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THEGAZETTE.s,.ndogen Items. Bampton Items. <br />W. L. McElrath was in the cities Christ. Horsch was in Vermillion <br />IRVING TODD a SON. Saturday. on Sunda•. <br />SATURDAY MAY 2, 1908. Charles Went returned to Waseca MissAdelaide Schanno was in Hast - <br />The New Administration. on Monday. ings Wednesday. <br />The first administration elected un- Miss Mamie Felton "win Haat- Miss Mary Hallen was in from Ver. <br />derthe new city charter assumes con- ings over Sunday.million on Friday. <br />trol of our local affairs on Monday, Mrs. David Donovan, of Dundas, Jacob Klein, of New Trier, is re. <br />with plenty to do from the start. was in the village on Tuesday. ported seriously ill. <br />Three less aldermen in the council Mies Alice Miller, of Northfield, Born, to -Mr. and Mrs. E. U. <br />means more committee work for each spent Sunday with her parents. Toombs, a daughter. <br />individual member, besides three of Mrs. Arthur VanGilder spent the Louie Girgen, of Vermillion, was a <br />the six have had no previous experi- week with her sister in St. Paul. caller on Wednesday. <br />ence in municipal matters. Finan- The Rev. G. H. Hanna,gf Stanton, Nicholas Pascti, of New Trier, was <br />cing the sewer and waterworks has was calling in the villageon Tuesday. in Vermillion on Tuesday. <br />but fairly begun, provisions for mak- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Foster went to Arthur Noyes, of 8t. PauL, was <br />ing connections with the system Northfield Wednesday upon a visit. here the of the week. <br />should be definitely arranged, some- Charles Hickman, an old resident, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Fox, of <br />thing of a permanent nature com- is spending a few. days in the village. Watertown, are here ou a visit. <br />menced on the streets, the electric Fred Koch went to Mankato Mon- Mies Clara Brookman, of Hastings, <br />light franchise agreed upon, in ad- day to serve on the United States was visiting at home on Sunday. <br />dition to the numerous other quer- jury. Nicholas Bauer sold a full blood <br />tions which naturally arise from day Mrs. J. W. McDaoields returned Jersey cow toJacobSchwariz for $45. <br />to day in a Lawn of four thousand from her St. Paul visit Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Breuer, of Ver. <br />people, and fair prospects for a steady, evening. million, were in town the first of .the <br />immediate growth. There is no rea- ,Miss Witte, who has been visiting week. <br />son to doubt that the new administra- her uncle Herman, returned to Mies Katie E. Schaffer, of New <br />tion will endeavor to act for the best Faribault. Trier, was in town the first of the <br />interests of the community, and in so Henry Senn, traveler for the Co- week. <br />doing will have the co-operation and Operative League, spent the last of, Mrs. Nicholas Richter and son, of <br />hearty support of every business man the week with -1 amil}•, Wadeaa, are visiting with Mrs. Anna <br />and taxpayer. Mrs. Henry,�emith, of St. Pa*,Le R. <br />0. <br />The special court has found Capt. visited over Sunday with her pareo R. U. Clark and N. P. Gores made <br />F. B. Hart, of Minneapolis, guilty of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engler, s business trip to the twin cities on <br />contempt for writing an insulting The ministerial institute of the Monday. <br />M. <br />letter to the chief justice, and sus- Methodist Church, St. Paul district, J. ze Feipel shipped another car <br />pends him. from practice for six will be held here, May 12th and of mixed stock to South St. Paul on <br />months. This is hardly severe 13th. Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Fortlorn left Mies Mayne Wille won the fourth <br />enough to make Vim a martyr.prize in The Farmingtoo Tribuneoon- <br />The persistent booming of Gov. J. on Thursday for Barnesville, where test, $25 in gold. <br />A. Johnson in the twin city daily they expect to make their future Quite a number from here attended <br />papers cart only be accounted for on home. <br />Miss Caroline Drometer was balled the funeral of Mr. Nicholas Klotz in <br />a purely cash basis. His chances are Vermillion last Friday. <br />apparently no better for the Denver home Tuesday evening by the death <br />of her sister, Mrs. Mary Mies, of Inver Grove Items. <br />nomination than those of Senator James Mahar spent Saturday in St. <br />Foraker at Chicago. Cannon Falls. <br />Paul. <br />A number of the country millers Vermillion Station Items. Peter Malcolm spent Tuesday io <br />have agreed to accept No. 2 northern Joseph Zeien went to Hastings on Minneapolis. <br />" on contracts, to block the cbrner in Tuesday. Mrs. Fay Benson was in the city <br />No. 1 started by the Minneapolis Jacob Schwartz was over from on Saturday. <br />gamblers at the so-called Chamber of Hampton on Monday. Orville Wilson returned home Iaat <br />Commerce, an overgrown pool room. J. B. Heinen and Frank Monroe Thursday evening. <br />were out from Hastings on Monday. Mrs. Ellen Anderson spent Wed - <br />The Great Western Road does not Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gergen re- nesday in St. Paul. <br />appear to be improving under its re- turned from Davenport on Monday. Mrs. William Morrie bas been on <br />ceiverahip, the February receipts be- Miss Kate Heinen and Miss Lizzie the sick list the past weak. <br />ing reported $100,000 less tGan the Rech visited in Farmington on Alex. Anderson and Charlie Gibbs <br />January, barely enough to pay opera- Sunday, <br />ting expenses and taxes. drove to St. Paul on Wednesday. <br />The dance for Monday evening Mrs, Louis Horbacb entertained <br />S. E. Hedding, the oldest passers- was postponed to May llth, on the card club last Saturday evening. <br />ger engineer on the river division, account of bad weather. <br />died in Minneapolis on Wednesday of George Hirschbach bas sold his A baby boy was born to rteMrand <br />heart trouble, aged sixty-four. He Mrs, W. M. Townsend on Wednesday. <br />g i gray team to P. 0. Peterson, of Dr. Percival Barton has been en - <br />held the record of never missing a South St. Paul, for $400. tertaining old friends the past week. <br />run for over forty years. M. N. Klotz, who arrived too late to Victor Anderson, of St. Paul, was <br />Why not give the split log drag a attend the funeral of his father, re- the guest of Nels Muneon on Sunday. <br />test right on Second Street this mud- turned to Humboldt, Can., Tuesday. Valentine Wirth, of 8t. Paul, bas <br />dy weather? It would coat but a At the special meeting of the vil- been doing some carpenter work for <br />trifling amount for the outfit, and lege board the following were appoint- M. Mikulewicz. <br />nothing whatever for the team and ed to fill vacancies: Nearly every home. in Inver Grove <br />driver. President. -J. J. (4ergeo. with children is being visited by the <br />Trustee. -N. S. Heinen. <br />A Winona man tell out with a Marshal. -C. J. Wagner. whooping cough. <br />widow, to whom he had made a num- Miss Clubb is stopping with Mrs. <br />South St. Pant Items. Oliver Clubb, where she intends to <br />her of presents. , l O the aubaequent <br />replevin suit he was ordered to return H. J. Goodwin, a young attorney specs the canner. <br />them to her or pay $50 cash. <br />from St. Paul, is to open an office The little daughter of Mrs. Oliver <br />here rte t week. <br />The interior of the high school Clubb i,, very sick with pneumonia <br />g The ball park is not to be moved, and the whooping cough. <br />building in Northfield was burned the owner of the old grounds having Mra. Hope and Mra. Rarrick drove <br />Wednesday night, evidently the work reduced the rent. <br />out from St. Paul Sunday upon a <br />of an incendiary. Loss $8,000, Two Dominican priests from Minns - <br />covered by insurance. apolis begin a mission at St. Augur. visit with Mrs. John Fleming,' <br />T. W. Frankham, cashier of a St. tine's Church on 'Sunday, to continue <br />Web Valley Items. <br />Paul coal company, is missing, and eight days. Mies Kate Carey was a city visitor <br />so are $30,000 or more of the undivid- U. G. Olafson has sold his house on Wednesday. <br />ed profits, a mere trifle, however, in on Second Street, and will return tAllred Wetterlin drove to Rose• <br />p <br />that business.mount on Sunday. <br />Sweden. He has been here about <br />y years. <br />Thomas Manning was among the <br />Judge C. E. Otis, of St. Paul, has <br />tweet cit}• visitors Wednesday. <br />been appointed master in chancery to The roof of a cottage owned by <br />take testimony in the suit against the John Coates and occupied by E. J. Misses Carrie Olson turf Ella <br />Great Northern Road over the corn. Chandler was burned off on Monday, Tome were city visitors Sataewin <br />modify rates. caused byadetective chimney. toes Miss Anna Wetterlin wasaewing at <br />} the W. W. Strathern home last week. <br />Gen. Alex. McKenzie, chief eogi- $400; insurance $200. Miss Elsie Bordeen, of St. Paul, <br />neer of the war department, is to be afarshan Item.. 18 the guest of Mra. Andrew Larson. <br />retired under the age limit, the north- H. J. Rother was a caller in (lamp- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elston ra- <br />west losing a staunch and reliable ton on Tuesday. turned Sunday from their winter's <br />friend. Miss AgnesB.Rother and Mrs. F. E. visit in the east. <br />D. W. Woodmansee, in his day Rother went to St. Paul on Thursday. Arthur Muller, of Stillwater, was a <br />one of the most noted horsemen in Quito a number from here attended visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs. <br />the world, died at Minneapolis on the ball at Vermillion Monday George Franameler. <br />Saturday, aged seventy-eight years.evening. Mrs. Joe Cahill returned home on <br />The state convention which con- .L. A. Cornelison, of Hastings, was Tuesday, after being ander a doctor's <br />vened in Minneapolis was a very buyi°g potatoes in. this vicinity on :Lyre in St, Paul a -couple of months. <br />thoroughly cut and dried affair. The Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Wetterlin, of <br />twin city politicians had things pretty The crops In this vicinity were not Minneapolis, spent Sunday with his <br />well lined up, so that the country damaged to any great extent by the parents, Mr. .and Mre. Charles <br />brethren contented themselves with recent treats. <br />occupying chairs on the floor of the Wetterlin. <br />convention and looking wise. One The Easter ball at New Trier was l;IoaSee Items. <br />thing developed quite plainly during postponed until Monday, on account E. J. and William Wayman have <br />the session, and that is the grasping of the snow and bad roads. bought a potato planter. <br />disposition of Hennepin and Ramsey P. 0. Peterson shipped saveral Joseph Callahan came home from <br />counties and their desire to run the cars of hogs to tbe stockyards at the hospital last Saturday evening, <br />satire state. Right there, as in the South St. Paul the last of the week. - an much improved. <br />past, lies the danger of republicand Le <br />defeat. The remainder of the state wase Ball. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elston have <br />desires a look in politically and The bigb school team has a game .returned from the east, and are visit - <br />means to bave it, and the sooner some scheduled with. the high school in ing this week at the home of 8. R. <br />of the political big wigs down there Northfield today. Ems. <br />discover ywi thl-be fact the better off and Our newly organized club is to �-la Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fahey, Mr. <br />he <br />party will -be. Less selfishness Piay <br />more of a generous spirit toward the the St. Paul Heidelbergere on Sun- and Mrs. Austin Gillespie, John <br />lesser counties of the state could be, day, the first game -of the season. Gillespie, and Mrs. W. J. Ryan went <br />with propriety,' cultivated by the The battery is George McGary-and to St. Pail on Monday to attend the <br />republicans of Minneapolis and St. Edward Lidstrom. <br />Paul. Anoka Herald, funeral of little James Gillespie. <br />An interesting game was played at rt. Honshu Items. <br />The third district republicans have C. 0. Keene's pasture in Denmark The society met with Mrs. M. J. <br />endorsed the Hon. J. P. Heatwole as last Sunday afternoon between the Shearer on Thursday. <br />a candidate for governor. Joel is <br />going to cut some figure in the L. & K.'s and Langdon, the former There is a nice girl baby at Amass <br />contest for chief executive, and is the winning by a score of fifteen to six. James'. <br />heat man who has yet been named The batteries were the louden Bros, The Louden boys captured eight <br />for the place. --West St. Paul Times. and Borth and Morey. small wolves on Tbeaday, ' <br />from Pare Grape Cream of Tartar <br />• <br />Shields the Food from Alum <br />Connell Proceedings. i i ltymeoeaL <br />Adjourned meetiug, Apr. 28th. A very pretty wedding was held at <br />Present Aida. Fasbender, Gleim,' St. Boniface Church on Tneaday, at <br />Hanson, Johnson, Jones, and Rada-' halt past nine a. in., that of Mr Roy <br />baugb, Mayor West in the chair. } C. Hannon and Mias'Marie (`. Kimm, <br />On motion of Ald. Fasbender, the the Rev. Conrad Glatz:nlaier uflicia- <br />following bonds of officers elect were l ting Miss Florence H. bunion was <br />approved: !bridesmaid, nod Mr. F. H. Kimco, <br />A. F. Johnson, police justice. $500. J.' of Arlington, best man. In entering <br />F. Cavanaugh and A. G. Mertz. sureties. <br />L. G. Hamilton, justice of the peace, II. 'the church first came the ushers, H. <br />$500,J. F. Cavanaugh and J. P. Hanson,' P:'Sohoen and J. H. Daly, then the <br />sureties, It laa'aelhed Hee Spot. <br />William Nolan, constable, 8500, J. P.esmaid, and lastly the brine,' who Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large <br />Griffin and A. Q. Mertz,, sureties. met the <br />' bridesmaid, groom and his fecal 'man at general store at Omega, 0., and to pres- <br />C. B. Lowell. justice of the peace, x500, , idem of the Adams County Telephone <br />W. E. Beerse and J. P. Hanson, sureties, J the altar• The bride was beautifully Co., as well as of the Home Telephone <br />Beene C. L. Barnum, sIt D.Robinson. ureties. W. E. j pined and made a charming appear• K ng a Newf t Discoverke . County." �. saved my life <br />The and 0. following bid for street sprink•' anoe. The Lobengrin wedding once. At least 1 think it did. It seemed <br />of my <br />march was played by Miss Mary oough �whenthe eeverything elseatfaflect <br />opened: season tbe coming season was Kranz, and Mendelssohn's given as a Dr. King's New Discovery not only <br />recessional. Nuptial high mires <br />The Aasemesa' !sewing;, <br />The annual meetingot the town as- <br />sessors was held at the county audi- <br />tor's office on Thursday, with Charles <br />Smith as chairman, and Henry <br />Niedere secretary. <br />'The valuation of land was kept as <br />fixed by the county board iu 1906. <br />The following schedule of personal <br />property was agreed upon: <br />Horses, one year old.............$10 <br />Horses, two years old. 20 <br />Horses, three years old.......... 35 <br />Stallions..., . } <br />Cattle, one year old <br />Cattle. two years old 8 <br />Cows 2 <br />12 <br />All other cattle <br />Sheep 1.0 <br />Hogs 3 <br />Wagons. carriages, sleighs, eto.. , 12 <br />Automobiios <br />Sewing machines . ... <br />Watches and clogs • <br />Melodeons and organs10 <br />Pianos 75 <br />Items from No. 11 to 29... } <br />Dogs <br />�. 5 <br />Other personal property <br />The following were present: <br />Peter Foley, Burnsville. <br />D. J. Childs, Castle Rock. <br />A. J. Schaffer, Douglas. <br />A. F. Goetzke, Eagan. <br />S. G. Harrington, Empire. <br />J. P. Marsh, Farmington. <br />Bernard Gretz, Hampton. <br />Mathias Wertzler, Hampton village, <br />Henry Niedere, Hastings. <br />Wellington Rolling, Inver Grove. <br />M. J. Kelly, Lakeville. <br />G. W. Betz, Lakeville village. <br />J. W. Farrell, Lebanon. <br />Daniel Duffy. Morahan. <br />A. W. Lau, Mendota. <br />J. R. Auge, Mendota village. <br />Jacob Lenartz, New Trier. <br />James Ahern, Nininger, <br />Charles Smith, Randolph. <br />Edward DuSbane, Ravenna. <br />Henry Jagoe, Rosemount. <br />J. M. Slocum, Sclote. <br />Henry Whaley, South St. Paul. <br />Joseph Loesch, jr.. Vermillion. <br />N. S. Nichols, Waterford. <br />F. W. G1Leim, per month $1'1A spots and the weak spots in throat, WogsOa motion of Md. Jones, action followed the ceremony, trod an en and chest. Sold under guarantee at <br />was postponed until Monday evening. joyable reception was tendered at tie Itude's drug store. 50c. and C. Trial <br />home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Alex. bottle free. <br />On motion of Ald. Johnson, s Herbst, ou Eddy Street. The bride Asylum Notes.committee was appointed, consisting <br />18 a well known young lady, and Miss Louise A. Mahler is cook <br />of Aids. Johnson, Jones, and Fasben- at the women's <br />der, to investigate the matter of the groom salesman at Hanson Bros', cottages,entering <br />Many beautiful presents were re- upon her duties Wednesday. <br />street sprinkling and report MondayThe foundations of the new <br />ceived. They left in the afternoon cottage <br />reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore <br />evening. <br />upon a weddinare completed, and it is expected to <br />The following bills were allowed: g trip to Decorah, and <br />will be at home in this city after tieglu the brick work on Monday. <br />McMullin Lumber Co., lumber. , .8 46.77 <br />Electric Ligbt4Do., street lights.. 108,78 May 16th. Gout the Foe of Consumption. <br />Heiozman, street work.... 8.75 Sir Dyee Duckworth in hU address <br />Nels Erickson, mason work 19.50 One of the pleasant social events to the faculty of medicine said that <br />Valentine Then, street work 18.00 of the season was the marriage of want' persons were constitutionally <br />F. W. Finch, rent polled 10.00 K <br />F. W. Finch, disinfectants 21.00 Mr. Joseph Fournelle, of White Bear predisposed to rheumatism and gout, <br />Conrad Oestreich, rent barn 10.00 F. <br />haraeterlatic to <br />A. E. Johnson, mdse,,.. Lake, and Miss Claris F. Ryan, of casestontnn was theimportant cantagouiam of the tis sorb <br />Fire department Elm fire 2511.15,50 Morahan, taking pince at the Church sues to the bacilli of tuberculosis. <br />Fire department, Pfieger Bre 24.00 of the Guardian Angels itiTueaday, at The more rheumatic or gouty a person <br />Michael Nealls, watching fire..., 1.00 was the less pronounced was his tend - <br />W. F. Todd, street work 6,00 half past nine a, m., the ceremony ency to consumption. --London Post <br />M. S. Cook, street work 6.00 being performed by the Rev. P. R. <br />B. M. Hall, Pfeger fire.... 1.00 <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh, mdse 4.70 Cunningham. Miss Stasis M. Ryan <br />A woman's love Is a paradox. You <br />The Gazette, printing 22.25 was bridesmaid, and 11 r. Frank can't keep it unless you return it.- <br />Mrs. Anna Humm, meals prisoners 3.30 Lonergan, of White Bear Lake, best Philadelphia Record. <br />Adjourned to Monday evening. than The ushers were T. S. Ryan <br />The May McontDllee and B. J. Raetz, and Mrs. A. J. <br />McCall's Magazine has the latest styles Schaller presided at the organ. Nup- <br />in hats, parasols, fashionable mourning, tial high mass was celebrated, fol. <br />springand summer sults. shirt waists, lowed by dinner and reception at the <br />coats and jackets, blouses, skirts, dres- home of the • bride's mother, Mrs. <br />sing sacques and underwear, wrappers, Margaret Ryan, a large number <br />etc., with numerous illustrations and <br />several short stories. McCall Co., New from this city and St. Pant being <br />York. Fifty cents. . present. The bride is a popular <br />The Pictorial Review has Stylish Cloth young lady, and the groom a pros <br />and8ilk Costumes, Modish Dress Acces- porous farmer. Many beautiful <br />series, Simple Tub Dresses, May Days presents were received. They left <br />Old and New, The LAteat Skirt Modell in the evening upon a wedding trip Rates or &overusing. <br />Tailored Shirt Waists, Morning Gowns One inch,per year .............•,,,,.... g 8.00 <br />and Negligees. Dainty Frocks for the west, and will be at home at White Each additional inch-. ........... ... SAO <br />One Bear Lake after May1 Lona) no'per week -96 <br />Little Folks, The Millinery 'Lesson, duh. Local notes per line <br />Orders by moll will receive prompt 8010, oe <br />Attractive Summer Homes, PracticalAddress DIVING �'oDi�asoN, <br />Houaekeepiog, Kitchen Stepeavere, soda 'A Pretty wedding took place at the Hasttngs.MIna. <br />variety of seasonable matter, recipes, etc. residence of Mr. and Mrs. Christ, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, <br />Pictorial Review Co., New York. $1. Christianson, west Third Street, on HORSES, CATTLE, AND HOGS. <br />The Housekeeper has Old Gardens of Thursday, at four p. m.8 the marriage All patties havlag 11,e stock for sale will saes <br />Clipped Yew, Riots About Clothing of their daughter, Miss Elsie M. monen, at the leaving <br />oli der.Hotel, a ono� �switlgbbee.i <br />Children, The Woman's Exchange, Homes Christianson and Mr. Fred. A. market rtoeePETERSON, <br />of Comfort and Convenience, The Rain ' p paid. P o south St. Paul. <br />Rain- <br />coat Upto Date, Welch the Rev. Arthur Chard Mil- Styles for Days Out of WIDOWS' CLAIMS. <br />Doors, Junior Frocks and Smocks, The dating, Miss Edith M. Kreig was Act or Apr. lab, loos gives aoldlen'wleow. <br />Newest in Artistic Fancy Work, Useful bridesmaid, and Mr. John E. Christ married before June 4711,, 1Is0. Its per month. <br />Hinta for the Busy Housewife, The Janson best man. The bride was ApplGrifti satlon can be made at my taw aloe, over <br />rlflln's store. <br />Nation's Best Recipes, For Ma W. new. PRINGLE. <br />Y Day gowned in a tan traveling suit, with Attorney. <br />Entertaining, and several good stories. white picture hat, and the brides FOR SALE. <br />The Housekeeper Corporatiolk Minns- [`` <br />&polio. Sixty owns. maid in gray, with hat to match. Foor hu%dred and eighty acres near Mo <br />The, -.parlor and dining room were Ir t interest rsto good parU,openprairie. Would <br />menu inn. No onDeparties on the crop pap <br />Roads -good roads made of mud, dzcoreted with flowers and (eros. A payment Hato were is op.required. No Drop ,o <br />yet good roads, without coat. It delightful .reception followed, the Esau estate Broker, Buting ED, <br />sounds abiurd, and yet they arc assisting ladies beingMrs. George •a• limn. <br />demonstrated to be s possibility if g 1DOW8 CLAIMS. -Under act. pen. <br />POBe y Raetz, Mrs. Aaron Anderson, Mrs. 19th. Ione. For widows now arswtag pen. <br />farmers or roadmakers will only take pion no application required. U. 8. Pension <br />a log ten or twelve feet long, split it H H. Lovejoy, of Ravenna, and M». Agent <br />•Milwaukee, follows, <br />uin <br />.,,Da•all toletter <br />of <br />In two, spike and brace. timbers Frank Keioz, of Lake City. The OOe will be to execute the vouchers now in <br />hands of widow pensioners, but not till July <br />across these two parte (set on edge bride is a popular young lady, and amount thereafter. tcrgee daatin °m mwApru leo ." <br />and at an angle with the pull of Ib. the,Qroom' 'Manager of the McMullin ApphoaUon fees will be refunded by mail. <br />he <br />heroes), and after each rain smooth W. DeW. PRINOLE, <br />the muddy road with this log drag, lumberyard at Newport. Many V. 8. Pension Attorney. <br />The result is almost incredible, as it beautiful' presents were received. ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />produces a smooth hard road which <br />They loft in the evening upon a State of Minnesota, oounty of Dakota, -u. In <br />sheds water like concrete. The pro- :wedding trip to Duluth, accompanied probaI eooue :ever of the estate or John N. <br />cess is so simple that farmers neglect by the hearty congratulate of a Stoffel, deoedent. <br />The state of Vlneesota to Katharine Stoffel, <br />it, because they can not realize the large circle of friends. will be, pe - <br />feel Whittles .1* pe ai;Det.eLackdfio'tPeter N. S.ofs- <br />results until they try it. A few �' anb probate of the will ofeaiddesedent, Th. <br />d o at home at Newport after May 2btb. taloa of J. P. stent being duly Sled raggl gs convince the most ekepti- this court, replanting 1*11 John N. ato5.1 <br />cal.-11Forthttx,tefn A ,.jtarist. ) t <br />"}'• wen a resident of the const el <br />Deafness Cannot be Cured Dakota, state or Minnesota, died on the firth <br />by local arpllcst ons as they pannut mach 0. day of Aprll, 1008, leaving a Iwt will <br />The Diaries Court. d ponlon of the ear. Than is only ops and testament which Is presented to this ooart <br />, way to care deafness, and that is by eionettlo- with eatd petition and preying that said la - <br />The district court will convene at <br />lionremedies. Deafness I. wised by an 1.13. atrument be allowed as the last wtU and testa- <br />Ismo,t ooadltloa of the rammer Being of the Ra- men' of said deoedent, asd Out letters <br />the courthouse next Tuesday, at ten ataohlsn tabs. When this tube fartsInflamed testamentary be issued thereon to him. <br />a. m., Judge F. M. Crosby preeidiog, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect beeriest, Now, therefore, you, mad each of you, are hereby <br />and when It is entlrely oloaed deafness Is the r'.- cited and required to show cause, 1r say <br />suit, aud.uakes the inflammation ern bA taken have, before this wort, at the potato tend <br />There are fifty civil oases ' on the out sad this tube restored to Its -normal condi- morns In we courthouse, to Hytiags, <br />tion, hiving will be destroyed forever; nine county of Dakota, stale of Mlaaeeota, oa the <br />calendar, thirteen new ones, eight eases out of ten are oau.od by catarrh, which is 08th day of May. rids at einem Woke* a, in., <br />nothing but an inflamed con IUoa of the mucous why the prayer of WitpsUUoa should not be <br />jury eases, two personal property tax airflow <br />We will give one hundred dollars for any ease Witness, granted. Thos. P. MMus,odes of said eoert, <br />cases. There is only one grand jury of dearness (caused by catarrh' that Genial be and the teal of said conA, tlb 11'fth day of <br />case. The petit jury will be called ffrree.. rld Sold aby dC.. is ilia <br />Care. Seed for circulars aqq��1, Ilse <br />on the tollowin Monday.. esti <br />I'' J . IN Y s, Tyaa,lo, G. <br />... �: Ooose asst.) THOS, P. I t ' If. <br />The l,arketa. <br />RARLET.-80 eta. <br />REEF. -48.00 <br />BRAN. -$24. <br />Btrrrita.-25 cis. <br />CORN. -05 eta, <br />Eooe.-12* cls. <br />FLAX. -$1.08. <br />FLou .--12.90, <br />RAT. -$8. <br />OATa.-45 (d 48 rte. <br />MIDDLriros.-425. <br />Poax.--$8.00 @ 19.00. <br />POTATOES. -35 cu. <br />RTE. -70 cid. <br />SCREENINGS. -$28 <br />WHEAT. -90 cue. <br />If you are <br />satisfied <br />with the coffee you are now <br />using -don't change for <br />most people find it hard to <br />get good coffee. HUT if <br />you are not satisfied -try <br />11121/ <br />McLaughlirs <br />xxxx <br />coffee <br />It is a good coffee, and if <br />you give it the "Square <br />Deal •' of a fair trial, paying <br />a fair amount of attention <br />to the cooking, you will <br />have a good, clear, brac- <br />ing <br />raning cup of coffee that is <br />all coffee. <br />%%%%Coffee is prepared <br />to get your favor, and to <br />hold it. Sold by <br />HANSON BROS. <br />MICHAEL GRADS, <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh. <br />axxx <br />COFFER <br />CHUM <br />LOW RATES <br />via <br />From Hastings Minn <br />PACIFIC COAST <br />$73.50 to San Francisco,Los Angeles <br />and San Diego and return. $bo.00 <br />to Seattle, Portland, Tacoma and <br />Vancouver and return. Similar <br />rates to many other points. Tickets <br />on sale daily after June I. <br />COLORADO AND UTAH <br />*33.50 to Denver, Colorado Springs <br />and Pueblo and return, May 5 and 19, <br />June 2 and 16; *44.70 to Salt Lake <br />City and Ogden and return, *38.90 <br />to Butte and Helena and return, <br />*38.90 to Billings Mont., Basin, <br />Cody and Worland, Wyo.,and return. <br />SUMMER TOURIST RATES <br />Very low rate round trip Summer <br />Tourist tickets to Colorado and Utah, <br />Yellowstone Park, Black Hills and <br />the Pacific Coast will be on sale <br />daily, commencing June 1. <br />HOMESEEKERS' RATES <br />Very Low round trip rates to prac- <br />tically all points west of the Missouri <br />River on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of <br />May and June. <br />BIG HORN BASIN EXCURSION <br />Personally oonducted hotneseekere' <br />excursions May 5 and 19, June 2 and <br />I8; to aeatst settlers to secure irri- <br />gated lands in the famous Big Horn <br />Basin, Wyo.,and Yellowstone Valley, <br />Mont. Ask for folders telling all <br />about these lands. Round Trip <br />$38.90. <br />No matter where you are going <br />I can give you rates, printed <br />matter and useful information. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent., <br />C. B. & Q. R. R. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />stat. et Minnesota, county of Dakota. -es. to <br />probate oosrt. <br />10 the matter of the estate of Ann Judge, <br />decedent. <br />The state of Minnesota to John E. Judge, <br />Elks 8. Tanner, Ante Judge,Patrick Judge <br />Michael 3. Judge, Thomas Juge, Bernard (or <br />8enlamist) Judge, Annie Mahar, Nellie Fling, <br />JohnMJudge. Owen Jedge, De. Elisabeth e* Judge, <br />Judge.0atberinaludge, and ►11 persons interested <br />in the anal account and distribution of <br />the satiric of said decedent. The re resen- <br />taUve of the above named deoedeot, having <br />OW la this court ball anal account of the <br />adsloistration of the estate of paid decedent <br />WXethar with hie paUUoe pravlag for the <br />ustment and ►Ilowanoe of said anal a000unt <br />sad for distribution of we resldue of said estate <br />to the parsons thereunto entitled. Therefore, <br />you, aid eaoh of yeti, are hereto cited and <br />required to show cause. It any you have, before <br />this court, at the probate oonrt room in the <br />eoartboese, in the city of Hastings, in the <br />ooenty of Dakota, state of Manama'. on the <br />18th day of May, 1008. at ten o'clock a. m., <br />why said petition should not be granted. <br />Witness, theudgo of eats court, and the seal <br />of said Duan, this 100 day of April, 1908. <br />1 s aI-1 THOS. P. MORAN, <br />Probate Judge. <br />Roams & Louth, Attorneys for Petitioner. <br />M ONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />tars lands at lowest rotes of Int If will <br />pay you to took as up before borrowing sloe -1111110.10. <br />DAKOTA 00. BUILDING ASSOCIATION, <br />A. 1. ebaau.n, Secretary <br />50 CENTS SAVES 110. <br />My discovery used on posts make them last <br />treat Moen to thirty years. Prins Ilt Deni. <br />Onaraalieed. JOHN ROTHTER, <br />HuUags. Minn. <br />J a MERTZ A SON. <br />• <br />UnOset.aae <br />, <br />nova, arswra. <br />