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Charter Commission Meeting Minutes <br />April 9, 1987 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />mission to act on the request of the Council or citizens that file a petition, <br />it would be unwise for the Commission to make any recommendations for changes <br />in the Charter before the elections in the fall of 1988. The strategy he pro- <br />posed was that the next meeting of the full Commission be on July 9th. The <br />Committees would do their work and come to the July meeting with some recom- <br />mendations for consideration of the full Commission. Once the Committees have <br />reported to the Commission in July and the Commission has reached some consen- <br />sus as to the direction it wants to go, the Commission shall make the public <br />aware of its proposals and goals-and create an opportunity at the next full <br />meeting of the Commission for public hearings on the Commission`s recommenda- <br />tions so that the public could be adequately notified allowing them to have an <br />opportunity to attend the meetings and speak for or .against the Commission's <br />recommendations. After having the benefit of the public input at the October <br />meeting, the Committees that have made recommendations to the Commission would <br />have a chance to reconsider their recommendations in light of the public input, <br />prepare a final draft and make any corrections they believe are required. At <br />the January 14, 1988, meeting, the Committee appointed to study the By-Laws <br />could dictate that the Commission be organized annually at its January meeting <br />or that January would be the month for the election of officers. The full <br />Commission would hear the Committee reports again and refine the Charter <br />amendments and proposals as recommended by the Committees. At that meeting the <br />Commission would also set the subsequent meetings between then and the November <br />elections so as to have an opportunity; to prepare the formal proposals that <br />would be presented to the public for consideration at the election. This would <br />give the Commission enough work time to have a completed package ready in July, <br />1988, so there would be an opportunity for a further public hearing before the <br />matter is put on the ballot. <br />Rick Law moved that the foregoing proposal be adopted. Second by Dick Lee and <br />carried. <br />A list of the proposed Committees, their members and duties were provided each <br />member. They are as follows: <br />1. Committee on Charter Commission By-laws and Rules of Procedure and City <br />Officials Conflict of Interest comprised of Dick Dobrick, Chairman, Judith <br />Gilbert and Michael Hovgaard. The Committee is charged with studying data <br />regarding Chapter 410.05 of Minnesota Statutes which provides that "The <br />Charter Commission shall make rules including quorum requirements with <br />reference to opertion and procedures." The Committee shall recommend a set <br />of By-Laws for the Commission operation including, but not limited to, the <br />election of officers, quorum, agenda order, opportunity for public in-put, <br />committee appointments, Robert's Rules of Order, etc. <br />The Committee shall also study data on conflicts of interest on the part of <br />City officials in the conduct of the City's business and the practice of <br />other Minnesota Charter cities of the Third Class in this regard and <br />recommend, if desirable, amendment to the Hastings City Charter . <br />