs. H. L. Simons and son, of St <br />Paul, are the guests of her mother <br />Mrs. Wesley Archer. <br />Mrs. F. H. Curtis and sons, o <br />Farmington, were in town on Tuesday <br />en route for Lake City. <br />John Berge has removed fro <br />Frost, Minn., to his farm in Marsha <br />to remain permanently. <br />Miss Minnie Wilke returned fro <br />St. Paul last Saturday evening, afte <br />an absence of two years. <br />Mr. and Mra. W. H. Moore, o <br />Minneapolis, were the guests of E. D. <br />Chamberlain on Sunday. <br />A. 0. Oltlson, of Presbo, S. D., <br />and H. C. Olilson, of Minneapolis, <br />were in town Wednesday. <br />Mrs. M. J. Morrissey, of St. Paul, <br />was the guest of her brother, Mr. <br />D. T. Quealy, on Sunday. <br />Mrs. G. W. Woodruff and son, of <br />Farmington, are tate guests of her <br />mother, Mrs J. S. Mills.J. E. Frank completed removing <br />the Reed. Walbridge building on Ver- <br />million Street yesterday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bullwinkel, of <br />New York, are here upon a visit with <br />his niece, Mrs G. W. Preston. <br />Miss Helen M. Clark, teacher at <br />Lesterville, S. D., returned to her <br />home in Denmark on Monday. <br />H. F. Wilson is again on duty <br />nights at the drawbridge, S. A. Me <br />Creary being the day foreman. <br />Sewer and water pipe have been <br />laid on Tyler Street across Fifth, and <br />the trench opened across Sixth <br />Miss Angeline Sherwood, formerly <br />principal of our high school, was here <br />from Sioux City on Wednesday. <br />John Hackett, of Nininger, bought <br />a three year old driving horse at the <br />Minnesota Transfer on Saturday. <br />Miss Alice B. Faby, teacher in <br />Minneapolis, is spending vacation <br />with her sister, Mrs. T. P. Moran. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright, of <br />Detroit, Minn., are here upon a visit <br />with his brother, Mr. John Wright. <br />Mrs. Katherine Green and Mrs. <br />Fritz, of St. Paul, were the guests of <br />Justice L.G. Hamilton on Wednesday. <br />Joseph Weichselbaum, of Lake- <br />ville, drew a $7.50 wolf bounty at <br />the county auditor's office Saturday. <br />Mrs. William Coffman, of Den- <br />mark, and Miss Marie Yungstrom, of <br />Milaca, went up to St. Paul yesterday. <br />P. 0. Peterson, of South St. Paul, <br />shipped a car of cattle to the stock- <br />yards Wednesday, the third within a <br />week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Denis Follett re. <br />turned from St. Paul Wednesday to re- <br />sume their residence on Eighth <br />Street. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Asplin left <br />Wednesday upon a trip to the Pacific <br />Coast, and will be gone about a <br />month. <br />Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Seger and <br />daughter, of St. Paul Park, were down <br />to spend Sunday with Mrs. Caleb <br />Truax. <br />Miss Marie Dudley returned to <br />Minneapolis on Tuesday from a visit <br />with her cousin, Miss Linnie C. <br />Dudley. <br />Charles Weldon returned Wednes- <br />day from Webster, S. D., and will <br />drive Christ. Hill's ice wagon this <br />summer. <br />Mrs. Peter Conzemius, Mrs. John <br />Conzemius, and Mrs. Nicholas Con- <br />zemius went down to Red Wing on <br />Tuesday. <br />Eighty-five barrels of fish were re- <br />ceived here from Stillwater on Wed- <br />nesday, fifty going east and thirty- <br />five west. <br />The republican primaries will be <br />held next Tuesday evening, and the <br />county convention at Farmington on <br />Thursday. <br />Miss Hazel J. Wood and Miss <br />Harriet E. Brandenbourger went up <br />to Merriam Park Saturday to attend <br />a house party. <br />Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Harrington <br />and sons, of Minneapolis, are the <br />guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. <br />A. E. Johnson. <br />The river raised one and one.balf <br />feet daring the week, registering six <br />and seven -tenths feet above low water <br />mark yesterday. <br />L. W. Orr, of Denmark, shipped a <br />Percheron mare to Lisbon, N. D., <br />yesterday, a Percheron stallion, and <br />a lot of Longsban chickens to Kim- <br />ball Prairie, and a Scotch collie to <br />Farmington. <br />as <br />r• <br />8 <br />d <br />e <br />e <br />m <br />n <br />m <br />The loss of Alex. Perron, of 111 <br />dota, on dwelling was adjusted <br />Tuesday b3 N. F. Kranz, agent for tb <br />American, at $27. <br />Mrs. F. C. Rosa and children, o <br />Stillwater, were the guests of 111 <br />H. A. Glendenning on Tuesday, e <br />route for Winona. <br />The Indies' aid society of the Coo <br />gregational Church gave a suppe <br />at Masonic Hall, Cottage Grove, <br />Wednesday evening. <br />Mre. Joseph Cavanaugh went a <br />to [toward Lake on Tuesday, <br />nephew, Guy Knapp, being tines <br />ened with typhoid fever. <br />John Raetz, clerk of court, took o <br />the exhibit, a miniature derrick <br />used in the King railway case to th <br />supreme court on Monday. <br />Mr. and Mre. B. L. Frank, o <br />Holmfield, Man., were in attendee <br />at the funeral of her brother, Mr <br />Albert Hamlin, on Thursday. <br />S. J. Donnelly and a party of tiv <br />were down from St. Paul In a <br />automobile Sunday afternoon, taki <br />supper at the Gardner Hoose. <br />The lot owoera of Lakeside Cate <br />tery will hold their annual meeting a <br />M. H. Sullivan's office, Mason <br />Block, on Monday, at two p. m. <br />Harriet and Theodore Cadwell le <br />Wednesday to join their father, B. P <br />Cadwell, in Minneapolis, accompa <br />nied by Mrs. L. Weed, of 8t. Paul. <br />The Rev. C. H. Rollit, of R <br />Wing, exchanged pulpits with tb <br />Rev. Arthur Chard, rector of St. <br />Luke's Church, on Sunday evens <br />Mine Gertrude A. Norrieh an <br />Miss Martha J. Delano went up <br />St. Paul on Saturday to attend th <br />funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcoxson <br />H. F. Wilson, flagman at th <br />Second Street crossing, found a gold <br />watch on Tuesday, dropped by a <br />passenger on the Hastings & 8*111- <br />water. <br />Philip Schweich, of Argyle, is the <br />guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. <br />Fred Schweich, Marshan, en route <br />home from a trip in Ohio and <br />ndiana. <br />The Rev. J. F. Stout gives his <br />ecture on The Tale of Three Cities <br />t the High School Auditorium next <br />Friday evening. It is well worth <br />tearing. <br />The Rev. E. R. Pope, secretary of <br />he Baptist State Association, preach - <br />d at the Baptist Church Sunday <br />morning, his theme being The Call <br />o Service. <br />John Conzemlus, of Nininger, Bold <br />registered abort born bull calf, <br />fteen months old, to Edward <br />rundhaus, of Wabasha, on Wedges. <br />ay for $65. <br />OA. Dunn's signal crew left on <br />fonday to install a block system <br />etween Miles City and Hollow Town, <br />font., on the extension of the Mil. <br />aukee Road. <br />The funeral of Mr. Maurice P. <br />ich will take place from 8t. Luke's <br />hurch on Sunday, at two p. m., the <br />ev. Arthur Chard officiating. Inter- <br />ent at Lakeside. <br />A. A. Scott, clerk of Hastings <br />amp No. 4747, M. W. A., received a <br />heck of $3,000 Saturday on amountf the death of H. W. Latechaw, and <br />ayable to his wife. <br />Lawrence Caaserly, of east Hsat- <br />gs, has sold thirty-four acres to the <br />ilwaukee Road for $5,700, and <br />homes Murtangb, of Ravenna, <br />irteen acres, for gravel pita. <br />Dr. H. G. Van Beeck, A. K. John - <br />n, and A. C. Dorr, from the board <br />t education, visited the School for <br />e Feeble Minded at Faribeult last <br />riday to look over the fire escapee. <br />Johnson & Swanson opened their <br />ew blacksmith shop in the G. W. <br />orae building on Vermillion Street <br />edneaday,and are prepared to do all <br />ods of first class work in their line. <br />A democratic county convention <br />ill be held at Farmington on 8ktur- <br />ay, May 9th, to elect delegates to <br />e state convention. The primaries <br />the previous Wedaeedsy evening. <br />The Pioneer Press Magazine of <br />at Sunday has two pages of Haat• <br />ings views, consisting of Meloy Park, <br />Second Street, Chimney Rock, two <br />river scenes, the old Ramsey MW, <br />and three churches. <br />F. E. Bean, of Grand Marais, and <br />Mrs. R. E. Wray, of Duluth, are the <br />guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wray, <br />en route home from attending the <br />funeral of Mrs. Jane IC. Been_ et <br />Northfield on Saturday. <br />MissMaud Burke, recording secre- <br />tary of Court Gardner No. 3149, re- <br />ceived a check of $1,000 yesterday <br />on account of the death of J. J. <br />Reding, late of this city, and payable <br />to his mother, Mrs. Catherine Reding, <br />P. H. Hagney, •f Empire, W. 8. <br />Wescott, of Lakeville, and Henry <br />Sohager, of Hampton, viewers of <br />Ditch No. 1 in Greenvale and Water - <br />fold, filed their report with, the <br />county auditor Saturday *bowing <br />the laud benefited. <br />so - <br />00 <br />e <br />re. <br />n <br />r <br />00 <br />p <br />bet <br />p <br />e <br />f <br />0e <br />e <br />g <br />e• <br />iC <br />ft <br />ed <br />e <br />t0 <br />e <br />e <br />Go -Carts. <br />Like above <br />only 65.50. <br />CALL AND SEE. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />& Son, <br />Hastings, - Minn. <br />Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, of <br />Lakeville, were delightfully surprised <br />at the home of her parents, Mr. and <br />Mrs. Lewis Poor, in Marshan. last <br />Saturday evening, by thirty-six <br />friends, the occasion being his birth. <br />day. <br />Nicholas Kleis has the contract <br />of the Des Moline Company to build <br />the new pumping station on the levee <br />for the water works. It is to be of <br />brick, twenty-two by twenty-six, and <br />thirteen feet in height, to be com- <br />pleted by June 1st. <br />There will be a free demonstration of <br />Baker's Cocoa at Hanson Bros.' on Satur- <br />day and Monday, and at Faabender & <br />Son's on Tuesday. Wednesday, and <br />Thursday. A sample cup of cocoa and <br />0000a fudge served free, and a cook book <br />given to every housekeeper. <br />Our ladies were out in large num <br />bent Thursday in attendance at the <br />millinery openings, notwithstanding <br />the unfavorable weather. The'win- <br />dow displays of Wright & Austin. <br />Mrs. Helen K. Boxer, and Mrs. <br />Archer, attracted especial attention. <br />H. K. Stroud, pump inspector on <br />the river division, has received <br />orders to put in a water station two <br />miles east of the yards, preparatory <br />to beginning on the double track <br />between here and Red Wing. The <br />work train will be put on about the <br />15th inst. <br />Patrick McDonough, upon a charge <br />of stealing hams and shoulders from <br />J. H. Sullivan's smokehouse in Lake <br />villa on Sunday, was sentenced to <br />sixty days in jail by .Justice Paddock.. <br />He was brougbt in on Tuesday by <br />Chief Spellaey, and taken to Red <br />Wing by Deputy Dunn. <br />The March Apportionment. <br />The following is the apportionment <br />of current collections as made by <br />the county auditor and treasurer for <br />the four months ending Feb. 29th: <br />Current taxes $72.014.13 <br />Delinquent taxes 0,367.57 <br />Cu rree t school 8,538.60 <br />Total $89.020.30 <br />State revenue $ 5,240.63 <br />State school 3,026.00 <br />County revenue 8,013.77 <br />County poor.... .... 1,523,72 <br />County road and bridge 1.080.66 <br />Towne, cities, and villages 28,988.54 <br />School districts 38.657,61 <br />Loans, schools .... 2,776.55 <br />Loans, towns.... 21.90 <br />Platting auditor's subdivision5.00 <br />Interest ... . 607.82 <br />Total *89,920.30 <br />The following is the apportionment <br />to towns: <br />Burnsville <br />Castle Rock <br />Douglas <br />Eagan <br />Empire 382.68 <br />Eureka,.,. 311.68 <br />Farmington 437.20 <br />Greenvale, ....... 72.33 <br />Hampton 86.92 <br />Hastings 5,44.5.91 <br />Inver Grove 329.82 <br />Lakeville 280.09 <br />Lebanon 19.62 <br />Marshan 118 88 <br />Mesdota... 742.82 <br />Ntntoger 40.17 <br />Randolph.,.. ,.., 74.55 <br />Ravenna 80.72 <br />Rosemount ]13.47 <br />Boiota 78.81 <br />South St. Paul.... 17,765.18 <br />Vermillion 121.17 <br />Waterford 104.14 <br />West St. Paul. , .. 1,402.75 <br />..$ 151.08 <br />183.99 <br />88.68 <br />505.38 <br />Total $28.988.54 <br />A Rosemount Robbery. <br />Frank Sear was arrested in St. <br />Paul on Friday for carrying con- <br />cealed weapons, and later it was <br />asoertained that he was the party who <br />burglarized Andrew Larson's resi- <br />dence in Rosemount on the 24th <br />Inst, taking two watches, a revolver, <br />and buffalo robe, valved at about! <br />11160. He plead guilty before Justice <br />Dose, South 8t. Paul, on Tuesday, <br />and will be brougbt down for <br />sentence. <br />Th. Jury Liu. <br />The following persons fiat's been <br />drawn as jurors at the May term of <br />court: <br />GRAND JURORS. <br />Joseph Callahan. Coates. <br />Henry Becker, Hampton. <br />Austin Gillespie, Vermillion. <br />A. R. Hubbard. Hastings. <br />Simon Mainz. Douglas. <br />A. C. Bachman, Hastings. <br />Henry Sohtndetdeeltar, Inver Grove. <br />Charles Hatch, Etaa¢ana, <br />W. 3, Kenney, Hastings, <br />Peter Doffing. New Trier. <br />E. T, Clague, Greenvale, <br />Edward Weyman, Ooales. <br />Dennis Bahner, Hastings. <br />W. D. Carroll. Roeemouut. <br />Martin McNamara. Nintnger. <br />J. D. Smith, Eureka. <br />William Perry, Cattle Rock. <br />J. R. Caldwell. Hastings. <br />Jacob Llnkert, Lebanon. <br />C. C. Blesener. Greenvale. <br />N. S. Groff, West St, Paul. <br />P. P. Hammer. Eureka. <br />W. H. Furey. Greenvale. <br />Petr Juncoes. <br />John MoDonaid. South St. Paul. <br />S. N. Greiner. Hastings. <br />Otto Clausen. Hastings. <br />Lee Stevens, Castle Rock. <br />J. F. Reuter, Ravenna. <br />John Fox, Oreeevale. <br />Joseph Witbaus. Randolph. <br />Joseph Felpel, Bampton. <br />John McGovern Farmington. <br />Robert Rother. Cattle. stock. <br />R. T. Varien. Manahan. <br />August Trapp. Eagan. <br />Bernard 8chwanz, Mendota. <br />Archie Strcclland, Lakeville, <br />Michael Muruane, jr., Vermillion. <br />James Birmingham, Randolph. <br />John Oitzen, Vermillion. <br />P. J. Hynes, Farmington. <br />Elmer Akin. Lakeville. <br />Ernest Bruggeman, Jr., Lebanon. <br />Rudolph Wllhelmr. Inver Grove. <br />Henry Marthater, ['fest St. Paul. <br />J. F. Tempe, Bnstinge. <br />William Moilusky. Lakeville. <br />Obtaeary- <br />Frank Haakenson died at the Ger- <br />man Lutheran Heapital on Sunday of <br />pneumonia, after a brief illness, aged <br />sixty-two years. He was a native of <br />Sweden, and had been janitor of <br />Coates Hotel, South St. Paul, for <br />years. A wife, three sons, and two <br />daughters are in the old country <br />The funeral was held from Bethesda <br />Church on Tuesday, at two p. m., <br />with interment at Oak Hill Cemetery <br />Mr. Albert Hamlin died at the <br />home of his sister on west Third <br />street Tuesday afternoon, after an <br />illness of a week, aged forty-five <br />years. Ile ban lived in this city and <br />vicinity since childhood, and had a <br />large circle of friends. He leaves <br />two sisters and one brother, Mrs. <br />C. H Geibig, of Hastings, Mrs. B. <br />L. Frank, of Hohntleld, Man , and <br />Gustave Hamlin, of Frazee City. He <br />was never married. The funeral <br />was held from the house on <br />Thursday,at two p,m., the Rev. Jacob <br />'chaaegg omotaueg. Interment at <br />Oakwood Cemetery. <br />Alune. -- <br />Having receiver[ fife democratic nomi- <br />nation for police Justice, 1 sincerely ask <br />all my friends for their support April 7th. <br />and ff elected 1 promise to fulfill the <br />duties of the oilice according to lsw to <br />the best of my ability. with respect for <br />the office and for myself. Yours truly, <br />A. F. Joaisoa. <br />Aletn a Moa. A•k.ry. <br />M. J. Klein, an old Hasting4 boy <br />in the bakery business at Chi ago the <br />ast year, has bought the City <br />akery on Second Street of P. P. <br />B <br />Braaten,taking possession Wednesday. <br />He is an experienced baker, an enter <br />rising and popular young man, and <br />ill undoubtedly do a good business. <br />p <br />w <br />The name is changed to Klein's <br />Home Bakery. Mr. Braaten and <br />family remain here for the present. <br />Death was on the heels, <br />J. P. Morris, of gklppera. Vs., had a <br />close call in the spring of 1900. He says. <br />"An attack of pneumonia left me so <br />weak and with such a fearful cough <br />that my friends declared consumption <br />had me, and death was on my heels. <br />Then I was persuaded to try Dr. King's <br />New Discovery. It helped me formed'. <br />ately, and after taking two and a half <br />bottles I was a well man again. I found <br />out that New Discovery is the best reme- <br />dy for coughs and lung disease in all the <br />world." Sold under guarantee at Rude's <br />drug store. 50c and $1. Trial bottle <br />free. <br />Card of Thank.. <br />We desire to return sincere thanks to <br />kind friends and neighbors. and especial- <br />ly to the nurses at the oottagea, for their <br />sympathy and attention during our re- <br />cent bereavement. <br />C. H.O:Ersro and Family. <br />Mr. and Mrs. B. L. FRANK, <br />atom <br />In St. Paul, Mar. 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />Leo Elm. a son. <br />In Nininger, Mar. 31st. to Mr. and Mrs. <br />Louis Kieffer, a daul;hter. <br />ATon,aicoholic <br />Sarsczparilla <br />If you think you need a tonic, <br />ask your doctor. If you think <br />you need something for your <br />blood, ask your doctor. If you <br />think you would like to try <br />Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- <br />rilla, ask your doctor. Con- <br />sult him often. Keep in close <br />touch with him. <br />W. publish our Rummies <br />F 71:-a i°�ea <br />tiers w t <br />Ask your doctor to name some of the <br />results of constipation. His long list will <br />begin with sick•headsehe biliousness, <br />dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then <br />ask him If he would recommend your <br />wing Ayer's Pills. <br />• b $iaJ.O. Are Os.. LewNl. =aas,- <br />ESTERO EN <br />Wagon and Carriage Shop. <br />P <br />You will find a full line of <br />Wagons, (our own make) surreys, <br />open and top buggies, spring <br />wagons, milk wagons, de- <br />livery wagons, etc. <br />Horse shoeing, we do the beet work, using Never Slip or Steel Plug shoes, <br />the kind that don't wear out. <br />We do repairing and jobbing of all kinds. <br />Having added a new placer to our factory we are in shape to do all kinds <br />of planing, jointing, and repairing. <br />We solicit a share of your patronage. <br />Dealer in coal and wood. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN. <br />Tel. 26. Office and works, corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets, Hastings, <br />A really good coffee <br />at a reasonable price <br />really the standard coffee -that's <br />McLaigblirs XXXX Coffee <br />Always fresh, rich and clean, because <br />of the air -tight, sanitary packages - <br />one full pound to each package. <br />McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee <br />sold by <br />HANSON BROS. <br />MICHAEL GRAUS. <br />EMERSON & CAVANAUGH <br />tit.±-si?•� t_�3� � , L! <br />THE OPERA HOUSE, <br />ONE NIGHT. s <br />Monday, April 6th. •• <br />• <br />Fanning's Stupendous Production of <br />- <br />- <br />F?LJST. • <br />t <br />Owing to the fact that the house must be darkened and • <br />perfectly quiet during the enactment of the Allegory. • <br />which requires some seven or eight minutes, these not • <br />in their seats by 8:15 sharp will have to watt in the • <br />lobby, as doors will be closed at that time until • <br />beginning of Bot act. <br />Prices 35, 50, and 75 cts. at Glendenning's. • <br />The talk of the town. Don't miss it. <br />s <br />IF <br />YOU <br />HAVE <br />$5. <br />$50. <br />$100. <br />$1000. <br />$10000. <br />Temporarily idle. its SAFETY should be your first consideration. <br />The Time Certificates of Deposit of the GERMAN AMERICAN BANK, as <br />far as security Is concerned are practically on a par with government bonds, <br />and are about twice as profitable. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />Th. Red $Wet. <br />The official ballot for the election <br />on Tuesday is composed of the fol- <br />lowing: <br />For Mayor, <br />C. E. Reed, rep. <br />Theo. Schaal, dem. <br />For Police Justice, <br />W. DeW. Pringle, rep. <br />A. F. Johnson, dem. <br />For Aldermen at Large, <br />W. C. Lueck, rep. <br />F. A. Engel, dem. <br />G. A. Emerson, rep. <br />.1. F. Stevens. dem. <br />FIRST WARD. <br />For Alderman. <br />Peter Fasbender, rep. <br />For School inspector. <br />D. W. Sommers. rep. <br />H. P. Schoen, dem. <br />SECOND WARD. <br />For Alderman, <br />I. M. Radabangh, rep. <br />Joseph Oraus. dem. <br />For School Inspector, <br />H. G. VanBeeck, rep. <br />THIRD WARD. <br />For Alderman, <br />F. L. Clure, rep. <br />J. V. Perkins, dem. <br />For School Inspector. <br />A. E. Johnson, rep. <br />J. R. Caldwell. dem. <br />Fooane WARD. <br />For Alderman, <br />Charles Gall. dem. <br />For School Inspector, <br />H. P. Nelson, rep. <br />A. C. Dors, dem. <br />Obsess Aammuies taxa•,. <br />At St. Luke's Church to -morrow. Holy <br />Communion at 8,00 a. m., Sunday school <br />at 9.45a. m., Holy Communion and ser- <br />mon at 11 00; eventual service aisd asesese <br />at 7.45 p. m. The rector will preach is <br />the morning on The Fountain of Salva- <br />tion. There will be a spacial prember in <br />the evening. All ars cordially invited, <br />A GUIDE TO THE LAST WEST. <br />The 1908 Illustrated edition le now ready: sent <br />free to those who are interested enough to send <br />for it. It gives an honest description of the re- <br />souroe. and advantages offered in <br />WESTERN CANADA, <br />the Iatt good prodoctive west: it tells why the <br />bom.seeker or Investor should act quickly; it <br />tells about the choice one hundred and fifty <br />t.houeand acre tract we have just secured in the <br />Trampio Lake district. and why we can and do <br />make sorb tow prioee and easy terms; itlells <br />about our 810 a day guarantee; it tell, About <br />Canada's laws, Drops, markets, health, schools, <br />climate, and development. There will be a big <br />rush for good land in Canada this write <br />for • Dopy of tbl. book now, to -day. <br />LYSE LAND COMPANY, Ltd., <br />583lnsoranoe Bldg.. <br />St, Faut, Minn. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />end Smokers' Articles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />td. Q. I AtnBIIRo, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipea neatly done. <br />FOR RENT OR <br />Salo at • a•s,♦•ln. <br />North half of the northeast quarter, section <br />tbirtr-roar, and the soetbeut quarter. seotion <br />twenty -.even, town one hundred and fifteen, <br />range nineteen, Dakota County, Minn., two miles <br />east of Rosemount. Address .A. NELSON, <br />Dawson, lino. <br />J G. MERTZ & BON. <br />• <br />Undertaking, <br />Funeral Dlr.cto,e. <br />A O. Marin. State Licensed Embalmer. <br />M ONEY TO LOAN, <br />Plenty of money to lots on otty property and <br />tato Ride tit lowest rale. of hamlet. It will <br />ply <br />you to look as np before borrowingwha <br />DAKOTA Co. BUILDING ASSOCIATION. <br />A. J. Sosattaa. Unitary <br />