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- Fage Two - <br />Item #~3 Ci_ ty~kdministrator <br />J. Johnson questioned action o~ Item 3 before discussing Item 4. Ii' the <br />Law Enforcement- Mayor should fail where would that leave us regarding <br />Sec. 3.12, Discussion - if item #~4- fails we would be left with the <br />Charter. <br />J. Gilbert moved to table Item ~`3 City Administrator and discuss Item ~4. <br />D. Dobrick second. Motion was passed and carried. <br />J. Johnson called to the Commission's attention the letter of GE Brawn <br />regarding the problems presently occurring with the FC of Po such as use <br />of the city car and the vacation time that ha.s been built up. ~ilso reported <br />that a person contacted the C of P about a matter nothing was done -- <br />approached the mayor and still nothing wa.s done. <br />W, Hartman moved to rescind all previous moation on the I,awPEnforcement <br />issue. E. Beltz seconding. Motion was passed and carried. <br />1rJ. Hartman stated the new proposal makes the C of P more accountable to <br />the mayor and cleans up the old Section in the Charter. <br />F. Beltz moved to accept the Zaw-Enforcement proposal with ~~1. Bolden <br />seconding with the corrections {Police Department instead of Public Dept. <br />a.nd Police to Civil Service ~'ommission). Protion was passed with one no <br />vote. <br />Marie Bolden moved to recall from the table Item #3 CA. Mike F~ovgaard <br />seconding. Motion was pawed ar~d carried. <br />M. Bolden moved to accept item ~ CA with M. Hovgaard seconding to include <br />'x.11 and x,02. <br />Subdivision 3.11: All depa~tmer~t heads shall be employeed by contract <br />which shall include a jab description and shall be subject to annual review <br />by the appropriate supervisor. Contract shall be subject to council <br />approval. <br />Item #`5 Council A eg nda <br />A. Herbst stated we need to determine the number of days items carp be <br />placed on the agenda and the amound of vote needed to act on non--agenda <br />items . <br />Through discussion i~t was determined that five {5) days will be need <br />and an unanimous vote of council to act on non-agenda items, M. Bolden <br />moved to accept the motion with M. Hovgaard seconding. Vote was yes. <br />Sec. q-.0~ Ordinances (Non-emergency) Through discussion it was determined <br />that three affirmative votes not necessarily consecutive but all occurring <br />within four months of the first yes vote. D. Dobrick moved with E. Beltz <br />seconding. Motion was passed and carried. <br />Sec. 2.07 -- W. Hartman moved to accept 2.07 and eliminatixzg '7.02 with <br />M. Bolden seconding. Motion was passed and carried. Sec. 2.07 reads: <br />Present elective officials to continue term. All members of the City <br />Council of the City of Hastings as of the date hereof shall hold their <br />respective offices until their terms of office expire by q~peration of law. <br />