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<br />The City Council may conduct a meeting by telephone or other electronic means <br />so long as the following conditions are met: <br /> <br />I.) The Mayor, City Attorney or City Administrator must determine that an in person <br />meeting or a meeting conducted under standard notification requirements as <br />outlined in State Statute or City Charter is not practical or prudent because of a <br />health pandemic or an emergency declared by the State of Minnesota.; <br />2.) All members of the City Council participating in the meeting, wherever their <br />physical location, must be able to hear on another and hear all discussion and <br />testimony. <br />3.) All members of the public present at the regular meeting location of the City <br />Council must hear all discussion and testimony and all votes of the City Council, <br />unless attendance at the regular meeting location is not feasible due to the health <br />pandemic or emergency declaration. <br />4.) At least one member of the City Council, City Attorney or City Administrator <br />must be physically present at the regular meeting location, unless unfeasible to <br />due to the health pandemic or emergency declaration. <br />5.) All votes must be conducted by roll call, so each member's vote on each issue can <br />be identified and recorded. <br /> <br />Each member of the City Council participating in a meeting by telephone or other <br />electronic means is considered present at the meeting for purposes of determining a <br />quorum and participating in all proceedings. <br /> <br />If telephone or another electronic means is used to conduct a meeting, to the extent <br />practical, the City Council shall allow a person to monitor the meeting electronically <br />from a remote location. The City Council may require the person making the <br />connection to pay for the documented additional cost the City Council incurs as a <br />result of the additional connection. <br /> <br />If telephone or another electronic means is used to conduct a regular, special or <br />emergency meeting, the City Council shall provide notice of the regular meeting <br />location, of the fact that some members may participate by telephone or other <br />electronic means, and of the provisions regarding the opportunity to allow a person to <br />monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location, as identified above. The <br />timing and method of providing notice is governed by Minnesota State Law and the <br />Hastings City Charter. <br /> <br />The City Council shall comply with all provisions of Minnesota State Law and the <br />City Charter relating to the requirements for closed meetings. <br />