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l <br />PH GAZETTE. <br />IRVING TODD A SON. <br />SATURDAY APRIL 25, 1908. <br />The general terms of court in <br />Goodhue County have been changed <br />to the second Tuesday in January, <br />the third Tuesday in relay, and the <br />second Tuesday in September. <br />Special terms on the first Tuesday of <br />the other months, July and August <br />excepted. <br />Minnesota Jonrnail,m. <br />The St. James Plaindealer is for <br />sale at $6,000. <br />F. E. DuToit, of The Chaska Her- <br />ald, is on the road to fame, a popular <br />cigar haring been named the Senator <br />DuToit, with his photo on the band. <br />They undoubtedly burn freely, leav- <br />ing no bad taste in the mouth. <br />A chief of the Crow Indians has <br />presented his war bonnet to Senator <br />Clapp as a token of peace with the <br />whites. It is a huge affair of eagles' <br />feathers, reaching from the head to <br />the ground, and will come in very <br />handy (luring the fall campaign. <br />Notwithstanding ?resident North- <br />rop's stern warning to the students at <br />the state university against gambling. <br />two of the girls were caught match- <br />ing pennies during a geology recita- <br />tion on Wednesday. They escaped <br />%rich a severe reprimand. <br />The state board of health will send <br />out its tuberculosis exhibit next <br />mouth, remaining a week each in <br />Stillwater, Mankato, Winona, and <br />several other towns in the southern <br />part of the state. <br />The verdict of $30,000 awarded <br />to A. E. Sprague, a brakeman on the <br />Wisconsin Central Road. for Toss of <br />both legs while coupling cars has <br />been sustained by the supreme court. <br />The name of Gov. J. A. Johnson <br />was not mentioned at the Illinois <br />democratic convention on Thursday, <br />and is not likely to be at the national <br />conventiou in Denver. <br />The Stillwater hoard of education <br />declined giving their teachers a raise <br />of $5 per month on account of the <br />expense involved. <br />dionedamsesdeemeeMema <br />Inver Grove Items. <br />William Bohrer spent Sunday in <br />St. Paul. <br />Miss Lydia Bohrer was in the city <br />Thursday. <br />Miss Lillie Hagen, of St. Paul, was <br />home on Sunday. <br />Hulda Luxien was home from St. <br />Paul over Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan spent <br />Monday in St. Paul. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Chrosniak were <br />in St. Paul over Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. David Horbach were <br />visiting in St. Paul on Sunday. <br />Charlie Pierce came down from the <br />soldiers' home Friday upon a visit. <br />Edwin Sjoberg, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Olot Johnson on Wed- <br />nesday. <br />Edward Maute, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Mrs. John Brennan on <br />Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Plan enter- <br />tained a number of relatives on <br />Sunday. <br />Miss Wilhelmy, of West St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. <br />Louis Horbach. <br />dr. and Mrs. Clark Woodworth <br />were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph <br />Drake on Sunday. <br />Alex. Anderson and Charlie Gibbs <br />drove to St. I'aul on Wednesday <br />after loads of bees. <br />Thomas Roszak entertained his <br />brother-in-law from Sturgeon Lake <br />the first of the week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carter, of South <br />St. Paul, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Tom Rvan on Sunday. <br />Carl Malcolm and Freda Edstrom, <br />of Minneapolis, were the guests of <br />Mrs. Peter Malcolm on Sunday. <br />Mrs. J. J. Todd and children, of <br />South St. Paul, were at the home of <br />her brother, H. C. Barton, on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kolodzeski, <br />of St. Paul, were at the home of her <br />sister, Mrs. Mikulewicz, on Sunday. <br />Randolph items. <br />Miss Celia Miller spent Wednesday <br />in Dennison. <br />FI. Peter, of Dennison, was a' caller <br />on Wednesday. <br />Mliss Ruby Brigham went to St. <br />Paul Saturday. <br />The dam at Black River Falls has Miss Amenson was home in Ken <br />been ruined by muskrats, and steam yon over Sunday. <br />power will be used until it can be Miss Lucile Smalley was home <br />repaired. from Faribault over Sunday. <br />Earl Morrill and Henry Dack went <br />to St. Paul Monday on business. <br />C. F. Dickman will have his meat <br />market ready for business this week. <br />Miss Ethel Cran, of Hayfield, was <br />the guest of Miss Nora Leuben over <br />Sunday. <br />G. A. Smalley and Miss Lucile <br />The March receipts from the Smalley were St. Paul visitors on <br />Anoka asylum were $175; Hastings Saturday. <br />123.43. Mrs. C.J. Donaldson is entertaining <br />her sister, Miss Reed, of Morristown, <br />this week. <br />Miss Hurley and Miss Brown, of <br />St. Paul, visited over Sunday with <br />Mrs. G. A. Smalley. <br />Miss Edythe Baumbauer and sis- <br />ter, of St. Paul, were guests of Miss <br />Clara Oberdorf over Sunday. <br />Miss Celia Miller went to Cannon <br />Falls Wednesday evening to attend a <br />concert of the Carleton College Glee <br />Club. <br />Owatonna has raised the price of <br />liquor licenses from $500 to $1,000, <br />and limited the uumber of saloons to <br />ten. <br />J. M. Duley, a native of Winona, <br />has been appointed chief of police at <br />Tacoma. <br />From an Ivanhoe paper we learn <br />that"State Librarian King was an <br />Ivanhoe caller Friday morning, com- <br />bining a business and political trip. <br />He here expressed himself as hoping <br />that Lincoln County would send a <br />delegation to the state convention in- <br />structed for Gov. Johnson for the <br />presidency." Of course, "business <br />and political" trips of this kind may <br />lie part of the state librarian's work. <br />We don't know, for we have never <br />been state librarian. It would seem, <br />however, that there are too many offi- <br />cials drawing salaries from the state <br />and devoting their time to business <br />of this kind. Is that what you are <br />paying them for, Mr. Taxpayer? - <br />.Sleepy Eye Dispatch-. <br />The railroad commissioners are <br />very busy. It does seem as though <br />Messrs. Young and Mills would quit <br />of their own accord, but if they don't <br />the voters should not hesitate to have <br />them quit. Mr. Young, physically, <br />is not fitted to fulfill the duties of the <br />office; and Mr. Mills has been pen- <br />sioned by the state and worked for <br />the railroads long enough. If the <br />republicans do not defeat both of <br />them in the next convention it is to <br />be hoped that the democrats will <br />name good and desirable men, and <br />that the voters will do the rest on <br />election day.-LeSueur News. <br />Over a thousand republican states- <br />men from all parts of the state paid <br />their own expenses to Minneapolis <br />last week to attend the state conven- <br />tion, only to find that things were all <br />settled before they got there, even to <br />the selection of chairmen and secre- <br />taries, doorkeepers and janitors. <br />What's the use? Somebody should <br />have presented a resolution authoriz- <br />ing the federal officeholders to go <br />ahead and do the work of these con- <br />ventions without calling in the people. <br />-Elk River Star -News. <br />The bolding of the republican state <br />and congressional conventions in <br />Minnesota last week, and the har- <br />mony that was evident throughout <br />their proceedings, together with the <br />apparently "cut and dried" pro- <br />grammes carried out, certainly in- <br />dicates that there is concerted action <br />among the leaders in the party, down <br />to the county organizations. -Taylor's <br />Falls Journal. <br />Mrs. Alma Strausberg, of Fall <br />Creek, who has been visiting Mrs. <br />Rinke:, has gone to Hastings for a <br />few days' visit. -Stillwater Gazette. <br />G. W. Becker, of Hastings, and F. <br />S. Becker, of Empire, visited their <br />sisters, Misses Lydia and Susie, on <br />Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Smalley <br />entertained a number of the young <br />people last Saturday evening, a sur- <br />prise party for their daughter, Miss <br />Lucile. The evening was very <br />pleasantly spent with games and <br />music, after which ice cream, straw- <br />berries, and cake were served very <br />daintily. <br />filch Valley Items. <br />Daniel Bergen, of St. Paul, was in <br />the valley Tuesday. <br />fbomas Clark came down from <br />Minneapolis on Wednesday. <br />Miss Clara Cornelly visited at <br />Forest Lake a few days this week. <br />Mrs. Harry Elston and Mrs. Arthur <br />Bailey drove to Hastings on Wed- <br />nesday. <br />Mr. French, traveling salesman <br />from St. Paul, was in the valley <br />Friday. <br />Bennie Pettingill attended a ban- <br />quet at St. Anthony Park on Monday <br />evening. <br />Miss Blanche and Genevieve Ander- <br />son, of St. Paul, visited their aunt, <br />Mrs. Lillian Drake, last week. <br />Mrs. Thomas Eagen and children, <br />of St. Paul, were guests of her broth- <br />er, J. J. Mullrooney, on Easter. <br />Thomas Callahan and family, of <br />Coates, have moved into the house of <br />William Strathern, on the corner. <br />Milton Linton returned to St. <br />Anthony Park on Sunday, after <br />spending two months with his aunt, <br />Miss Hattie Pettingill. <br />j•.Nf����N tea••': �•ij.• j�•i. � �• ��� �• •��••� �. e•••••• • <br />i •:tesN8.� e �• 3.333 •• �• ••a• •.•• • ii.•••••••�:i>•• • <br />"us • ••• • i�ieti�i�i. ••itiwi•% js�Yl�' '�'':•i•i�•i <br />Makes the Biscuit <br />and Cake lighter, <br />finer flavored, more <br />nutritious airvholesolme <br />DA PRIGS <br />CREAM <br />BAKING POWDER <br />Made from pure - y <br />(scrape Cream of Tartar <br />No alum -No lime phophate <br />South fit. Poul Items. <br />The council has bought lot sixteen, I F. N. Fox is on the sick list this <br />Bampton Items. <br />block five, on Grand Avenue for the, week. <br />new fire hall. Consideration $700. Miss Minnie Gitzen, of St. Paul, is <br />4'he local dealers have been noti- visiting here. <br />fied to limit their Fourth of July! Miss Corine Toombs went to St. <br />orders to a very few harmless ex.. <br />Paul on Thursday, <br />plosives. 1 Nicholas Chandler, of Vermillion, <br />A class of thirty-five from the' was a caller on Friday. <br />state agricultural school made a tour! Frank Weiler drove to Coates and <br />of the stock canis and packing plant; Vermillion on Monday. <br />on Monday. <br />Otto and Thomas Lipper, held for <br />arson of a barn at South Park, were <br />discharged on Wednesday for want <br />of sufficient evidence. <br />Mrs. Elizabeth E. Edgar received a <br />check of $3,000 on Wednesday from <br />Harmony Camp, M. W. A., on <br />account of the death of her husband. <br />Louis Lingg, sent to the Odd <br />Fellows' Hospital at Northfield last <br />week on account of rheumatism, has <br />been committed to Roc:fester for <br />insanity. <br />The trustees of Oak Hill Cemetery <br />have autkrized an assessment of <br />fifty cents on every lot, to defray the <br />expense of keeping the gronnds in <br />condition. <br />The cottage owned by D. Meyers <br />and occupied by John Kedder was <br />burned on Thursday night of last <br />week, the inmates barely escaping. <br />Loss $1,00', insurance $200, <br />Coates Items. <br />John Callahan went to the city <br />Monday. <br />Miss Josephine McGuire was down <br />from St. Paul to spend Easter. <br />John Murphy, of Minneapolis, <br />spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. <br />Pilcher. <br />Andrew Lorentz, of Minneapolis, <br />spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. <br />Flanagan. <br />J. M. Condon has returned from <br />an extended trip through the west <br />and southwest. <br />D. T. Quealy and Mr. and Mrs. <br />J. J. Dunn motered out from Haat• <br />ings last Sunday. <br />Joseph Callahan has been at St. <br />Joseph's hospital, St. Paul, the past <br />week for indigestion. <br />Mrs. James .Jagoe spent several <br />days last week in South St. Paul with <br />her sister, Mr. O. E. Davis, who <br />died of paralysis on Saturday. Mr. <br />and Mrs. Henry Jagoe attended the <br />funeral on Monday. <br />Marshan Items. <br />Peter Becker returned to Hastings <br />on Saturday. <br />Harry Feyen returned to St. Paul <br />On Sunday. <br />The people in this vicinity are all <br />through seeding. <br />H. J. B. Wagner, of Vermillion, <br />was a caller on Monday. <br />W. J. Morgan, of Nininger, sold a <br />horse for $180 the last of the week. <br />Miss Marie Eagan, of Elgin, was <br />the guest of Mies Agnes Rother over <br />Sunday. <br />Christ. Hoffman, of Farmington, <br />was selling cream separators here on <br />Tuesday. <br />J. M. Feipel, of Hampton, was <br />buying horses, cattle, and hogs in <br />this vicinity on Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Reinardy, of <br />Douglas, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. <br />Henry Rother, on Monday. <br />W. J. Morgan, of Nininger, sold <br />two steers for -8t. Paul on Thursday, <br />weighing fourteen hundred each, <br />price $42. <br />Quite a large number from Doug- <br />las and Hampton attended the funeral <br />of Mr. J. N. Stoffel, at Vermillion, <br />on Monday. <br />Martin Conzemius made a trip to <br />Northfield on Wednesday. <br />Christos Weiler is putting a new <br />roof on John Theis' saloon. <br />J. M. Feipel shipped a oar of stock <br />to South St. Paul on Thursday. <br />Miss Veronica Schaffer, of New <br />Trier, was in town on Saturday. <br />Misses Theresa C. and Emma A. <br />Leifeld were in town on Saturday. <br />Michael Meyer, of Vermillion, was <br />sporting in this vicinity on Sunday. <br />J. J. Hoffman started the base- <br />ment for a new barn on Wednesday. <br />H. J. B. Wagner made the first <br />trip with his new road cart Tuesday. <br />John Zeien, of Vermillion, Was in <br />towh on Sunday, en route for South <br />Hampton. <br />George Hirschbach sold a team of <br />horses for $400 to a St. Paul party <br />last Saturday. <br />Misses Anna and Elizabeth Reu- <br />ter, of Vermillion, were in town, en <br />route for the twin cities. <br />John Kranz's barn was entirely <br />destroyed by fire on Monday, and the <br />house started to burn several times, <br />but was eared by the brave neighbors. <br />Vermillion Station Items, <br />John Kesel was in St. Paul on <br />Tuesday. <br />John Kaiser, of Miesville, was here <br />on Wednesday. <br />William Hartman, of Farmington, <br />visited here Easter. <br />A special train was distributing <br />ties here on Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Monroe, of <br />Hastings, spent Sunday here. <br />P. J. Huberty and family, of <br />Farmington, spent Easter here. <br />John Eck is in charge of the extra <br />gang on the Hastings & Dakota. <br />Christ. Wagner and John Wieder- <br />hold drove to Nininger on Thursday. <br />Peter Ludwig went to Farmington <br />on Monday to work on the section. <br />J. P. Schwartz and Nicholas <br />Morrett were out from Hastings on <br />Sunday. <br />N. J. Klotz came down from <br />Grand Forks on Ttiursdgy, owing to <br />the death of his father.' <br />Misses Minnie and Annie M. <br />Reuter, of Hastings, spent Easter <br />with their cousins, Misses Lizzie and <br />Annie Reuter. <br />Frank Wlederhold & Sons are <br />building an addition to John Wieder- <br />hold's house. Henry Schwartz is <br />doing the =eon .work. <br />Mise MargaretHeinen, of North- <br />field, and Miss Barbara Heinen, of <br />Farmington, spent Easter with their <br />mother, Mrs. N. S: Heinen. <br />Hale Dell. <br />The high schoolboys defeated the <br />normals at River Falls last Saturday, <br />score seven to five. The battery was <br />C. N. Kranz and 0. E. Downs. <br />The Denmark Minors defeated the <br />L. & K.'e, at C. 0. Keene's pasture, <br />Denmark, last Sunday afternoon, <br />score nineteen to nine. <br />The high school team baa a game <br />scheduled with the high school at <br />River Falls to -day. <br />Areca 18otee. <br />Ash & Co. have a crew of fifteen <br />or twenty men employed at the new <br />men's cottage. <br />stoat Estate usurer. <br />. <br />Ernest Strauss to H. F. Wilson, <br />lot four, block one hundred and <br />sixteen, Hastings ........ ..........5 2 <br />L. P. Fluke to F. W. Burton, lots <br />eight to ten, block thirty-five. M. <br />Moes' Addition to Farmington...,, 4 <br />Mathias Doffing to E. W. Ham- <br />mes, lots seven and eight. btdek <br />one. Dotling's Addition to Kemp- <br />ton village 4 <br />Albertine Wagenkncoiot to Fred <br />Wageoknecbc, one hundred acnes <br />in section thirty-five. Merodota3, <br />Norah Nicholson to Thomas <br />Kennelly (quit: claim). forty-eight <br />acres In section twenty-five. Burns- <br />ville 1 n <br />J. A. Larsoe to A. J. Colbera et <br />al, lot seven, block seven. B. Mich- <br />el's Addition to West S. Paul <br />W. H. O'Connell to George Kief- <br />fer, Jr.. eighty acres in seetlon two, <br />Douglas <br />5,5 <br />Joseph Felton to Nicholas Weis, <br />west half of lot one. block forty- <br />nine, Hastings 2 <br />Elizabeth Camden to C. W <br />Clark, port of lot one, block two, <br />South Park, division number tbree 3 <br />George Seals to 0. S. Bullard, <br />forty acres in section six, Cantle <br />Rock, and ninety acres in sections <br />thirty-six and twenty-five, Lakeville10,00 <br />Mathias Kimmes to M. J. Kim- <br />mes, eighty acres in section twenty- <br />nine, Harshen ........ , .. 4, <br />Robert Grunau to August Bortz <br />lots eighteen and nineteen• block <br />eleven, Lincoln Park 1, <br />H. A. Grunau to August Bortz, <br />lot twenty, block eleven. Lincoln <br />200 <br />Park <br />0. W. Cameron to John Moore, <br />lot fifteen and part of lot fourteen, <br />block seventeen, Inver Grove Fac- <br />tory Addition 1,00 <br />Kate O'Donnell to J.E.Campbell, <br />Iota six and seven, block fourteen, <br />South St. Paul Syndicate. Park1,100 <br />Mabel G. Sutton to Sidney Har- <br />per. part of seetfoathlrteect, Mendota 1,328 <br />Olof Johnson to Sidney Harper, <br />part of section thirteen, Mendota1,233 <br />Joseph Rowe to J..1. Rowe (quit- <br />claim), eleven acres in section <br />teen, Rosemount.... 40 <br />Trustees of Methodist-Cb�ureh to <br />H. E. Young (quit claim). lotetwo, <br />four, six, eight. twelve. block two: <br />lois two and four, block eleven: and <br />lots one to fourteen, block one, <br />Erchinger's Addition to West St, <br />Paul 50 <br />Minnesota Park Association las <br />Scribner -Kelly Land Co , part of <br />lot nine, block nineteen. Farrning- <br />100. 2,650 <br />Eliza S. Page to Ida M. O'Brien, <br />lot fourteen, block nine. Hepburn <br />Park 1,000 <br />Minna Pommerening to Otto <br />Kosanke, part of section thirty, <br />laver Grove . 1,000 <br />S. M. McCanna to I)an Patch <br />Realty Co., one hundred and eight <br />acres in section two, Lakeville .... 3,250 <br />Treadwell Twichell et alai m (ler- <br />man American Bank, east one-third <br />of lot one (excepting south twenty- <br />two feet). block thirteen, Hastings. 6,000 <br />Edward Bauer to Raimund Bauer. <br />lots one and two, Bauer's Aare <br />Lots, Mendota 4,000 <br />John Engler to Bertha Engler, <br />eighty acres in section th:rty, <br />Hampton 2,500 <br />W. J. Roessler to Gottlieb Kirch- <br />ner. blocks three and four, Staples <br />Bros.' Addition No. 2. South St. <br />Poul 8.50 <br />C. E. Tomlinson et al to Louts <br />Taylor (quit -claim), Iota one to <br />twenty-nine, block five, Ryan <br />Syndicate Park. 375 <br />A. H. Kellerman to O. E. Dodge, <br />block two, Mathews' Addition to <br />South St. Paul 250 <br />Estella Revier to Esther A. Shel- <br />lenbarger, part of section thirty-one, <br />Castle Rock.... -• 1,000 <br />Alphonstne Michaud to J. A. <br />Larsen, lot sixteen, 'block eleven, <br />B. Michel's Addition to West St. <br />Paul 100 <br />�0 <br />00 <br />00 <br />000 <br />..00 <br />600 <br />00 <br />r50 <br />00 <br />0 <br />000 <br />800 <br />0 <br />Death was oakum Hewta, <br />.T. P. Morris, of Skippers, Va.. had a <br />close call In the spring of 1906. He says. <br />"An attack of pneumonia left me so <br />weak and with such a fearful cough <br />that my friends declared consumption <br />had me, and death was on my heels. <br />Theo I was persuaded to try Dr. King's <br />New Discovery. It helped me immedl• <br />ately, and after taking two and a half <br />bottles I was a well man again. I found <br />out that New Discovery is the beat reme- <br />dy for coughs and lung disease in ail the <br />world." Sold under guarantee at Rude's <br />drug store. 50c and V. Trial bottle <br />free. <br />School Board Proceedings. <br />Adjourned meeting, Apr. 20th. <br />Present Messrs. Doffing, Johnson, <br />Schaller, Torrance, and VanBeeck, <br />the president in the chair. <br />The following high sebooi teachers <br />were re-elected for the ensuing year: <br />Eliza K. Brown. principal; Emma L. <br />Truax, English; Mildred Hunter, science; <br />Laura R. Willson, mathematics; Laura A. <br />Henry, German: Eliza S. Loe, normal. <br />The president and secretary were <br />authorized to execute a contract with <br />the Dow Iron & Wire Works for a <br />spiral fire escape for the high school <br />building, at a coat of $875. <br />The request of the Beethoven Club <br />to use the high school auditorium for <br />a concert some time in May was not <br />granted. <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />Benno Steffen, sawing wood $ 8,80 <br />J. B. Lambert, glass, no 18.58 <br />Edward Zemple, removing windows 2.00 <br />Ginn & Co.. text books...... 4.54 <br />Telephone Company, phone 1.15 <br />I'I. Douglas Items. <br />Walter Macey returned to Marine <br />on Monday. <br />Emerson Leavitt returned to <br />Hannibal, Ill., on Monday. <br />Measles are still at John Mc <br />Callum's and T. B. Leavitt's. <br />R. C. Thompson returned from <br />Comstock, Wis., on Thursday. <br />Miss DeEtt Leavitt and Miss <br />Schildt, of Hastings, go to Stillwater <br />to -day on a visit. <br />Mrs. Thomas Hetherington, of St. <br />Paul Park, spent Sunday with Mrs. <br />Jane Hetherington, in Denmark. <br />The Sunday school in the Dibble <br />district had a fine programme of <br />music and recitations Easter Sunday, <br />and colored and chocolate eggs were <br />distributed. I <br />Good <br />On Hot Cakes <br />is a food sweet and beat fulfils <br />every purpose for which a syrup <br />can be used. <br />In 10c, 25c, 50c air -tight tins. <br />Every package contains one full pound, and comes <br />to you in airtight, dust -proof packages, which <br />keep it fresh, rich and <br />dean. <br />McLaughlin's XXXX <br />Coffee is sold by <br />Hanson Bros., <br />Michael Graus, <br />Emerson& Cavanaugh. <br />a <br />XXXX COFFEE CHUMS <br />The Bishop's Diary, <br />The following paragraph is an ex- <br />tract from the diary of the Rt. Rev. <br />S. C. Edsall, -upon his seventh <br />annual visitation, as published in <br />The Church Record: <br />March 23d. At 7:50 a. m. went to <br />Hastings, where I was the guest of the <br />Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Chard, at the <br />rectory. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. <br />Chard, Miss Gertrude A. Norrish, and I <br />drove to Basswood Grove. A hailstorm <br />marked our drive out, and an encounter <br />with a traction engine enlivened the re- <br />turn trip, but our -visit to 8. Mary's, <br />Basswood Grove, was a delight. The <br />church contained a congregation of one <br />hundred, and Mr. Chard presented a fine <br />class of fifteen young men and women for <br />confirmation. S. N. offering, 310.02. A <br />new cement sidewalk and paint have im- <br />proved the property. Never have I seen <br />the parishioners at S. Mary's so interested <br />and enthusiastic. Mr. Chard has re- <br />ceived such a warm welcome that he now <br />drives out every Sunday. At 7:30 p. m. <br />S. Luke's Church, Hastings, was filled <br />by a large congregation. and Mr. Chard <br />presented a class of seventeen for confir- <br />mation. The spirit of harmony and <br />enthusiasm in St. Luke's is equal to that <br />at Basswood Grove. Only a few times In <br />the course of my episcopate have I seen <br />such a happy transformation of condi- <br />tions as marks this field in oomparison <br />with a year ago. Hearty congratulations <br />to both rector and people. Returned <br />home by evening train. <br />J. P. Heatwole was endorsed for <br />governor last Wednesday by the <br />third congressional district conven- <br />tion, and he may now be considered a <br />formally announced candidate for <br />the nomination. While this may not <br />be agreeable to all, it must be con- <br />ceded that Joel would probably prove <br />the strongest candidate thus tar <br />named on the republican side. Hie <br />ability as a successful organizer is <br />beyond dispute. He is capable, <br />easily approachable, and at the same <br />time he would bring dignity to the <br />office. With him as the standard <br />bearer the republican party would <br />have good prospects for success at <br />the polls against any candidate the <br />democrats may name. Why not then <br />unite upon him by common consent? <br />There is no excuse for snbjecting the <br />party to defeat merely to satisfy a <br />few soreheads. Eliminatedissension, <br />and an old time majority for every <br />candidate on the tioket will be the <br />result. -St. Peter Free Press, <br />The Probate vont. <br />Tho will of J. F. Fahey, late of <br />Burnsville, was admitted to probate <br />on Monday, with P. J. Walsh as <br />executor. <br />Mrs. Ellen C. Cook was appointed <br />adminietratrix of her deceased bus. <br />band, C. J. Cook, late of South St. <br />Paul, on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Cynthia M. Bradford was <br />appointed adminietratrix of her de- <br />ceased husband, P. F. Bradford, late <br />of Empire, on Tuesday. <br />The final aoeouot of Mrs. Bridget <br />McNally, of Minneapolis, administra- <br />trix of her son, Eulick F., was ex- <br />amined and allowed on Wednesday. <br />Robert Holmes was appointed <br />administrator of hie brother, Frank <br />G., Tate of Douglas, on Thursday. <br />Not Attractive. <br />"Wu It a case of love at first slsbtr <br />asked the sentimental girl. <br />"It couldn't have been," answered <br />Miss Cayenne. "When Um fust met <br />be was wearing football clothes ant <br />she had on her motor car eostnms."- <br />Washington Star. <br />The Hastings Gazette puts up its <br />hand and wants to know, "Isn't it <br />about time for that long promised <br />reduction of insurance rates in the <br />smaller towns?" It has struck us <br />for some time that a reduction in in- <br />surance rates would not be a bad <br />thing to have happen. -Mankato <br />Ledger. <br />Be Rot What he Needed. <br />"Nine years ago it looked as if my <br />time had come." says Mr. C. Farthing, of <br />Mill Creek. Ind. Ter. ••I was so run <br />down that life hung on a very slender <br />thread. It was then my druggist re- <br />commended Electric Bitters. 1 bought a <br />bottle and I got what I needed -strength. <br />I had one foot in the grave, but Electric <br />Bitters put it back on the turf again, and <br />I've been well ever since." Sold under <br />guarantee at Rude'a drug store. 50c. <br />The Markets. <br />BARLBT.-80 eta. <br />REEF. -$7.50 ® $8.50 <br />Ba1.ze.-424. <br />Btrrran.-25 eta. <br />Coax. -05 ots. <br />Eons. -124 ass. <br />FLAx.--$1.08. <br />norm -42.00. <br />HAT. -48. <br />Okra. -45 ® 46 cta. <br />MIDDLINGS. -325. <br />PoR=.--$6.00 ® $6.50. <br />POTATOES. -35 cit. <br />RTE. -70 ors. <br />SCRE&Nm0s.-$23. <br />WHEAT. -90 eta. <br />Bates or Aaverttsmg. <br />One Incl, ppeery�ar 600 <br />Each add(tlonalfach.... .... ....... ... 8 5.00 <br />One lash, r week .96 <br />Looal notlooes per line .10 <br />Orden by mall will receive prompt attention <br />Address IRVING TODD&SON, <br />Hastlnts.Mtn.. <br />NEW ADVEItTISFtMENTS. <br />50 GENTS SAVES .10. <br />My diecovory used on posts make them last <br />from fifteen to thirty years. Price fifty cents. <br />Guaranteed. JOHN ROTRER, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />HORSES, CATTLE, AND HOGS. <br />All <br />parties <br />by sevig lstock for le l Bt <br />Smtenen, ttihena,nioBeettel, BaosnnegqwtHhI¢hast <br />market prices paid. P. O. PETERSON, <br />South St. Paul. <br />WIDOWS' CLAIMS, <br />Alt of Apr. i9th, 1909, -gives soldiers' widows <br />married before Juno 27th. 1890. 812 per month. <br />Applloatlom can be made at my law ofi7oe, over <br />Griffin's store. <br />W. DeW. PRINOLE. <br />Attorney. <br />FOR BALE. <br />1 seed Corn and Piga. <br />Apply to <br />O. B. JACKSON, <br />west Fourth Street, <br />Hustings. Minn. <br />NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. <br />Notice 1s hereby given that default has been <br />made in the condition of a mortgage executed <br />by Thome' Callahan, John H. Callahan, and <br />Rout Callahan, mortgagor, to The German <br />American Bank of Bastfags' Mtsnesota, wort• <br />dated the twenty-fifthday of February, <br />and reootded in the office of the register of <br />d of said Dakota County, Minnesota, on the <br />fifteenth day of May, 1905. at 10:16 o'clock a.m., <br />In Book 90 of Mortgages, on pages 98 to 80 <br />inclusive; that the amount claimed to be due on <br />said mortgage at this date, and hereby declared <br />to be ds. thereon la six hundred and ninety - <br />eve dollar and thirty cents (5896.39), and the <br />further •nm of twenty-seven dollars and ten <br />Gents (U7 10) taxes and peaaltles against the <br />real property in said mortgage oonveyed for the <br />years 1tand 1905, paid by said mortgagee, and <br />Efty dollars attorney's fee stipulated In said <br />mortgage to be paid in case of foreclosure <br />thereof; that the premises described In and <br />ooaveyed by said mortgage are situated in the <br />windy of Dakota, in the state of Minnesota, and <br />are known and described u the northwest <br />quarter of the northeast quarter (awl( of miry() <br />of section sty (5), In township one hundred and <br />fourteen (114), range eighteen (P; that b <br />virtue of the power of sale nom ned In said <br />cuetgage and <br />andpursuant10 the statute in such <br />provided, said mortgage will be <br />toreelosed by a sale of said mortgaged premises <br />at public vendee to the bIgheet bidder focash <br />by tee aberlg of said Dakota County, Minnesota, <br />at the loris front door of the courthouse, in <br />the of Has, sadta, <br />on Mondayolty the eigtingshthIa daysold of Jmse,county 1906, atstemte <br />o'clock to the forenoon, to satisfy the amount <br />that due sad owing ea said mortgage, together <br />with cls 1!11.110 uses so paid by the mortgagee <br />the 110.0 attorney's fee stipulated to he paid 1a <br />case of torsclosare, and tie legal disbursements <br />awl soda W ale. <br />Dual talo twos •third day of April, 1909. <br />Tag°� rI `OL IIIP11 tjlES T i , Mortgagee, <br />o tg , <br />Erafaga, M1sesaots, <br />w <br />a . A. Wiirgona . A y for Nortgaare, <br />