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-4 <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />IRVINQ TODD a SON. <br />SATURDAY JUNE 13, 19os. <br />The Pioneer Press Contest. <br />This popular contest closes Satur- <br />day night, and as the time draws <br />near the interest among the various <br />contestants and their friends increases <br />in due proportion. The following <br />was the standing of the Dakota <br />County girls on Thursday, the last <br />published report: <br />Madie Devitt, Rosemount 320,715 <br />Alice Hause, Mendota 286.145 <br />Frances Austin, Hastings 282,320 <br />Kate Shubert, Hastings 252.150 <br />Mary Callahan, Mendota. 240,970 <br />Sadie Walsh, Rosemount 223,390 <br />Winnifred Maltby, Rich Valley172,640 <br />Lillian Drake, Rich Valley ..... 171,785 <br />Mayme Wille, Hampton 2,470 <br />Florence Hanson, Hastings 2,295 <br />The number of votes held in re- <br />serve, of course, is not known, but <br />there undoubtedly will be a number <br />of surprises when the final result is <br />given out next week. There is still <br />one day left, and every new daily <br />subscriber for one year and $6 <br />adds twenty thousand votes to the list. <br />Leave your name and money at the <br />postofce today, and help give Kate <br />Shubert a free trip to Europe. <br />The Minneapolis Civic Improve- <br />ment League has issued a pamphlet <br />containing all the laws of Minnesota <br />relating to women and children. It <br />was compiled by Josephine Schein, <br />and revised and approved by Judge <br />C. J. Brown. A complete glossary <br />and index renders it very convenient <br />for ready reference. <br />The Northwestern National Bank <br />of Minneapolis has absorbed the <br />National Bank of Commerce, and is <br />to increase its capital to $2,000,000. <br />The Rev. John Sinclair, of St. <br />Paul, has resigned to accept the title <br />of the Earl of Caithness, in Scotland, <br />to which a large estate is attached. <br />The Department of Minnesota has <br />indorsed S. R. VanSant as a condi• <br />date for commander in chief of the <br />Grand Army of the Republic. <br />The state meeting of the rural <br />letter carriers is being held at Red <br />Wing on Friday and Saturday. All <br />carriers are specially invited. <br />No heirs to the estate of Alfred <br />Brown, the St. Charles recluse, have <br />been found, and the $1,300 reverts to <br />the state. <br />J. B. Chaney, assistant librarian <br />at the state historical society, died <br />on Thurday of paralysis, aged eighty <br />years. <br />The Hastings asylum receives <br />$1,441.76 from the swamp land in- <br />terest fund. <br />The May receipts from the Anoka <br />asylum are reported at 816.50; Hast- <br />ings, $9.70. <br />The fire losses in ;Minnesota for <br />the month of April are reported at <br />$315,000. <br />Ttie Prohibition Ticket. <br />The following state ticket was <br />placed in nomination at the prohibi- <br />tion convention in Minneapolis on <br />Tuesday: <br />Governor. -G. D. Hazard, Minneapolis. <br />Lieut. Governor. -T. J. Anderson, <br />Belgrade. <br />Secretary of Slate. -.J. F. Damon, <br />Winnebago. <br />Railroad Commissioner. -F. F. Lind- <br />say, Minneapolis. <br />It will hardly poll votes enough to <br />get into the also ran class. <br />Dakota County at the University. <br />The following from Dakota County <br />are among the five hundred and <br />thirty-eight graduates at the state <br />university this week: <br />Ruby H Fletcher and V. W. Fletcher, <br />Farmington, Mabel E. Lyon and Maud <br />H. Lyon, Hastings, bachelor of arts. <br />W. F. H. Schildt, Hastings, electrical <br />engineer. <br />C. J. Olson, Hastings, doctor of dental <br />surgery. <br />The Beethoven Club. <br />The monthly meeting was held <br />with Mrs. M. L. Chapin on Monday <br />evening, the programme consisting of <br />duets by Richard Arlen and Alex. <br />Herbst, solos by Mies Marguerite E. <br />Palmstrom, Alex. Herbst, Miss <br />Florence B. Hanson, and Richard <br />Arlen, and Current Events by Mrs.J. <br />R. Caldwell. The attendance was <br />very good. <br />Miss Ida Anderson closed her <br />school in District 66, Dakota County, <br />this week. Miss Anderson has <br />conducted this same school with <br />marked success for five years. An <br />enviable record surely. The parents <br />of the district presented Mies Ander- <br />son with a handsome ring as an ex- <br />pression of their appreciation of her <br />services. -Cannon Falls Beacon, 5th. <br />For the first time in over twelve <br />months the county jail was empty <br />Tuesday, but for only a period of <br />about fifteen minutes. A thirty day <br />prisoner completed his term, and the <br />iron bars were thrown open for him. <br />Fifteen minutes later the sheriff of <br />Dakota County walked in with a <br />prisoner who will serve ten days for <br />drunkenness. -Red Aing News, 6th. <br />The Hlgh School Almm�l, <br />The twenty-fifth annual meeting of <br />the High School Alumni Association <br />was held at the auditorium last Satur- <br />day evening, with a large number in <br />attendance and the usual well served <br />banquet by the ladies of the Presby- <br />terian Church, assisted by the <br />seniors. The tables were arranged <br />in the auditorium, presenting a very <br />attractive appearance with their huge <br />bouquets of cut flowers and elaborate <br />candelabra. At seven o'clock all <br />were doing ample justice to the dain- <br />ties set before them, which were <br />followed by a number of well pre- <br />pared toasts, with Mrs. A. B. Nichols <br />as a very proficient and clever toast- <br />mistress. The following were the <br />toasts: <br />Welcome to the babies, by Emma L. <br />Truax. Response for 1907 by Florence <br />Jehu. For 1908 by M. A. Chamberlain. <br />Our public schools, the city's pride. <br />Response by Supt. E. L. Porter. <br />Our professional men, Response by <br />Mrs. A. J. Schaller. <br />Our bachelors. Response by L. C. <br />Hodgson. <br />Our ex -teachers. Response by Albert <br />Schaller. <br />Anniversaries. Response by Mrs. J. <br />H. Sprague. <br />Later in the 'evening the usual <br />business meeting was held, and the <br />following officers elected: <br />President, -F. L. Stoudt. <br />Vice President, -Claire V. Thompson. <br />Ree. Secretary. -Stella A. Tuttle. <br />Cor. Secretary. -Emma M. Thotnpson. <br />Treasurer. -Elizabeth M. Hart. <br />Toastmistress. -Elizabeth L. Koehler. <br />At the suggestion of one of the <br />members it was deemed appropriate <br />that this organization, which is one <br />of the oldest and most progressive in <br />the state, should adopt a pin as a <br />membership emblem, and Mrs. T. P. <br />Moran, Albert Schaller, and Irving <br />Todd, jr., were appointed as a com• <br />rnittee to select the same. Those <br />desiring one are requested to send <br />their narnes to any one of the com- <br />mittee. Every member will doubt- <br />less consider it a great honor to be <br />entitled to such a distinctive badge. <br />At the conclusion of the meeting a <br />very entertaining programme was <br />given, with a piano duet by Miss <br />Emma M, Thompson and Mrs. W. E. <br />Thompson, of Minneapolis, vocal <br />solos by Miss fildegarde A. Palm - <br />strong, and instrumental solos by <br />Mrs. Thompson, followed by a very <br />amusing one act farce, entitled Aunt <br />Susan Jones. The following was the <br />cast of characters: <br />Aunt Susan Jones <br />Rarer -t Brandenbou <br />Mrs. Markley Ellen Joh <br />Arabella, her daughter... Florence T <br />Anna Wilson Florence Han <br />Agustus Salderfrat Edward K <br />The following committees h <br />been announced: <br />Programme. -Stella Telford. Mang <br />C. Heinen, Mrs. T. P. Moran, Josep <br />51. Schaller, E. J. King. <br />Reception. -Florence 1. Tuttle, 51 <br />Reed, Nellie L. Hanna, Mrs. A. <br />Nichols. <br />Nominations. -C. E. Reed, Haze <br />Wood, R. W. Tuttle, Grace E. R <br />Irving Todd, Jr. <br />Arrangentents.-Mrs. C.S. Lowell, <br />abeth M. Hart, Mrs. L. D. Peck, C <br />Kranz, F. K. Claassen, K. J. Mertz, 31 <br />O'Brien, Florence B. Hanson, B.E.Fr <br />(2. S. Lowell. <br />The following were present: <br />Frances L. Anderson, Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Becker, Hasti <br />Lydia D. Becker. Randolph. <br />Mae E. Byers, Hastings, <br />Elsie A. Bell, EauClaire, Wis. <br />Harriet P. Brandenbourger, Hastin <br />Cora E. Braaten, Hastings. <br />S. L. Cobb, Minneapolis. <br />J. H. Curry, Minneapolis. <br />Leona M. Cavanaugh, Hastings. <br />Edith C. Chamberlain, Hastings. <br />Elizabeth C. Carolan, Hastings. <br />H. II, Caldwell, Hastings. <br />M. A. Chamberlain, Hastings. <br />Amelia T. Claassen, Hastings. <br />F. K. Claassen, Hastings. <br />M. Leona Clure, Hastings. <br />Mrs. William Daley, Hastings. <br />Ruth A. Davies, Hastings. <br />Doris R. DeSilva, Hastings. <br />Grace G. Dezell, Hastings. <br />C. E. Downs. Hastings. <br />Elizabeth Fahy, Minneapolis. <br />Grace M. Fahy, Minneapolis. <br />E. J. Fasbender, Hastings. <br />L. E. Freese, Hastings. <br />Alice B. Fahy, Hutchinson. <br />B. E. Frank, Hastings. <br />Anna C. Fahey, Hastings. <br />Clara A. Gillitt, Hastings. <br />Mrs. Charles Gall, Hastings. <br />H. S. Greiner, Cleveland, O. <br />Marie A. Grans. Hastings. <br />Walburga G. Geng, Hastings, <br />Nellie L. Hanna, Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hummel, S <br />Anthony Park. <br />Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hodgson, St. Pat <br />Lurene A. Hull, Prior Lake. <br />Annetta L. Hobbins, Hastings. <br />Margaret 0. Heinen, Hastings. <br />Netta Hindmarsh, Hastings. <br />E. M. Hammes, St. Paul. <br />Elizabeth M. Hart, Hastings. <br />Amy L. Harrington, Langdon. <br />Catherine M. Hart, Hastings. <br />Florence B. Hanson, Hastings. <br />Emma A. Hedin, Hastings. <br />C. P. Hodgson, Hastings. <br />Cecilia 0. Hart, Hastings, <br />C. A. Hodgson, Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Axel Johnson, Hasting <br />F. A. Johnson, 8t. Paul. <br />Winni(red L. Jacobson, Hastings. <br />E. B. Jahnke, Minneapolis. <br />Florence Jehu, Hastings. <br />Ellenor A. Johnson, Hastings. <br />Gertrude Jahnke, Hastings. <br />Edith 8. Johnson, Hastings. <br />Mrs. M.A. Knapp, Minneapolis. <br />Elizabeth L. Koehler, Beteram, Wis. <br />Kate M. Kranz, Crookston. <br />Daisy M. Kranz, Crookston, <br />Madeline P. Koppes, Hastings. <br />E. J. King, Hastings. <br />Mrs. W. H. Krumbiegel, St. Paul. <br />Aura Kingston, Hastings, <br />Grace King, Minneapolis. <br />J. P. Karpen, Hastings. <br />C. F. Kranz, Hastings. <br />Gertrude L. Lyon, Hastings. <br />Clara M. Langenfeld, Hastings. <br />Florence Lindblad, Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mertz, Hastings. <br />• <br />rgcr <br />uson. <br />utile <br />SOH. <br />ing. <br />ave <br />nt ret <br />hire <br />. E. <br />B. <br />1 J. <br />ude, <br />Eliz - <br />rarie <br />ngs. <br />gs. <br />t. <br />11, <br />s. <br />Mra. T. P. Moran, Hastings. <br />Bessie A. Manners. Hastings. <br />Isabella Marzolf, Montgomery. Minn. <br />H. L. Myer, St. Paul. <br />Florence A. Marcolf. Hastings. <br />K. J. Mertz. Hastings. <br />Mary 0. Moore, Hastings. <br />Helen E. Morse. Hastings. <br />Mrs. A. B. Nichols. Hastings. <br />Gertrude A. Norrish. Hastings. <br />Mary P. Nelson. Boating& <br />Esther . Nelson, Etter. <br />Ethel V. Nelson, Afton. <br />Marie B. Niedere, Hastings. <br />Eva T. Nelson, Hastings. <br />Evelyn C. Nelson, Hastings. <br />Mrs. Peter Orbau, Pasadena, Cal <br />Hanna 0. Olson, Hastings. <br />Florence E. Otis. St. Paul. <br />Marie O'Brien. Hastings. <br />Alice Olson, Hastings. <br />A. E. Oman. Hastings. <br />G. M. Orr, Afton. <br />Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Porter, Hastings. <br />J. 11 Plum, Minneapolis. <br />Hildegard A.Palmstrotn,Billiugs. Mont, <br />Dr. and Mrs, L. D. Peck. Hastings. <br />Signetta E. Palmer. Hastings. <br />Florence M. Palmstrom, Hastings. <br />Marguerite E. Palmtrorn, Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reed, Hastings. <br />C. E. Reed. Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. P.A.Ringstrom,Hastiogs. <br />L. F. Rosenbaum. Hastings. <br />Grace E. Rude, Hastings. <br />Mr. and Mrs. AlbertScballer, Hastings. <br />A. J. Schaller. Hastings. <br />Mrs. J. H. Sprague. Long Lake, Minn. <br />Dr. andMrs. H.L. Sumption, Hastings. <br />Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Stoudt, Hastings. <br />Emma M. Speakes. Hastings. <br />Mrs. H. E. Speakes, Superior. <br />Gertrude A. Smith, Hastings. <br />Josephine M. Schaller, Hastings. <br />Augusta M. Schweich, Hastings. <br />Mr. andMrs. Irving Todd,Jr.,Hastings. <br />Emma L. Truax, Hastings, <br />Mrs. W. E. Thompson, Minneapolis. <br />Emma M. Thompson, Hastings. <br />Louise Todd. Hastings. <br />Florence I. Tuttle, Hastings. <br />Anna M. Then, Hastings. <br />Stella A. Tuttle, Hastings. <br />Mr.andMrs. A.R. Walbridge, Hastings. <br />E. L. Westerson, Minneapolis. <br />Amos Welshons, Hastings. <br />Hazel J. Wood, Hastings. <br />obituary. <br />Mrs. Anna M. {Wagner died at her <br />residence on Sixth Street Saturday <br />morning from senile debility, alter a <br />protracted illness, at the advanced <br />age of eighty-two years. Miss Anna <br />M. Wagner was born in Germany, <br />and married to Mr. N. 0. P. Wagner <br />in Pennsylvania. They came west <br />shortly afterwards, locating at Shako- <br />pee, then went to New Prague, from <br />there to Vermillion, coming to Hast. <br />ings in 1896. Ile diets Apr. 13th, <br />190.2. Mrs. Wagner was an old and <br />esteemed resident of Dakota County, <br />and her death is regretted by a Targe <br />circle of friends. She leaves six <br />sons and one daughter, Joseph A., <br />Dominick, Peter, and Henry, of Ver- <br />million, John B., of Devil's Lake, <br />William, of Wocxdburn, Or., and Mrs. <br />Dominick Lucius, of Vermillion. <br />There are forty-nine grandchildren <br />and eight great grandchildren. The <br />funeral was held from St. Boni- <br />face Church on Monday at half past <br />eight a. m,, the Rev. Conrad Glatz <br />mater officiating. iterment at 8t. <br />John's Cemetery, - o }million, <br />Mr. 1Vi'iaud R ere died suddenly <br />at his dome in South St. Paul last <br />Friday night of chronic meningitis, <br />aged thirty-eight years. He was a <br />native of Germany, and had been <br />keeping a saloon and boarding house <br />in that town about four years. He <br />leaves a wife. The funeral was held <br />from the house on Tuesday, at two <br />p. in., under the auspices of the Sons <br />of Hermann, with interment at <br />Oakland. <br />Another Town Lot Sale on the Pacific <br />Coast Extension. <br />Marmarth, N. D., June lath. <br />Business and residence lots will be sold <br />by auction in Marmarth, N. 1).. Thurs- <br />day, June 18th. The prices will range <br />from 9100 to 9500 per lot. Marmarth Is <br />the first division point west of the <br />Missouri River on the Pacific Coast line <br />of the Chiea^-o, Milwaukee, & Sr. Paul <br />Railway in which town lots are being sold. <br />3larattarth has a large tributay trade <br />territory, and a promising future as a <br />business town; has five miles of railway <br />tracks; a cement block factory; a bank; <br />several stores, and other lines of business, <br />Opoffered <br />ath <br />for tarngs are b ick andotile works;rn forMstoresrof <br />all kinds; for professional men, and <br />others. <br />A great opportunity will be offered at <br />this sale for business men and investo a <br />to make paying investments. Write for <br />full information to F. A. Miller, general <br />passenger agent, Chicago. <br />Accident on the tirade. <br />Karamfll Ilief, a Macedonian aged <br />twenty-five years, and Nacho Don- <br />cheff, a Bulgarian aged thirty-two <br />years, were severely injured at East <br />Hastings yesterday morning, the <br />former being run over by a dump car <br />and the latter by a hand car. They <br />were removed to the residence of <br />Mrs. P. R. Frey, on Tyler Street, for <br />medical treatment. <br />The American Society of (equity. <br />I. M. J. Cbryst, of Hudson, one of <br />the state organizers, addressed a <br />number of our farmers at the Com- <br />mercial Club rooms Saturday after- <br />noon, upon the question of organiza- <br />tion. Tho .sentiment expressed was <br />quite favorable, and another meeting <br />will he held, the date to be announced <br />later. <br />Rt. Beatfaes) School. <br />The commencement exercises of <br />the eighth grade of St. Boniface <br />School will be held at SI, Boniface <br />Hall on Sunday evening, the class <br />numbering fourteen. Catherine <br />Reichling is salutatorian, and Margar- <br />et Schweich valedictorian. All <br />invited. <br />Velem. <br />Mr. Albert M. Anderson, formerly <br />of this city and Hiss Christine Engel- <br />holdt, of Church's Ferry, N. D., were <br />married at the latter place on the 2d <br />inst. They were given a cordial re <br />ception on Tuesday evening at the <br />home of his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. <br />Aaron Anderson, leaving upon a wed- <br />ding trip to the Pacific Coast. <br />Gilmour Dobie, late athletic direc- <br />tor at the North Dakota Agricultural <br />College in Fargo, has been elected <br />athletic director of the University of <br />Washington at Seattle, with an in- <br />creased salary. Ile enters upon his <br />duties in September. He is well <br />qualified for the position, and his <br />many friends here are greatly pleased <br />at the promotion. <br />Mrs. P. H. Milan and M. R. <br />O'Shaughnessy, of Welch, Mr. and <br />Mrs. J. F. McShane and Mies Mame <br />O'Sbaughnesav, of St. Paul, Mr. and <br />Mrs. E. W. Morgan, of Nininger, and <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Gorman, Mrs. <br />Owen Judge, and Miss Mary Judge, <br />of Meridian, were among those in <br />attendance at the Orman -McShane <br />wedding on -Tuesday. <br />A very enjoyable entertainment <br />was given at the courthouse on Wed- <br />nesday evening by Miss Grace <br />Gerrish, of Minneapolis, impersona. <br />tor and original monologist, the pro• <br />gramme including a piano solo by <br />Miss Emma M. Thompson, and vocal <br />solos by Miss Hildegarde A. Palm. <br />strom and B. H. Twichell. It was <br />under the auspices of St. Luke's <br />(.luild. <br />The marriage of Mr. Alfredo. <br />Ohison, of Presho, S. D., and Miss <br />Alice Erickson, of Minneapolis, will <br />take place at the home of the bride's <br />parents, Mr. rind Mrs. E. Erickson, <br />next Tuesday, at four p. m. Miss <br />Naomi Erickson, sister of the bride, <br />will be maid of honor, and G. B. <br />()Edson, brother of the groom, beet <br />man. Both are formerly of Hastings, <br />anti their many friends unite in ex- <br />tending hearty congratulations. <br />C. E. ELMQUiST, <br />Republican candidate for railroad com- <br />missioner. <br />A Sewer Aecldent. <br />Floyd Reeves, while at work in the <br />trench on Seventh Street Thursday <br />afternoon, was severely bruised about <br />the head and back caused by one et <br />the buckets filled with rock becom- <br />ing unhinged from the cable, the con- <br />tents falling and almost burying him. <br />He is married, and lives on west <br />Thirteenth Street. <br />There is more catarrh 10 Hui section of the <br />oountr • than all other diseases put together, and <br />until the last few years was supposed to be In. <br />curable. For n great navy years do'ntors pro- <br />nounoed it a local disease, and prescribed local <br />remedies and by constantly failing to cure with <br />tonal treatment, pronounced it incurable. <br />to be • constltutioral <br />diseaase,has <br />andrtheroven toreKrequires constitutional <br />treatment, ball's Catarrh Cure manufactured <br />by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo 0., 1s the only <br />constitutional cure on the market. It is taken <br />Internally in doses from ten drops to 8 teaspoon- <br />ful. It sots directly ou the blood and mucous <br />surfaces of the system. They offer 2100 for any <br />case it falls to cure. Send for ciroalars and testi- <br />monials. F. J. CHENEY ACO., Toledo, O. <br />Sold by druggists, Inc. <br />Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. <br />The Waterworks. <br />The water mains are practically all <br />laid, with eleven blocks of sewer yet <br />to be completed. Tho ten sections <br />of the standpipe are up, ready <br />for the conical roof. Tho machinery <br />is all here, and the engine and pump <br />will be installed at the pumping sta- <br />tion next week. - <br />TYtitska it !sieved kis Life. <br />L. M. Nelson, orNaples, Me., says In a <br />recent letter."I have used Dr. King's New <br />Discovery many years for coughs and <br />colds, and I think It saved my life. I <br />have found It a reliable remedy for throat <br />and lung oomplaints, and would no more <br />be without a bottle than I would be with- <br />out food." For nearly forty years New <br />Discovery has stood at the head of throat <br />and lung remedies.. As a preventive of <br />pneumonia and healer of weak lungs it <br />has no equal. Sold under guarantee at <br />Rude's drug store. 50c. and 11. Trial <br />bottle free. <br />The Itunsaoe Society. <br />A branch of the State Humane <br />Society was organized here on Tues- <br />day evening as follows: <br />President. -F, M. Crosby. <br />Vice Pres0ients,-0. W. Preston, Alice <br />6. LeDuc. <br />&eretary.-R. H. Wald. <br />7 eaeurer.--Gertrude A. Norrish. <br />Directors, -Rev. P. R. Cunningham, <br />C. 8. Lowell, Edith L Gardner. <br />Base usu. <br />There was no game on Sunday, the <br />81 Thomas College nine not putting <br />in an appearance. <br />The Austin -Westerns, the fastest <br />team In St. Paul, are scheduled for a <br />game at the Warier grounds on <br />Sunday, at three p. m. <br />R. PAtlr. 111130t- w Ws AMR a YM <br />NEWS FROM THE NORTHWEST STATES <br />JOHN BARNES <br />6 ED�NORTHW�7BRYAN 5 <br />INDORSED <br />• <br />am iseta emsalGi <br />• <br />mom <br />gis center --Saint Pause <br />You if et every Saturday 40 to 60 <br />,pages of the finest literary features, the finest colored comic features--_ <br />in short the beat features of the best Sunday papers in America. <br />Said 35 cents for a month. <br />gNiV <br />fimatil..274 <br />favRAT <br />is the best editorially. <br />Ls the best in illustrated features. <br />is the best in news service. <br />is published at Saint Paul "the great home market of <br />ms' the great Northwest," the political capital and headquarters not only <br />of the State of Minnesota but of the entire Northwest. <br />35C4,. For One <br />e <br />Month Months . e $1.00 <br />You get every day the latest and best news from the great (railroad <br />Republican County noevomatou. <br />A republican county (convention will be held <br />at the courthouse in Basting., on Thursday, <br />June 96th, 1908, 11 eleven a, m., for the purpose <br />of electing thirteen delegates to the state eon- <br />vention at et. Paul, July 1st. <br />The several election districts are entitled to <br />repreaentatton u follows: <br />Burnsville...,,.,.. 9 Mendota .4 <br />Castle Rock 41 Mendota village 9 <br />Douglas <br />".New Trier <br />991Fagan 4 Ri <br />Empire ............... 61 RaedojphEureka..........«91 Ravenna..., <br />3 <br />Greenvale 91 Rosemount........... 4 <br />Hatnpton 9ltittlots . <br />Hampton village,,... 9 South et.PauI, tit w.. 3 <br />Hastings, 1st w 3 Smith St.Yaul, 9d w .. 8 <br />flutings, w 4 tlontlr tit, Paul, 3d w.. 3 <br />Hastings, 3d w 7 Vermillion . 9 <br />Huhn as4th w 3 Waterford 3 <br />Lekeve <br />Inver vo.......,., ? Westat. Paul, 1st w9 <br />:.:.... <br />4 1 West St. Paul, 9d w3 <br />Marsha 5 west st. Paul, 3d w.. 9 <br />The above representation to one for each <br />twenty -eve votes or major fraotlon thereof and <br />one at large for the vote oast for the republloan <br />candidate for secretary of state at the general <br />eleotien in 1906. <br />The primary eleotion for the selection of dele- <br />gates will be held at the usual polling places on <br />Tuesday, June 934, at eight p. m. <br />Per order of committee. <br />H. L. SU N PTION, Chairman. <br />G. H. Srsrt. a, Secretary. <br />Rates or Attverttateg.+ One Inch, per year 1 6.00 <br />Each additional inch_ Inc). per week... <br />911 <br />Local not.oee per bee.........,... . ,p0 <br />Orden by mail wilIRr receive <br />G fprompt <br />ODD tut tto■ <br />Address <br />Hastings. MInn , <br />NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. <br />WANTED, <br />A HORSE <br />to rent, three months. One that a woman <br />Gan drive and weighing about twelve hundred. <br />Apply to A. G. MERTZ, <br />flutings. <br />LOST, <br />A Diamond Stud. <br />lost In this -city an ue <br />The ender of a entieman's diamond stud, <br />sday, will leave same at <br />The Gazette aloe an reoelre a reward of 110. <br />FRANK L. BIERDEN, <br />CARPENTER AND BUILDER, - <br />Hastings, Mlnn. <br />All my work guaranteed to be first class. <br />ESTRAY NOTICE. <br />Taken upon my premises, June 6th, two black <br />cows and a spotted muley nail. The owner is <br />requested to call, prove property. pay charges, <br />and take them away. <br />JOHN BENSON, <br />Nlntnger. <br />AUCTION <br />Mrs. Josephine Schweich <br />will tell at auction is lot of household goods, on <br />Wednesday, June 17th, <br />at her former residence on Seventh Street. <br />between Ramsey and Tyler. <br />Sale will begin at one O. m. <br />Come and buy the following, to -wit: <br />Ono <br />ood <br />centre table.ouppFont upholboard stered aobalra.. High <br />back; kitchen aid s neat chairs sad rockers. <br />Bedsteads- Bwow <br />stove. Lounge. Good <br />Este), organ. Many other small item'. <br />These are all good Whiles, not maned by <br />moving or abase. <br />E. S. FIT CH, <br />Auctioneer. <br />FOR BALE. <br />Store building onSecond Street, oae•ialt <br />blook from the ppoostomoe. <br />Eighty sore improved tams In Vsxsill on, <br />buildings Insured for 11,600. Poses 11,6tp, <br />Eleven and one-half sores to beset of city, all <br />cultivated. Very reasonable. <br />C. E. REED, <br />Real Estate Broker, Hlssyap. Lan. <br />J G. MERTZ A BON.• <br />Funeral Directors. <br />A 0. Herts, State Licensed 1€mbtiltm. <br />O011d papers for sale at The Gazette <br />ESTABLISHED 1858. <br />AT F. E. ESTERGREEN'S. <br />Wagon, Carriage, and <br />Repair Shop <br />You will find a large stock of good, reliable, stylish, and well made vehicles <br />of all kinds. Farmer's combination two seat spring wagon and extension <br />top surreys. Runabouts and bike wagons in both steel and rubber tires. <br />We have a few bargains in second hand buggies; come in and see them, get <br />prices and be convinced that we can give you better service, being in the <br />business, than any dealer. Being fitted up with power and machinery we <br />can do your repair work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. We are <br />also prepared to do rubber tiring of all kinds. On plow work we can nut be <br />beaten, as we have recently got a new plow man, one of the best in the state, <br />and can guarantee you better work than ever. We do all kinds of resawing, <br />planing, and jointing. All kinds of painting. Bring 1n your old buggies <br />and hive them repaired and repatntel; we make them look as good as new. <br />All work guaranteed. <br />Telephone 26. Hastings, Minn. <br />Office and works corner Fifth and Vermillion Streets. <br />F. E. ESTERGREEN, <br />Best Event of the Season. ff-asiogs. <br />SATURDAY, JUNE 13th. <br />A Guaranteed Attraction. <br />Engagement extraordinary of America's Sterling Actor <br />11R. CLAY CLEMENT <br />and bis New York company presenting <br />his idyllic comedy, <br />THE NEW DOl'IIN[ON. <br />A beautiful stage picture, sparkling with dramatic <br />brilliancy, pure and wholesome comedy, realism and <br />sentiment. - <br />The Pioneer Press says, Clay Clement in The New Dominion is as <br />firmly established in the average theatre goer as Willard in The <br />Professor's Love Story. <br />Prices, Boxes and first five parquet rows, 11.50; balance of parquet III; <br />balcony 75 c: gallery 50 e. <br />TOBACCOS, CIGARS, <br />and Smokers* Ai>rtieles. <br />808 Second Street. <br />J. C. LAm$H$o, Dealer. <br />Repairing of pipes neatly done. <br />WALBRIDGE BROS. & RYAN, <br />Hasttsge, Minn. <br />Undertaking. <br />Poserel Directors, <br />W. L Walbridge, Stab Lfaased Embalmer. <br />EGGS FOR HATCHING <br />Slagle Comb Huff Orpingtoas Si per 15. Slagle <br />Comb white and Brown Leghorn" ?10 per u. <br />Some abotoc yearling stook 11 each, NO per dot. <br />Best of stock and sate dell guaranteed. <br />PRAIRIE ISLAND Po0TaTf FARM, <br />Bax 96. Eggleston, Minn. <br />MONEY TO LOAN. <br />Meaty of gooney to loaa ort oily! property sad <br />tars[ bode at lowest rates of lalweet. It will <br />gll you to look a up before bdurvwlag Mer <br />DAKOTA 00. BUILDING 'ASSOCIATION. <br />A. J. Mesta taa. lisamerp <br />