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THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topics. <br />F. E. Bailey is here from Decorah <br />upon a visit. <br />The St. Boniface school will close <br />next Friday. <br />Fred Ludwig was in from Douglas <br />on Thursday. <br />C. J. Almquist was up from Etter <br />on Thursday. <br />J. P. Schlirf was home from Delano <br />upon a short visit. <br />Lloyd Nesbitt was over from Bar- <br />ron, Wis., on Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Downs are <br />down from South St. Paul. <br />B. M. Hall is putting in a new <br />front at the telegraph office. <br />Mrs.- E. T. Coolidge, of Chicago, is <br />the guest of Mrs. J. P. Griffin. <br />F. F. Engles resumed his position <br />as day yardmaster on Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shea were <br />down from Langdon yesterday. <br />Miss Anna S. Erickson was up <br />from Prairie Island on Tuesday. <br />W. F. Palmer, of St. Paul, is the <br />new jeweler at I. M. Radabaugh's. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taisey, of <br />Finlay, N. D., were here Wednesday. <br />Miss Katherine Ficker, of St. Paul, <br />is the guest of Mrs. Peter Stotzheim. <br />A. M. Higgins, of Minneapolis, was <br />in town Monday on legal business. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore were <br />down from Minneapolis on Saturday. <br />Miss Pearl L. Johnson returned <br />Wednesday from a visit at Redfield, <br />S. D. <br />A. M. Hayes returned Wednesday <br />from his winter's visit in Washington, <br />D. C. <br />B. M. Hall has a new gray hack <br />team, bought of Luke Rowan for <br />$300. <br />Mies Elizabeth L. Kohler, teacher <br />at New Richmond, is here on a short <br />visit. <br />Mrs. H. E. Speakes, of Superior, <br />is the guest of her mother, Mrs. John <br />Dick. <br />Nicholas Kiemen, of Vermillion, <br />lost a valuable horse last Monday <br />night. <br />A. J. Mares is succeeded by E. J. <br />Ring as clerk at Glendenning's drug <br />store. <br />Mrs. F. C. Anderson and son, of <br />St. Paul, are guests of Mrs. August <br />Oman. <br />Mrs. Charles Weisbrod, of Iola, <br />Wis., is the guest of Mrs. A. E. <br />Wilson. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Frank left <br />Monday upon a visit in Wadena and <br />Detroit. <br />Mrs. P. M. Hennessy, of St. Paul, <br />is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert <br />Schaller. <br />Miss Willa Gaylord, of Red Wing, <br />is the guest of Mies Amelia T. <br />Claassen. <br />James Robertson was down from <br />Minneapolis Wednesday on legal <br />business. <br />Miss Gladys E. Linnen, of Lake <br />City, is the guest of Mrs. C. G. Le <br />Vesconte. <br />Mrs. Lena Schurch, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Mrs. C. S. Harnish on <br />Saturday. <br />Thomas Weters and Miss Carrie <br />Weters were up from Welch on <br />Saturday. <br />Emil Carlson and W. M. Nieder- <br />korn are working on the steamer <br />Purchase. <br />R. G. Henion has sold his house <br />on Eighth Street to L. E. Farrington, <br />for $1,000. <br />Miss Ruby Bergeson, of Chicago, <br />is the guest of Miss Florence M. <br />Palmstrom. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schneider, <br />of Marshan, went up to St. Paul <br />on Tuesday. <br />Miss Rose S. Girgen and Miss <br />Susie Meier were in from Vermillion <br />on Thursday. <br />The high school seniors enjoyed a <br />pleasant picnic at Spring Lake Thurs- <br />day afternoon. <br />Supt. E. L. Porter is assisting in <br />marking high school papers at the <br />state university. <br />F. E. Brunner is back at St. Croix <br />Junction, owing to the absence of <br />R. S. Stoneman. <br />Mrs. M. A. Wright, of South St. <br />Paul,was the guest of her mother, M rs. <br />J. W. Anderson. <br />Mrs. J. W. Ruffner, of Detroit, <br />Mich., was the guest of her aunt, Mre, <br />Elizabeth Grans. <br />M. P. Schweich, of Douglas, is <br />agent for the Model Portrait Com- <br />pany, of Chicago. <br />Miss Amelia Heiden, trimmer at <br />Sieben's Millinery, returned to St. <br />Paul on Tuesday. <br />Mr. Michael McHugh and Mrs. A. <br />J. Schaller left Thursday upon 'a <br />visit in Aberdeen. <br />Misses Dora and Tryphena Ander- <br />son, of Montevideo,were the guests of <br />Mrs. C. 8. Lowell. <br />Nola Riste returned to Decorah <br />Wednesday from a visit with his <br />brother Knute, in Marsban. <br />Miss Netts Hindmarsh is home <br />from Gaylord, where ebe closed her <br />school last Friday. <br />The high school teachers enjoyed a <br />pleasant picnic at the Vermillion <br />Monday afternoon. <br />Mrs. James McKenna and Miss <br />Kate B. McKenna, of Empire, were <br />in town on Monday. <br />J. P. Hoffenmiller, of Minneapolis, <br />was the guest of Peter Knoll Wednes- <br />day, on a fishing trip. <br />Miss Mary F. Johnson and Miss <br />D'Ette Leavitt were over from Pt. <br />Douglas on Monday. <br />Misses Dorothy Shelhorn and Miss <br />Gertrude Johnson were down from <br />Langdon Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Barns and <br />children, of St. Paul, are the guests <br />of Mrs. Alex. Herbst. <br />J. B. Kranz, of Hampton, is build- <br />ing a stock barn, forty by sixty-two, <br />and twenty feet posts. <br />Joseph Thomas, of Lake City, was <br />the guest of his father, Mr. Nicholas <br />Thomas, over Sunday. <br />Miss Celestine Austin returned <br />from Maple Grove on Sunday, where <br />she has been teaching. <br />Miss Ida G. McShane returned Sat- <br />urday evening from Cloquet, where <br />she has been teaching. <br />C. F. Wilson, of Minneapolis, was <br />the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Joseph <br />Cavanaugh, on Sunday. <br />Misses Beulah and Evelyn Gar- <br />rard, of Frontenac, were the guests of <br />Miss Marion E. Schaller. <br />Olof Edlund, of Cannon Falls, was <br />in attendance at the graduation of <br />his grandson, C. E. Downs. <br />John and Miss Anna Sommers, of <br />Minneapolis, were the guests of Miss <br />Amy Stewart over Sunday. <br />Mrs. Elizabeth Doebler and 0. H. <br />Doebler, of Cannon Falls, were at the <br />Gardner House on Saturday. <br />Frank Dibble, of Granite Falls, <br />was the guest of hie aunt, Mrs. <br />Reuben Morey, on Tuesday. <br />A. J. Stroschein and family, of St. <br />Paul, were the guests of his father, <br />A. E. Stroschein, on Sunday. <br />A horse belonging to Bat. Steffen <br />dropped dead in the western part of <br />town on Wednesday evening. <br />Michael Reinardy, of Douglas, sold <br />a driving horse to Eisenminger Bros., <br />St. Paul, on Monday for 8200. <br />Joseph Fleegel and Miss Katherine <br />Fleegel, of St. Cloud, are the guests <br />of their sister, Mrs. B. S. Ruhr. <br />The Rev. Anthony Scholzen, of <br />Winsted, was the guest of his cousin, <br />Mrs. P. F. Kranz, on Thursday. <br />Miss Margaret L. Newton and <br />Finn and Tom Newton were down <br />from Merriam Park on Saturday. <br />The Rev. E. N. Raymond, of Wat- <br />kins, was the guest of his niece, <br />Mrs. Sophia Wood, on Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Norton, of <br />Hower, are here upon a visit with <br />their daughter, Mrs. G. F. Smith. <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schabacker, of <br />St. Paul, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Irving Todd, jr., on Sunday. <br />The ladies of the Methodist Church <br />will give a sale of home cooking to- <br />day, at I. M. Radabaugh's store. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kranz, of <br />Hampton, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. N. C. Kranz on Wednesday. <br />Miss Yerda H. Lindberg closed <br />her school at Floodwood last week, <br />returning home Saturday evening. <br />Miss Mildred M. Hunter, teacher <br />of science in our high school, left <br />on Tuesday for her home at Tracy. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Monday to Mr. ArthurStreefland and <br />Miss Mary E. Conley, of Burnsville. <br />An investment of 82.50 in a split <br />log drag would have been worth <br />81,000 to Second Street this summer. <br />Miss Rose Gobeil and Misses Ber- <br />nice and Della Thill, of St. Paul, were <br />the guests of Della Humm on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fredine and <br />children, of St. Paul, were the guests <br />of her mother, Mrs. Aaron Anderson. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Donehauer, of <br />Dakota, were the guests of her sister, <br />Mrs.FrancesA.Latschaw,on Saturday. <br />Miss Hildegarde A. Palmstrom <br />returned from Billings Friday night, <br />where she had been teaching the past <br />year. <br />Mrs. J. M. Tierney and children, <br />of St. Paul, were the guests of her <br />mother, Mrs. Reuben Morey, over <br />Sunday. <br />The young ladies gave a leap <br />year party at the Opera House to- <br />night, with music by the Select last <br />chestra. <br />A marriage license was ' issued <br />on Wednesday to Mr. Carl Ingelson <br />and Miss Hilda Davidson, of Dakota <br />County. <br />C. P. Carpenter, Joseph Donald- <br />son, and W. W. Pye, of Northfield, <br />were in town yesterday on probate <br />business. <br />Mrs. Agnes Bacon was called to <br />St. Paul on Monday, her little grand- <br />daughter having been bitten by a <br />mad dog. <br />Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Harrington, <br />and sons, of Minneapolis, are the <br />guests of her mother, Mrs. A. E. <br />Johnson. <br />A special meeting of the county <br />board will be held at the courthouse <br />next Tuesday to consider the Green- <br />vale ditch. <br />Mrs. W. 0. Flory and children, of <br />Minneapolis, were the guests of her <br />mother, Mrs. Anna J. Hetherington, <br />on Sunday. <br />Miss Katherine Gillespie, of St. <br />Paul, was the guest of Mise Ansa <br />Fahey, en route for Morris to attend <br />a wedding. <br />Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Stoneman and <br />sons left Sunday upon a visit at <br />Salem, Or. They will be gone two or <br />three weeks. <br />Over fifty ladies went up to 8t. <br />Paul on Monday to do shopping. <br />enough to support a first class dry <br />goods store. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Molampby, of <br />Douglas, were in town Tuesday <br />upon their return from a visit in <br />Minneapolis. <br />James Coffman was over from Pt. <br />Douglas Tuesday, and reports that <br />he has closed the ferry until the <br />river recedes. <br />Ralph Sebastian and F. W. Robbins, <br />of Wallace, Ida., were thegueateof J. <br />N. Lorentz, en route for their home <br />in Owatonna. <br />Mrs. G. E. Dennis and Miss May <br />F. Dennis, of Minneapolis, are the <br />guests of Mrs. F. W. Finch and Mrs. <br />Seymour Carter. <br />Mrs. Christian Kappler, of Lake- <br />land, was the guest of her daughter, <br />Mrs. Herman Franzmeier, in Ninin- <br />ger, over Sunday. <br />Miss Gertrude Daily, who has been <br />attending the normal school at St. <br />Cloud, is the guest of her mother, <br />Mrs. L. A. Daily. <br />Mrs. Oscar Rinehart and Mise <br />Cora Coe, of Si?aul,and Mr. and Mre <br />J. H. Flanagan, of Coates, were in <br />town on Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wille, Mr. and <br />Mrs. Peter Mies, and Mr. and Mrs. <br />Henry Hoffman, of Hampton, were in <br />town on Tuesday. <br />W. J. Wright and L. N. Holt rep- <br />resented St. Luke's Church at the <br />annual diocesian council in Minne- <br />apolis on Thursday. <br />The Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Woltman <br />were down from Merriam Park yea- <br />terday, the guests of the Rev. and <br />Mrs. E. R. Lathrop. <br />Mrs. T. F. Daly, of Langdon, re• <br />Earned from the Lake Elmo Hospital <br />on Friday evening, where she had a <br />successful operation. <br />Mrs. Arthur Chard went out to <br />Castle Rock Saturday evening on <br />account of the death of her mother, <br />Mrs. Thompson Beat. <br />Miss Elizabeth A. Marzolf, of St. <br />Paul, and Mi88 Leonilla Wessel, of <br />Little Falls, are the guests of Mise <br />Florence A. Marzolf. <br />Mies Catherine M. Hart, of this <br />city, closed her school. in Douglas <br />last Friday with a pleasing rhetorical <br />programme and picnic. <br />Mrs. Alonzo Dockatader returned <br />4Thursday from attending the annual <br />W. C. T. U. convention, twenty- <br />sixth district, at Faribault. <br />Miss Marie E. Grana, of this city, <br />closed her school in District 99, <br />Marshao, last Friday with an enjoy- <br />able programme and picnic. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Thursday to Mr. Patrick Welch, of <br />Stearns County, and Miss Margaret <br />Callahan, of Dakota County. <br />W. R. Daley, of Welch, Clarence <br />Clure, of this city, and George Hach, <br />of Minneapolis, left Tuesday upon a <br />trip to Oregon and Washington. <br />Over a hundred citizens went to <br />Minneapolis on Sunday, with the <br />band, to attend the laying of the <br />corner stone of the pro -cathedral. <br />The Rev. Arthur Chard, F. A. <br />Simmons, Irving Todd, jr., and Miss <br />Gertrude A. Norrish went up to <br />Minneapolis Wednesday to attend the <br />annual diocesan council. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bonwell and <br />Mrs. J. M. Gere and son, of Minneap. <br />olis, Mise Kate Gilkey, of LaCrosse, <br />and Fred. Hero, of DeeMoines, were <br />the guests of Mrs. C. E. Tuttle. <br />The marriage of Mr. John Orman <br />and Miss Anna McShane will take <br />place at the Church of the Guardian <br />Angels next Tuesday, at 7:30 a. m., <br />the Rev. P. R. Cunningham officiating. <br />The remains of Vernard Livings- <br />ton, aged eighteen years, drowned in <br />the Cannon River, were recovered <br />Wednesday at Waterford. Coroner <br />Mertz was summoned, but held no <br />inquest. <br />F. B. Lucking sold bis grocery <br />store on Second Street Monday to <br />P. J. Meiscb, of Miesville, who has <br />already taken possession. He is an <br />old hand at the business, and ought <br />to do well. N. A. Schroeder is re- <br />tained as salesman, and F. J. <br />Sommers as delivery clerk. <br />ATTENTION. <br />Don't you want your old <br />chair or couch or any other <br />piece of furniture repaired <br />or re -upholstered? <br />We can do it. <br />Cost is very little. <br />Phone No. 91 and we will <br />call. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />&son, <br />Hastings, <br />Minn. <br />Mrs. M. A. Bronson, of Northfield, <br />and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Constantine, <br />of St. Paul, were the guests of • Mr. <br />and Mrs. J. F. Stedwell on Sunday. <br />James Carroll, a farmer living near <br />Rosemount, had three cows killed by <br />lightning last Friday evening. A horse <br />wustunned,and died later from the <br />shock. <br />Miss Ada B. Lent, of Minneapolis, <br />and Charles Dezell, of LaCrosse, <br />Wasb.,were here to attend the gradua- <br />tion of their cousin, Miss Grace G. <br />Dezell. <br />Miss Helen R. Dyer, of this city, <br />closed her school at Cottage Grove <br />yesterday afternoon with a pleasing <br />rhetorical programme, followed by a <br />picnic. <br />Mrs. H. H. Johnson and Mise <br />Laura Johnson, of Minneapolis, <br />attended the graduation of her niece, <br />Mise Edith Johnson, on Monday <br />evening. <br />Mre. Mattie Morton Westover, of <br />St. Paul, was down Saturday decora- <br />ting the grave of J. A. Morton, of <br />Company F, Seventh Minnesota <br />Regiment. <br />Miss Florence E. Lindblad, of this <br />city, closed her term of school in <br />District 22, Goodhue County, Last <br />Friday with an interesting programme <br />and picnic. <br />J. F. Wille, agent, sold one hun- <br />dred and sixty-three acres in Hamp- <br />ton for the heirs of Mrs. Augusta <br />Hoffman Thursday to Herman Iota, <br />for $9,300. <br />The river is still quite high, regis- <br />tering fourteen and seven -tenths feet <br />above low water mark yesterday. <br />It has been at a standstill the previ- <br />ous ten hours. <br />Mrs. Katherine Sommers returned <br />from Chicago last Saturday evening, <br />where she has been spending the <br />winter with her daughter, Mrs. <br />Charles Cadent'. <br />George Hacb, Mies Minnie Hacb, <br />and Miss Della Hoffman, of Minne- <br />apolis, were in attendance at the <br />graduation of Mise Minnie Clure on <br />Monday eveniog. <br />Mrs, C. N. Hetzner, of Peru, Ind., <br />came up Monday to attend the <br />funeral of her father, Mr. E. A. Hone, <br />is Denmark. She is the guest of <br />Mrs. W. J. Wright. <br />Peter Karpen and H. V. Koch, <br />state factory inspectors, were down <br />from 8t. Pani in attendance at the <br />high school commencement exercises <br />on Monday evening. <br />An enjoyable social hop was given <br />at John Fluting's residence, in the <br />western part of town, on Wednesday <br />evening, a large number of young <br />people being present. <br />P. J. Fuchs, of Marshan, had a <br />horse killed by lightning last Friday. <br />The lose was adjusted by the Hamp- <br />ton Farmers' Mutual Company the <br />following day at 850- <br />A Hair <br />Dressing <br />If you wish t high -rias hair <br />dressing, we are sure Ayer's <br />Hair Vigor, new improved for- <br />mula, will greatly please you. <br />h keeps the hair soft and <br />smooth, makes it look rich and <br />luxuriant, prevents splitting at <br />the ends. And it keeps the <br />scalp free from dandruff. <br />Dim set chalice t/ • elder g/ tie hair. <br />AFeeaele with mit bMts <br />' eltew Ila M 7'� <br />hers, <br />At the same time the new Ayer's Hair <br />Vigor is a strong hairpromotin <br />the growth of hat kaeeping all the <br />g <br />dosses of die hair and scalp is a healthy <br />ceaditioa. The hair slops falling, dan- <br />druff <br />ndid dressing. <br />�dler a assee4>t wa <br />Mrs. Nicholas Conaemius, of this <br />city, Mrs. John Conzefnius, of Mein - <br />ger, and Mrs. George. Schaffer and <br />Mrs. August Fox and daughter, of <br />Douglas, went up to 81 Paul on <br />Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Norway, R. <br />J. Norway, Mrs, H. A. Lyon, and <br />Mrs. A. B. Nichols, of thiscity, were <br />in attendance at the Snnburg- <br />Sprague wedding at Long Lake on <br />Monday. <br />The High School Alumni Associ- <br />ation will hold their annual meeting <br />at the auditorium this evening. The <br />banquet will be served at six o'clock, <br />followed by a musical programme <br />and farce. <br />The forty-second annual conven- <br />tion of the Dakota County Sunday <br />School Association will be held at <br />the Methodist Church, Castle Rock, <br />on Tuesday and Wednesday, June <br />17th and 18th. <br />At a regular meeting of the fire de- <br />partment on Monday evening Edway <br />Cobb and R. C. Hanson were elected <br />delegates to the annual meeting of <br />the state firemen's association at <br />Mankato next week. <br />aS discount to drat studios from each st- <br />oMoe. Send for puflouters. Brendrup A Net- <br />tleton Business College, Winona, Minn. Ask <br />for free catalogue. <br />The pupils of St. Boniface <br />School will give a dramatic and <br />musical entertainment at St. Boni- <br />face Hall next Monday and Thurs- <br />day evenings. Admission thirty- <br />five cents. All invited. <br />Miss Grace Gerrish, the gifted <br />elocutionist who appeared here last <br />spring assisted by local musicians, will <br />give an entertainment in this city <br />June 10th, at the courthouse, under <br />the auspices of St. Luke's Guild. <br />Admission thirty-five cents. <br />Ald. and Mrs. Peter Fasbender, <br />Misses Marie and Gertrude Fasben- <br />der, Mrs. L. D. Peck, Mrs. Theodore <br />Schaal, Miss Mary A. Schaal, and <br />Mrs. Nicholas Moyers were in <br />attendance at the Fasbender-Zillion <br />wedding in 8t. Paul on Tuesday. <br />A delightful parcel shower was <br />given by Mrs. John Raetz, at her <br />residence on Ramsey Street, on Mon- <br />day evening for Miss Anna McShane, <br />a bride of next Tuesday. A large <br />number of lady friends were present, <br />and a most enjoyable evening was <br />spent. <br />Mrs. A. G. Kuenzel and four <br />children leftTuesday evening upon an <br />extended visit at her old home in <br />Asch, Austria. She will be joined <br />by her brother, Otto Ktoetzner, of <br />Pocahontas, Va., at New York, sail- <br />ing on the President Lincoln, of the <br />Hamburg -American Line, today. <br />Another Town Lot Sate on the Pacific <br />Coast Extension. <br />atartnerth, N. D.. Jane lark. <br />Business and residence lots will be sold <br />by auction in Marmarth, N. il., Thurs- <br />day, June 18th. The prices will range <br />from illy to 5500 per lot. Marmarth is <br />the first division point west of the <br />Missouri River on the Pacific Coast line <br />of the Chicago, Milwaukee. & 8t. Paul <br />Railway In which town lou are being sold. <br />Marmarth has a largs tributary trade <br />territory, and a promising future u a <br />business town; has five miles of railway <br />tracks; a cement block factory; a bank; <br />several stores, and other lines of business. <br />Openings are now offered in Marmarth <br />for a brick and the works; for stores of <br />all kinds; for professional men, and <br />others. <br />A great opportunity will be offered at <br />this sale for business men and investors <br />to make paying investments. Write for <br />full information to F. A. Miller, general <br />passenger agent, Chicago. <br />Memorial Day. <br />Hastings paid tribute to her soldier <br />dead on Saturday In a befitting manner. <br />The members of Peller Post No. 89, <br />headed by the Hastings Band, march- <br />ed from their headquarters to the <br />courthouse, where the exercises were <br />held, Com. William Hodgson weld- <br />ing. The invocation was by W. L. <br />Mattesoc, chaplain, the post orders <br />were read by the commander, who <br />extended a hearty and cordial wet. <br />Dome to the veterans present. H. G. <br />VanBeeck read Lincoln's Address at <br />Gettysburg, followed with patriotic <br />addresses by the Rev. E. R. Lathrop, <br />of this city, and the Hon. E. 8. <br />Dnrmeat, of 8t. Paul. Benediction <br />was pronounced by the Rev. Arthur <br />Chard. Conspicuous on the platform <br />was a flag of 1776, owned by B. A. <br />Day, and probably the only one to be <br />found in the northwest. The old <br />soldiers were then taken to the <br />oemetery in automobiles by C. E. <br />Anthony, E. A. Whitford, Otto <br />Ackerman, C. M. Stroud, and D. T. <br />Quealy, where the graves of the <br />fallen heroes were decorated with <br />flowers. The members of the post <br />and their families had luncheon at <br />G. A. R. Hall, an enjoyable social <br />occasion. Details were sent to other <br />cemeteries in the vicinity. <br />Tflake IS Meed kid We, <br />L. M. Nelson, of Naples. Me., says in a <br />recent letter, "1 have used Dr. Ring's New <br />Discovery many years for coughs and <br />colds. and I think It s.ved m lite. I <br />have found it a reliable remedy for roat <br />and lung oomplaluts, and would no ore <br />be without a bottle than 1 would be w <br />out food." For nearly forty peon New <br />Discovery has stood at the head of throat <br />and lung remedies. As a preventive of <br />pneumonia and healer of weak Lungs 11 <br />hu no equal. Bold Hader guarantee at <br />Rude's drug atone. 30o. and =1. Trial <br />bottle tree. <br />ESTABLISHED 1858. <br />AT F. E. ESTERGREEN'S <br />Wagon, Carriage, and <br />Repair Shop <br />You will find a large stock of good, reliable, stylish, and well made vehicles <br />of all kinds. Farmer's combination two seat spring wagon and extension <br />top surreys. Runabouts and bike wagons in both steel and rubber tires. <br />We have a few bargains in second hand buggies; come in and see them, get <br />prioes and be convinced that we can give you better service, being in the <br />business, than any dealer. Being fitted up with power and machinery we <br />can do your repair work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. We are <br />also prepared to do rubber tiring of all kinds. On plow work we can not be <br />beaten, as we have recently got a new plow man, one of the best in the state, <br />and can guarantee you better work than ever. We do all kinds of resawing. <br />planing, and jointing. All kinds of painting. Bring to your old buggies <br />and have them repaired and repainted; we make them look as good as new. <br />All work guaranteed. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN, <br />Telephone 26. Hastings, Minn. <br />OfMoe and works corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets. <br />1 <br />A Check Account insures you from paying a bill <br />the second time. <br />Because a check is the best kind <br />of a receipt, containing a full ac- <br />count of the obligation paid. <br />When the bank returns your can- <br />celed checks, file them for future <br />reference in some convenient place. <br />In case the party whom you paid <br />demands another settlement, refer <br />to your filed checks. Bis endorse- <br />ment upon the back of the check <br />is sufficient evidence that you paid <br />the bill once. <br />Bills paid by check remain paid. <br />We invite your account. <br />German American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />AIMD <br />f— <br />1 <br />obituary. <br />Mr. Andrew Holmquist died at his <br />home at Prairie Island last Friday <br />evening from cancer of the stomach, <br />after a protracted illness, aged sixty- <br />five years. He was a well known <br />farmer, and his death is regretted by <br />a wide circle of friends. He leaves a <br />wife, son, and two daughters, Oscar, <br />Mrs. Guy Bartron, and Mrs. A. T. <br />Larson, all of that town. The funeral <br />was held from the Swedish Lutheran <br />Church on Monday, at ten a. m., the <br />Rev. C. A. Bar officiating. <br />Mr. Edwin A. Hone died at his <br />home in Denmark last Saturday even- <br />ing from organic heart trouble, after <br />a protracted illness, aged seventy-two <br />years. He was a prominent and well <br />known farmer of Washington County, <br />genial and good natured, and his death <br />is regretted by a large circle of friends. <br />He leaves a wife and family. The <br />funeral was held from St. Mary's <br />Church, Basswood Grove, Tuesday, at <br />halt past two p. m., the Rev. Arthur <br />Chard officiating. Interment at the <br />church cemetery. <br />Mrs. Selina Best, widow of Thomas <br />Best, died suddenly at her home in <br />Castle Rock last Saturday evening <br />from apoplexy, at the advanced age <br />of seventy-nine years. She was an <br />old and highly esteemed resident of <br />that town, and leaves four sons and <br />four daughters, one of the latter be- <br />ing Mrs. Arthur Chard, of this city. <br />The funeral was held from the house <br />on Wednesday, at half past ten a. m., <br />the Rev. J. D. Batson officiating. <br />There is more (surra to tau section of the <br />oonntry than all other diseases put together, and <br />until the Let few years was supposed to be in- <br />oumble. For a great many years doctors pro - <br />pounced it a Jos! &arias, andraortbed loon! <br />remedies and by constantly railing to cure with <br />tooled treatment, pronounced it tamable. <br />uoleaoe has proven catarrh to be a oonstttstlonal <br />disease, and therefore require. constitutional <br />Vestment. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured <br />by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo 0., is the only <br />oonstitsUonal ogre on the market. It is taken <br />internam la doses from ten drops to a teaspoon- <br />ful. It sots directly on the blood and mucous <br />stations of the system. They offer SRO for any <br />erase it fails to oar,. Send for circulars and testi• <br />monies! b. d F. J. CHHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. <br />Take Halle Family Pills for oonstlpatlon. <br />St, lao■lraee Society. <br />At, the joiot celebration of the <br />Catholic Orders of Foresters and St, <br />Boniface Society at St. Boniface Hall <br />on Thursday evening the attendance <br />was about two hundred. The pro- <br />gramme consisted of music by the <br />band, address by the Rev. Conrad <br />Glatzmaier, singing by a quartette <br />and trio, vocal solos by Miss Mar- <br />garet C. Hiinen, and au address by <br />John Raetz, president of the society. <br />Refreshments were served. <br />askeklea'e Armies Salvo Wins. <br />Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Coch• <br />ran, Ga„ writes ''1 had a bad sore Dome <br />on the instep of my foot and could find <br />nothing that would heal it until 1 applied <br />Bucklen's Attica Salve. Less than half <br />of a twenty-five cent box won the day for <br />me by affecting a perfect cure." Sold <br />under guarantee at Rude's drug store. <br />The Probaq Court. <br />The final account of J. F. Wille, <br />administrator of Mrs. Augusta Hoff- <br />man, late of Hampton, was examined <br />and allowed on Tuesday. <br />asattfeet. <br />Is Hastings. Jose lid, by the Rev. R. <br />D. Phillips, lir. Freak L. Gantesberg <br />Lad Kiss O,.Will of Praoou» <br />• <br />EXCURSIONS <br />via <br />Bu11i[1;1(1111 <br />Rotilo <br />From Hastings Minn. <br />Colorado <br />The greatos summer resort state in <br />America; 827.40 round trip to Den- <br />ver. Colorado Springs or Pueblo; <br />137.0 round trip to Glenwood <br />Springe. Proportionately low rates <br />to other points. <br />Padfic Coast Round Trip <br />874.50 to San Francisco, Los An- <br />geles, Portland, Seattle, Victoria or <br />Vancouver. $8x.75 for Grand Tour <br />including all Coast Cities. <br />Yellowstone Park <br />152.50 to Mammoth Hot Spring -sand <br />return; additional charge for boccie <br />and staging in Park. <br />To The East <br />Low round trip rates to principal <br />points in Michigan, Canada St. <br />l awrenco River, Adirondack Mts. <br />and New England; reduced ratesJune <br />le and 20 via Mew York City to Bos- <br />ton. <br />Other Round Trip Rates. <br />140.40 Salt Lake City, Utah; <br />822.85 Hot Springs, S. D. <br />Big Horn Basin Excursions <br />Personally conducted homesockers' <br />excursions 1st and 3rd Tuesdays each <br />month, under guidance of D. Clem <br />Deaver, General Agent Landseekers' <br />Information Bureau, Omaha, to <br />assist settlers to secure irrigated <br />lands in the Big Horn Basin, Wyo., <br />and Yellowstone Valley, Mont. <br />No matter where you are going this <br />Summer I can give you rates and use- <br />ful information and interesting illus. <br />traded folders. Ask for them please. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent. <br />C. B. & Q. R. R. <br />FOR SALE. <br />One hundred and sixty acres of good land in <br />Rich Valley. All cultivated and in crop. 045 <br />per las. <br />Highlyy improved eighty acres In town of <br />Vermillion. 14,500. Easy terms. <br />The 0. T. Giley house and tour lots on Ver- <br />million Street. $I,003. C. E. REED. <br />Real Estate Broker, Hastings, Minn. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />and Smokers' Articles. <br />208 Second Street. <br />G. IAAmBE1 o, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN. <br />rr Hastings, Minn. <br />Undertaking. <br />Funeral Directors. <br />W. S. Walbridge, State Licensed Embalmer. <br />EGGS FOR HATCHING. <br />LSingleComb Buff Orpington,- 11 per 15. Single <br />Ootnb White and Brown Leghorns 75c per i5. <br />Some choice yearling stock !1 each. 1110 per dog. <br />Bess of stook and safe delivery guaranteed. <br />PRAIRIE ISLAND POULTRY FARM, <br />Box Eggleston, Minn. <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Plenty of money to loan on city property and <br />farm lands at lowest rates of interest. It will <br />payyyyou to look us up before borrowing else - <br />w. <br />DAKOTA CO. BUILDING ASSOCIATION, <br />A. J. Sca*u.aa, Secretary <br />Ta. MMERTZ ek SUN. <br />u. <br />Yk <br />Undertaking, <br />Funeral:Directors. <br />