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City of Hastings Charter Commission <br />July 9, 1987 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Council or the Charter Commission and is distributed to members of that body, <br />to be considered at that meeting, a copy of that material must be available to <br />the public. Chairperson Hartman then asked Shawn Moynihan, Assistant City <br />Attorney, if one copy was sufficient to satisfy the law. Mr. Moynihan stated <br />the law reads "a copy" therefore, one copy is sufficient. Chairperson Dobrick <br />continued with "Quorum" stating that it should consist of a majority. Discus- <br />sion was held on the section concerning "Election of Officers". Janice Johnson <br />suggested that each officer should serve no more than two consecutive one year <br />terms in place of "no limitation". Chairperson Hartman instructed that John- <br />son's suggestion and any changes that are discussed here be Hated and at the <br />next meeting, when there is a quorum, they be voted upon. Chairperson Dobrick <br />then went on with "Minutes" proposal being that the Minutes shall be prepared, <br />distributed before the next meeting of the Commission and a copy maintained in <br />a file at City Hall per Minnesota Statute. The Committee suggested adding a <br />new section to be insetted in this position in the Proposed By-haws called, "F. <br />Non-Attendance", Chairperson Dobrick then stated that the contents of this <br />section is a direct quote from Minnesota Statutes "When any member has failed <br />to perform the duties of office and has failed to attend four consecutive meet- <br />ings without being excused by the commission, the secretary of the charter <br />commission shall file a certificate with the court setting forth those facts <br />and the district court shall thereupon make its order of removal and the chief <br />judge shall fill the vacancy created thereby." The Committee also suggested <br />adding another new section called "Annual Report". It should follow F. Non-At- <br />tendance. It shall state "The commission shall submit to the chief judge of the <br />district court, on or before December 31 of each year, and annual report out- <br />lining its activities and accomplishments far the preceding calendar year", <br />according to Minnesota Statute. Chairperson Dobrick continued with "H. Rules of <br />Procedure" It was. proposed that in the absense of the Chairperson and the Vice- <br />Chairperson the members of the Commission present shall elect a Chairperson pro <br />tem. Except as otherwise provided by Minnesota Statutes, the Hastings City <br />Charter, or these rules, the proceedings of the Commission sha11 be conducted <br />in accordance with "the current" edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised. <br />Section "I" Order of Business shall be as follows: Ca11 to order, ro11 call, <br />determination of quorum, minutes of previous meeting, reports of committees, <br />unfinished business, new business, intxoduction of business for future meet- <br />ings, announcements and adjournment. The last section "J. Committees" states <br />that the Chairperson or other presiding officer may appoint committees as <br />deemed necessary from time to time. <br />Chairperson Hartman then asked the Gommittee if there should be any changes or <br />additions to the by-laws. He asked Chairperson Dobrick to prepare a revised <br />copy of the by-laws and Rules of Procedure so that they may be presented at the <br />next meeting of the Commission or preferably, be sent out right away. <br />Chairperson Dobrick and his committee recommends that the charter NOT be chang- <br />ed to require publication of those items on the consent calendar because of <br />change in the state statute no longer requiring cities to publish. A copy of <br />the "packet", which includes items covering miscellaneous payments are given to <br />members of the City Gauncil prior to the Council Meeting and are available to <br />the public who attend the meeting. They are also available at the City Ha11. <br />