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Charter Commission Meeting Minutes <br />January 14, 1988 <br />Page 2 of S <br />Public The Chair recognized Mayor Lu 5toffel. Mayor Stoffel expressed <br />Opinion: her concern that knowledgeable people might be overlooked for <br />positions such as for the Industrial Park, the City of Hastings <br />not being .able to afford someone qualified for these positions. <br />She felt that a provision should allow for this and in cases of <br />emergency i.e, death, etc. <br />Reconsider <br />Proposal <br />"Incompatible <br />Offices" & <br />Amend <br />Proposal: <br />Motion to <br />Approve <br />Item B, <br />"Contracts", <br />Item C, "Con-- <br />flicts of In- <br />terest" & <br />Ttem A, <br />"Gists & <br />Gratuities" <br />The Chair recognized Dick Bond, Councilman 4th G~Tard. Councilman <br />Bond stated that the way Item A is worded "Far one year after <br />the expiration of his or her term", etc., it would be possible <br />for someone to resign and after one .year accept an appointment. <br />He felt that this portion of the Amendment should be clarified. <br />Also, he suggested that not only the volunteer fireman but the <br />police reserve should be included. <br />Shawn Moynihan, Assistant City Attorney suggested that the <br />wording "For one year after the expiration of his or her term", <br />be changed to read "For one year after leaving office". <br />Janice Johnson suggested that to alleviate the concern for <br />knowledgeable people being overlooked for positions especially <br />in an emergency situation the words "except on a unanimous vote <br />of Council" could be inserted. <br />Chairperson Hartman asked for a motion to reconsider the <br />proposal an "Incomparable Offices". Dick Dobrick so moved, Judy <br />Gilbert second and carried. <br />Dick Dobrick moved that the wording of the first part of the <br />second sentence of "Incompatible Offices" read as follows: "For <br />one year after leaving office, no former elected officer shall <br />be appointed", etc. Janice Johnson second and with no further <br />discussion it was so ordered. <br />Earl Beltz moved that "accept on the unanimous vote of entire <br />council" be inserted at the end of the last sentence. Second by <br />Janice Johnson and carried. <br />Rick Law moved to approve ICem B. "Contracts" as written. Second <br />by Jeanne McGree. After same discussion the motion was carried. <br />Dick Dobrick made a motion to approve Item C. "Conflict of <br />interest" as written. Second by Judy Gilbert. After some dis- <br />cussion the motion was carried. <br />Judy Gilbert motioned to approve Item D. "Gifts and Gratuities" <br />as written. Agnes Kobierowski second. 'there being no discussion <br />it was so ordered. <br />