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Randolph items. <br />A. A. McElrath is slowly improving. <br />0. A. Ryan was in Farmington <br />Saturday. <br />A. Lephort, of Faribault, is here <br />this week. <br />• Samuel Wert went to St. Paul <br />Wednesday. <br />Miss Jennie Morrill, of Windom, <br />is home on a visit. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hardicke were <br />in St. Paul Saturday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koch visited in <br />Castle Rock on Monday. <br />Mrs S. Ryan spent Sunday with <br />her daughter at Stanton. <br />Miss Ethel Johnson, of Minneapo- <br />lis, was down for a short visit. <br />W. L. McElrath spent Saturday <br />and Monday in the twin cities. <br />M. Day, of St. Paul, came down <br />Friday on a visit with his son George. <br />Mrs. C. R. Foster is down from <br />Northfield to spend the week on the <br />farm. <br />Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Smalley are <br />entertaining relatives from Durand <br />this week. <br />Miss Amensen, of Kenyon, is the <br />guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert <br />Hugbs, this week. <br />Miss May Armstrong went to <br />Minneapolis Saturday to remain <br />during the summer. <br />Miss Reed, of Morristown, spent <br />Saturday and Sunday with her sis- <br />ter, M. C. Donaldson. <br />Miss Susie Becker went to Farm- <br />ington Sunday to attend the funeral <br />of her cousin, Louis Betzhold. <br />Mrs. M. J McElrath and daughter, <br />who have been spending the winter <br />at Spokane, returned on Saturday. <br />The Rev. Levi Houck and Mr. <br />Cowhan called at the home of L. R. <br />Miller on Sunday, en route for Dodge <br />Centre. <br />Miss Lydia Kauffman and Johnnie <br />Becker, of Hampton, were guests of <br />their sisters, Misses Lydia and Susie <br />Becker, from Friday until Monday. <br />Vermillion Station Items. <br />J. J. Gergen went to Minneapolis <br />on Monday. <br />Miss Katie Klotz was in Hastings <br />on Thursday. <br />Christian Wagner is working for <br />Frey & Kesel. <br />G. S. Balch, of Empire, was in <br />town on Tuesday. <br />Charles Marschall went to Hast- <br />ings on Thursday. <br />Nicholas Klotz is slowly recovering <br />from his recent illness. <br />drove to Hastings on Sunday. <br />William Schneider has commenced <br />seeding on the E. N. Wallerius farm. <br />Mr. and Mrs Martin Conzemius, <br />of New Trier, were here on Tuesday. <br />The auction sale of Nicholas Scban- <br />no was well attended, realizing about <br />$2,500. <br />Miss Jennie Doffing was the guest <br />of Miss Mary Rother, in Marshan, on <br />Sunday. <br />Nicholas Scbanno and family left <br />for their new home at Union Hill on <br />Tuesday. <br />John Anton is busy breaking <br />young colts and bronchos in north- <br />east Vermillion. <br />Christ Klotz hauled a load of <br />potatoes to Hastings on Monday for <br />E. N. Wallerius. <br />Frey & Kasel received a full line <br />of new goods in the millinery de- <br />partment this week. <br />Thurmes Bros are building a new <br />stock harn, thirty by sixty, for Mathi- <br />as Marschall, commencing Monday <br />Henry Doffing. of New Trier, was <br />here on Wednesday, engaging John <br />Niesen to work for him the coming <br />season <br />New rrler items. <br />Mist' Cecil Schaeffer is visiting in <br />Miesville. <br />Joseph Gerlach was home from <br />No,thfielai on Sunday <br />P. P. Gergen, of Douglas, was here <br />Nlontiar on legal husine s. <br />Frank Weiler, of Hakapton, called <br />on Peter Schmitz last Sunday. <br />William Wiederhold and family re- <br />moved here from Miesville Tuesday. <br />John Lenartz, of New Trier, called <br />on J. P. Hines the first of the week. <br />Miss Johanna Reinardy spent Sun- <br />day with Misses Maggie and Mary <br />Gergen. <br />Miss Marie Niedere, of Hampton, <br />was the guest of Miss Kate Schaeffer <br />on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conzemius, <br />of Hampton, spent Sunday with her <br />home folks. <br />Mies Sophia Kneifeld, of Marshan, <br />was the guest of Mrs. Fred. Lands- <br />berger this week. <br />Jacob Gergen & Son, of Douglas, <br />bought a team of five year olds at <br />White Rock, Goodhue County, last <br />week for $360. <br />A base ball game was played here <br />on Sunday, the New Trier Red Socks <br />vs. the Douglas High Flyers, which <br />was easily won by the latter, score. <br />nineteen to nine. <br />Inver Ufa'ye Items. <br />Ralph Drake spent Sunday in St. <br />Paul. <br />Mies Alma Anderson vas in the <br />city on Wednesday. <br />David and Nathan Malcolm were <br />in the city on Monday. <br />Peter Luxieu and Peter Malcolm <br />spent Friday evening in St. Paul. <br />Mrs. Louis 11otz and Mrs. 0. E. <br />Clubb were in the city on Saturday. <br />Miss Sophia Chrosniak, of St. Paul, <br />has been spending a few days at <br />home. <br />Chief Binder, of West St. Paul, <br />was the guest of Andrew Oberg on <br />Friday. <br />Christ Earenfight, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Martin Hagen on <br />Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Plan were the <br />guests of 31r. and Mrs. Will Plan on <br />Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith, of St. <br />Paul, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph <br />Drake on Sunday. <br />Mr. Lewis has rented the old Mc <br />Cue place, and tnoved his family in <br />the first of the week. <br />J. J. O'Leary sold his personal <br />property at auction on 1Vednesday. <br />He intends going to Montana. <br />Mr. and Mrs. George Rhebeck, of <br />St. Paul, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Andrew Opera on Sunday. <br />Miss Minnie Hanson, of Parker's <br />Prairie, was the guest of her aunt, <br />Mrs. Ellen Anderson, the first of the <br />week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. George Todd will <br />abandon housekeeping for a while, <br />having stored their furniture in St. <br />Paul. They have lived in Inver <br />Grove about ten years. <br />Hampton items. <br />Joseph ,Meyer is sick with small <br />pox. <br />The farmers are now getting ready <br />for seeding. <br />Jacor Reinardy, of New Trier, was <br />a caller on Tuesday. <br />Miss Conine Toombs was in town <br />the first of the week. <br />Roland Toombs went to Boyd, <br />Minn., on Thursday. <br />Theresa Hammes, of Hastings, <br />spent Sunday at home. <br />Miss Maggie Majerus returned to <br />Shakopee on Saturday. <br />Frank Bauer, of Hastings, is the <br />guest of his brother Peter. <br />Jacob Kummer, of Vermillion, was <br />among our Tuesday callers. <br />The forty hour devotion started on <br />Doctor Clemons, of New Trier, was <br />taken to the polar farm on Tuesday. <br />J. M. Feipel shipped four cars of <br />mixed stock to South St. Paul on <br />Friday. <br />Miss Annie ilolzmer, of Hastings, <br />was visiting Mrs. Rose Holdgrave on <br />Sunday. <br />Christ. Weiler was doing some car- <br />penter work for Jacob Scbanno the <br />first of the week. <br />Siebenaler Bros. dehorned seventy- <br />five head of cattle on .Monday, in the <br />vicinity of Vermillion, <br />John Hofmann, Ben, Giefer, and <br />J.J.Schmitz, of Hastings, were sport- <br />ing in Vermillion on Sunday. <br />Pt. Hoagies items. <br />R. C. Thompson went to Cumber- <br />land, Wis., on Wednesday, <br />Miss Elsie Leavitt gave a party to <br />a number of friends last evening. <br />Ella PaLe returned on Monday <br />from a week's visit in Minneapolis. <br />Mrs. Sarah Page, of Prescott, has <br />been spending the week with her son <br />Albert. <br />D. L. Hone, of Minneapolis, was at <br />R. C. Thompson's Saturday and <br />Sunday. <br />Mr. Pratt, from Anoka, is to ad- <br />dress the Society of Equity next Tues- <br />day evening. <br />Lester Leavitt and William Page <br />started for Montana on Monday to <br />work with Dunn's signal crew. <br />Samuel Whatley stopped with his <br />sister, Mrs. Amasa James, a few days <br />on his way to Saskatchewan from a <br />visit to his old home in England. <br />Coates Items. <br />Pete Peterson was hereon business <br />Monday. <br />Miss Eva Wayman went to the city <br />on Tuesday. <br />Henry McElrath has been transfer- <br />red to Randolph, where ho will work <br />the third shift. <br />R. C. Rank, of St. Paul, was here <br />on Tuesday, buying hay from J. J. <br />Rowe and Will Wayman. <br />A number of people from here went <br />to Rosemount last Sunday to attend <br />Holy Communion with the Hibernians, <br />Douglas Items. <br />Mathias Schweich, of New Trier, <br />has moved to Nicholas Kimmes', in <br />Miesville. <br />N. P. Roberta has moved to his <br />new home at Miesville to go into the <br />blacksmith business. <br />Jacob Doffing and Miss Annie Eel- <br />len were at the fruit basket party at <br />N. P: Roberta' last Sunday. <br />Ths Democratic Convention. <br />The democratic city convention <br />was held at City Hall Saturday, at <br />half past two p. m., and was called to <br />order by Maurice O'Brien, chairman <br />of the committee. A. F. Johnson <br />was elected chairman, and T. S. Ryan <br />secretary. <br />A committee on <br />appointed as follows: <br />J. J. Schmitz. <br />Charles Doffing. <br />Maurice O'Brien. <br />J. F. Stevens. <br />The committee reported the know- <br />ing delegates entitled to seats: <br />First Ward.-A,J. Schaller. P.M. Haas. <br />J. J. Schmitz. W. .1. Kenney, Peter <br />Hubley, Peter Knoll. <br />Second Ward. -Charles Maurer, Gerhard <br />Schaal, J. P. Gegen, Peter Rollinger, <br />Charles Doffing. <br />Third Ward. -A, F. Johnson, William <br />Matsch, William Hanson, Henry Niedere, <br />Maurice O'Brien, Barthel Rosch, N. G. <br />Wagner, T. S. Ryan. <br />Fourth Ward. -J, F. Stevens. J. J. <br />Barrett, A. R. Byers. <br />The following ballots were taken <br />for mayor, Charles Doffing and P. M. <br />Haas acting as tellers: <br />Theodore Schaal 12 14 <br />J, P. West 9 8 <br />C. E. Reed 1 <br />Theodore Schaal was declared the <br />nominee. <br />A. F. Johnson was nominated for <br />police justice by acclamation. <br />The first and secoud wards present- <br />ed F. A. Engel as a candidate for <br />alderman at large, and the third and <br />fourth J. F. Ste)eus. <br />The following city committee was <br />appointed for the ensuing two years: <br />Charles Doffing. <br />J. J. Schmitz. <br />Charles Maurer. <br />Maurice O'Brien. <br />J. J. Barrett. <br />The District Court. <br />The following order changing the <br />terms of court in Dakota County has <br />been filed by the judges: <br />credentials was <br />in the matter of fixing the general <br />terms of the district court. to be held in <br />and for the county of Dakota, in the drat <br />judicial district of the state of Minnesota. <br />The undersigned, judges of the district <br />court of the first judicial district. in the <br />state of Minnesota, being satisfied that a <br />change is desired in the dates and times <br />for holding general terms of the district <br />court in and for the county of Dakota, In <br />the first judicial district of the state of <br />Minnesota. <br />It is thereby ordered and determined <br />that the general terms of the district <br />court in and for the county of Dakota, in <br />said first judicial district, are fixed and <br />shall hereafter be held as follows, to -wit: <br />One terns on the flrst Tuesday in May, <br />each year. <br />One term on the first Wednesday after <br />the first Monday in November, each -year. <br />Dated this 301,1 day of March, 1908. <br />F. M. CROSBY. <br />W. C. WILLISTON, <br />Judges of the district court for the <br />first judicial district, atateof Minnesota. <br />In the eases of Mrs. Christine <br />Resemius vs. ,Joseph Eckert et ala <br />and Mrs. Cecilia Costello vs. Joseph <br />Eckert et als an order vas filed on <br />Saturday denying the defendants' <br />motion to set aside the verdict, with <br />judgment for defense or grant a new <br />trial. <br />!teal Estate Transfers. <br />Katharine Meindl to Mary Ma- <br />lone, lot two, C. B. Lawton's re- <br />arrangement of lots twelve to seven- <br />teen, block nine, B. Michel's Addi- <br />tion to West St. Paul $ 500 <br />Albert Chapel to E. J. Chapel <br />(quit -claim), lot seven, block nine- <br />teen, Farmington 189 <br />E. J. Chapel to Mrs. M. S <br />Chewning (quitclaim). lot seven, <br />block nineteen. Farmington 548 <br />George Reimers to Louis Stein- <br />dorif, lot thirteen. block eight, <br />Minnesota & Northwestern Addi- <br />tion to South St. Paul 125 <br />W. E. Beerse et als to E. E <br />Tuttle, forty acres in section thirty- <br />five, Hastings 600 <br />James Dougherty to Patrick <br />Dougherty, part of section twenty- <br />seven, Greenvale 212 <br />Mary B. Clark to F. J. Babcock, <br />lots twelve and thirteen, block <br />twelve South Park. division number <br />ten 200 <br />Mary B. Clark to F. J. Babcock, <br />lots twelve and thirteen, block ten, <br />South Park division number ten200 <br />Henry Furney to Albert Forney <br />(quit -claim), lots one to thirty, <br />block forty-five, Nininger 110 <br />Nicholas Tlx to Peter Tix, part <br />of section seventeen, Hampton 1.500 <br />The Probate Court. <br />The will of Mrs. Mary Burke, late <br />of Rosemount, was admitted to pro- <br />bate on Monday, with J. F. Geragh <br />ty as executor. <br />The will of .1. B. ' Hager, late of <br />Greenvale, was admitted to probate on <br />Tuesday, with Jacob Hager as exec- <br />utor; also the will of E. T. Clague, <br />of the same town, with Mrs Blanche <br />E. Clague as administratrix. <br />The application for removal of the <br />guardian of Olive K. Welsh, a Men- <br />dota minor, was heard Thursday and <br />taken under advisement, Judge Axel <br />Haller, of Red Wing, presiding owing <br />to the disqualification of Judge T. P. <br />Moran. H. A. Loughran, of St. Paul, <br />for petitioner, Hodgson & Lowell for <br />guardian. <br />Aoeldental Drownlag, <br />Miss Regheil Johnson, living with <br />ber brother, J. C. Johnson, in Green <br />vale, was found dead in the creek on <br />Sunday, the water being about a foot <br />in depth. She had started for a <br />neighbor's Saturday afternoon, and <br />probably lost her way in the dark <br />nese. Coroner Mertz went oat on <br />Monday, but held no inquest. She <br />was a native of Norway, aged eighty- <br />eight years. The funeral was held <br />on Tuesday. <br />Idols Valisiljes.s <br />Mrs. Joe Molitor was a city -visitor <br />Thursday, <br />Miss Ella Egan, of Thompson, Ia., <br />is visiting in the valley. <br />j+orea Bally, of Elk River, visited <br />at the Maltby home Wednesday. <br />Mrs. Snoberg, et Hastings„ spent <br />Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Barry <br />Eletoo, <br />Mrs. Brotherhood has moved oat <br />of Strathern', balsa, and 1s staying <br />with Miss Hattie Pettingill. <br />The Misses Holger, of St. Paul, <br />were guests of thele' cousin, Mrs. <br />Charles 8tr'athere, on 8anday. <br />J. M. Olson went to Boyceville, <br />Wis., Monday, and expecte to move <br />his family here this week. <br />James Olsen, who has been work- <br />ing at Strsthern's all winter, left <br />Tuesday for St, Panf to be treated for <br />rheumatism, <br />Misses Mary McCenna and Anna <br />Rupp, and Ward Starkey and Earl <br />Taft, of Empire, attetiaed the dance <br />at Frank Drake's Friday evening, <br />The Deasoora '- <br />The following is the t. of the <br />democratic ward, caucuses last Fri- <br />day evening: <br />Flasr WnitD, <br />Alderman. -0. W. Hetherington. <br />School Justice of H-peterSchoen. Marschall. <br />Cbnstablie.-J, L. Darling. <br />8E0OND WARD. <br />Alderman. -Joseph Gnus. <br />School inspector. -H. 0. Van Beeck. <br />Justice of the Peace. -Peter Rollioger. <br />Constable.-Mathlaa Jacobs; <br />THIRD WARD. <br />Alderman, -J, V. Perkins. <br />School Justice off Peace. _ Caldwell. <br />t <br />Constable. -William HanaunHuatiog. <br />FOURTH WARD. <br />Aldermen. -Charles Gall. <br />School Justice f A <br />t �-P. W.rHild. <br />Constable. -Phillip Hlld. <br />Dow's This, <br />We offer one hundred dollars reward for any <br />case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's <br />Catanb care. <br />We, the undersigned, are known F. J Cheney <br />for the last father years, end believe .m per- <br />fectly honorable la all business transact 'as and <br />financially able -to carry out any obligations <br />made bl his firm. <br />W&rnraa, Ktmtaa. & Maavnt, <br />WHall's Catarrh Curs�4kenn interna <br />lly, aottiin <br />g <br />directly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of <br />the system. Testtmoalals sent free. Price 75o. <br />per bottle. Sold by all druggists. <br />Hall',FamHy P115. are the besL <br />taspoea !teas,. <br />Miss Kate McKenney is sewing in <br />Hampton of late. <br />The ladies' aid met with Mrs. G. <br />8. Balch Thursday afternoon. <br />Mrs. G. H. Whittier and daughter <br />Verna spent Saturday in St. Paul. <br />Patrick Cullabao returned Tuesday <br />evening from'biat visit to the Pacific <br />Costae. <br />Miss Maude Whittier, teacher in <br />District 39, is having a two weeks' <br />Vacation. <br />Robert Brown renloved to Langdon <br />this week. We are very sorry to lose <br />our good neighbors. <br />• Twenty Tear tloutessee. <br />-I have just completed a twenty year <br />health sentence. imposed by Buckien's <br />Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleed- <br />ing piles just twenty 'years ago," writes <br />0. 8. Woolever, of LeRaysellle, N. Y. <br />Buckien's Arnica Salve Beals the worst <br />sores, boils, burns, wounds, and cuts in <br />the shortest time. 25c. at Rude's drug <br />store. <br />Bleths and Deaths. <br />The following supplementary re- <br />port for 1907 has been received by <br />the clerk of court from the state <br />board of health: <br />Eurekit <br />Hampton village <br />Lakeville <br />Lakeville village <br />Roeemouot vlllatte.. , _J 1 <br />West 8t. Paul <br />Births. Deaths. <br />1 <br />4 4 <br />1 <br />Total <br />• <br />, <br />10 6 <br />LOW F•l&Hs TO PAO1l10 COAST. <br />Chicago Milwaukee, a et. Taal aye <br />One-way colonist tickets on sale daily <br />until Apr. 80th to Seattle, Tacoma. <br />Spokane. Portland, Victoria, Vancouver, <br />San_Francisco, Loa Ao cies, and many <br />other Pacific coast pgnts. $8S from <br />Chicago; proportiopately,low rates from <br />point, west of Ohloago,r..$7 for double <br />berth in tourist Bleeper from Chicago. <br />Your local agent will furnish complete <br />information • regalia/;lam ;from your <br />station, routes, and UAW, servloe, tree. <br />F. A. Miller, general ' passenger agent, <br />Chicago. <br />Asylums Noted. <br />Christ, sod William Ash came <br />down from 8t. Paul on Monday to <br />begin operations upon the founda- <br />tions of the new cottage. <br />A. J. Trodden, superintendent of <br />construction, has been transferred to <br />St. Peter to oversee the building of a <br />new sanitarium for consumptives, <br />leaving Tue$day evening. <br />lease Dan. <br />The high school team bas been <br />organised for the Beason, with C. E. <br />Hadgsoo as Ins iiger and C. E. <br />Downs' captain. 'They espect to play <br />about eight games with outside nitres. <br />.J: Q; Mackintosh has just returned <br />from ..Dickinson, N. D, Dear where <br />he has landed interests. .While ab- <br />sent he sold 'a half section of land <br />that brought him $14 an acre cash.- <br />Stt7troatgtr tete. <br />Osaka Ball. <br />The Bridgeport Juniors defeated <br />the seventh grade at the high school <br />auditorium on. F_ cI4ay evening, score <br />eleven to eve. n <br />New Line <br />To Independence <br />To -day's opportuuitiee for success and future independence are along the new <br />Eine to the Pacific Coast in the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, and Washington. <br />There are openings for farmers, for stockmen, for merchants, for professional <br />men, for workingmen. <br />Homeseekers' Excursions <br />Tuesday, Apr. 7th and list. <br />Low fares; tickets good twenty-one days from date of sale; stop overs al. <br />lowed. Take advantage of these low -fare excursions. It L worth your <br />while to investigate the openings now. The homeseeekers' tickets will be on <br />sale to all stations on the PACIFIC COAST EXTENSION of the <br />Chicago, <br />Milwaukee, .& St. Paul <br />Railway. <br />On this new line regular passenger trains are now operated to Mobridge, <br />Lernmon, Hettinger, Bowman, and Marmarth, in the Dakotas, and to Terry, <br />Miles City, Musselshell, and Harlowton, in Montana, with connections for <br />Moore, Lewistown, and other points in the Judith Basin. <br />Ask your local agent for information regarding fare and train ser- <br />vice from your station. Send for maps and deacripttve books re- <br />garding the openings offered in this new country. <br />F. A. HILLER, <br />General Passenger Agent, <br />CHICAGO. <br />Sonthat.Paat 1tense. <br />Mr and Mrs. M. A. Wright left on <br />Tuesday to take up a resitietu•e. et <br />Bowman, N. D. <br />John Lempke and John Frymand, <br />held on suspicion of luting concerned <br />in the robbery at Robert VanAsteu's{ <br />residence, were discharged on Satur- <br />day for want of eufiicient evidence. 1 <br />Naturally. <br />Towne -Sleep well? <br />Stubbs -Like a top --never lose a <br />wink, <br />"Great Scott! What do you take?" <br />"An alarm clock to my room and <br />then set the alarm for half an hour <br />after I go to bed. As mon as It tinge <br />I naturally roll over and go to sleep!"- <br />Plck-Ile-Up, <br />Helping Hirp Out.. <br />Borrows -I say, old man, 0 wish you <br />would help me out today. <br />Buayman-Haven't time to do It my- <br />self, but ru call the porter. John, <br />open the door and help the gentleman <br />Republican County Conveneloa, <br />A republican county oonrention will beheld at <br />Hutto Hall, Farmington, on T,hurtday,AprIl 9th, <br />1908, at eleven a. m., for the purpose of electing <br />thirteen delegates to the skits convention at <br />Minneapolis, April 16th, and deisgatee to the re. <br />publican oengresslonal oonvenllon at Shakopee, <br />Apr. 16th. <br />The several election districts are entitled to <br />representation as follows: <br />Burnsville. .. ......... 9 Mendota .... . . 4 <br />Castle Rock ..... 4 Mendota Tillage. .• <br />2 <br />Douglas ............... 9 Now Trier............. 1 <br />Eagan 4 Nlntager.............. <br />Empire. 7 Randolph ..- . ...... 9 <br />EGreenvale 4 R+venaa 9 <br />Hampton 8 Rosemount .... ... 4 <br />Hampton vel! Soloist .......... ...... 8 <br />Hut cgs, 1st we --' " 9 South St. Paul, 1st w. 4 <br />Hastings, 9d w 4 (soSouth St Paul, Id w.. 9 <br />Hulloes. 3d w 8 Vermillto0 9 <br />Hastings. 4th w 8 Waterford-- .... .... 3 <br />Inver Orove6 Wast et. Paul, let w.. 3 <br />Lakeville... ... 4 West 80. Paul fid w... 4 <br />Lebanon .............. 8 West at. Paul, 34 w... 9 <br />Marshan ......... .. 9 <br />The above representation .is one for each <br />twenty.eve votes or major fraction thereof and <br />one at large for the average vote oast fol' the re- <br />publican state and legislative Reim at t4egener- <br />al election In 1906. <br />The primary election for the .election of dale - <br />gates will be held at the usual puling places on <br />Tuesday Apr. 7th, at sight p. m. <br />Per order of committee <br />H. L. SIIMPTION, ChitIMO <br />J. M. J*cz, Secretary. <br />Positive Proof. <br />Should Oonvfnowthe Grreaseeteltep1fo in <br />Hastings, <br />Because it's the evidence of a Ratings <br />citizen. <br />Testimony easily investigated. <br />The strongest endorsement of merit. <br />The best proof. Read it: <br />A. A. Soots. photographer, 200 west <br />Fifth Street. Rawlings, Minn.. says, "I <br />think I had every symptoe n that arises <br />from a disordered condition of th <br />kidneys. I felt tired and distrcwaed al <br />the time, dizzy spells would come on and <br />leave me nervous and worn out for some <br />time. My back was very weak, and <br />whenever I would bend over or make a <br />sodden movement I would suffer severe- <br />ly. The secretions frommy k idonya did <br />not act correctly, but forced me to rice <br />many times during the night. giving evI- <br />denceof adisordered condition of my kid- <br />neys. I doctored *great deal, but did not <br />end relief until Doan's Kidney Pills were <br />brought to ms attention. and 1 pro <br />cured a bo;at F. W. Finch's drug atop. <br />I received such satisfactory relief from <br />the use of this box that 1 procured a fur- <br />ther supply. The painsst,d aches left <br />and my kidneys began to assume their <br />normal condition. lam now so well and <br />strong that i do not thiuk it neoeaeary to <br />use any medicine for kidney complaint." <br />For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. <br />Foster -Milburn Co.. ,Buflxln. N Y.. <br />sole agents for the United tatates. <br />Remember the Dame-Doan's-and take <br />0 other. <br />QEO. B. HAYNES, <br />immigration Agent, <br />95 ADAMS ST., CHICAQO. <br />Special Low <br />Round Trip <br />Rates <br />Os certain days you as <br />get rotted trip tickets at <br />ezneedingty low rates to <br />TEXAS <br />or any part of the <br />GREAT <br />SOUTHWEST <br />Malting it easy for you to see for <br />Yourself the one remaining land of <br />opportunity for all. <br />WAD <br />STANDARD <br />TOURIST <br />hew St. Leah <br />to all <br />*WO p <br />For full particulars cat out ansPon <br />below and mail le <br />U115 FARIISWOI78, D. P. A. <br />186 Clark Street Mimeo, M. <br />Please seed me hall pasdc.lan Most rear <br />special Lew Gams. daa.ett..sa4 cath trip. <br />1 maw laeerand le <br />198 Oleos et Puri <br />Neer <br />ck, a.... <br />Not <br />Ruined <br />s gown which has tis <br />spot oan be made lite new, <br />send it to us and loam a <br />lesson in economy. <br />Katy articles it <br />ars annually oast <br />mlghtQ give farther sank* <br />We make tillage loots almost Mks <br />new at ' espouse to you. <br />ke ti.ia <br />Gross row ear t. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State of Minnesota, oonnty of Dakota, -ss. In <br />probate urt. <br />In thecomatter of the estate of Maria <br />Rauob, deo.dent, <br />Letter. of administration with the will an. <br />nexed this day having been granted to William <br />E. Beee. <br />e It 0 Onrdered that the time within wbtab all <br />LID <br />of the above named deoedeot may pre• <br />l sentolalmu aaatnat ber estaq la this court 5.. and <br />theaame b.reby I., limited toile months from and 1 <br />after the date hereof, and that Saturday, the <br />81st day of October, 1908, at ten o'clock a. m., <br />lotidrt eyt5.EouwHastgs, oama,and eho 0 <br />benby ls, fixed and appointed u the time and O <br />place for hearing uppoon, and the examination, ' <br />adjustment, and alio <br />wLaos of such claims <br />shall be presented within the time aforesaid. <br />Let ,otloe hereof be apron by the publication <br />of thes order in The Hastings Gazette, as pro- It <br />vlded b law <br />Dat.Maroh 984, 1908. o0 <br />R4 the court. THOS. P. MORAN. H <br />t sat.) 973w Judge of Probate. 81 <br />• <br />?Meet Friss Seta., Elbowing Stook Raising in <br />WESTERN CANADA <br />Some of the choicest lands for grain growing <br />stock raising and mixed farming in the new dis- <br />tricts of Saskatchewan and Alberta have re- <br />cently been Opened for Settlement under the <br />Revised tend Regulations <br />ci nlitl o ). by tka latheat�m� ,oaf dang tai. <br />brother or sheer of an intending homesteader. <br />Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres each aro <br />thus now easily available in these great grala• <br />growing. stock -raising and mixed farming tea <br />dons. <br />There you will find healthful climate. good <br />aslgbbors, churches for family worship. schools <br />for your children, good laws, splendid crops, <br />and railroads convenient to market. <br />Entry fee in sub case is 116.00. For pamphlet. <br />"Last Beat West." particulars as to rates. routes. <br />best time to go and when to locate, apply to <br />R. T. HOLMES <br />315 Jackson Street, St. Pall, Mian. <br />Canadlaa Government Agent <br />NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. <br />Whereat, default bas occurred in the oondl- <br />ttoas of a certain mortgage, beartagdats 11ovem- <br />ber id, 19n6. made, ezeouted, and delivered by <br />William Sohwegler and Chrisuaa R. eohweglet, <br />his wife, •s mortgagors, to Jacob Leat es mori- <br />gagee, *blob said mortgage was dole recorded <br />In the office of the register of deeds In and for <br />the county of Dakota and state of Mlnnepote, <br />on the 4th day of November, 1906, is Book 91 of <br />Cllaa1med to b d�attd'at the d~anie of titist ae <br />is due, on uld mortgage and the tudebtedneu <br />secured thereby the sum of eight beedna, <br />serenty-one and 38-100 and no notion or pprooceeedtnusatlaww ordother- <br />wise has been instituted to recover said mort- <br />gage debt or any part or portion of the uMS <br />Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that <br />pursuant to the power of sale In said snort - <br />gage contained <br />and provided, lthe said the tmortgsmute in , will�be <br />foreclosed, and the promises therein and here- <br />inafter <br />described will be sold at public vendee <br />by the sheriff of said Dakota County. at the <br />north front door of the oourthou•e, in the cite <br />of Hutinggss old county, on the 91st day of <br />April 1908,'at tea o'olook in the forenoon of <br />said day, to salary the amount that shall then <br />be doe on said mortises, together with the costs <br />and expenses of sale, Including the sum of fifty tf9''.. <br />dollars attorney's fees stipulated In said mors• <br />gage to to paid 1n case of foreclosure. <br />The lands described in said mortgage and so <br />to be sold are situate In Dakota County, Min- <br />nesota. and are described as follows, to -wit: <br />Commencing Sftyslx and two-thirds tie%) feet <br />south of the northeast corner of block fifteen <br />(15), y111age of Farmington, Mlnoesota, tbeooe <br />west acrou lots one (1), two (9), and thr a (9) <br />elthtof y 0801 feket,fithence(souih 6ftynlx aone nd two- <br />third. (66li) feet, thence east one hundred and <br />*tight), (1110) feet. thence north to place of begin. <br />sling fty-six and two-thirds (6630feet; the same <br />betas the center one-third of lets one (1). two <br />(9)_s�d three (3), of block 91t *s (15), village <br />of lotion, Mlnaesota, on file and of record <br />In the mister of deed's office In and for Dakota <br />fouaty, lffoaesota. <br />Dated tbtt 98th day of February. 1008. <br />JAC0R LEUF, <br />Hoawoa & Lewitt, Attorneys fort Mot tgagee <br />Hastiag,, Minnesota,, w <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT, <br />State of Minnesota, oouety of Dakota. -et. 1n <br />probate oo.rt. <br />la the matter of the estate of Frank G. Holmes, <br />decedent. <br />The state of Minnesota to Eliza Hulme., <br />and all persons Interested in the grant - <br />ng of admlaletntlot of the estate of <br />said deoedsnt: The petition of Robert Holmes <br />having been *kiln <br />la this oourt. representing that <br />Frank G. Holmes, then a resident of the county <br />f Dakota, state Of Minnesota, died intestate <br />n the 19th day of January, 1906, and praying <br />bet letters of administration of his estate be <br />granted to said Robert Holmes, and the 60101 <br />having fixed the time and plane for hearing <br />said petition. Therefore, you. and each of you, <br />re hereby cited and required to show untie, <br />f any you bays, before thla oour. at the probate <br />uting�tn m the bo01.01y of Dakota. attate of <br />ianeeota, on the gid day of April, 1908, at <br />wo o'clock p. m., why said petition abould not <br />he1r�u clod. <br />Wltbas the udae of said ootrt, and seal of <br />sa/d ooart. 151. 5 day 0;1,11011.u/it:. 19,8. <br />fCobar 8xat l MORAN, <br />17Sw Probate Judge, <br />7H ewe & Lewitt. Attorneys for Petitioner. <br />TAX JIMOMENT SALE. <br />Pennant to a real estate taxudgment of the <br />district court of the county of Dakota. state of <br />Minnesota, attend the 81st day of March, 19130. <br />to proceedings for enforcing payment of taxes <br />suit <br />D <br />Dakota istatalniaag delinquuent on thee dhe ui Mon- <br />Mon- <br />day u lunar,. 1KM. and of the statutes le such <br />sate made and provided. I shall on rtonday, the <br />okras* of Mar 1008, at tee o'clock in the <br />ooa <br />fer.a, at ay otos la the eoartboue., 1■ the <br />city of Raatlage asd suety of Dakota, sell the <br />lata which are charged with taxes, � penalties.sad eget hi said jedvaeat. and ea whfck taxes <br />@ball antAave base pnvloaal �g, <br />Dated ea Mn dl Masi Emmma*, <br />Andttee et Dakota Downy. <br />ot <br />