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_t <br />A tag from a 1O-ceat piece will coma FULL value <br />A tag from a 5-ceet piece will count HALF value <br />TOBACCO <br />with valuable tags <br />• <br />• <br />Save your tags from <br />SPEAR HEAD J. T. STANDARD NAVY <br />TINSLEY'S 16 -oz. Natural Leaf <br />HORSE SHOE <br />Carl Frankfn was taken to Red <br />Wing on Saturday by Deputy Dunn, <br />sentenced by Justice Johnson to fif- <br />teen days in jail for breaking a <br />window. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Tuesday to Mr. Frederick W. Bobrer, <br />of Inver Grove, and Mies Lena M. <br />Haase, of West St. Paul. <br />The address of C. N. Howard, of <br />Rochester, N. Y., at the courthouse <br />last Sunday afternoon upon prohibi- <br />tion was fairly attended. <br />0. J. Dunn and his signal crew, <br />consisting of James Sheehan, William <br />Page, and L. C. Leavitt, left on Mon- <br />day for Harlowton, Mont. <br />The leap year party of the young <br />ladies at the Opera House on Friday <br />evening was quite largely attended, <br />proving a delightful affair. <br />Mrs. Edward Johnson represented <br />Olive Branch Lodge No. 50 at the <br />state convention in Minneapolis on <br />Wednesday and Thursday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hummel, of <br />Dundus, and E. H. VanLoon, of <br />Greene, Ia., were in town Saturday, <br />en route for Cottage Grove. <br />C. E. Breckner, for many years <br />employed as upholsterer at Mertz & <br />Son's, has opened a repair shop at hie <br />home on east Second Street. <br />Miss Myrtle Adsit and Miss Ruth <br />Smith went out to Faribault on Mon- <br />day to attend the commencement <br />exercises at St. Marra Hall. <br />Mise Katherine Arend and Miss <br />Martha Koernig, of St. Paul, were <br />the guests of Misses May A. and <br />Frances J. Berns on Sunday. <br />J. C. Pfleger has bought the west <br />half of the old Kramer Block on <br />Third Street and is taking it down to <br />use the material for a granary. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Brien, <br />Miss Sarah M. Kleis, end T. S. Ryan <br />went up toLangdon on Wednesday to <br />attend the Ward -Daly wedding. <br />Mrs. J. A. Ennis left for Racine <br />on Tuesday evening to attend the <br />graduation of her grandson, Phillip <br />L. Thurber, at the college there. <br />Old Honesty <br />Waster Workman <br />SWor's Pride <br />Granger Twist <br />Pick <br />Eglantine <br />Jolly Tar <br />Old Statesman <br />011 Fair <br />Nook Soar <br />Old Push <br />Ivy <br />Taapattay <br />Idle lilt <br />W. N. Tl.sI y's <br />loft ta:t <br />Tags from the above brands are good for the following and malty <br />other useful presents as shown by catalog: <br />Gold Cuff Buttons -50 Tags <br />Fountain Pen -100 Tags <br />English Steel Razor -50 Tags <br />Gentleman's Watch -200 Tags <br />French Briar Pipe -50 Tags <br />Leather Pocketbook -80 Tags <br />Steel Carving Set -200 Tags <br />Best Steel Shears -75 Tags <br />Lady's Pocketbook -50 Tags <br />Pocket Knife -40 Tags <br />Playing Cards -30 Tags <br />60 -yd. Fishing Ree1-60 Tags <br />Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which <br />to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write; <br />us for catalog. <br />PREMIUM DEPARTMENT <br />THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., St. Louts, Mo. <br />THE GAZETTE. <br />Minor Topica. <br />Building association to -night. <br />John Rotty was in from Vermil- <br />lion on Monday. <br />Michael Kesel was in from Ver- <br />million on Thursday. <br />P. J. Reed has returned to East <br />Hastings as operator. <br />Miss Lucy A. Conklin went up to <br />Langdon on Thursday. <br />11. A. Muggenhurg is back at J. C. <br />Lamberg's cigar store. <br />F. W. Oliver, now of St. Paul, was <br />in town on Wednesday <br />The river registered fourteen and a <br />tenth feet above low water mark <br />yesterday. <br />Miss Esther Wolf, of Prescott, was; <br />in town Wednesday, en route for <br />Faribault. <br />E. E. Tuttle went up to St. Paul <br />on Tuesday to attend the postmasters' <br />convention. <br />Miss Elizabeth P. Hetherington, j <br />teacher at St. Francis, returned home' <br />on Monday. <br />11tss Ethel . Nelson and Miss' <br />Evelyn C. Nelson returned to Afton <br />on Monday. <br />C. M. Stroud left Wednesday upon Mrs. C. W. Tubby of St. Paul, <br />was the guest of Miss Hildegarde A. <br />a business trip to Chicago. <br />P. J. Carolan, operator at Farm- Palmstrom. <br />Miss Lurene A. (lull is here from <br />ington, was home over Sunday. <br />Why is a split log drag like a boy's Chicago, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. <br />mustache? Answer next week. W. B. Reed. <br />Mrs. Bernard Kirchens and chil- Miss Frances Ii. Hanson left on <br />Oren spent Sunday in Vermillion. Wednesday' to act as operator at <br />Albert Johnson was up from Red Grand Forks. <br />Wing Monday on legal business. Miss Aurelia Kelly, of lfinnenpo- <br />hs, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. <br />Charles Espenshied, of St. Louis, <br />was the guest of Seymour Carter. N. F. Kranz. <br />A. G. Moritz was down from St. Miss Elsie A. I3ehl came over from <br />Paul Wednesday on legal business. EauClaire Saturday where she has <br />been teaching. <br />Miss Florence M. Palmstrom left i <br />Monday upon a visit in Northfield, Mrs. Michael Christopherson and <br />Mrs. E. 0. Peterson, of St. Paul, (laughter Myrtle are visiting in <br />was the guest of Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Doyon N. D. <br />Misses Alice M. and Ruth Ilaway Miss Josephine C. Raetz, teacher <br />left Saturday upon a visit in Osceola at South St. Paul, returned home <br />M. N. Reuter, of Cannon Falls, last Saturday. <br />left Saturday upon a trip to Minot. Albert Riegert, of Douglas, has <br />Alfred Gerlisky, of Minneapolis, is <br />sold a span of horses to a Red Wing <br />the new upholsterer at Mertz & Son's, party for $100. <br />Edward Parmenter went up to Miss Grace E. King, of Marshan, <br />Monticello Wednesday upon a visit, teacher in Minneapolis, came home 1 <br />Emil Olund, of St. Paul, was in Friday evening. <br />town Wednesday, en route for Afton, miss Alice G. Haley, of Minneap- <br />olis, is the guest of her cousin, Miss <br />Jacob Schanuo was in from Hamp- <br />ton Thursday with two loads of hay. Hazel J. Wood. <br />Michael Grans left Thursday upon Mrs. W. H. Moore, of blinneapo- j <br />lis, was the guest of her sister, Mrs.' <br />a business trip to Red Lake County. <br />Miss Fanny Vanlnwegen returned G. H. Marshall. <br />Tuesday from a visit in Northfield. Miss Minnie G. Truax, of Sherwood, <br />Mrs. J. H. Johnson and children <br />left Tuesday upon a visit at Wadena. <br />Mrs. C. B. Nienaber and children <br />left Tuesday upon a visit in St. <br />Paul. <br />Mrs. E. J. Seger, of St. Paul Park, <br />was the guest of her sister,Mrs.Caleb <br />Truax. <br />Mrs. F. S. Nesbitt and son, of <br />Chicago,were the guests of Mrs. A. C. <br />Nesbitt. <br />' Miss Helen R. Dyer left on Monday <br />to attend the normal school at <br />Winona. <br />Mrs. Arthur Fisher is down from <br />Minneapolis, the guest of Mrs. W. E. <br />Temple. <br />Miss Margaret Mondlob, of St. <br />Paul, was the guest of Mrs. F. B. <br />Lucking. <br />M. S. Howard, of Decorah, is the <br />guest of his mother, Mrs. J. S. <br />Howard. <br />George Eul, of Douglas, has bought <br />Carl Wiederholt's house in Miesville <br />for $800. <br />Miss Helen E. Carter returned yes <br />terday from an extended visit in <br />Chicago. <br />Miss Clara J. Hartman, of North- <br />field, was in town yesterday, en route <br />for Afton. <br />M. J. Klein came in from Everett, <br />Wash,, Tuesday evening upon a <br />visit with his mother, Mrs. Christ. <br />Klein. <br />N. D., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. <br />P. A. Ringstrom. <br />Miss Esther K. Hach, of Ravenna, <br />went up to Minneapolis on Tuesday to <br />attend a wedding. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reissner and <br />sons went up to St. Paul Tuesday to <br />attend a wedding. <br />The Rev. Pius Schmid, of Vermil- <br />lion, was in town on Tuesday, en <br />route for St. Paul. <br />Mrs. J. L. Donnelly and Miss <br />Dorothy Donnelly, of Cologne, were <br />in town yesterday. <br />J. R. Frey went out to Vermillion <br />Monday to repaint the residence of <br />Mathias Marschall. <br />A. W. Wilson, of Nininger, re- <br />ceived a car of baling wire from <br />Chicago on Monday. <br />Mrs. S. M. Jackson, of Lake City, <br />and B. J. Mosier, of Stillwater, were <br />in town on Monday. <br />Mies Netta Hindmarsh wont up to <br />Langdon on Tuesday to attend the <br />Ward -Daly wedding. <br />Casper Schilling and Mrs. T. A. <br />Sullivan and son went down to <br />Mazeppa on Thursday. <br />Victor Ramberg, of Maynard, was <br />the guest of his mother, Mre. C. E. <br />Ramberg, on Thursday. <br />Miss Edith V. Jehu, of this city, <br />closed her term of school in District <br />54, Castle Rock, last week, with a <br />pleasing programme and picnic. <br />Miss Florence H. Hoenck, milliner <br />at Mre. Helen K. Boxer's, returned <br />to St. Paul on Monday. <br />1.. H. Boyd attended the monthly <br />rural carriers meeting in St. Paul <br />last Saturday evening. <br />George Zilliox, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of his sister, Mrs. P. J. <br />Fasbender, over Sunday. <br />Dr. T. A. Brown attended the <br />annual meeting of the Dental Asso- <br />ciation in St. Paul on Tuesday. <br />Mrs. A. P. Kimm and Miss Mar- <br />garet C. Heinen left Sunday upon a <br />visit at Duluth and Case Lake. <br />Mrs. 0. J. Dunn and Misses <br />Claudia A. and Pearl F. Webster <br />went up to St. Paul on Thursday. <br />Train No. 1 now runs in two sec- <br />tions, the first carrying passengers <br />only, and the second the sleepers. <br />Dr. A. C. Dockstader went up to <br />Minneapolis Monday as a delegate <br />to the prohibition state convention. <br />John Coazemius and Herman <br />Bretschneider shipped a car of hogs <br />and cattle to South St. Paul Thursday. <br />Mrs. John Bingo and sous, of St. <br />Paul Park, were the guests of her <br />mother, Mrs. L. H. Boyd, Tuesday. <br />Hrundrup t \etticton Business Collegel <br />R'li n rut <br />�o n, nu., guarantees postpone to a <br />full cour.�e graduates. Catalogue tree. <br />You can get the genuine 0. K. <br />Washing Machine for $4.98 at the <br />Johnson Miller Hardware Company, <br />Hastings. <br />Mrs. A. S. Palmer and son, of <br />Minneapolis, were the guests of her <br />sister, Mrs. George Hampton, on <br />Saturday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright and <br />Miss Grace E. Austin went over to <br />Cottage Grove Wednesday to attend <br />a wedding. <br />R. C. Hanson went to Mankato on <br />Tuesday to represent Hastings at the <br />annual meeting of the State Firemen's <br />Association. <br />Peter Koppes set up a monument <br />over the grave of Mrs. Henry Stone, <br />in the cemetery at Cottage Grove, <br />on Saturday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chase and <br />daughter, of Minneapolis, were the <br />guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Anthony <br />over Sunday. <br />Mrs. C. H. Hanson, of Mayville, <br />N. D., was the guest of her brother, <br />P. E. Sievert, Saturday, en route for <br />Portage, Wis. <br />The Widow McCarty bad a fair <br />crowd at the Opera House on Thurs- <br />day evening, the entertainment being <br />a very good one. <br />H. A. Buell, roadmaster on the <br />Rochelle & Southern division of the <br />Milwauke Road at Mendota, Ill., was <br />in town on Monday. <br />Master F. S. Ralphe lett Sunday <br />evening to spend the Bummer with <br />his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. X. <br />Ralphe, at St. Louis. <br />A. L. Bracht, of St. Paul, was the <br />guest of his cousin, Mrs. M. J. <br />Ahern, in Nininger,onWednesday, en <br />route for Farmington. <br />A marriage license was issued on <br />Thursday to Mr. Louis Tutewohl, of <br />Farmington, and Miss Louisa <br />Franzke, of Lakeville. <br />The forty-second annual conven- <br />tion of the Dakota County Sunday <br />School Association will be held at <br />the Methodist Church, Castle Rock, <br />on Wednesday and Thursday, June <br />17th and 18th. <br />George Buuge, of Washington <br />County, was committed to the <br />Rochester asylum at Stillwater on <br />Tuesday, and taken there by Sheriff <br />Ostrom. <br />J. D. Hoskins, of Los Angeles, was <br />visiting the family of Caleb Truax. <br />He was an early resident of this city, <br />starting the first lumber yard here <br />in 1855. <br />Miss Alice B. Fahy, 'teacher in <br />Hutchinson, and Miss, Grace M. and <br />Miss Eliiabeth FaGy,'feachers in <br />Minneapolis, returned home last <br />Saturday. <br />E. H. Gray and B. D. Cadwell <br />represented Vermillion Lodge No. 8 <br />at the grand lodge, I. 0. 0. F., at <br />Minneapolis on Wednesday and <br />Thursday. <br />A Good <br />Hair -Food <br />Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- <br />proved formula, is a genuine <br />hair -food. It feeds, nourishes, <br />builds up, strengthens, invigor- <br />ates. The hair grows more <br />rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, <br />and all dandruff disappears. <br />Aid nature a little. Give your <br />hair a good hair -food. <br />Does not change lhs color of the lair. <br />7ora*L with .eau bottle <br />11 snow it to your <br />tiers dovtor <br />tsk�him al>oet lt, <br />then does he aye <br />You need not hesitate about using this <br />new Hair Vigorfrom aayfear of its chang- <br />ing the color of your hair. The new <br />Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents premature <br />grayness, but does not change the color <br />of the hair even to the slightest degree. <br />-]tad• by the J. O. Ayer Co., Lowen, ]Fess. -- <br />ATTENTION, <br />Don't you want your old <br />chair or couch or any other <br />piece of furniture repaired <br />or re -upholstered? <br />We can do it. <br />Cost is very little. <br />Phone No. 91 and we will <br />call. <br />J. G. Mertz <br />6c Son, <br />Hastings, - Minn. <br />A basket social will be given for <br />the beneatof the County Line Church <br />at the home of Mrs. Mary Hach, <br />Ravenna, next Wednesday evening. <br />All invited. <br />G. F. Smith, station agent, paid <br />out about $3,000 last week to the <br />men employed on the double track <br />work, over •2,000 going to the <br />Macedonians. <br />George Moe, in charge of a Mil- <br />waukee bridge crew, went out to <br />Butte on Monday, accompanied by <br />James Peterson, Jerry Kenney, and <br />John Breckner. <br />W. P. Fountain, rural carrier from <br />St. Paul, and C. H. Rode, from New- <br />port, were the guests of H. L. Boyd <br />on Thursday, en route for the meet- <br />ing in Red Wing. <br />At the practice shoot of the gun <br />club on Thursday evening P. W. <br />Mullauy scored twenty four out of a <br />possible twenty-five at blue rocks, <br />sixteen yards rise. <br />The ladies' aid society of the <br />Methodist Church met with Mrs. F. <br />T. Liddle, in Niniagor, Wednesday <br />afternoon with an attendance of sixty- <br />five, the largest on record. <br />Mrs. Mary L. Lyon and Misses <br />Gertrude L. and Winnifred L. Lyon <br />went up to the state university Thnrs <br />day to attend the graduation of .Misses <br />Maud H. and Mabel E. Lyon. <br />J. C. Lemberg will open his new <br />ice cream parlors on Vermillion <br />Street to day, with C. A. Ester - <br />ley in charge. They have been fitted <br />up in a very attractive manner. <br />Miss Abbie F. Gergen went up to <br />St. Paul on Tuesday to take part in a <br />piano recital, accompanied by Miss <br />Julia E. Wailerius, Mrs. N. B. <br />Gergen, and Mrs. E. N. Wallerius. <br />The steamer Weyerhaueser had a <br />collision with one of the piers of the <br />drawbridge Monday afternoon on <br />the way down river, her bow and <br />railing being considerably damaged. <br />Mrs. H. 11. Hayes and daughters, <br />Thelma and Myrtle, carne up from <br />Waba,ba Saturday, and are the <br />guests of Mrs. J. W. Anderson, en <br />route for their new home in Mackin- <br />tosh, S. D. <br />Mrs. Barthel Rosch, of this city, <br />and Mrs. Edward Moore, of Rich <br />Valley, returned on Thursday from <br />Hankinson, N. D., where they were <br />called by the serious Muesli of their <br />brother, A. F. Felton. <br />Sherif McDevitt went to Sioux <br />City yesterday after two parties <br />named McCoy aud Sandquist, who <br />are charged with holding up a South <br />St. Paul min as he was about to take <br />a street car at Inver Grove. <br />The marriage of Mr. P. J. Ward, <br />of LaCrosse, a freight conductor on <br />the Burlington Road, and Miss <br />Norine R. Daly, of Langdon, took <br />place at the Catholic Church in St. <br />Paul Park on Wednesday,at ten a. m. <br />The musical and dramatic enter- <br />tainment by the pupils of St. Boniface <br />School on Monday evening was a <br />very pleasing affair, and greatly <br />enjoyed by the large audience present. <br />It was repeated Thursday evening. <br />Miss Mario Oestreich, teacher in <br />District 33, Marshan, closed her <br />term of school on Wednesday, with <br />an interesting programme and picnic <br />at Chimney Rock. A number of <br />people from this city attended the <br />latter, reporting an enjoyable time. <br />Miss Florence B. Hanson delight <br />fully entertained a number of young <br />friends at a house party over Sun• <br />day, time present from out of town <br />being Mies Edith A. Nelson, of Etter, <br />Miss Amy L. Harrington, of Den• <br />mark, and Walter Potter, of Sauk <br />Rapids. <br />J. B. Wagner, of Devil's Lake, and <br />Joseph A., Dominick, Peter, and <br />Henry Wagner, of Vermillion, Misses <br />Emma and Margaret Conter, of St. <br />Paul, and Joseph Lindhofl and Joseph <br />Conter, of Shakopee, were among <br />those in attendance at the funeral of <br />Mrs. Anna M. Wagner on Monday. <br />• brand ritually Medieiee. <br />"It gives me pleasure to speak a good <br />word .or Electric Hitters," writes Mr <br />Frank Conlan of No. 488 Houston Street <br />New York. "It's a grand family meds. <br />cine for dyspepsia and liver complica- <br />tions; while for lame back and weak kid- <br />neys it cannot be to highly recommend- <br />ed." Electric Ritter: regulate the diges- <br />tive functions, purify, the blood, and im- <br />part renewed vigor and vitality to the <br />weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold <br />under guarantee at Rude'. drug store. <br />50. <br />Chun& Anasemeee Bata. <br />To -morrow will be childreo's day at <br />the Methodist Church. In the evening <br />the Rev. R. D. Phillips will speak upon <br />the American Flag. <br />The Rev. A. A, Dick will preach at <br />the Baptist Church to -morrow. 1110.80 <br />a. m. In the evening the annual chi!. <br />den's day service will be held, with an <br />interesting programme of snags, recita- <br />tions, etc. A cordial invitaUoe is ex- <br />tended to the public to attend these <br />servtoes. <br />In Hastings. June 10th. by A. F. <br />Johnson, esq., Kr. William Otis and <br />Mise Hulda Barker, of West 8t. Paul. <br />mars. <br />In Hastings, JuneOth. to Mr. and Mrs. <br />W. 0. Hathaway, a daughter. <br />In Marehan, June 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. <br />Valentine Wlederbold. a son and <br />daughter. <br />Nanr <br />Summer Comfort <br />Don't add the heat of a <br />kitchen fire to the sufficient <br />discomfort of hot weather. <br />Use a New Perfection Wick <br />Blue Flame Oil Cook -Stove <br />and cook in comfort. <br />• <br />With a "New Perfection" Oil Stove the preparation of <br />daily meals, or the big weekly "baking," is done without <br />raising the temperature perceptibly above that of any other <br />room in the house. <br />If you once have experience with the <br />NEW PERFECTION <br />Wick Blue Flame oil Cook -Stove; <br />you will be amazed at the restful way in which it <br />enables you to do work that has heretofore overheated <br />the kitchen and yourself. <br />The "New Perfection" Stove is ideal for summer <br />use. Made in three sizes and all warranted If <br />not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. <br />The 0 Lamp <br />giv.s perfect <br />combustion <br />whether high <br />or low— is therefore free from disagreeable odor and can- <br />not smoke. Safe, convenient, ornamental—the ideal light. <br />11 not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency. <br />STANDARD OIL COMPANY <br />(1SOORYee.ATED <br />BEST TRIPS FOR YOUR <br />VACATION <br />Colorado $27.40 Round Trip <br />Colorado has a more invigorating and enjoyable summer climate <br />and a greater variety of opportunity for outdoor recreation and <br />sport than any other state in America. Good board may be had <br />from $6 a week, up. <br />Pacific Coast $60.80 Round Trip <br />Includes more unique scenic attractions and points of interest <br />than any other trip -the Rookies and Sierras -the Spanish Miss- <br />ions and Big Trees -the Pacific Ocean and Puget Sound,Yellow- <br />stone and 1 osmite as convlenlent side trips. About 815 extra <br />for Grand Tour including all Coast cities from Vancouver to <br />Los Angeles. <br />Above rates are dairy i will give you illustrated folders describing <br />routes,points of interest, list of hotels and boarding houses with rates <br />for board and quote you rates from your home town. See me today. <br />J. M. O'BRIEN, Agent, <br />C. B. &. Q. R. It. <br />PIANOSf <br />aa. <br />If you are thinking of buying a piano we would <br />like you to come in and look over our stock. We have <br />all grades, and the most complete line ever shown <br />here. We can sell the same grade piano from $75 <br />to $100 cheaper than any dealer in a large city. Call <br />and we will prove this to you. <br />Walbridge Bros. & Ryan, I <br />Second Street, Hastings. <br />♦ +..4.lrd•):MAIN1tir14 <br />Clean <br />and <br />Fresh <br />Because of the air- <br />tight package and <br />glazing of pure sugar, <br />McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee <br />comes to you fresh, rich and clean. Every package <br />contains one full pound of really good coffee—properly <br />roasted and blended—uniform in quality and flavor. <br />MCLAUGHLIN'S XXXX COFFEE add by <br />Hanson Bros. IfiNt Michael <br />Emerson & Cavanaugh. <br />A Check Account assists you to save by point- <br />ing out useless expenditures. <br />The man who knows where every <br />cent goes is better able to dispense <br />with luxuries. The things that <br />you do not Deed are the ooes that <br />make the expense bill high. Might <br />it be possible to cut down in some <br />places and save a little each month' <br />A check account will furnish you <br />with an accurate record of all <br />amounts spent. It gives you a <br />grip on expenditures because you <br />can tell what was bought, when <br />you got it, and from whom. This <br />method will put you ahead. <br />If you don't know where you can save, <br />a check account will tell you. <br />Uerrnan American Bank, <br />Hastings, Minn. <br />