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Council Proceedings. <br />Regular meeting, June Sth. Pres- <br />ent Aids. Fasbender, Gall, Graus, <br />Emerson, Engel, and Perkins, <br />Mayor Schaal in the chair. <br />The request of the DesMoines <br />Bridge and Iron Company for an ex- <br />tension of sixty days to complete <br />their contract for sewers and water- <br />works from July 1st was not granted, <br />Aids. Emerson and Perkins voting in <br />the affirmative. <br />A communication from the Hast- <br />ings Malting Company in opposition <br />to having the scales of Devaney & <br />Quealy designated as the public city <br />scales was read and placed on file. <br />On motion of Ald. Gall, an ordi- <br />nance in relation to dogs passed to <br />its second reading. <br />Ald. Grans, from the street com- <br />mittee, asked for further time to re- <br />port on the Sixth Street culvert, <br />which was granted. <br />The street committee, to whom was <br />referred the matter of opening an <br />alley in block B, Hancock & Russell's <br />Addition, made a verbal report. <br />The finance committee, to whom <br />was referred the report of the city <br />treasurer, reported the same as <br />correct. <br />On motion of Ald. Emerson, an <br />ordinance designating Devaney <br />Quealy's scales as the public <br />scales passed to its first reading, <br />Engel and Graus and Mayor Se <br />voting in the negative. <br />An ordinance granting the H <br />ings Telephone Company the <br />tinuous use of the public streets <br />alleys, under proper restrictions, <br />read, and, on motion of Ald. G <br />was held for further consideratio <br />A proposed ordinance in relatio <br />boulevarding streets was submi <br />and deferred to the next meeting. <br />On motion of Ald. Perkins, <br />ninth estimates of the DesMo <br />Company were allowed as follows <br />Waterworks $5,03 <br />Sewers 3,39 <br />The following bills were allowe <br />st. Paul Pioneer Press Co., register$ <br />Valentine Then, street work 1 <br />city <br />Ald. <br />haal <br />ast- <br />con- <br />and <br />was <br />all, <br />n. <br />n to <br />tted <br />the <br />ines <br />0.24 <br />5.43 <br />3.00 <br />7.93 <br />Harrison &Clarke, engineers 168.52 <br />William Nolan, killing dogs .50 <br />Ezra Hathaway, burying dogs.75 <br />On motion of Ald. Fasbender, the <br />mayor and clerk were instructed to <br />borrow enough money to meet current <br />expenses, for a period of thirty days. <br />County Board Proceedings. <br />Special session, June 9th. Present <br />Corns. Beerse, Cahill, Giefer, Parry, <br />and Werden, the chairman presiding. <br />The engineer's report, plat, and <br />profiles of the ditch in Greenvale and <br />the report of the viewers were pre- <br />sented, together with proofs of post- <br />ing notices and publication of <br />advertisement. <br />Arguments were heard, and an <br />order adopted establishing County <br />Ditch No. 1 in Greens -ale. Com. <br />Werden voted in the negative. <br />The matter of repairing the river <br />road in South St. Paul was taken up, <br />and the commissioner of the third <br />district appointed as a committee to <br />expend the $1,350 appropriated by <br />the state. <br />The bond of T. P. Moran as court <br />commissioner, $2,000, was approved. <br />An Amateur Horse Thlet, <br />Frank Brown, who had been work- <br />ing for John Volkert, in Pine Bend, <br />hired a rig at W. E. Beerse's stables <br />on Sunday. He drove back to the <br />farm and stole a horse, which he left <br />tied to a tree in the woods at Ninin- <br />ger, and the livery rig at the Masonic <br />Block corner. The young man was' <br />overhauled below Eggleston Monday <br />night by Sheriff McDevitt and W. E. <br />Beerse, waiving examination, and <br />was committed by Justice Johnson <br />to the next term of the district court. <br />He was taken to St. Paul on Wednes- <br />day by the sheriff. <br />An Apostolic Mission. <br />A large and important gathering <br />was held at Midway Saturday after- <br />noon, a Large number of persons <br />being baptised in the river by the <br />Revs. Scott, of St. Paul, and White, <br />of Minneapolis, among them being <br />the following from Etter: Florence <br />E. Lundberg, Mabel F. Lundberg, <br />Lillie Lundberg, Della H. Lundberg, <br />Ruth E. Lundberg, Edith E. Nord- <br />strom, John Reed, A. W. Carlson, <br />John Wilkerson, Charles Lundberg, <br />Herman Lundberg, and Herman <br />Nordstrom. <br />A Fine Attraction. <br />Clay Clement is booked for the <br />Opera House on Saturday evening in <br />The New Dominion, said to be one of <br />the most delightful comedies of the <br />year. The advance sale of seats be- <br />gan at Glendenning's yesterday. <br />Prices, first five parquet rows, $1,50; <br />balance of parquet, $1; balcony, <br />seventy-five cents; gallery, fifty cents. <br />There will undoubtedly be a very <br />large attendance, as it is not often <br />that such a high priced company can <br />be induced to stop over in a small <br />town. <br />Inver Grove Items. <br />Mr. and Mrs. David Horbach spent <br />Sunday in the city. <br />Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barton spent <br />Tuesday in St. Paul. <br />Miss Edith Hagen spent a few days <br />last week in St. Paul. <br />Miss Alma Anderson, of St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday at home. <br />Miss Sophia Chrosniak, of St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday at home. <br />It is reported that Mrs. Emma <br />Gibbs is seriously ill in St. Paul. <br />Peter Malcolm and son David <br />drove to Minneapolis on Monday. <br />Mrs. John Ryan and daughter <br />spent the first of the week in St. <br />Paul. <br />Edwin Sjoberg and daughters have <br />moved out from St. Paul upon the <br />farm. <br />Miss Ellie Hagen, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Miss Esther Malcolm on <br />Sunday. <br />Henry- Holmberg, of St. Paul, was <br />the guest of Alex. Anderson on <br />Sunday. <br />Thomas Ryan has taken a position <br />as clerk for the city comptroller of <br />St. Paul. <br />Miss Maggie Frier, of St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday with the Misses <br />Sorenson. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dennis have gone <br />to Cedar Rapids upon a visit with <br />her parents. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Louis Motz visited <br />with Mr. and Mrs. Bailey,of St. Paul, <br />on Saturday. <br />Mrs. Belle Bradshaw, of South St. <br />Paul, is spending a few days at the <br />Munson home. <br />M. Mikulewicz marketed tour <br />crates of strawberries on Thursday, <br />the first of the season. <br />Mr. and Mrs. William Motz, of <br />Wescott, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Louis Motz on Sunday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Louis Horbach enter- <br />tained a large number of friends <br />Sunday afternoon and evening. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Borden aad <br />family visited at the home of his <br />sister, Mrs. John Ryan, on Sunday. <br />Olof Johnson has bought a part of <br />the old Cole place from Victor <br />Anderson, and will build ahouse on it. <br />James McDevitt and Thomas Ryan <br />drove down to Spring Lake Saturday <br />evening to furnish music at a dance. <br />Mr. and Mrs. M. Mikulewicz enter- <br />tained a large number of friends and <br />relatives on Sunday, the christening <br />of the new baby. <br />Miss Josie McNellis and Harold <br />McNellis, of St. Paul, were the <br />guests of their aunt, Miss Josephine <br />Chapron, on Sunday. <br />Vermillion Station Items. <br />John Walter went to Hastings on <br />Wednesday. <br />Anton Beissel drove to Hastings <br />on Monday. <br />Harry Schwartz went to St. Paul <br />on Thursday. <br />John Delgardell, of Minneapolis, is <br />here upon a visit. <br />John Eck and Nic. Glosen were in <br />Minneapolis on Tuesday. <br />F. B. Lucking and N. F. Kranz <br />were out from Hastings on Monday. <br />C. J. Wagner went out to Marshan <br />on Tuesday to work for Michael <br />Kasel. <br />John Hoffman, Frank Weiler, and <br />Peter Phillips were over from Ilamp- <br />ton on Sunday. <br />Mrs. Frank Wiederhold and Mrs. <br />Anton Kruse, of Miesville, visited <br />here on Monday. <br />Peter Ludwig, Theodore Kasel, <br />and Philip Wiederhold were in <br />Hastings on Saturday. <br />Miss Theresa Wiederhold, of Mies. <br />ville, is here upon a visit with her <br />aunt, Mrs. Peter Wagner. <br />Quite a number front Hastings and <br />surrounding towns attended the <br />funeral of Mrs. Anna M. Wagner last <br />Monday. <br />The dance on Monday evening was <br />well attended, there being about <br />seventy couples present. Excellent <br />music was furnished by the Blind <br />Band of South St. Paul. <br />Our local base ball team will play <br />a return game with Hampton next <br />Sunday. C. Klotz and John Loesch <br />will be the battery for the locals, and <br />a close contest is expected. <br />Empire Items. <br />Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Amidon, of <br />Red Wing, visited with Mr. and Mrs. <br />Balch the first of the week. <br />Mrs. Peter Orban nee Maude Mo- <br />ses and two children, of Pasadena, <br />are making a short visit with her <br />uncle, G. S. Balch. <br />Miss Eva A. Bradford, teacher at <br />Williston, N. D., has returned to the <br />farm to spend vacation with her <br />mother, Mrs. Cynthia Bradford. <br />A number from here attended the <br />graduating exercises at Farmington <br />last week. Among the graduates <br />was Verna Whittier and Albra <br />Ricker, from this place. <br />Marsham Items. <br />H. J. Rother was in Vermillion on <br />Wednesday. <br />Mathias Siebenaler, of Douglas, <br />was a caller on Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hayseot North- <br />field, were callers on Monday, <br />F. J. Palmer, of Lake City, bas <br />been visiting here for same time. <br />William Schneider sold a load of <br />hogs to J. M. Feipel on Tuesday. <br />Leo Feldhoter took Nicholas <br />Feyen's cattle to St. Paul Saturday. <br />The green bugs are doing consider- <br />able mischief to the barley and oats. <br />Roy Miller, of Northfield, was <br />visiting George Callahan over Sunday. <br />Peter Hurting, of Ravenna, attend- <br />ed the dance at Vermillion Monday. <br />Joseph Kiefer, of Douglas, was <br />having a hauling bee for his new <br />barn. <br />J. M. Feipel, of Hampton, was <br />buying fat stock in this locality on <br />Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Kundy Meier, of <br />Nininger, were calling in this vicinity <br />on Monday. ' <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Molamphy, of <br />Douglas, returned home from their <br />visit in Minneapolis the last of the <br />week. <br />Joseph Frie, of South St. Paul, was <br />buying hogs, cattle, and baled hay in <br />this vicinity on Tuesday and Wed- <br />nesday. <br />Miss Marie Nelson, J. D. Thomp- <br />son, and Miss Katherine Crandall, of <br />Cannon Falls, were visiting Chimney <br />Rock on Sunday. <br />It is reported that George Marschall <br />will build a new house, and the <br />Thurmes Bros. have the contract for <br />the carpenter work. <br />Anton Siebenaler, of Douglas, Miss <br />Catherine Mier, of Vermillion, were <br />the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd. <br />Bauer over Sunday. <br />Quite a large number of our young <br />people attended the ball recently <br />given at Wagner's Hall in Vermil- <br />lion, and all those present reported a <br />very good time. <br />Rich Valley Item.. • <br />Mr. P. Rupp is on the sick list. <br />W. W. Strathern was 11 city visitor <br />on Monday. <br />Mrs. Al. Maltby drove to Rose- <br />mount on Monday, <br />Miss Winifred Maltby was a city <br />visitor on Saturday. <br />The ladies' aid met with Mrs. <br />Larsen on Thursday <br />,Mies Lillian Drake was among <br />city visitors on Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hurab were <br />city visitors on Wednesday. <br />Mrs. Ed. Moore left on Monday for <br />a visit with relatives in North Dakota. <br />Miss Amanda Sanberg, of Haat- <br />ings, is visiting her aunt, Mre. Harry <br />Elston. <br />W. F. Torne attended the post- <br />master's convention in St. Paul on <br />Tuesday. <br />Miss Nonie Donnelly, of St. Paul, <br />spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. <br />N. Donnelly. <br />Herbert Clark, of Minneapolis, is <br />visiting his grandmother, Mre. <br />Arvesta Clark. <br />Mrs. Arthur Headley and Mre. <br />Arthur E' cher spent Saturday and <br />Sunday in Castle Rock. <br />Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Elston attende <br />the prohibition convention in Min <br />neapolis on Monday and Tuesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Wetterliu, of <br />Minneapolis, spent Sunday with his <br />parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wetterlin. <br />Miss Hattie Pettingill visited her <br />sister, Mrs, Robert Linton, in St. <br />Anthony Park, a few days this week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark and <br />daughter Julia, of Minneapolis, spen <br />a few days at the home of his mother <br />Mrs. Arvesta Clark. <br />Mrs. Arthur Bailey returned home <br />Friday after spending a couple of <br />weeks with her sister, Mrs. U. G. <br />Fade, in Spencer, Ia. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longfield, <br />Miss Adele Longfield, and Roy <br />Longfield, of St. Paul, were guests of <br />Mr. and Mrs. Henry Longfield on <br />Sunday. <br />d <br />Hampton Items. <br />The dance on Monday was quite <br />largely attended. <br />Dr. E. W. Hammes left for Chicago <br />Tuesday on a vacation. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bauer were <br />in Hastings on Tuesday. <br />Jacob Schanno shipped a car of <br />hay to 8t. Louis on Friday. <br />Frank Weiler and John Hoffman <br />were in Vermillion on Sunday. <br />Michael Serres and Adam Schaffer <br />were among our business callers on <br />Monday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Reuter, of <br />Cannon Falls, were visiting in Ver- <br />million on Sunday. <br />The Quaker Concert lett for Farm- <br />ington on Tuesday, atter giving shows <br />here for two weeks. <br />Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan, of <br />Coates, were the guests of Mr. and <br />Mrs. Peter Mies on Friday. <br />Hytm eau. <br />The Church of the Guardian <br />Angels was the scene of a pretty. <br />wedding onTueeday, at half past seven <br />a. m., when Miss Anna E. McShane, <br />daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James <br />McShane, became the bride ot Mr. <br />John F. Orman. The ceremony was <br />performed by the Rev. P. R. Cunning- <br />ham, in the presence of a large num- <br />ber of friends and acquaintances. At <br />the first strains ot the Lobengrin <br />wedding march, played by Miss Grace <br />E. Austin, the bridal party entered, <br />preceded by the ushers, T. S. Ryan <br />and B. J. Raetz, the procession eon - <br />slating of Miss Ida G. McSbane,brides- <br />maid, the groom, and lastly the <br />bride and best man, Mr. J. F. <br />Judge, of Marshan. Tho bride was <br />gowned in a beautiful white silk <br />tissue, carrying a shower bouquet of <br />bride's roses and lillies of the valley, <br />and the bridesmaid a blue silk tissue, <br />with trimmings of valenciennes lace <br />and insertion, carrying pink carna- <br />tions. At the offertory Miss Barbara <br />Heinen rendered a solo, Adore and be <br />Still. Both bride and groom are <br />well known and popular young people, <br />the groom being a member of the <br />agricultural implement firm of Orman <br />& O'Shaughnessy. Mr. and Mrs. <br />Orman left by the morning train upon <br />a wedding trip to Milwaukee, accom- <br />panied by the hearty congratulations <br />of a large circle of friends. They <br />will he at home on east Sixth Street <br />after June 20th. <br />Dr. 0. J. Veline, of Minneapolis, <br />and Miss Hazel L. Niederkorn, of <br />Farmington, were married at the <br />home of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. <br />M. W. Niederkorn, on Tuesday even- <br />ing, the Rev. W. P. TenbroeckofH- <br />ciating. They left Wednesday even- <br />ing upon a wedding trip in England, <br />and will be at home after Aug. 1st. <br />Coate. I to ms. <br />Joseph Callahan was in St. Paul <br />on Wednesday. <br />N. F. Smith went up to St. Paul <br />Tuesday evening. <br />Edward Murnane had a bee on <br />Thursday' to raise his barn. <br />Mrs. John Flanagan visited rel. <br />atives in Elamptoa last week. <br />Miss Josephine McGuire spent <br />Sunday and Monday in St. Paul. <br />Mr. and Mrs. I. Webb, of St. Patel, <br />spent Sunday at the home of J. J. <br />Rowe. <br />Miss Anna Murtaugh, of Hastings, <br />spent several days with friends here <br />last week. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Bergen, of St. Paul, <br />speut several days last week with <br />relatives here. <br />Mrs. Ella Warwick returned to St, <br />Paul on Monday after a week's visit <br />with her sister, Mrs. King. <br />Mr. and Mrs. 11'illiani Leonard <br />and children visited Mrs. Holland, of <br />Cannon Falls, on Wednesday. <br />Mr. sod Mre. Smith Elston went <br />out to Crystal Lake Saturday and <br />caught about fifty pounds of fish. <br />Mary Moore and Anna Fahey, <br />graduates of the Hastings high <br />school, returned home on Sunday. <br />The basket social last Thursday <br />evening was a decided success. The <br />proceeds were $l9, which go toward <br />making improvements, <br />Cascade Items. <br />The Rev. G. H. Hanna was calling <br />Tuesday. <br />H, A. McElrath was a Northfield <br />caller Saturday. <br />Mrs. 'James Foster and daughter <br />Eva, of Northfield, spent Tuesday <br />here. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Metz spent Sunday <br />with their daughter, Mrs. Fred. <br />Ganglofi <br />Mr. and Mrs. George Frame and <br />daughter Nellie spent Sunday in <br />Castle Rock. <br />0. L. Ryan and family, of Ran- <br />dolph, are preparing to move into the <br />Kleeberger house. <br />A socia! gathering of relatives:sod <br />old friends was held on the lawn of <br />A. A. McElrath on Wednesday. <br />Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Priest and son, <br />of Granite Falls, arrived here Friday <br />evening for a short visit with her <br />parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mo <br />Elrath. <br />Among those who attended the <br />ball game at South Branch Saturday <br />were Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Priest, <br />Misses Marion Frame and Nina Mc <br />Elrath, Tom and George Frame, and <br />Lawrence Hunter. <br />Dueklea'a Arden Salve Moms. <br />Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Ooch <br />ran, Gs„ writes, "I had a bad sore come <br />on the instep of my foot and could find <br />nothing that would heal It until I applied <br />Bucklen's Arnica Sa've, Less than half <br />of a twenty-five cent box won the day for <br />me by affecting a perfect cure." Sold <br />under guarantee at Rude's drug store. <br />• <br />The Probate Conn. <br />A. D. 8. Clark was appointed ad. <br />ministrator of J. A. Pants, late of <br />South Park, on Saturday. <br />E. 8. Pitch was appointed adminis- <br />trator of D. L. Rust, late of Hast- <br />ings, on Thursday. <br />• <br />-"Something good to flrink" <br />and somel nggoodtosat, and somegoodfriends ares -ti tall!at-diimmensely tothe <br />oriJs. i t is not unusual to find <br />in bestAmericas of thomes a few dozen botill this m tlesolsome fine met low malt and hop brew like <br />VaizemPeerivess2cer <br />safely stored array in the ice box for daily use, and the entertainment of visitors. <br />In the brewing of "Peerless", the finest and most costly bearded barley is used that <br />can be grown in the rich, fertile plains of the Northwest. <br />We get the pick of the beat crops, being located in the heart of the Barley Belt. <br />We import the choice aromatic hops of old Bohemia. \Ve use yeast of perfect <br />culture and water as "clear as crystal," that babbles perennially from granite rocks <br />that bank the rolling Mississippi. <br />The result is a beer of unsurpassed excellence. Asplendid beer for the home, and <br />family circle. It brightens conversation and aids digestion of solids, thus pry,mating <br />health as well as sociability and good fellowship. Let us send you a case. <br />JOHN GUND BREWING CO. - La Crosse, Wis. <br />H. F. LENENICK, Manager, Hastings, Minn., <br />Telephone No. 64. <br />!teal Rotate ?masters. <br />Mary B. Clark to John Ketter, <br />lot twenty-seven, block thirteen, <br />Riverside Park..... $ 125 <br />Julia Mettler to Anna Kennedy, <br />lots twenty-seven and twenty-eight, <br />block twelve, Hepburn Park 425 <br />London & Northwest American <br />Mortgage Co. to P. L. King, lot <br />four. block fourteen, South St <br />Paul 175 <br />Eliza J. Alexander to Rosin*, R <br />Blood, lots three and four, block <br />six, Waterford 1,000 <br />Rosins R. Blood t0 .1. 8. Alexan- <br />der, lots three and four. block six, <br />Waterford. 1,000 <br />J. 8. Alexander to Nele Anker- <br />son, Iota one and two, block one, <br />Waterford 70 <br />A. R. Walbridge to Alex. Herbst. <br />part of lot one, block twelve, <br />Hastings 650 <br />William Hendricks to W. 11 <br />Edmonds, lot three, block three, <br />Wescott Garden Lots 575 <br />Patrick Mullen to A. J. Ward, <br />lot eleven, block seven. Rosemount 250 <br />Mary Lucy to John Moehrle, iota <br />flfty-five and fifty-six, block two, <br />Union Addition to South St. Paul. 3,100 <br />Alma Brandenbourger to C. E. <br />Reed, south two-thirds of south <br />half of lot five, and south two- <br />thirds of south half of west one- <br />third of lot six, block fourteen, <br />Hastings 2,000 <br />Julia Barbaras to 0. E. heed <br />south two-thirds of south half of <br />lot five. and south two-thirds of <br />south half of west one-third of lot <br />six, block fourteen, Hastings 2,000 <br />H. W. Shumway to Adolph Kir- <br />ber, part of forty acres in section <br />eighteen, Castle Rook 800 <br />Charles Pederson to Kathryn° <br />Stafford, lot five, block twelve, <br />Hepburn Park 2,550 <br />l't. Mashie Items. <br />Albert Page is reshingiing his <br />house. <br />Emerson Harrington sold three <br />horses Thursday. <br />The society met at Mrs. M. M. <br />Leavitt's Thursday. <br />R. C. Thompson came home from <br />Comstock on Wednesday. <br />Erwin Shearer has a new cement <br />walk and step in front of his house. <br />Eli Dibble loans his phonograph <br />once more for an entertainment to be <br />given in his district next Wednesday <br />evening. All invited <br />The cards are out announcing the <br />marriage of Miss Ida Martinson to <br />Mr. Frank Erickson, at 'ler home in <br />P1. Douglas nett Saturday, at four <br />p, m. <br />(bath at. Past Markets. <br />CATTLE. <br />Grain fed. <br />Steers, good to choice 16.00 (4 4175 <br />Steers, fair to good. 500 ® 5.75 <br />......4.50(145.50 <br />85004.50 <br />250(42.75 <br />8.00 0 3.50 <br />Cows, heifers, good <br />Cows, heifers, fair <br />Cutter cows. <br />Bologna bulls,.,. <br />Canner cows. , . .. 1.75 ei 8,25 <br />Veal calves, good 3.75 0 5.00 <br />Veal calves, oommoo 1.50 (4 8.00 <br />STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. <br />Good to choice feeding steera.$4.255 (4 4.75 <br />Common to fair 8.76 A 4.25 <br />Fair to good 8.00 (4 8.50 <br />Good to oholoe stock steers8,25 i$ 8.75 <br />Fair to good 8.25 (4 8.75 <br />Common stook steels 2.50 A 2.73 <br />Stock fed bulls . 2.50 0 8.25 <br />Good to aholoe stook heifers. 2.50 (4 8,25 <br />Common stook heifers . 2,25 a 2.50 <br />HOGS. <br />Price Range. hulk Pelee, <br />Thursday..,$5.25 (4 $5.40 $5.30 0 $5.85 <br />SHEEP. <br />Good•to choice. <br />Lambs <br />Yearl logs <br />Ewes <br />Wethers. <br />14.00 0 4.110 <br />4.50 011.00 <br />4.25 0 4.50 <br />4$504,50 <br />Th. Markets. <br />BAaLIIT.-45 ca <br />Rats. -118.00 p 58.50 <br />Brox.--$34. <br />Borax. -20 cta. <br />Conn. --70 ors. <br />Eoot.-124 ata. <br />£$1.15. <br />FLotnt,-$2.90. <br />OATS. -45 ccs. <br />MIDDLUtOR--425. <br />Pone, -56,00 <br />Po'rlvoas.-85 ora. <br />lin.-08 ora. <br />8c asUurnrsa--$23. <br />Wtlizair.-85 ® 80 acs <br />The Literary Sweatshop. <br />Fair Visitor -Why, I had no idea that <br />novels were written In this way. Fore- <br />man of Six Best Seller Factory -Oh, <br />yes! At these machines they punch in <br />the plots, across the room they stitch <br />to the description, the dialogue Is put <br />In by hand, and the whole then goes <br />to the finishing room, where It Is sawed <br />Into cbaptels,-puck, <br />A BR of Tact. <br />"Do you say you paid a compliment <br />to that hideous and spiteful baroness? <br />I didn't think you could be so insin- <br />cere." <br />"I merely told ber that her face was <br />es beautiful ae her beart,"'-Fllegende <br />Matter. <br />Her Day Out. <br />Mr. Hubbubs --great heavens, Lucy, <br />Mary Ann tried to start the fire with <br />gun cotton, and she has been blown <br />through the roof! Mrs. Subbubs - <br />Never mind; it's her day out anyhow. <br />- W.:change. <br />[hidden Dangers. <br />Nature Gives Timely Warnings That <br />No Hastings Citizen Can Afford <br />to ignore. <br />DANGERSIGNAL NO. I comes from <br />the kidney secretions. They will warn <br />you when the kidneys are sick. Well <br />kidneys excrete a clear,_ amber fluid. <br />Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and <br />foamy, or a thick, red illsmelling urine, <br />full of sediment and irregular of passage. I <br />DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from <br />the back. Back pains, dull and heavy <br />or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kid- <br />neys and warn you of the approach of <br />dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease. <br />Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys <br />and cure them permanently. Here's <br />Hastings proof. <br />John Avert, West Fifth Street, Hast - <br />r dill <br />COLLEGE LSf.CATHEPINE <br />located laeeroee�(at.d Ma <br />looking the MlaslssippPl'b'�NTheoig�atesy <br />react of at Paul end Y easy <br />healthfulness and retirement of the IS <br />ice <br />BLCatherine',otters its pettoaasounses elegy <br />similar to those of women's colleges In the Ls£ <br />tore electivetudies lop: it astrs. ieawtroom <br />of tits atudent the,taste and ability <br />The college Preparatory Bourse is thorough and <br />systematic, atudcnteof music and ars base mi1- <br />lentopportnnitles for abestod oftbesebranebea <br />Thhe buildings are fireproof. 07 eestum,Prf- <br />tata Booms, Ertenstee and Picturesque Grenada <br />Ms following departments are opus q.tedeat.. <br />Collegisb, Commercial, M <br />Academie, Preparatory. ' <br />The Sisters of 8t. Joseph conduct tee eotlegr, <br />It is ander the direction of Aretbtbop Ireland, <br />Tor further particulars address <br />Secretary. Collage of St <br />Mia e ' a <br />bundle of articles which <br />quire cleaning Or 4 - <br />them give further our <br />friends and netg bore be <br />Plad to join you: Every hone eon. <br />ains a pair of gloves, iaoe cur- <br />tains or draperies, a jacket, a <br />waist, an overcoat, or sop <br />which it would be eco qo� iii <br />have cleaned. --If the oder <br />or more, we pay return �l <br />more eoonomyOur Prises�, p �sr� <br />sat et forreertsiNsa <br />rose Bro <br />lags, Minn., says, "It is impossible for ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />me to describe the misery I have endured - <br />from weak kidneys for several yearn. <br />There was pais is the small of my back <br />and I felt tired and worn out even when <br />net doing any work. I was unable to get <br />enough Bleep and had a tired, depressed <br />feeling that made my life miserable. My <br />kidneys did not act properly and at <br />times I would baye to rise during the <br />night to pass the secretions. Doan's <br />Kidney P111e were procured at F. W. <br />Finch's drug store and after using them a <br />short time I Improved. I am now able <br />to do any amount of work without any <br />former troubles returning." <br />For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, <br />Foster -Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., <br />sole agents for the United States. <br />Remember the name--Doan's-and take <br />no other. <br />State of Minnesota, county of Dakota, -u. in <br />probate court. <br />in the matter of the estate of Mary <br />Mies, decedent.. <br />The State of Minnesota to George Drometer, <br />Josephine urometer, and all persons toter. <br />ettal In the granting of administration of the <br />estate of said decedent: The petition of George <br />Drometer haviug been filed in this court, rep- <br />resenting that Mary Mie., then • resi- <br />dent of the county of Dakota, state of Mlnsmote <br />died lutestete on the 25th day of April. 1008, <br />and praying that letters ot'admioietration of ber <br />estate be granted to Charlet A. Drometer, and <br />the court having axed the time and <br />ria herring said petition. Therefore, you, <br />end�of you, are hereby cited and required <br />16 <br />7 ,tbhowprcob4e, 1fcont you hatebtehfreooarhcooauset, <br />in the city of Hastings, in the county of Dekota, <br />state of Minnesota, on the 86th day of June, <br />1005, at eleven o'clock a. m., why said petition <br />should not be granted. <br />wltnesa the Judge of said court, and seal of <br />said court. this ilbth day of May, i908. <br />i!Colla! Stat..] THOS. 1'. MORAN, <br />chew Probate .fudge <br />CAN YOU SELL LAND? <br />If you can and are making less than <br />$'200 may, write us; we will call <br />on you and explain proposition. <br />Ws want a cess is tabs durp of oar sales In <br />DAKOTA COUNTY. <br />We mean business, we want only <br />workers -a year's work for the right <br />man in this county. References re- <br />quired. <br />IaRiOCO.. Mng <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />Stele of Minnesota, oounty of Dakota. -so. <br />In probate court. <br />In the matter of the estate of William <br />' Ryan, decedent. <br />, On reading and filing the petition of Mary <br />1 Ryan praying that this court determine <br />the descent of certain lands desnrlbed therein as <br />belonging to the above named decedent in his <br />1 lite time, who died more than ave years prior to <br />I the dote hereof. <br />It is ordered that said petition be heard. and <br />Ithat all persons interested in the estate of the <br />above awmed decedent be and appear before this <br />1 court or, the 84th day of June, 1908, at tea <br />o'clock a. en., at the probate court room in the <br />courthouse at Heating*, in said county, and <br />then and these. or as won thereafter ass/dal <br />matter can be heard, show cause, if any there be, <br />why raid petition should not be granted. <br />Let notice of said hearing be given by the <br />publteation of this order in The Hastings <br />Gazette, *000 ming to law. <br />Dated May 10(1, (008. <br />By the court. Tlit)S. 1'. MORAN, <br />(Sast..1 26-ew Judge of Probate. <br />ESTATE OF DECEDENT. <br />Wale of Minnesota, county of Dakota. -es. In <br />probate court.. <br />in the Butter of the estate of John 61. 810201, <br />decedent. <br />Letter. testamentary this day having bees <br />granted to .1. 1'. Stete). <br />11 le ordered that the time within whist' all <br />creditors of the above named decedent may <br />and the ane against <br />hereby 1. limitedtate ntosir months <br />from and after the date hereof; and that Thurs- <br />day. the stet day of December, 1906, at tea o'clock <br />a. m..111 the, probate court room at the mart. <br />house at Rasttnes, iu maid county,be sad the <br />same is axed and appointed.a the time <br />and plat* or bearing ippon and the eaataina- <br />tine. adjuatmest, and allowance of wok elegem <br />as <br />Mali be preeoated within the time aforesaid. <br />tat Goias hereof be given by the publication <br />of thee order in The Resting. Gazette, as pm - <br />Tided by law. <br />Dated May 96th, 1908. <br />By the weft. 'rhos. P. NOUN. <br />(Box] e6'Sw Judge of Probate'. <br />