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THE GAZETTE. <br />IRVING TODD & 80N. <br />SATURDAY MAY 9, 1908. <br />It is reasonably safe to say that <br />neither E. T. Young, or J. F. Jacob- <br />son will ever be governor of Minne- <br />sota. The fight between the two and <br />their friends has become so bitter <br />that the nomination of either gentle- <br />man would mean his sure and certain <br />defeat at the polls. The republican <br />party cannot afford to repeat the ex- <br />perience of two and four years ago, <br />and there is no earthly need of it. <br />D. W. Lawler and practically the <br />entire democratic ticket was elected <br />in St. Paul on Tuesday by large <br />majorities, as might have been ex. <br />pected. A majority of the republi- <br />cans undoubtedly wanted L. G. Hotr- <br />man, but he was turned down by the <br />politicians, and the people wouldn't <br />stand for it. It is only history re- <br />peatiug itself. <br />E. J. Lynch, assistant labor com- <br />missioner, is spending his whole <br />time at the Johnson headquarters in <br />Chicago, for which the state is pav- <br />ing him $1,300 per year. He is not <br />earning his salary legitimately any <br />more than J. E. Kiug, state librarian, <br />and both should resign. <br />The plate matter sent out from <br />the Johnson bureau at Chicago every <br />three weeks does not seem to meet <br />with much favor from the country <br />press, as none of them appear to be <br />using it outside of The Red Wing <br />News, which has a monopoly of the <br />attempted boom. <br />The public examiner has filed an <br />additional report in the oil inspection <br />investigation, increasing the shortage <br />of J. A. McDermott to $10,954.95, <br />and claiming $15,536 62 due from <br />F. G. Wartter, which the latter denies. <br />W. H. Hollands, of Pipestoue, has <br />been elected superintendent of schools <br />at Stillwater, a decided change for <br />the better. Thi present incumbent <br />was not satisfactory, but it took nine <br />years to pry him loose. <br />Alvah Eastman, of St. Cloud, has <br />resigned from the normal school board, <br />and is succeeded by Karl Mathie. A <br />falling off in his support of Gov. <br />Juhuson is supposed to be the cause. <br />Gov. J. A. Johnson will receive <br />the twenty-two votes of Minnesota at <br />Denver, yet the victory is a barren <br />one, and not worth a hundredth part <br />of its cost. <br />Mrs. Russell Sage, of New York, <br />has given $500 to the manual train- <br />ing department of the public schoois <br />at Olivia, the town being named <br />after her. <br />The New York World will issue a <br />twenty-fifth anniversary number next <br />Sunday of nearly two hundred pages, <br />probably the largest newspaper ever <br />printed. <br />St. Paul is moving for a modern <br />hotel, to be-huilt upon the site of the <br />old Windsor at an estimated cost of <br />$775,000. <br />A district meeting of the Minne- <br />sota Farmers Elevator Association <br />will be held at Zumbrota, May 23d. <br />Gen. W. S. Edgerly assumed com- <br />mand of the Department of Dakota on <br />Monday, with headquarters in St. Paul. <br />The Democratic Convention. <br />The democratic county convention <br />will he held at Village Hall, Farming- <br />ton, to day, at ten a. m., to elect <br />delegates to the state convention. <br />The following are the delegates from <br />Hastings, by wards: <br />1. P. M. Haas. J. M. Langenfeld, W. <br />J, Kenney, A. J. Schaller, F. J. Ficker, <br />G. W. Hetherington. <br />2. Theodore Schaal, Charles Mamer, <br />Joseph Grans, John Heinen, N. C. Kranz, <br />F. A. Eneel. <br />3. Albert Schaller, Owen Austin, J. V, <br />Perkins, T. S. Ryan, Henry Niedere, <br />William Hanson, N. B. Gergen, Maurice <br />O'Brien. <br />4. A. C. Dorr, James Conlon, J. J. <br />Barrett. <br />Not so many weeks ago we were <br />all informed that the contest between <br />Young and Jacobson would be a <br />peaceful affair, and would be con. <br />ducted in a harmonious manner <br />There was at the time considerable <br />criticism directed against Jacobson <br />because of the supposition that he <br />had entered iuto an agreement with <br />Young. Since that time anything <br />but harmony has existed between the <br />two forces, and the fight is still being <br />kept up. If it should become more <br />hitter than it is at present, it is feared <br />that it will be a repetition of the <br />Collins -Dunn fracas, which proved so <br />disastrous to the republican party. -- <br />Morris Sun. <br />Pt. Douglas Items. <br />There is to be a basket social at the <br />schoolhouse Saturday evening. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Whitaker Went <br />to Cottage Grove Wednesday to attend <br />the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. <br />Elizabeth Gage. <br />The Rev. Nathaniel Leavitt was in <br />town this week on his way from <br />Evanatown, II1., to Moorhead to take <br />charge of a church. <br />Rtindolph Steins. <br />Merton Hickman, of Hayfield, was <br />in town this week. <br />Miss Elsie Dack has returned from <br />a visit at Silver Creek. <br />Miss Ruby Brigham visited In <br />Northfield over Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker visited <br />over Sunday in Waterford. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanGilder <br />visited in Cascade Sunday. <br />Mrs. Fred Sievers returned fro <br />St. Paul Wednesday evening, <br />Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker left f <br />Montana Wednesday evening. <br />The ladies' aid society met wi <br />Mrs. 0. S. Ryan on Thursday. <br />John Tyner and William Kleeber <br />er were in St. Paul on Wednesday. <br />Paul Liphardt, of Faribault, was <br />the home of II. Witte over Sunday. <br />Miss Neva R. Foster, of Northfiel <br />is spending the week with Mrs. Georg <br />Day. <br />Merton Johnson and F. E. McClou <br />went to Mason City Friday o <br />business. <br />The Great Western Road is puttin <br />in an iron culvert at the mai <br />crossing. <br />Andrew Metz, of Park River, N <br />D., was greeting old friends the firs <br />of the week. <br />S. Dunlap, of Hayfield, was <br />guest over Sunday at the home o <br />William Lueben. <br />Miss Emma Engler, of St. Paul <br />visited over Sunday with her mother <br />m <br />or <br />th <br />g- <br />at <br />d, <br />e <br />d <br />n <br />g <br />n <br />a <br />Mrs. Charles Engler. <br />Miss Celia Miller entertained Miss <br />Olive Dibble and hiss Hall, of Can- <br />non Falls, on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Charles Retzanthuler, <br />of Stanton, spent Monday with Mr. <br />and Mrs. L. R. Miller. <br />William Peter and C. F. Dickman <br />have bought the farm north of town, <br />owned by Father Goris. <br />Mr. and Mrs, Charles Uhlin, of <br />Stanton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. <br />D. Bartlett on Wednesday. <br />John Kauffman was granted a <br />liquor license for $1,000 by the village <br />council on Tuesday evening. <br />The ministerial institute, St. Paul <br />district, will be held here next Tues- <br />day and Wednesday. All invited. <br />Mrs. Denny Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. <br />Fred Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles <br />Dickman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Goris, <br />Mrs. William Miller, 31rs. H. Senn, <br />Arthur Miller, and Albert Otte went <br />to Cannon Falls on Friday to attend <br />the funeral of Mrs. Mary Mies. <br />Hampton Items. <br />Henry Endres was in Vermillion <br />on Sunday. <br />August Fox wade a trip to Hast- <br />ings on Sunday. <br />Peter Ludwig, of Vermillion, was a <br />caller on Monday. <br />Joseph Therres, of Vermillion, was <br />a Thursday caller. <br />Thurmes Bros. are at work raising <br />the barn for J. J. Giefer. <br />Constantine Oswold was visiting <br />in Vermillion on Sunday. <br />Anton Schanno was greatly sur- <br />prised on Monday; it's a girl. <br />Quite a number from here attended <br />the dance in New Trier on Monday. <br />Robert Rother and hiss (Catherine <br />Kuhn were in Vermillion on Sunday. <br />J. 11. Feipel shipped two cars of <br />hogs to South St. Pinul on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. John Theis, Mrs. Dominick <br />Leick, and Miss Katherine Therres <br />were visiting in Vermillion Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dreis, of <br />Empire, were in town on Wednesday. <br />Miss Marie Iten and Miss Marie <br />Niedere went to Cannon Fulls on <br />Saturday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rech, of <br />Vermillion, were in town the first of <br />the week. <br />J. J. Giefer lost a four year old <br />mare from blood poison on Friday, <br />valued at $200. <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Siebenaler were <br />guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gir- <br />gen, of Vermillion, on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Horsch, of <br />Hastings, were visiting with Mr. and <br />Mrs. Philip Tix the first of the week. <br />A party was given by Mie and <br />Mrs. J. J. Nahl on Sunday, attended <br />by a large number of young people. <br />Music by Feipel's Orchestra, and a <br />very enjoyable time was reported. <br />South 8t. Paul Items. <br />Mrs. August Peterson entertained <br />the Birthday Club Wednesday after- <br />noon. <br />The culvert extension near the <br />Simon Coulee, South Park, is nearly <br />completed. <br />Emmet Flynn, of Franklin, has <br />leased the DeSota House, W. H. <br />Lucy retiring. <br />George Grisim was kicked by a <br />broncho on Tuesday, breaking two <br />ribs on the left side. <br />The bonded indebtedness of the <br />city is stated at $173,520. Local <br />improvements, $58,000; fire depart- <br />ment, $14,000; city ball, $15,000; <br />bridge, $86,520. <br />There is never a question as to <br />the absolute purity and health- <br />fulness of food raised with <br />Nap <br />IN <br />■1 <br />Nal <br />111 Imo® <br />1 1 I■• <br />1 <br />RPRIC <br />BAKING PO <br />A pure, cream of tartar powder <br />Its fame is world wide <br />No alum; no phosphate of lime <br />The poisonous nature of alum is <br />so well known that the sale of <br />condiments and whiskey con- <br />taining it is prohibited by law. <br />In buying baking powder calamine the <br />label and take only a brand shown <br />to be made with cream of tartar. <br />•■ r■ ■■■■■■■jiia <br />8••••••••• • im <br />Inver drove items. <br />The saloon at the station was re- <br />opened on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. Ellen Anderson went up to <br />the city Wednesday. <br />Miss Sophie Chrosniak, of St. haul, <br />spent Sunday at home. <br />Edwin Sjoberg, of St. Paul, came <br />down Monday on business. <br />Andrew Oberg and Fay Benson <br />drove to St. Paul on Thursday. <br />Mrs. John Ryan and Mrs. James <br />Welch were in the city Wednesday. <br />Misses Helen and Alma Anderson <br />spent Saturday and Sunday in St. <br />Paul. <br />Thomas Ryan and Joseph Ryan <br />spent the last of the week in South <br />St. Paul. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Olof Johnson and <br />family were the guests of her father <br />on Sunde <br />Thomas Ryan, jr., went to the city <br />Thursday evening to attend a meeting <br />of the Hibernians. <br />The dance given last Saturday <br />evening at the home of James Rowe <br />was largely attended, and enjoyed hy <br />all. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fay Benson and <br />children and Mr. and Mrs. Clark <br />Woodworth were guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Ralph Drake on Sunday. <br />Charlie Pierce, of the soldier's <br />home, has bought five acres of land <br />from John Ryan, and is having a <br />cottage built, where he intends to <br />spend the rest of his days. <br />Cascade Items. <br />Dick Wells has been on the milk <br />route the past week. <br />Mrs. Herman Metz and sow spent <br />Monday in Northfield. <br />Miss Edna Kleeberger, of Oxford, <br />spent Sunday at home. <br />"Bradley" Harkness was in town <br />Monday on telephone business. <br />Miss Signe E. Palmer, of Lewiston, <br />spent Sunday with Miss Nina Mc <br />Elrath. <br />The Great Western Road has a <br />gang of men at work in the pit load- <br />ing gravel. <br />Miss Effie Kleeberger, teacher at <br />Greenvale the past month, returned <br />home on Tuesday. <br />Miss Myrtle Kleeberger, teacher at <br />Louisburg, spent Sunday at home, <br />on her way to Dakota. <br />Andrew Metz, of E'ark River, N. <br />D., spent a few days last week with <br />his sister, Mrs. F. Gangloff. <br />A basket social was given at <br />George Frame's Friday evening, the <br />proceeds to be used in building a foot <br />bridge at Wallace. <br />Mrs. Kleeberger, who has been <br />visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Lee, in <br />Stanton, returned to the home of her <br />son, P. W. Kleeberger, on Sunday. <br />Coate. Items. <br />John Callahan went to St. Paul <br />Wednesday. <br />Mrs. F.D. Carroll was a city visitor <br />on Monday. <br />Mrs. William Leonard was in the <br />city Tuesday. <br />Frank Peters and bride returned <br />home Monday evening. <br />Miss Margaret and Nellie Callahan <br />were in the city Saturday. <br />Miss aesborough and Mrs. <br />Pilcher w_at to St. Paul Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elston visited <br />Saturday and Sunday in Northfield. <br />Mrs. Eisenmenger, of St. Paul, was <br />down Saturday to spend the day <br />with her mother, Mrs. Warman, <br />The Rich Valley mail carrier sailed <br />through here at the rate of steen <br />miles an hour Tuesday, on his new <br />motor cycle. <br />The District Court. <br />The May term opened at the court- <br />house on Tuesday, ten a. m., Judge <br />F. M. Crosby presiding. <br />Atter an informal call of the calen- <br />dar jury caeca were set, and the <br />following grand jurors charged, and <br />entered upon their duties: <br />Joseph Callahan, Coates. <br />Henry Becker, Hampton. <br />Austin Gillespie, Vermillion, <br />A. B. Hubbard, Hastings. <br />Simon Mainz, Douglas, <br />A. C. Bachman, Hastings. <br />Henry Schlndeldecker, Inver Grove. <br />Charles Hach, Ravenna, <br />W. J. Kenney, Hastings. <br />Peter Doffing, New Trier. <br />Edward Wayman, Coates. <br />Dennis Milner, Hastings. <br />W. D. Carroll, Rosemount. <br />Martin McNamara, Nloinger. <br />J. D. Smith, Eureka. <br />William Perry, Castle Rock. <br />J. R. Caldwell, Hastings. <br />Jacob Linkert, Lebanon, <br />C. C. Blesener, Greenvale. <br />N. S. Groff, West St. Paul. <br />P. P. Hammer, Eureka. <br />W. H. Furey, Greenvale. <br />N. S. Groff was foreman, and J. J. <br />Dunn and E. N. Wallerius deputies iu <br />charge. <br />H. C. James, 0. E. Dodge, <br />Lloyd Peabody, F. N. Dickson, and <br />J. P. Kyle, of SL Paul, and W. L. <br />Converse and P. H. O'Keefe, of <br />South St. Paul, were among the <br />attorneys in attendance. <br />The following cases were disposed. <br />of: <br />Joseph Lothenbach et al. application <br />granted to vacate Bloumingtou Park <br />Addition to South Si. Paul. Albert <br />Schaller for petitioner, <br />Henry Fey vs. 9. M. Hamilton et als. <br />Action to quiet title to lots one and two, <br />block two, Waterford. Judgment for <br />plaintiff. C. R. Pye for plaintiff. <br />John Holtgrave vs. Mrs. Rose Holt. <br />grave. Action for divorce on the grounds <br />of desertion, and decree granted. They <br />were married at Vermillion, Aug. 13th, <br />1894. and lived together until September, <br />1809. His age is thirty-six years, and <br />hers thirty-one. They have one son, aged <br />eight years. Ernest Otte for plaintiff. <br />Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Parker, of Rose- <br />mount, were authorized to adopt James <br />Hanley, a ward of the Owatonna school, <br />aged four veers, and his name changed to <br />William P. Parker, W. H. Gillitt, <br />attorney. <br />The following indictment was re- <br />turned: <br />Joseph Meizet, grand larceny in the <br />second degree, stealing $60.50 from Paul <br />Danke, South St. Paul, Feb. 28th. <br />The grand jury was excused on <br />Wednesday from further attendance. <br />The following was arraigned <br />on Thursday: <br />Joseph Melzei, indicted for grand lar- <br />ceny in the second degree. Plead not <br />guilty, P. H. O'Keefe for defense. <br />The petit jury will be called on <br />Monday, <br />Marsham Items. <br />Miss Agnes B. Rother went to St. <br />Paul on Wednesday. <br />William Schneider was home from <br />Vermillion the Stet of the week. <br />Miss Marie Graua, teacher in Dis- <br />trict 95, went to St. Paul on Saturday. <br />H. J. B. Wagner, of Vermillion, <br />visited Peter Fuch the first of the <br />week. <br />Jesse Anderson, of Hastings, was <br />delivering pictures in this vicinity <br />the first of the week. <br />Quite a number from here attended <br />the dance at New Trier on Monday, <br />reporting a very good time. <br />Ludwig Leifeld and 3liss Margaret <br />Leifeld, of Vermillion, were guests <br />of Mrs. F. E. Rother on Sunday. <br />Mrs, Peter Fuch and Miss Marie <br />Grans were visiting Mrs. H. J. B. <br />Wagner, in Vermillion, on Friday. <br />Fred Becker, of Hastings, was <br />canvassing for the Harrison wagon <br />scales through this. vicinity, on <br />Tuesday. <br />The Probate Court. <br />A. D. S. Clark was appointed <br />special administrator of J. A. Fanta, <br />late of South Park, on Wednesday. <br />Connell Proeeedingts. <br />Adjourned meeting, May 4th, <br />Present Aide. Fasbender, Hanson, <br />Johnson, Jonest Nelson, and Rada- <br />baugh, Mayor' West in the chair. <br />On motion of Ald. Fa8l)cnder, n <br />communication from the ;;tate Fire- <br />men Association, asking that delegates <br />be sent to rho annual meeting, was <br />laid upon the table. <br />Ald. Johnson, from the special <br />committee, recommended the rejec- <br />tion of the bid of F. W. Gleim for <br />street sprinklingOn motion of <br />Ald. Hanson, the report was adopted. <br />The report of W. DeW. Pringle, <br />retiring police justice, was accepted, <br />and, on motion of Ald. Fashender, a <br />vote of thanks was extended to him <br />for the conservative manner in which <br />he has conducted the business of the <br />city. <br />N. B. Gergen, city treasurer, sub- <br />mitted a financial statement, showing <br />outstanding bonds. Cash oe hand <br />$6,813.13. <br />On motion of Aid. Johnson, the <br />mayor and clerk were instructed to <br />issue an order of $160 for interest on <br />asylum site bonds. <br />On motion of Alel. Ranson, the <br />eighth estimate of the DeaMoinea <br />Company was allowed as follows: <br />Waterworks ............ • f9, 653.72 <br />Sewers - . 2,400.38 <br />The following bills were allowed: <br />Harrison 4 Clark, engineers $243.61 <br />Valentine Then, street work <br />Nels Erickson, mason work <br />A. L. Johnson, mdse <br />Fasbender k Son, mdtws, <br />McMullin Co., lumbar <br />7.50 <br />0.00 <br />3.50 <br />3,00 <br />H. A. Glendenning, disinfectants, 2.10 <br />Telephone Co., phones, messages, 8.60 <br />Theodore Schaal, repairing clock, 1.t'0 <br />J. W. Downs, repairs420 <br />.1. G. Sieben, mdse.... 13..35 <br />Charles Hankes, postage 1.50 <br />A. C. Nesbitt, killing dog.... .50 <br />Ezra Hathaway, burying dog.75 <br />On motion of Air;]. Fasbender, ad- <br />journed sine die. <br />The retiring mayor was then accord- <br />ed hearty bundstakes by the tnembers <br />of the council for past coorteeies, and <br />Chief Nesbitt surrendered the keys <br />and other property so long under his <br />charge. <br />The new council was called t <br />order. Present Aids. Emerson <br />Engel, Fasbender, (fall, Grans, au <br />Perkins, Mayor Schaal in the chair <br />OD motion of Aid. Engel, J. H <br />Twichell was elected city clerk. <br />The appointment of William Nolan <br />as chief of police was confirmed, <br />Aids. Fasbender and Gall voting in <br />the negative. <br />The appointments of W. W. Car- <br />son and J. P. Gegen as policemen <br />were confirmed. <br />On motion of Aici. Grans, W. H. <br />DeKay was re-elected city attorney. <br />On motion of AId. Grans, Ald. <br />Gall was elected acting mayor. <br />The appointment of city treasurer <br />was laid over until next meeting. <br />On motion of Ald. Gall, Dr. L. D. <br />Peck was re-elected health officer. <br />On motion of Altt. Fasbender, The <br />Democrat was designated as the <br />official paper, and A. J. Schaller as <br />city printer. <br />On motion of Ald. Fasbentler, the <br />appointment of Henry Niedere ascity <br />assessor was confirmed. <br />On motion of Ald Gall, the time of <br />holding regular meetings was fixed <br />on the second and fourth Mondays <br />of each month. <br />On motion of AId. Engel, W. S. <br />Tuttle was re -appointed waterworks <br />inspector until July lac. <br />On motion of AId. Fasbender, the <br />nominations of Edway Cobb as chief <br />of the fire department and Henry <br />Fieseler as assistant were confirmed. <br />The following atanding committees <br />were announced: <br />Finance. -Alda. Perkins, Gall, Grans. <br />Purchasing. -Aids. Engel, Perkins, <br />Gall. <br />bender. <br />.Struts.-Alds Grams. Emerson, Fas- <br />Fire Department. -Aids. Fasbender. <br />Gall, Engel. <br />Street Lighting, -Alda., Emerson, Engel, <br />Perkins. <br />Waterworks, -Aids, Engel, Emerson, <br />Perkins. <br />Adjourned to Monday evening. <br />0 <br />d <br />• <br />• <br />It ateaehed sYe Spot. <br />Mr. E. Humphrey. who owns a large <br />general store at Omega, U., and is pres- <br />ident of the Adams County Telephone <br />Co., as well as of the Home Telephone <br />Co., of Pike County. O., says of Dr. <br />Ring's New Discovery. "It saved my life <br />once. At least I think it 414. It seemed <br />to reach the spot -the very seat of my <br />cough -when everything else failed." <br />Dr. King's New Discovery not only <br />reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore <br />spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs <br />and cheat. Sold under guarantee at <br />Rude's drug store. 50e. and 41. Trial <br />bottle free. <br />Twain Wasn't Well. <br />At a dinner to which Mark Twain <br />was invited his name was associated <br />with the toast of "Literature" by an <br />orator, who referred with great elo- <br />quence to Homer, Shakespeare, Milton <br />and -Mark Twain. In response the hu- <br />morist thanked the speaker for his <br />kindly references and excused himself <br />from making a longer speech by say - <br />Ing, "Homer 1s dead, Shakespeare and <br />Milton are no more, and 1-I don't feel <br />vary well myself!" <br />Not Suspicious. <br />The Constable -Yes, your worship, <br />the prisoner le a most suspicious char- <br />acter. The Accused (Indignantly) -It's <br />him that's suspeecloas. Aw'm no sus• <br />peeelona o' onybodyl-Peach. <br />Deetness Cannot be Cured <br />by local arplications, as they cannot resoh the <br />diseased portion of the eye. There is only one <br />way to euro deafness, and that is by 000'tttu• <br />clonal remedies. Deafness le caused by an in• <br />flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eu. <br />'toothiest tube. When this tube gets Inflamed <br />you have s rumbling sound orimperfeot hearing, <br />and when 1t 1s entirely shed deadnase la the re. <br />sult, and unless the inflammation can be taken <br />out and this tube restored to its normal oondi• <br />Mon, bearing will be destroyed forever nine <br />eases out of tea are caused byaterrh, which is <br />nothing but an ineamed oondltton of the mucous <br />surfaces. <br />We will give one hundred dollars rot any ease <br />of deafness (caused by catarrh) that dsonot be <br />oared by Hall'sCatarrh Cure, Beed for circulars <br />fres. Sold by druggists 750, <br />F. .1. CHENEY d CO., Toledo, O. <br />Hall's Family Pills are the beet. <br />CORN SYRUP <br />More! More! More! comes the call for <br />Karo. Children love and thrive upon it; <br />everybody delights in its wholesome good- <br />ness. Nothing half so good for all sorts of <br />sweetening, from griddle cakes to candy. <br />soc, 25c and soc in air -tight tins. <br />CORN PRANNCTS <br />4. <br />BUSINESS CHANCES <br />ALONG THE NEW LINE <br />Sales of business lots will be held in four new towns <br />in the Dakotas and Montana along the new line to tbe <br />Pacific Coast in May. Sales will be held 'at Reeder, <br />North Dakota, May 14tb; at Ismay, Montana, May 19th; <br />at Haynes, North Dakota, May 21st. and at Scranton, <br />North Dakota, May 26th. All sales will be by auction. <br />These towns are located ID a good diversified farming, <br />stock raising, and dairying country and have a large <br />tributary trade territory. They will witness rapid <br />development and prosperity, and offer exceptional <br />opportunities for merchants and investors. <br />Sales will be held later in other towns <br />on the Pacific Coast extension of the <br />Chicago, <br />Milwaukee, & St. Paul <br />Railway. <br />Start in this new country where you will find to -day's <br />opportunities for success and future independence. <br />Six months ago the towns of Lemmon, Hettinger, <br />and Bowman were established on this new line in the <br />Dakotas. To day each town has a population close to <br />five hundred and all branches of business are repre- <br />sented in them, but opportunities are still plentiful for <br />many lines of business. <br />Maps and descriptive books regarding <br />this new country are free for the Baking. <br />F. A. MiLLER, <br />General Passenger Agent, <br />Chicago. <br />C. A. PADLEY, <br />Ceneral Land Agent, <br />Milwaukee. <br />The Beethoven Club. <br />An enjoyable monthly meeting was <br />held with Miss Louise Todd, Seventh <br />Street, on Monday evening. Tl <br />programme consisted of Curren'Q <br />Events by Miss Emma L. Truax, <br />piano solos by Miss Myrtle Adeit <br />and Miss Abbie Gergen, and a vocal <br />solo and paper on Beethoven by Mrs. <br />Seymour Carter. It was distinctive- <br />ly a Beethoven night. <br />The Marken <br />BARLEY. -50 ®til 55 cta. <br />RESP. -$8.00 ® 19.00 <br />BaAN,--424. <br />BurrE&-25 eta. <br />CORN. --65 cls. <br />Eoos.-124 cls. <br />FLAx.-11.10. <br />FLots.-43.00. <br />HAT. -48. <br />OATI.-48 @ 47 cls. <br />M IDDLINOa.-.tj25. <br />PORK. -48.50 <br />POTATOES. -40 eta, <br />RYE. -71 cts. <br />Selmer:mos.-12S <br />WIrRAT.-90 cut. <br />Roes or Aavertaasag. <br />One !nob, per year ...................... • 6.00 <br />Each additional inch.... .... ....... .. . 6.0U <br />One inch, per week........ ........... .96 <br />Loaf notioee,per line .10 <br />Orden by tos11 willreoeire prompt attention <br />Address IRVING TODD d: SON, <br />Rastings. Minn. <br />NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. <br />WANTED. <br />A strong, neat girl for general housework. <br />Good wages. Apply by letter, phone. or in <br />person to Mrs. LUCY R. GOVE, <br />Route a flutings Minn. <br />TO STOCKMEN. <br />My Fina Norman Stallion <br />Wili make the season at the old Kieffer bate, in <br />Douglas. JOSEPH COSTELLO. <br />FOR BALE. <br />1' A Young Mull, <br />Full blooded Durham. Inquire of <br />0. H. POOR, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />FOR SALE. <br />11"d Cern and Pigs. <br />Apply to <br />0. B. JACKSON, <br />West Fourth Street, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. <br />The town board of Nininger will meet at the <br />town hall on Wednesday May 90th, at nine a. <br />m., for the purpose of letting road work. <br />A. w WILSON, <br />Chairman of Town Board, <br />FOR SALE OR RENT. ' <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota. -ss. In <br />probate court. <br />In the matter of the estate of Frank G. Holmes. <br />decedent. <br />Letters of administration this day having been <br />granted to Robert Holmes. <br />It 1s ordered that the time within which all <br />creditors of the above named decedent may <br />present olatmi against his estate in this court be, <br />and the same hereby 1s, limited to six months <br />from and after the date hereof; and that Thurs. <br />day, the 10th dsy of Deoember. 1908, at ten o'clock <br />a. m., in therobate court room at the 0000- <br />house, at Hastings, lu said county, be and the <br />same hereby Is fixed and appointed as the time <br />sad place for hearing upon and the examina- <br />tion, adjustment, and allowance of such claims <br />as shall be presented within the time aforesaid. <br />Let notice hereof beiven by the publication <br />-f this order in The Hastings Gazette, as pro- <br />vided br law. <br />Dated May 7th, 1908. <br />By the court. THOS. P. MORAN, <br />ISEAL.] 33-3w Judge of Probate. <br />AUDiTOR'8 NOTICE OF HEAR- <br />ING ON PETITION IN DiTCH <br />PROCEEDINQS. <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota. -ss. <br />Ia the matter of the petition of Frank A. <br />Simpson and others, for a public ditch in the <br />county of Dakota, state of Minnesota, designat- <br />ed and numbered u County Ditch No. One. <br />NoUoe is hereby given that a petition has been <br />filed 1n the oMoe of the oouoty auditor of said <br />oouaty, praying for the construction of a public <br />Mob, designated and numbered by the oounty <br />auditor of such oounty County Ditch No. One, <br />beginning two hundred feet eutand fifteen bun• <br />deed feet south of the northwest corner sr <br />section twenty-nine, (99), township one hundred <br />twelve, (119), range twenty (90), tbenoe running <br />easterly and northeuteriy following the line of <br />tbe old water course, running through the fol- <br />lowing described lands, to -wit: The northwest <br />quarter and the northeast quarter of section 99; <br />south bait of the southeast quarter or section <br />90; north half of section 28; northwest quarter <br />0f section 97; east half of southwest quarter and <br />the aoutheutquarter of section lei; northwest <br />quarter, and northwest quarter of the northeast <br />quarter, and the northwest quarter of the south- <br />west quarter of section 23; south half of south <br />east quarter of section 14; south half of south• <br />west quarter. and the southeast quarter of <br />section 13; all in township one hundred and <br />twelve, mage twenty, town of Greenvale. Also <br />through the north half of the southwest quarter <br />of 'motion 18, township one hundred and twelve, <br />range nineteen, town of Waterford, and termina- <br />ting ata point one hundred feat east and one <br />bondred feet north of the southwest corner of <br />the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter <br />of section 19, town one hundred and twelve, <br />range nineteen, Le appears by the report of the <br />engineer hereinafter mentioned, and that the <br />names of the owners of the lands and the names <br />of the municipal and other oorporations that <br />will be affected by the oonstruction of said ditch, <br />as appears in the report of the viewers herein- <br />after mentioned are w follows, to-wtt: <br />C. D. Matin, P. P. Blesener, Inver Madson, <br />Mary 8. Simpeon, E. W. Simpson. Frank A. <br />Simpson, C. It. Jorgenson A. 0. Ruby. C. C. <br />Blesener, John Ffshbaok, Jorgenson, Graff, Joseph <br />Winters, .1. B. Heger, George Fink, James <br />Hynes. Ole O. Lrsne, P. P. Fink, Mary A.Giford, <br />C. 8. Brydeu, Patt'lolt Dougherty, H. A. Monkey, <br />8. W. F. Ingram, 8. tognm J LL <br />OAR.d"0...11171°'. ermaW. William Tssdag, It. Kioniry, <br />Charles E. Hathaway w B. 1[anbart George E <br />Stewart, 8. D. Musi ey, Mettle Lewison, c, <br />Soollard A. Sorenson, W. H, Fu, Oeorge <br />Smpey, 5'.• <br />F. Hanhart, Cbrfst Boureytger, Lewis <br />GliliganJ. H. Walby, John T. Nystuen, P. P. <br />Fink. Joan Oldberg, L. B. Hoag, John Frank, <br />9. L.Sbumway, Abbie M. Howlsad, 8. and E. <br />Simpson, and that the engineer appointed by <br />theoounty board - of said county to make a <br />survey of the route of ssld ditch has completed <br />his work aad made due report thereon, and filed <br />the same 1n the office of said county auditor; <br />and that the viewers appointed by said count <br />board to new the same have' completed their <br />work and Sled their report thereon in the Moe <br />of said county auditor. <br />And that, therefore, the county bosrd of <br />akota County, state of Minnesota, will hold a <br />pedal meeting on Tuesday, the ninth day of <br />non, 1008, at the county auditor's ofitoe In the <br />ty of Rulings In the said oounty, at eleven <br />oleos a, m. of old day, for bearing and con• <br />d.•ratioa of said petition aad of said survey <br />'s and viewers' report thereon; and that all <br />pemoos Interested in the oonstruotlon of said <br />lob are Melted to appearr and be beard by sod <br />ors gamoouoty board at said time for or <br />salmi the construction of said ditch. <br />aa►i-1 11141w P. A. ROFFIIAN, <br />arty Auditor of Dakota County, Mlsneeota. <br />A seven room house, with barn and three lots, D <br />either for sale or rent. Apply to J <br />Mrs. DOROTHEA KRUEGER, <br />Cor. Seoond and Wuhington Streets, <br />Hastings. Miao. e! <br />n <br />BIGGEST SNAP EVER. at <br />or <br />The Fred. Kirchner houseon ThirdStreet,0is0. <br />Wanted, two young men to purobase tour <br />hundred and eighty acres first also Mod, near "'" <br />good town, on the crop payment plan. So crop, , <br />Do payment, Look this op.-- Sadism, <br />8. RILED, <br />Val estate Broker, Sasm, Sum.CO <br />