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<br />Jeff Wrede, Project Architect summarized and gave a brief background on the <br />architecture of the building. <br /> <br />Chairperson Greil asked if there were any other comments before he closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Tom Kusant was concerned on emergency vehicle access into the condominiums, stating <br />that there currently was no room for large fire trucks to turn around. <br /> <br />Regan responded there is room for emergency vehicles to turn around in the parking lot. <br /> <br />Chairperson Greil asked again if there were any more comments. Hearing no other <br />comments from the public, the hearing was closed at 7:43 pm. <br /> <br />Regan presented to the committee financing options for the condominiums. He discussed <br />dedicating land to the city for a park in lieu for cash. Regan stated the market study <br />emphasized the need for senior housing. He also discussed the Sunset Clause to develop <br />the condominiums into a senior cooperation and extending the requirement from 12 <br />months to 18 months. <br /> <br />Commissioner Twedt asked Regan when he will make a decision to make it a co-op <br />building. <br /> <br />Regan responded that it will be a short time after the approval by Planning Commission <br />and City Council. He estimated it will be about 60 days. <br /> <br />Commissioner Twedt asked how they determined the 12 month timeframe on the Sunset <br />Clause. <br /> <br />Director Hinzman responded that there was no reason, but to make sure projects are not <br />extended to the following year. He stated that he sees no problem with extending it to 18 <br />months. <br /> <br />Commissioner Twedt asked if there was any concern by the city and staff about the <br />height of the building exceeding code. <br /> <br />Director Hinzman responded that he had heard no concern or red flags from the council, <br />staff or residents. <br /> <br />Schmitt asked the difference in height from the new plan to the original plan. <br /> <br />Director Hinzman responded both plans showed a 3-4 story building with underground <br />parking. <br /> <br />Mario Cocchiarella of Schoolhouse Partners clarified building height to the Planning <br />Commi ttee <br />