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Minutes of the Rec~ular Meeting of June 16, 2003 Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />First Reading--City Code Amendment #2003-38: Downtown Master Plan Zoning <br /> Staff detailed the item before the Council for action at the meeting. The City <br />Council is being asked to consider ordinance amendments for rezoning districts. Any <br />requests for rezoning specific parcels of property would be considered by the Council at <br />a future date. No action is being requested at this meeting except to order the public <br />hearing for Ju!y 7, 2003 to receive comments. <br /> Bess Freeman, 522 Lea Street, read a statement signed by some of the <br />homeow..qers expressing their opposition to any rezoning proposals. <br /> Clarence Chapman, 623 East 3rd Street, expressed opposition to any proposal <br />that would close a 3rd Street access. He requested that "East Hastings" be removed <br />from the redevelopment plan. <br /> Councilmember Hicks stated support for some of the proposed changes. He also <br />stated that the Council is not required to make any decisions following the public hearing <br />on July 7; they can wait for more information or more discussion as is deemed <br />warranted. <br /> Moved by Councilmember Moratzka, seconded by Councilmember Schultz to <br />approve the first reading and order the public hearing for July 7, 2003. <br />7 Ayes~ Nays,, none. <br /> <br />Authorization for Request for Proposals--Riverfront Redevelopment <br /> HRA Director John Grossman'introduced Jessica Cook of Ehlers and Associates <br />to provide a brief background on the draft RFP that has been prepared. Cook discussed <br />the goals that'have been established, the description of the sites, and other details of the <br />RFP. The Council discussed some language changes that they would like incorporated <br /> Moved by Councilmember Hicks, seconded by Councilmember Yandrasits to <br />authorize the publication and distribution of the RFP, with the changes as discussed. <br />7 Ayes; Nays, none. <br /> <br />-Pay Estimate #4--Louis Lane Ponding Basin: Pember Construction ($3,567.75) <br /> Counciimember Moratzka requested clarification on whether the overlay has been <br />completed. Staff will resolve any outstanding issues prior to final payment. <br /> Moved'by Councilmember Moratzka, seconded by Councilmember Hicks to <br />approve the pay estimate as presented. <br />7 Ayes; Nays, none. <br /> <br />Approw Plans & Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Bids--City Hall <br />Roof Repair <br /> Moved by Councilmember Riv~ness, seconded by Councilmember Moratzka to <br />approve the action as presented. <br />7 Ayes; Nays, none. <br /> <br />Annual License Renewal--Old Mill Pawn Shop License <br /> Moved by Councilmember Hazlet, seconded by <br />approve the license renewal as presented. <br />7 Ayes; Nays, none. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schultz to <br /> <br /> <br />